the finer things - Chapter 1 - coffeebuoy (2024)

Chapter Text

“Farro? What the hell is farro?”

Sasuke squints at the packet of unknown bits that resemble some type of dried out rice, then puts it down and picks up the recipe card included along with his Hello Fresh delivery. “Mince shallot… two and a third cups of water…” He mutters to himself as he moves about the kitchen, grabbing his chef’s knife and getting to work. While the farro is simmering, he sets to halving the tomatoes, unable to resist the urge to swipe a couple before moving to work on the mozzarella. Next is butterflying the chicken, searing it, mixing the farro with the tomatoes and mozzarella, and soon enough he’s sitting down with a serving of his simple dinner, the other half packed up in the fridge for the next day.

He’s pleased with the taste as he eats, mentally filing away that he’ll need to grab more tomatoes from the store next time this recipe is sent to him. An episode of Mystery & Makeup is playing on his phone, propped up in a convenient little stand as he takes a sip of his glass of wine. He’s been into this Youtuber’s videos recently, taking note of some of her techniques to try another time.

Soon enough he’s washing the dishes, forgoing the dishwasher and doing them by hand for something to do. The suds bubble and pop, making that distinct sound as he looks down at the plate he’s scrubbing, suddenly feeling a little glum. Naruto’s been out of town for four days now, and while he’s used to that happening sometimes, he’s also used to actually going with him. This time he couldn’t, something about the meeting not allowing plus ones, so they shared a sad goodbye kiss before he headed out the door in his pressed suit and sleek shoes (personally polished by Sasuke). The entire house is spotless, the dishes are drying in the rack, and his body is sore from all the dancing and aerobics he’s been doing to pass the time.

He just really has nothing to do.

Setting the plate onto the drying rack with a little bit too much force, he sighs heavily. He could go out for a run in the upscale, gated neighborhood they live in, but every time he does, random men will either whistle at him or try to stop him to have a chat, their hungry eyes raking down his form. It makes him extremely annoyed and uncomfortable, especially given the fact that literally all of these men are married with children. There are few things that piss Sasuke off more than infidelity and creepy closeted men.

He’ll stick to the gym, thanks. At least there, he can immediately report the man and have him escorted out of the facility, any expletives shot his way drowned out by the metal music screaming from his third generation AirPods.

He takes a glance at his keys, the keyless remote entry for his black 2023 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class momentarily tempting, but he feels a tad too depressed to go out. Heaving another sigh, he heads to the living room to turn on their 83” wall mounted OLED TV. He clicks his tongue as he goes through their plethora of streaming subscriptions, ultimately pulling up Hulu and opting to rewatch American Horror Story: Asylum. It is, by far, the finest example of psychological horror that he’s seen to date, and it floored him the first time he watched it. Booting up the third episode, he settles in with a blanket wrapped loosely around his lithe body, knees up against his chest and his chin perched on top. His arms are holding the blanket closed around the front of his shins, the warmth welcome since he gets cold quickly, due to the temperature gradually cooling as the fall season drags on towards winter. He idly opts to turn on the virtual fireplace, too, bringing a sense of warmth to his psyche.

The sound of his phone ringing rouses him from a sleep he wasn’t aware he fell into, and he yawns as he picks up his phone. He’s suddenly wide awake from the image of Naruto facetiming him, and he quickly accepts the call.

“Hey, babe,” Naruto croaks, giving a sleepy smile as he rubs one of his eyes. Sasuke’s brows furrow.

“You look exhausted. Shouldn’t you be getting into bed?” Naruto just gives a smile in response, simply staring at him. “What?” Sasuke asks, confused.

“I just wanted to see your face. You’re so f*cking pretty,” he muses, a dopey look on his face. Sasuke should scoff at this type of behavior, but he feels his body engulfed in flames and his face growing flushed instead, as is par for the course every time Naruto compliments him. It’s frustrating, but Sasuke gave up on mulling over it years ago.

“Shut up. How was your stupid meeting?” Sasuke replies, moving to rest against the arm of the sofa. Naruto rolls his eyes and sighs.

“Completely unnecessary. All of this could have been easily done through Zoom, at least then I’d be able to cuddle up with my favorite boy.” Sasuke somehow flushes further, biting his cheek. “I mean, seriously, I own a whole ass company. I’m too busy to board a plane and see them, all for us to have some discussion about what to release to the press. Like. Sasuke. It’s so stupid,” Naruto rants, arm gesturing animatedly as usual while he speaks. “We’re talking about how we’ll release the news to the press. I don’t care! Just release the damn news! Why am I being roped into this? Can’t they just have a meeting with our PR person?”

Sasuke gives a soft chuckle, his mouth upturning a bit. “That is stupid. When will you be freed from the stupidity?”

At this, Naruto looks a little relieved. Sasuke’s chest raises in hope at that. “Luckily, I should finally be heading home tomorrow. I’m so excited! I miss you so much, and I’m so excited to give you the souvenirs I picked up on the trip! Who would’ve known that London had so much gothic clothing?”

At this, Sasuke scoffs. “It’s London, Naruto,” he explains, exasperated, “they have everything. It’s a major city.”

“I know, know-it-all,” Naruto purses his lips. “Can’t you just let me surprise you with gifts without commenting on it?”

“You always surprise me with gifts. I’m literally talking to you on an iPhone 15 Pro Max. This phone is too big, by the way, couldn’t you have gotten me something smaller?” Sasuke teases. Naruto gives out a hearty laugh.

“I could take it in, if you’d like. I’ll get you whatever you want,” Naruto replies, eyes all but heart-shaped at the camera.

“It’s fine,” Sasuke replies quickly, averting his eyes. “You don’t have to worry about it. The phone is good enough.”


“Naruto. It’s fine,” he gives Naruto a firm look, then softens a little. “I feel like I don’t say this enough, but…” he trails off. “Than—”

“Ah, ah, ah!” Naruto scolds, finger wagging dramatically. “We talked about this! No more excessive thank yous! I do everything I do because I love you, and seeing you happy with everything you could ever want makes me happy. Okay?”

Sasuke bites his lip. The voice of his father echoes in the back of his head, yelling about how Sasuke can repay the generosity he’d “selflessly” extended towards him. It’s a voice he’s worked hard in therapy to shrug off his shoulders and ignore, but it still gnaws at him sometimes.

“Okay,” he replies uncertainly, fiddling with a loose string at the edge of his blanket. Naruto gives him a soft smile, far too aware of the thought process going through Sasuke’s mind.

“So, what have you been up to?” he asks. Sasuke slumps a little.

“Bored. Doing dance. Gym stuff. Running sometimes, though I don’t think I will anymore.” At this, Naruto furrows his brow.

“Why?” he asks, immediately on the defense, the loving pitbull he is. Sasuke is hesitant to continue, since he knows Naruto can’t do anything and it’ll just piss him off since he’s out of town, but he also knows that Naruto doesn’t appreciate it when Sasuke withholds important information from him. Sasuke decides to be honest.

“All these men keep gawking at me and shouting inappropriate things when I try to run around here. It’s not a big deal, but it kind of pisses me off and interrupts my mindset while I’m running.”

Naruto immediately puffs up in rage. Sasuke suppresses a sigh, having expected that reaction.

“I’ll beat the sh*t out of all of them. Who are they?” Naruto threatens, his face drawn into a serious expression.

“It’s not a big deal,” Sasuke expresses firmly, giving Naruto a look. Naruto immediately backs down. “They won’t do anything to me, I can tell. They can shout or act however they want, but I’ll let you know when or if things escalate, okay?”

Naruto agrees, content with that compromise. They conclude their call with Naruto giving overly-exaggerated kisses to the camera, knowing how much Sasuke hates that, and Sasuke shouts at him in annoyance before giving a small goodbye and hanging up.

He stares at the screen, then holds it close to his chest with a soft expression, burrowing into his blanket for another nap.

The next day is spent in anxious anticipation. Sasuke wipes down the same spot on the kitchen table with nerves thrumming through his body, excited and prepared for… Well.

The thing about Naruto is… He has a certain way that he works off his frustration from his job. It’s usually daily, but in this case, he’s been pent up for a whole week while out of town.

And Sasuke is ready.

It began with unspoken cues. Every time Naruto was done with a stressful workday, he’d request Sasuke come over and spend some time with him, burying his nose into the nape of Sasuke’s neck and kissing his lips red. After some time, it escalated, and eventually led to Sasuke spread out, crying out and gripping the mattress heatedly while Naruto gave him his third fill. From that moment on, an unspoken agreement was settled between them, and Naruto began releasing the daily stress from his job via sex.

He could go for an hour or two, which Sasuke ate up. They fell into a routine, with Sasuke eventually moving in with him, all expenses paid. He felt guilty for the first few months, insisting on any way he could pay rent or pay anything, but Naruto vehemently refused any of that, insisting that he loved him so much that he wanted to take care of him.

So Sasuke sat at home most of the time, between his exercise and other recreational classes, with Naruto coming home to give him hours of sheet-gripping sex. Honestly, he couldn’t be happier with his life at this moment.

Currently he lay relaxed in their luxury bath, the multiple jets built into the tub giving a comfortable massage to his body. One of his guilty pleasures (a romance novel) is spread on the bath-friendly table in front of him, atop which also rests a glass of red wine that he sips from idly. He’s surrounded by lit candles of inoffensive smells, the lightswitch of the bathroom off. He’d gone out and gotten freshly waxed, then given himself a thorough cleaning earlier, and now his ears are perked for any inkling of the door lock being rustled (he left the bathroom door open).

None came, though. He eventually makes his way out of the bath and dries himself off, feeling a bit blue. It’s happened before where Naruto wasn’t actually able to make it back at the scheduled time because of work things, and Sasuke grew concerned that this was the case the later it got.

He gives a small sigh while making his way towards the sofa in the living room, settling down on it with an episode of Criminal Minds. As he watches the show, he’s decently engaged, but he’s down enough to feel himself drifting off…

The sound of the lock rustling immediately rouses him from sleep, and he scrambles up to make his way towards the door. He stands a few feet away from it, appearing nonchalant, but the second he catches Naruto’s eye, it’s all over. He’s engulfed in cuddles, Naruto burying his nose in the nape of Sasuke’s neck, like Sasuke is a drug Naruto had been deprived of. Sasuke feels Naruto’s nose wiggling, tracing to and fro to take in the smell he’s missed for almost a week. It quickly turns into kisses and hickies, and Sasuke’s body heats up. Naruto’s strong arms draw in Sasuke’s slim waist, Sasuke’s hands already wound into Naruto’s hair.

Naruto cups his hands underneath Sasuke’s upper legs, effortlessly lifting him up in a display of strength. Sasuke should be used to this, but he’s somehow still turned on by it. The thick length of Naruto is already pressed against Sasuke’s quickly dampening heat, and he bites his lip at it.

God. He’s so ready.

His fingers wind into Naruto’s hair, tugging just the way he likes, and he feels Naruto’s hands tighten their grip. He’s suddenly dropped onto the bed (when did that get there?), and Naruto follows him until he’s between Sasuke’s spread legs once again. Too pent up to waste any time, Naruto’s hands quickly find themselves cupping Sasuke’s ass under the joggers and underwear he’s wearing. He mildly squeezes and rubs over Sasuke’s ass, clearly appreciating his anatomy, before trailing his hands downwards and swiftly pulling Sasuke’s clothing right down. Naruto leans back so he can take them the rest of the way off, then rips off his own shirt and throws it somewhere random, and Sasuke bites his lip at the toned physique of his boyfriend.

The sight of a deep blue jewel catches Naruto’s eye, and he groans as he grips it, thrusting it further in then half way back out of Sasuke’s ass, causing the brunet’s breath to shudder.

“God, Sasuke. You’re f*cking perfect.”

He angles it to rub against Sasuke’s sensitive spot, drawing a whimper out of him, then quickly leaves it to frantically undo his belt and pants. When he brings himself out of his boxers, Sasuke reaches forward to stroke him. After enjoying the treatment for a few seconds, Naruto instructs Sasuke to get on his hands and knees. Sasuke complies, then arches his back to give Naruto a good look at him. Strong hands immediately grip his hips and he feels Naruto’s co*ck slide into him, the feeling of himself stretching around him after days without him drawing a long moan out of him. Naruto gives some time for Sasuke to adjust, hips pressed firmly against his ass, and plays with the plug in the meantime. Sasuke’s fists clench tightly into the sheets, shaking a little from how good he feels. The stretch around Naruto’s member and the rubbing of the plug against his insides creates sensations that are so good, he suddenly finds himself seizing up and having an unexpected org*sm. The resulting clenching of him around Naruto causes him to curse, and he can’t stop himself from moving his hips back and jerking them forwards, working Sasuke through his org*sm with hard thrusts that make Sasuke keen and curse, while the blond’s thick fingers rub at his cl*t in rough circles.

“f*ck! sh*t,” Sasuke gasps, already on his way towards another peak as his hips move back to meet Naruto’s on each quickening thrust. He usually loses count of how many org*sms this man gives him every time they do this, and it seems that this time will be no different.

They f*ck for upwards of two straight hours, Sasuke taking load after load from this endlessly stamina-filled man. His flushed face is currently staring down at him, twisted in ecstasy, blond hair wet and face shiny with sweat. Sasuke’s pale leg is held against Naruto’s chest by the tight grip of a veiny hand, the other hand keeping balance next to Sasuke’s head. Sasuke’s voice is growing hoarse from endlessly crying out, and currently his mouth is hanging open, eyes clenched shut and head tilted back against the mattress. As yet another org*sm sends ripples of electricity through his body, he feels Naruto lean further over him and slam into him one, two, three times, before releasing himself deep inside him. He lets out a low groan, staying still for a few seconds, before giving mild thrusts as he works himself through his org*sm. Eventually, he slowly withdraws, his seed leaking out and joining the cooling puddle beneath Sasuke. He falls down onto the bed beside Sasuke, both men staring up at the ceiling and panting harshly.

“f*ck. f*ck, I needed that so bad, you have no idea,” Naruto breaks the silence, looking over at Sasuke with a wide smile. Sasuke smirks in response, then rolls over to face him and gives him a few lazy kisses.

“Welcome home,” he mumbles against his lips with a smile.

“I was promised souvenirs?” Sasuke’s dressed in some of his comfiest lavender pajama pants, needing to dress cozy while his body recovers from earlier. Naruto’s currently poking around the fridge, looking for something easy to heat up. There’s relaxing folk music playing from one of Sasuke’s bluetooth speakers, mixing in with the distant sound of the washer taking care of their soiled sheets. Naruto pops out from behind the fridge door, shamelessly eating straight out of one of the tupperware containers.

“Oh yeah!” he exclaims, mouth full. Sasuke grimaces.

“Don’t eat straight out of the fridge! Use some dishes! And how many times have I told you to not talk with your mouth full?” Sasuke gets up while talking, taking the food out of a sheepish Naruto’s hands. “You are actually a f*cking animal,” he scolds, putting the food on the counter and getting out a plate and a fork.

“I’m sorryyyy,” Naruto coos, arms wrapping around Sasuke’s waist from behind and lips trailing sweet kisses across the nape of his neck as Sasuke scoops the food onto the plate. When he pops it in the microwave, Naruto uses a hand to gently rotate Sasuke’s head so he could meet his lips. Frustratingly unable to stay mad at his oversized puppy, Sasuke returns the kisses. They stand there and kiss until the microwave beeps, at which point Sasuke breaks off to take the food out and set it on the table. Naruto plops down in front of it, immediately taking a bite and smiling at the flavor.

“What is this?” he asks as Sasuke grabs him an ice water from the dispenser on the fridge.

“Something from HelloFresh. I don’t remember the name of the recipe,” Sasuke replies, setting the cup down. Naruto idly sips from the metal straw, using his other hand to poke around at the food.

“What’s this?” he asks curiously, lifting up a piece of the food.

“That is farro,” Sasuke responds, sliding into the seat across from him with one of the premade salads he likes to grab from the grocery store.

“What’s that?”

“I honestly have no idea.”

Naruto takes a bite, then shrugs. “It’s not bad.”

“You like everything as long as it’s not a raw vegetable.” Sasuke sighs at seeing him yet again talk with his mouth full, but he decides to just take a bite of his salad instead of wasting his breath going off like a broken record.

“I like when you make stuff for me,” Naruto responds, giving him a dopey smile.

HelloFresh basically makes itself. It’s far from home cooking,” Sasuke scoffs. Naruto gives a laugh.

“Is this what you eat when I’m out of town?” Naruto asks, lifting his filled fork up.

“Yes,” Sasuke responds after finishing a bite of his food.

“That seems fun,” the blond muses.

“Well I can’t cook, so…” Sasuke reddens a little and looks away. Naruto has a hidden passion for home cooking, and he loves getting experimental in the kitchen. His second favorite part of coming home (the first being you-know-what) is looking around the kitchen and seeing what he can whip up with whatever he can find. It seems like today he was too hungry to spend time cooking, though, so he wanted something quick, but if he’s still hungry after that then he’s likely to start cooking.

They eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, listening to The Milk Carton Kids sing about Michigan, until Naruto makes a noise like he just remembered something. He waits to speak until he finishes his bite of food, thank god, then puts his fork down on his now empty plate and stands up.

“Souvenirs!” he exclaims, quickly making his way over to wash off his dishes and load them into the dishwasher. Sasuke, only halfway through his salad, watches him in amusem*nt.

Naruto grabs his suitcase that he abandoned next to the door earlier, plopping it on the coffee table and unzipping it. He takes out a few clothing gift boxes, and Sasuke’s heart warms a little at how careful Naruto was with transporting them. The half-eaten salad is pushed aside by the brunet, making room for the boxes to be sat in front of him. He steals Naruto’s water and takes a sip as the blond drops back down into his seat, practically buzzing with excitement.

Sasuke reaches out to take the lid off of the top one, then pauses before he can do so, glancing up at Naruto suspiciously. “There’s no ridiculously overpriced clothing in here, is there? I’m still mad about the time I looked up the price of that Hermès shirt you got me.”

Naruto lifts his hand, fingers crossed. “I promise I didn’t get any ridiculously expensive clothing.”

“I’m talking about what I would consider ridiculously expensive, not you, you rich idiot.”

“I swear! Now, open them!” Naruto gestures impatiently towards the boxes, and Sasuke squints his eyes at him before dropping them back down to the boxes and finally taking the lid off of the first one. It looks like some type of cardigan, and he stands up to unfold it so he can take a look at it. It’s a dark grey color, but fades to a light grey color towards the bottom of it. The sleeves are a tight fit when he tries it on, showing off his slim arms, and when he reaches behind him, he notices there’s a hood. He leaves it down for now. He looks down and plays with the bottom of the garment, which falls loosely around his upper thighs. There are no buttons, as one is supposed to wear it open, and the material is incredibly soft.

Sasuke loves it.

“Well? D’ya like it?” Naruto asks, bouncing in his seat in anticipation. Sasuke looks nonchalant.

“It’s alright,” he shrugs.

“Sasukeeee!” Naruto whines, causing Sasuke to smirk. He walks over to the blond, leaning in to give him a few soft kisses. Naruto follows him when he starts to draw back, but parts from him with a small smack and blinks dazedly, trying to remember what they were just talking about.

“I love it,” Sasuke mumbles against his lips, giving him another kiss. Naruto tilts his head, deepening it, running a hand through Sasuke’s soft spikes. The ambience of the music and the washer is broken by the soft smacks of kisses, then Naruto draws in a sharp breath as if he remembered something and moves backwards.

“The gifts! Keep opening the gifts, there’s more!” He shoos Sasuke back to the boxes, and Sasuke huffs a silent laugh and strips off the cardigan as he returns, folding it neatly and setting it back in the box. He sets the box aside, then opens the next one. He’s immediately met with the design of the shirt, folded professionally from one of the workers at whatever shop he visited. It’s designed like the tarot card The Moon, but instead of the usual design, it features a crescent moon with a black cat sitting in front of it. The design is drawn in white, a stark contrast to the black of the shirt. He strips off the hoodie he snagged from Naruto’s side of the closet earlier and puts the t-shirt on. It fits perfectly. He smiles down at it, and ties the bottom of it off to the side to give it a bit more style.

“I knew that would look amazing on you,” Naruto’s chin is resting in his palm, and he’s giving Sasuke a cheesy grin. “The instant I saw it, I was immediately at checkout with your size. Open more, open more!”

Sasuke snorts a little, then decides to leave the shirt on for the moment while he sets aside the empty box, and turns to the last box. It’s clearly a shoe box, and when he lifts the lid open, he’s greeted with a pair of black lace-up boots with a few belts secured around the top of it. He lifts one up, inspecting it. The boots were short, only meant to cover the ankle, and they looked well made. He regards it for a couple of seconds, then snaps his eyes to Naruto with a squint.

“These were over a hundred dollars, weren’t they?” he accuses. Naruto falters for a second, trying and failing to say multiple words, then smiles sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.

“Mmmayyybeee…?” he admits uncertainly. Sasuke gives him a deadpan glare, then sighs and sits down to try them on. He’s pleased to see there’s a zipper on the side so he doesn’t have to undo any lacing or belts, and when he slips his foot in, it’s a good fit. He decides to put the other one on as well, and stands up to walk around in them a little. He hums.

“They’ll need to be broken in, but they fit fine.” He stares down at them, then peeks over at Naruto with a slight flush. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, babe,” Naruto grins with half-lidded eyes. Sasuke can’t imagine he’s much of a sight, considering his shirt and shoes are a stark contrast to the fluffy lavender pajama pants he’s wearing and his hair is still an absolute mess from earlier, but he supposes that Naruto would probably still check him out if he was wearing a potato sack.

Sasuke sits back down to take the shoes off and put them back in the box, then undoes the knot on the shirt and strips it off, folding it and putting it back in its box. He grabs the hoodie off of the back of the chair and puts it back on, grateful for the warmth as he was getting a bit chilly in the t-shirt, then stacks the boxes back up. He leans over to give Naruto a few more kisses, then excuses himself to put the clothing into the hamper to be washed and put the shoes away in his massive collection in the spare room that serves as his well organized closet.

As he’s making his way back to the living room, the doorbell rings. He walks over to the door and opens it.

“Package for Sasuke Uchiha?” the postman on the other side asks. Raising an eyebrow, Sasuke confirms that’s him, then signs for the package before closing the door and walking into the living room.

“Naruto, what’s this?” he asks, setting it on the table. Naruto lights up.

“That’s the stuff I got you that wouldn’t fit in the suitcase! I had to mail it back, and I paid for overnight shipping. Let me get a box cutter!” he speeds off towards the kitchen, and Sasuke’s lips pursed in suspicion and slight annoyance. Overnight shipping sounds expensive. Naruto’s back in no time, and Sasuke opens the box.

The box is packed full of makeup from different brands. Different expensive looking brands.

He stares down at it for a few seconds, before taking in a deep breath and glaring up at his boyfriend.


“It’s nice to see you again,” Juugo smiles pleasantly, gesturing for Sasuke to lay on the massage table.

“It’s always nice to see you, for obvious reasons,” Sasuke replies, quickly getting into position.

He’s been seeing Juugo for massages at least once a week, or sometimes every two weeks, for a while now. Of all the massage therapists he’s tried, Juugo is his favorite because of his strength. Sasuke’s body requires a heavy hand, especially in certain areas where he’s held positions for extended periods of time. Juugo knows to start off with his hips and glutes, and Sasuke lets out a satisfied groan, hands tightening into fists. He works in silence, save for the gentle lo-fi music that he always has playing, until he decides to make some conversation.

“I’ve been wondering. You’re always so tense when you see me. What do you do for a living?” he asks politely. Sasuke hums as Juugo works on loosening a stubborn knot.

“I don’t work, but I do a lot of exercise. The reason I’m so tense is probably because I’m kept in odd positions for a couple hours every day,” Sasuke explains without thinking.

“Ah. Yoga?” Juugo asks. Sasuke pauses for a moment.

“Yeah,” he says, glad Juugo can’t see his red face. They fall into another silence, and Sasuke tries to focus on the music and the sensations of the massage. It doesn’t take long for him to forget about the cringe-worthy conversation they just had.

“I have another question,” Juugo eventually pipes up again. Sasuke hums, prompting him to continue. “You mentioned before you had a boyfriend. I think I might have run into him at the gym I go to. He’s tall, blond, with some scars on his face, right?”

“Um… Yeah, that’s him. I’m surprised you two go to the same gym. I assumed the rich asshole would go to some fancy, upscale gym,” Sasuke huffs a laugh.

“Are you saying you don’t think I’d go to some fancy, upscale gym?” Juugo asks in mock offense, with a playful tone.

“Nope,” Sasuke settles on a deadpan answer, just to be an asshole. Juugo chuckles.

“I sparred against him for a bit. He put up a good fight, but I ended up winning. He seemed sour about it, and it didn’t help when I explained that I beat everyone I spar with. It just made him more insistent on a rematch. We parted amicably, though,” Juugo explains as he rolls his hands over Sasuke’s tense shoulders, drawing another groan out of him.

“Yeah, that sounds like him,” Sasuke smirks. “I’m surprised he let you off the hook without getting at least one win in.”

“I told him that I would be late for an appointment and he eventually let me go.”

“Were you actually going to be late for an appointment?”


Sasuke chuckles at that, and they chat idly for the rest of the session until Sasuke finally sits up, rolling out his neck and shoulders. He thanks Juugo and goes to redress, then meets with the receptionist at the front. He takes out the shiny credit card that Naruto gifted him and pays for the session, then books a new one at the same time.

As he steps out into the chilly late-autumn air, he shrugs on his long black jacket and buttons it closed. Underneath it he is wearing mostly the new clothing Naruto brought back from London, with the addition of a pair of incredibly skinny black jeans with rips down the leg. The bistro he’s meeting Sakura at is just down the road, and he rubs his hands together then shoves them in the pockets of his jacket as he walks. The temperature is lowering, not quite low enough for snow yet, but Sasuke’s still uncomfortably chilly, because he always runs cold. This time of year is fantastic for cuddling, though. He enjoys being enveloped by his furnace of a boyfriend, under a thick comforter.

He’s chilled to the bone by the time the bell on the bistro door jingles, and when he sits down to wait for Sakura, he’s clutching his hands together for warmth. The temperature inside the establishment is pleasant, though, so thankfully he’s already starting to defrost.

It doesn’t take long until a flushed-face Sakura pushes her way through the door, bundled up in a pink jacket-dress, underneath which hides a white circle skirt, along with wool thigh-highs in a matching white color, and white boots with pink pom poms dangling artfully from them. A white hat is keeping her pink head of hair warm, but Sasuke immediately assumes the real reason she’s wearing it is likely because her dark roots are coming in.

“Hey!” she greets happily, glossy lips stretching into a smile as Sasuke stands up to give her a hug.

“Hey,” Sasuke greets back, before pulling back and informing the hostess that it will be just the two of them. The hostess politely shows them to their table, and the two of them sit across from each other and pick up their menus.

“Have you ever been to Perfect Pear?” Sakura asks, looking at Sasuke over her menu.

“I have not. Have you?” Sasuke considers the menu.

“Ugh. Yes. Sasuke, it is divine, you’ll love it. This place is known for their ‘pairs,’” Sakura explains, pointing towards the bottom of her menu to show Sasuke. “You can get a half salad and soup, or a half pasta and soup, or a half salad and half pasta. I personally recommend getting a half salad and half pasta, because their salads and pasta dishes are sooo goood,” she clasps her hands together and rests her cheek against them, looking like a lovestruck teenager but for food. Sasuke snorts a laugh at the sight.

“Noted,” he replies, looking back down at his menu. After a couple of minutes, the waiter comes by and introduces himself, and the two of them decide to grab some glasses of water.

“Would you like to take a look at our drink menu?” the waiter asks, gesturing towards the menu at the edge of the table. Sasuke and Sakura hum in unison, then Sakura picks it up and sets it down in such a way that the two of them can read it at the same time. Sakura eventually settles on a strawberry daiquiri (because of course she does), and Sasuke opts for the “Rum Fezz.” It’s white rum with muddled basil, fresh lemon, and fresh strawberries, pressed. He doesn’t like overly sweet things, but the natural sweetness of fruit can be nice sometimes. Sakura makes a face.

“That sounds bitter,” she critiques.

“The fruit gives it some sweetness and flavor,” Sasuke counters. Sakura curls her lip.

“Barely any. There’s not even any syrup or anything in that.”

Sasuke rolls his eyes. “Then don’t drink it,” he replies as if it’s obvious. Which it is. Sakura’s mature response to that is sticking her tongue out at him, then the both of them go back to the menu.

After careful consideration, Sasuke opts for the half salad and half pasta. The pasta he chooses is called Lemon Garlic Linguini, which is tossed with broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, arugula, and garlic lemon sauce. It’s topped with fresh basil and parmesan cheese. The salad he chooses is called the Mediterranean, and it has cucumbers, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, red onions, feta cheese, and sunflower seeds. The dressing is a Mediterranean vinaigrette.

When the waiter comes back with their drinks, the two of them order, and Sasuke doesn’t pay too much attention to what Sakura orders, figuring he’ll take a look at it when it arrives.

Taking a sip of his drink, Sasuke is pleased with the taste. He stirs the crushed fruit a little bit, making sure the flavor is spread throughout the whole drink. Sakura is visibly happy with the taste of her drink, giving a happy hum and dancing a little in her seat as she sips.

“So? How’s your sugar daddy?” Sakura asks with a smirk. Sasuke rolls his eyes.

“Stop calling him that,” he huffs. Sakura giggles.

“But he totally is, though!” she insists.

“No, he’s my boyfriend.”

“And your sugar daddy.”

“Ugh, I am not having this conversation with you.” Sasuke turns back to his drink, grumpily taking a sip of it.

“Let me list all of the ways he’s absolutely your sugar daddy,” Sakura begins, holding up a hand to count fingers.

“How about you don’t do that, and we change the subject?” Sasuke suggests, exasperatedly. Sakura ignores him.

“He buys you literally everything you want,” she begins, putting a finger down, “he takes you to different parts of the world with all expenses paid, you live rent-free, he gave you an unlimited credit card, he buys you the newest car every year—”

“I do not agree to that. I always tell him the car I have is fine, I don’t need a new car, but then he gets me one anyways for a birthday, Christmas, or anniversary present. His excuse is that I ‘need the newest safety measures’ in each modern car, which is a crock of sh*t,” Sasuke argues. Sakura ignores him once again.

“--your house is f*cking massive, in a gated community, and what’s one thing you do for him in return?” She looks over at Sasuke with a knowing smile, and Sasuke heats up.

“I’m done talking about this,” he hisses, glaring down at his drink and taking another sip.

“Say whatever you want, but I’ll never forget what you told me when we were piss drunk in LA. How can he even go for that many rounds? It’s insane. I need to get me a man like that,” she hums into her straw.

“Oh my god, shut up,” Sasuke snaps, face entirely red now. They’re thankfully interrupted by their food being set down in front of them, and Sasuke sets to eating right away in hopes the topic can be dropped. He’s immediately distracted by how delicious the food is.

“You’re right, this is really good,” Sasuke says after a few bites, and Sakura hums in agreement. She picks at a salad that has strawberries in it amongst other things, and he’s not surprised at all. Her other dish seems to be some type of alfredo rigatoni, with zucchini and mushrooms. He asks for a bite, and she takes a bite of his in return. They enjoy each other’s plates as well as their own, and Sasuke takes a mental note to meet here again another time so he can try something else from the menu.

They exchange light conversation and catch up a little, thankfully leaving that horrific conversation in the dust, and soon enough they’re splitting the bill and getting bundled up to part ways. They hug one more time, agree to text each other when they get home safe, then Sasuke takes a chilly walk back to his car. As he’s backing his car out of the spot and heading towards home, heat absolutely blasting, his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID, then rolls his eyes with a smirk.

“Hello?” he answers.

“Sasukeeee,” Naruto’s whining voice comes through the car speakers. “When will you be home? I got off work early and I miss you!”

And you’re probably hard as a rock, Sasuke thinks with a snort.

“I’m literally heading home right now, you can wait a few minutes,” he sighs. He can hear the pout in Naruto’s voice.

“Not fast enouuuugh. Why can’t teleportation exist?”

“Idiot, I’ll be home in like five minutes. Calm down. Why don’t you play a round in a video game or something, instead of sitting there whining my ear off?” Sasuke suggests, and he snorts when he hears Naruto’s annoyed huff.

“I don’t want to,” he disagrees.

“Yeah, you only want one thing right now, don’t you?” Sasuke responds coyly. There’s a pause.

“Yeah,” comes Naruto’s mumbled agreement. Sasuke turns down the main road that leads to their neighborhood, cursing at someone who won’t let him change lanes. People seriously drive like f*cking sh*t around here.

“I’ll be home soon, okay? Go do something else. Bye.”

“SAS—” Naruto’s voice is cut off by Sasuke touching the button to hang up on the screen, heaving a sigh and pressing a little more on the accelerator.

He’s digging his keys out of the little bat wing backpack he carries when the door is thrown open for him, and muscular arms reach out to draw him towards a toned chest, faint stubble scratching against Sasuke’s shoulder as a nose is buried into his neck. Sasuke huffs, but can’t help a soft smile as he drags his nails lightly down Naruto’s back, then up under his shirt to feel the definition of his back. Kisses are pressed up and down his neck, and the tip of a tongue swipes out against the skin as he bites down gently. Heat licks up Sasuke’s spine and his head falls to the side, opening up his neck as his fingertips dig into tan skin. Naruto’s clearly excited to see him, the excitement pressed firmly into Sasuke’s hip.

“Where did you go?” Naruto’s voice whispers hotly into Sasuke’s ear, sending a shiver through Sasuke.

“I had a massage appointment then I met up with S-Sakura for lunch,” Sasuke breathes out as Naruto sucks on a spot behind his ear.

“Mm,” Naruto hums, hands smoothing down Sasuke’s back to cup his ass. “Should’ve been home for me. Hated waiting for you to get back.”

“You’re so impatient,” Sasuke smirks, then pulls Naruto to his lips. They heatedly make out, tongues dancing together, and Sasuke walks him backwards until he plops down into a chair. His pupils are blown wide with a reverent look as he watches Sasuke climb onto his lap. Pale hands cup tan cheeks, and he pulls Naruto’s head forward to connect their lips again. He begins to slowly roll his hips, too, earning a low moan from the other man. It’s then Sasuke’s turn to kiss his way down Naruto’s neck, leaving plenty of hickies to remind those bitches who work for him that he’s taken. His hands slide down Naruto’s chest, then untucks the button-down and smoothes his hands over the contours of his abs, up to his pecs where he gives his nipples a teasing pinch, knowing how sensitive they are. Naruto’s hips buck and he makes a noise at that, then he tightens his grip on Sasuke’s ass and pushes his hips flush against his own, rolling them hard against his. Sasuke hums at the feeling, biting and sucking at Naruto’s lower lip, until he suddenly feels himself lifted into the air. Far more than used to being manhandled around, he just locks his legs around Naruto’s waist and allows himself to be whisked away to the bedroom.

Naruto tosses him onto the bed and crawls up after him, but then reacts in surprise when Sasuke suddenly wiggles out from under him and stands up. Naruto whines and reaches for him in frustration, but Sasuke just tuts at him and tells him to stay put.

“But Sasuke, I wanna touch you,” he pouts.

“I’m giving you a show,” Sasuke replies, before tugging at the hem of his shirt and lifting it a little to expose the flat grooves of his stomach. Naruto shuts up immediately and his arms fall down to support him as he leans back, instantly entranced on what Sasuke had to show him.

“Remember when you got me this cardigan?” he asks, then shrugs off the cardigan, letting it cascade slowly down his arms and artfully removes his hands from the sleeves behind his back. “And this shirt?” he lifts it a little again, hands smoothing up and down his pale stomach. Naruto’s eyes follow the motion. “And these shoes? All those weeks ago?” He plants a foot on the bed next to Naruto’s hip, and leans forward to slowly drag down the zipper, his chest further down than necessary to display his natural flexibility. He then leans back and lifts his leg, prompting Naruto to slide the shoe off for him and toss it in a random direction. The process repeats for the other leg, and then Sasuke crawls forward towards Naruto and whispers in his ear, “Undress me.”

Naruto springs into action, practically ripping the shirt off of Sasuke. Sasuke, in amusem*nt, tells him to be careful with his favorite shirt. Naruto’s not listening, though, and his movements are halted while he takes in what Sasuke was wearing underneath his outfit.

It’s all straps, lacing around his torso and over his shoulders, with the straps crafting a pentagram just over his collarbone and upper chest. His nipples are left exposed, as he had removed the bra cups for dysphoria reasons, and the straps framing his hips are visible above the hem of his ripped jeans.

“You’re a f*ckin’ dream,” Naruto breathes out. Sasuke’s chest swells with the way he rendered the blond completely speechless. “Show me the rest?”

Sasuke scoots backwards, then stands up when he reaches the side of the bed. He drops his hands to his mid-thighs, then slowly smooths them upwards, feeling powerful with the way Naruto watches them ascend. He circles them a little over his hips, then makes his way towards the button of the jeans. He pinches it, lifting it a little then letting the stretchy material snap back. Naruto suddenly whines, urging Sasuke to hurry. Sasuke chuckles, then gets on with it, popping the button and pulling the zipper down. The pants glide down slim hips, slowly revealing the rest of the set. There’s a thick strip of fabric cinched around the middle of his waist, and straps reaching down towards the garter belts he was wearing. He forewent underwear, leaving his smooth, hairless skin on display. The rest of his legs are bare, as he felt that wearing stockings might be a bit much, but Naruto doesn’t seem to mind, his eyes glued to the way each garter strap pulls his skin in a little bit. He stares for several seconds, then his head falls back with a loud groan.

“Fuuuck, Sasuke! What did I do to deserve you? C’mere.” He beckons him closer, and Sasuke moves forward again, settling on Naruto’s upper thighs. He’s practically dripping, turned on by the way Naruto’s eyes rake down his form, and he pushes Naruto’s chest down until he’s lying flat on the bed. He moves his hands up and down his torso a few times, admiring the muscles, before suddenly grabbing the button-up and forcefully ripping it open.

“H-Hey,” Naruto laughs, his flushed face grinning in amusem*nt, “that was expensive!”

“Then buy a new one,” Sasuke deadpans, brattily. As his hands smooth once more across the planes of his tan chest, he moves them downwards towards his trousers. He undoes them quickly, and draws out his stiff co*ck to stroke a few times. His hands tighten as they get to the tip, swiping his thumb across the head, and Naruto’s breathing quickens at this. There’s a wet spot gathering on the part of the pants Sasuke’s sitting on, so he moves his hips, dropping the co*ck to drag his wet lips over the length of it. Big hands suddenly grip his hips, forcing him down to rub forwards and backwards over him, accompanied by a low groan from the blond. The action causes his cl*t to be roughly rubbed, and Sasuke’s jaw drops as he shudders, letting out a soft sound at that. They rub against each other for a while, pale fists clenched over tan pecs, until Naruto suddenly flips Sasuke onto his back. He stares down at him like Sasuke’s the only thing in the whole world, while circling a thumb firmly against his cl*t. Sasuke pants, gripping Naruto’s arms tightly as he cries out. The thumb continues its merciless treatment, causing Sasuke’s hips to jerk uncontrollably, until it suddenly withdraws and Naruto’s hand wraps around his length, giving it a few tugs. Sasuke’s too out of his mind to do anything but spread his legs wide.

Naruto eases his length inside him, giving small thrusts that gradually deepen. He noses at the side of Sasuke’s flushed face, giving kisses to whatever skin he finds under his lips. Once he’s seated fully within him, he leans back up, admiring the vision of Sasuke in his artful lingerie, spread wide on his dick. His face makes Sasuke think he almost came on the spot.

He didn’t, though. Thank god. He stays still for a second, returning to thumbing Sasuke’s cl*t, groaning at the way he clenches around him while he enjoys Naruto’s ministrations. Sasuke’s hips wiggle, seeking the movement of the co*ck inside him, and Naruto easily picks up on his unspoken cues like he always does. His hips draw back, then suddenly snap forward, getting a sharp ohh sh*t from Sasuke, who’s clutching the underneath of his knees with his plump lip bitten between his teeth. Naruto leans forward, bracing his weight on his elbows placed on either side of Sasuke’s spread knees, and picks his thrusts up to a fast pace.

“f*ck! Oh my god,” Sasuke gasps, voice growing hoarse as he cries out. His cl*t is absolutely throbbing, and the combination of Naruto dropping his hips to rub against it every few thrusts, along with his fingers moving down to rub firmly against him, is driving him f*cking insane.

At one point, Naruto straightens right up, and he plants his hands firmly on either side of Sasuke’s head as his pace suddenly quickens to brutal. Sasuke’s hands are painfully tight around Naruto’s upper arms, but he hardly seems to feel it, enraptured by Sasuke’s face as he screams out in ecstasy. Sasuke feels that familiar sensation building up, the telltale clenching of his body around the thick co*ck spreading him open. Naruto’s thumb returns, moving from rubbing to flicking, and the tickling sensation causes him to seize up, a strong org*sm overtaking his body as he clings tightly to Naruto. Naruto’s head drops to the bed beside Sasuke’s, arms tight around him and hips stuttering as he unloads himself deep inside him.

They take a second to catch their breaths, then languidly exchange kisses. Naruto gently drags his hips back, and his co*ck plops wetly out of Sasuke, the spend spilling out making Sasuke whimper.

They lay together, panting. Naruto’s arms are firmly secured around Sasuke, and Sasuke has his nose buried in Naruto’s chest, arms clutching tightly around his torso. Soft kisses are exchanged between them, lasting several minutes, content to relax into each other.

Eventually, Naruto’s hands start to wander, stroking over his ass and squeezing it. They share a look, and suddenly Sasuke is perched above Naruto. The thick co*ck beneath him is filling out again, and Sasuke bites his lip as he drags his lips along it.

Sasuke is dripping with load when they finally fall back together a couple of hours later, Naruto’s thick arms enveloping Sasuke in warmth and security as they drift off into sleep.

When they wake up an hour or so later, they strip the bed, then hop in the large shower together (where Naruto decides to get a little handsy, unable to resist Sasuke’s naked body). They cuddle up together in front of the TV, exchanging gentle kisses here and there while they watch Great British Baking Show. Feeling a little lazy, Naruto suggests they order delivery from somewhere, and an hour later the house is filled with the mouth-watering smell of Indian food. They feed each other between their own bites, sharing giggles and kisses.

Two episodes later, in the middle of the technical challenge, Sasuke’s phone buzzes on the coffee table. He picks his head up from where it’d been resting against Naruto’s shoulder, and Naruto’s arm slides down from around his shoulders to around his waist as Sasuke moves forward to retrieve the phone. The screen had gone dim again, and when Sasuke taps it to turn it back on, he sighs heavily.

Sasuke? It’s Itachi. I’d like to talk to you, can you please respond to me? I’m sorry about what happened. I want to have a conversation so we can get on the same page and start rebuilding our relationship. Please know I fully support any decision you make, and how you choose to identify yourself. Our father’s opinions on it don’t reflect my own. I hope you understand. Text…

Yooooo Karin and I are thinking of planning some type of kickback at our place, ya down? Lmk what day works for youuuu 🦈

Naruto had been reading over his shoulder like the nosy f*ck he is, and he gives Sasuke a concerned look. “Are you going to reply?”

Sasuke stares at the phone for a little bit, chewing on his lip, before tossing it back onto the table and snuggling back up into Naruto. “No.” He noses into the nape of Naruto’s neck, breathing in the mixture of faded cologne and his natural scent. “Distract me?”

Naruto enthusiastically complies, and they later have to rewind the show for everything they missed.


I’m usually free during the week, but weekends
are off limits because that’s when I spend time
with Naruto.

Boooo 👎 who the f*ck parties on a weeknight

Me, apparently. I don’t have to come.

Yes u do wtf just bring Naruto or something

U know he’s always invited, he’s pretty fun

…I’ll think about it. You know how he gets.

Fun as hell? Down for anything?

Slumped all over everyone, telling them how
much he loves them. It’s embarrassing.

You’re embarrassing 🙄


Look, what if we went bar hopping instead

Then he’ll be forced by social norms or some sh*t
to avoid getting all weepy

I don’t think that will stop him.

Sasuke u f*cking debbie downer just come
hang out

I haven’t seen u in like two weeks 😐

Another chat pings, and Sasuke sighs as he navigates to their group chat.

2 goths and a shark

Karin, help me convince Sasuke to come out with us 😩

Sasuke, if you don’t come out with us, I’m going to
leak our DMs from when you were hardcore
simping over Naruto.

God, FINE. I f*cking hate both of you.

Love ya too ❤️🦈

Sasuke roughly sets his phone face down on the bath table, slumping down in the sudsy water. It’s about late morning-early afternoon and he had just drawn a steaming hot bath, tossed in a lavender bath bomb, then settled in with his phone and his trusty bath table. A true crime podcast is playing, something about bodies washing up at the Cyprus Blood Lake, and he had just made the mistake of opening up the text he got from Suigetsu the night before. He stares up at the ceiling, mildly wondering why he decided to go with popcorn ceiling when they redesigned the place, then picks his phone back up and skips the episode he has deemed uninteresting. A text comes through at the same time, one from Suigetsu confirming that they’re meeting up at Charlie’s on Saturday at 7pm (literally tomorrow), and he drops his phone down on the table once again.

The text from his brother is still dancing around in his mind, and he’d give anything for it to shut up. He has no idea how to reply, he doesn’t want to reply, and he wishes his brother would just leave him alone already.

Sure, he can block him, but for some reason he can’t bring himself to do it.

His phone vibrates again, and he doesn’t pick it up at first, not interested in whatever f*cking else Suigetsu has to say. Curiosity gets the best of him, though, and he lifts his phone up. Instead of the text being from Suigetsu, it’s from Naruto, but the contents immediately aggravate him.

Naruto ❤️
Bar hoping tomorrow night?! Hell YES! We haven’t been out in AGES! 🥳🙌🍹

Cursing, Sasuke immediately unlocks his phone.


Why did you have to tell him.

To make sure you actually came 😎

You won’t have nuts by the end of the night. I’m
sharpening my biggest chef’s knife as we speak.


When Sasuke steps out of the room after getting dressed, Naruto groans, immediately walking over to him and smoothing his hands over Sasuke’s shoulders, then down his back and to his ass, which he squeezes.

“Why do you have to look so damn good? I’m not gonna be able to take my eyes off of you, because I know that random f*cking assholes will think they’ll get a piece.” Naruto’s nose is buried in Sasuke’s freshly washed hair, and Sasuke chuckles, hands dancing up Naruto’s bare chest.

“You should get dressed. We have to be there in half an hour, and we still have to call a Lyft,” Sasuke mumbles, giving Naruto’s neck a kiss.

“Since when do you care about being on time for Suigetsu?” Naruto asks in amusem*nt.

“Never,” Sasuke chuckles. Naruto hums, hands moving from his ass to his hips, and Sasuke rolls his eyes as he feels a stiff length against his hip. “Really?”

“You said you don’t care about being late, right?” Naruto asks salaciously. Sasuke just looks up at him, contemplating.

Sasuke lifts himself from where he was pressed over the arm of the sofa, breathing heavily. The leaking from his entrance alerts him, and he groans in frustration.

“Naruto, this was a horrible idea. I don’t want to leak all over my underwear. Now I have to go shower again.” He tosses a glare at a sheepish Naruto, who holds his hands up in surrender as he passes him.

After washing up, Sasuke redresses in his club attire and retouches his makeup. He’s chosen a long sleeved fishnet top, showing off his delightfully flat chest, tight skinny jeans that frame his ass, with rips that reveal fishnet underneath. His shoes are the lace-up boots that Naruto gifted him from his London trip, and over his top he’s wearing a loose black cardigan with a zodiac design on the back and along the seams of the front. It has a hood, but it’s not currently pulled up over his head. The sleeves are tight around his arms, much like the one Naruto gifted him.

(This was actually also a gift from Naruto. Most of his clothes are, really. He has a surprisingly good eye for Sasuke’s fashion taste.)

Naruto gives a wistful sigh when he catches sight of him again, but one glare from Sasuke has him throwing his hands up again in surrender. “I swear, I won’t do anything! I’m just excited to get going!”

When Sasuke takes a glance at Naruto’s outfit, though, it’s him who has to refrain from doing something. Naruto decided to forgo a shirt, instead donning an open haori that fades from orange to black as it goes down. His jean joggers are also orange, gripping his muscular thighs just right, wrinkled and tight when they get down to his shins and ankles. His shoes are a pair of white Nikes, which don’t necessarily go with the outfit but don’t look that bad. A glimpse of fishnet above his jeans indicates he’s wearing a pair of fishnets under his clothes, the waistline of it cinched around his tan skin.

Sasuke’s f*cked.

Literally, later.

“The Lyft is here,” Naruto mentions while Sasuke presses against him, lips moving into a smirk. Sasuke gives a few kisses to his lips, the buzzing of the central air conditioner interrupted by quiet smacking sounds, then forces himself to draw back and take Naruto’s hand to guide him out of the door.

“AYYY!” Suigetsu’s loud voice immediately grates on Sasuke’s ears as he and Naruto enthusiastically embrace, hands thumping audibly on each other’s backs. Sasuke and Karin greet each other casually, not necessarily ones for physical affection outside of their chosen partners. The venue they head into is too loud, and Sasuke immediately regrets coming out, but he sucks it up and allows his ears to get used to the beat of the music vibrating his chest. They make their way to the bar, and Suigetsu screams a question towards Sasuke, but no matter how many times he repeats it, Sasuke for the life of him cannot understand what he’s saying. Naruto’s hand comes up to rub against the middle of his back. Eventually Suigetsu gives up with an eye roll, then points to a drink on the menu towards the bartender. The bartender seems annoyed, but used to that behavior, and begins crafting the drink. Sasuke wonders how he can hear anything in this establishment as an hourly employee.

He decides to play it safe and order a simple whisky on the rocks, opting to write down his order on a napkin, then Naruto’s long island iced tea when a tan hand points at it on the menu. Sasuke slides the napkin over to the bartender who easily accepts it and reads it, then sets to making their drinks. Sasuke slides into a tall chair in front of the bar and Naruto opts to stand behind him, chest flush against his back as thick arms wind across Sasuke’s stomach. Naruto’s chin perches on Sasuke’s shoulder, and Sasuke cranes his neck to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Suigetsu waves for their attention after a minute, gesturing towards the dance floor with a grin. Naruto perks up, then looks back down at Sasuke. Sasuke turns and looks back at him with an eyebrow raised, gesturing for him to go dance if he’d like. Naruto’s hesitant, biting his lip as he looks down at Sasuke, but Sasuke physically shoves him away to go dance. Naruto follows Suigetsu towards the dance floor, sparing a glance back at Sasuke, before letting himself get swallowed up in the crowd.

Sasuke’s ears are gradually growing more used to the volume, and he’s finally able to understand the shouts of patrons around him as they relay their drink orders to the bartender. He nurses his whiskey, noting that it tastes cheap, then realizes with a slight jolt that it’s likely because of the extremely expensive high-end liquor he’s used to Naruto buying for them.

He’ll deal with that feeling later.

Being at the end of the bar, there’s only one open stool next to him. The bodies occupying it rapidly change, with dozens of people seeking a beverage before hitting the dance floor, but eventually one decides to linger, giving Sasuke a hungry gaze. Sasuke looks back at him unamusingly, used to this type of treatment at clubs (or anywhere, really). It’s part of the reason he avoids establishments like this.

“Hey, babe. Next one’s on me,” he smirks, and Sasuke suppresses a gag.

“No,” he deadpans, glaring at the man for an uncomfortable amount of time. The man doesn’t get the hint though, somehow, and decides to press on.

“C’mon, babe, let me show you a good time. You’re so f*cking beautiful, I wanna worship you.” He licks his lips as he speaks, sending a cold shiver down Sasuke’s spine. He looks him dead in the eyes, thoroughly pissed off and ready to fight.

“First of all, your hair is overgrown, and the roots are getting too long. You might want to touch them up.” The man jerks back in surprise, eyes wide. Sasuke continues his petty, pissed off tirade. “Second, your shirt is two sizes too small, and it makes you look like a child. Your demeanor is downright abhorrent, and the way you approached me is disrespectful. So how do you possibly,” Sasuke leans back into his chair, crossed-legged, idly sipping at his beverage while giving the man a bitchy glare, “assume you have a chance with me?”

The man falters for a second, then his expression morphs into rage. “You f*cking bitch—”

“Heyyy!” Naruto suddenly appears, arms snaking around Sasuke’s waist and eyes glaring daggers at the other man. “Everything okay here?”

The man, clearly less built than his stud of a boyfriend, immediately backs down and disappears into the crowd. Sasuke sighs, then turns his head and shares a kiss with Naruto.

“You okay?” Naruto asks in concern, hands smoothing down his sides.

“Yeah. I’m just tired of assholes like that. That’s why I don’t go out,” he admits, snuggling back into Naruto’s chest. Naruto presses a kiss to Sasuke’s temple.

“How about you come out there with me? I know you don’t do club dancing, but why don’t you let loose a little with me?” Naruto suggests. Sasuke stands up and turns in Naruto’s arms to face him.

“You just want to get me out there and show them what’s yours,” Sasuke muses, arms slinking up to clasp around the back of Naruto’s neck. Naruto gives him a shameless grin.

“Maybe,” he chuckles, then moves backwards until their hands are clasped, and draws him towards the crowd.

They dance for an unknown amount of time, Sasuke letting go of his stubborn trait of time keeping. They make their way towards the bar, then back out to the dance floor, Sasuke’s ass grinding against Naruto’s hips filthily a couple of hours in. Eventually Naruto drags his hands upwards, lifting Sasuke’s chest so his back is flush against him.

“You’re so f*cking sexy,” he breathes into Sasuke’s ear, and the brunet is immediately engulfed in flames.

They eventually stumble their way back to the bar, then order another drink. Sasuke goes for his fourth shot of whisky for the evening, his whole body buzzing and warm. Naruto orders his own drink, surprisingly forgoing a co*cktail in lieu of getting a shot of rum over ice. Naruto stands behind him, hands smoothing up and down his chest as he leans in and noses against Sasuke’s neck. His hands continue pathing their way over his body, eventually settling over his hips, index fingers stroking over the areas right under his hip bones. They then move downwards, stroking the crease between his hip and inner thighs. His thumbs gently drag over the spaces just to the sides of Sasuke’s manhood, and his cl*t begins to throb, growing wet. A hard length presses against his ass, and he suddenly remembers where they are. He turns and pushes Naruto away.

“Maybe it’s time to go home,” he huffs, red from his cheeks to his upper chest. Naruto’s arms cling around him again, trailing kisses down his neck. Sasuke’s mind wanders away, allowing himself to enjoy the ministrations, until everything rushes back to him and he wrestles himself out of Naruto’s hold. He looks back at his boyfriend, who looks dazed yet disappointed, and drags a hand through his brunet hair.

“We are definitely going before we get kicked out for indecent behavior. Come on,” Sasuke insists, taking a dopey-faced Naruto’s hand and pulling him towards the door. Naruto stumbles behind him, giggling and telling Sasuke all the things he loves about him, which warms Sasuke’s chest in affection. Once out on the curb, Sasuke books a Lyft with his stupidly massive phone, while Naruto plasters himself against his back and gives his neck kisses while running his hands up and down his chest. Sasuke allows the behavior, figuring there are worse ways he could be acting.

“Get a room!” someone shouts. Sasuke flips them the bird.

The Lyft takes a while to get there since they’re in a popular party spot in their city, and Sasuke spends that entire time repeatedly grabbing Naruto’s hands to prevent them from going any lower than his waist in public.

Soon enough they’re home, and Naruto accosts Sasuke the second they close the door.

Bro did u seriously bail?? BOOOO 👎😡

After Naruto nuts down Sasuke’s throat, he skips his way over to their collection of card games. Naruto’s always picking something new up when they’re browsing at Barnes & Noble and Spencer’s.

“Sasuke! Let’s play a dirty drinking game!” He picks a game up from the stack, holding it up to show Sasuke with a large grin. It’s called Let’s Get Deep, the After Dark expansion pack for couples. Sasuke doesn’t remember if they’ve played it before, but he’s a bit tipsy so he decides f*ck it.

“Fine. But how are you going to make that a drinking game?” he asks, walking over to their glass liquor cabinet and taking out a bottle of Invergordon, an 18 year aged scotch whisky that Sasuke found to be divine. He grabs a couple of shot glasses and puts everything down on the dining table, then returns to the kitchen to pour Naruto an orange soda and himself a glass of ice water.

“You take a shot if you pass on answering a question!” Naruto explains from where he’s sitting at the table, setting up the game.

“Can we take a shot anyways to start up the game?” Sasuke suggests with a smirk when he returns, sliding into his seat. Naruto stands from his seat to occupy the one nearest to him, rearranging the game accordingly. Sasuke snorts.

“Totally!” Naruto enthusiastically agrees, grabbing the whisky and pouring them a couple of shots. “Cheers!” He raises his glass, and Sasuke clinks his against it, then taps the bottom of the glass onto the table and throws it back. Naruto, grimacing, immediately goes for his soda, but Sasuke just takes a sip of water as he enjoys the burn.

“Alright, you first,” Naruto insists, gesturing towards the game. Sasuke picks up a card and reads it, then scoffs at it.

“Can I pick another one?” he asks.

“No, Sasuke, you can’t pick another one!” Naruto is exaggeratedly offended by the question.

“But this one is stupid, and it has an obvious answer,” Sasuke argues.

“Nope! You gotta at least read it!” Naruto’s clearly having fun already, looking like an overly excited puppy. Sasuke sighs, then begins to read it out loud.

“‘What is your opinion on open relationships?’” he reads, and Naruto grimaces.

“Absolutely not! Why would you even ask that?” he growls.

“You literally told me to ask you!” Sasuke exclaims in confusion.

“Oh yeah,” Naruto muses. Sasuke squints at him. “Oh well. My turn!” He gleefully reaches for a card, then gives a sly grin with a raised eyebrow. “‘What’s a toy you want to try in the bedroom?’” He sits back in his chair and watches Sasuke expectantly.

Sasuke thinks about it, tapping a nail against his water glass. “Vibrating dild*.”

“We already use vibrating dild*s.”

“The card didn’t specify it had to be a new toy,” Sasuke replies smugly.

“‘Try’ implies it’s new, Sasuke!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes it does, pick a new toy!”

“No. My turn,” he swipes a new card, and Naruto pouts at him. “‘What’s the biggest turnoff in bed?’”

“When you’re not in the mood,” Naruto replies simply. Sasuke gives him a look.

“That’s a boring answer. Tell me something that actually turns you off.”

“That does turn me off!”

“Idiot! Just tell me a kink that turns you off, then.”

Naruto thinks about this, finger tapping his chin, then settles on, “Piss.” Sasuke is inclined to agree. Naruto pulls another card. “‘If you had a ‘hall pass’ for any celebrity, who would you choose and why?’”


“What! Why?!”

“I don’t do celebrity crushes. There’s no one that catches my eye.”

“Well, there’s one guy that catches your eye,” Naruto replies smugly.

“That’s why no one else catches my eye. Also, you’re not a celebrity.”

“Not true, I’m a celebrity in my company!”

“That doesn’t count. You’re not recognized by major media. Also, you literally own the company, that’s why everyone knows you.” Sasuke takes a sip from his water.

“Yeah, I guess. Shot time!” Naruto pours two more shots, and Sasuke raises an eyebrow.

“Why are you pouring two? I’m the only one taking the shot.”

“I’ve decided to change the rules,” Naruto snickers. “We both take a shot when one of us passes.” Sasuke rolls his eyes, but doesn’t feel like arguing about it.

“Fine.” He raises his glass to clink against Naruto’s again, then follows to take his altogether sixth shot of whisky of the night. He’s feeling light headed and sloppy, but otherwise he’s alright… Maybe. He pulls another card.

“‘Have you ever been romantic with a friend’s sibling?’”

Naruto hums. “Does their cousin count?”

Sasuke blinks in surprise, not expecting that answer. “Sure?”

“I had a friend named Neji in high school, and I ended up dating his cousin in sophom*ore year. Her name was Hinata. It was alright, but she was a bit too shy for me, so it didn’t end up working out,” he gives a shrug, sipping his soda. Sasuke, knowing Naruto very well, raises an eyebrow.

“So she was too shy to f*ck,” he assumes. Naruto gives a groan and confirms, letting his head fall back dramatically.

God. This man really thinks with his dick, doesn’t he?

“My turn, my turn!” Naruto reaches for the stack of cards, missing a few times, then ultimately knocks the entire thing to the side as he finally grips a card. He giggles at that. “‘Would you ever have a sugar daddy?’” he reads, then immediately cackles.

Sasuke pauses while straightening the cards back out, his brain short circuiting. His body is completely still as he glances up at Naruto, who’s staring at him with a wide, sh*t-eating grin.

“No,” Sasuke deadpans. Naruto sputters.

“What are you talking about?! You literally do, right now! Hello?!” He gestures exaggeratedly at his entire form, nearly hitting himself in the face during the process.

“You’re my boyfriend,” Sasuke insists, narrowing his eyes.

“And your sugar daddy!” Naruto’s words echo Sakura’s from the previous day.

“Why does everyone call you my sugar daddy?!” Sasuke exclaims, throwing his arms up in frustration. Naruto lets out a chortle.

“Are you a fish? Because you clearly live in de Nile,” Naruto laughs. Sasuke grits his teeth.

“Whatever. My turn.” He decides to pour himself a shot and knock it back just for having to live through that horrible conversation, and Naruto squawks and quickly pours his own shot, whining at Sasuke about game rules. Sasuke ignores him. “‘What’s your favorite part of my body?’” he reads evenly, but his cheeks turn pink as he looks up at Naruto, waiting for an answer. Naruto gives a long hum, resting his chin on his steepled fingers. The way he looks Sasuke up and down with a hungry gaze causes a coiling sensation in the brunet’s stomach, and he grows increasingly impatient the longer Naruto’s silent.

Just when Sasuke’s about to snap at Naruto to spit it out, he speaks. “Your ass.”

Sasuke scoffs. “Not surprised. You can’t keep your hands off of it.” Naruto simply beams, unashamed, then grabs another card. He reads it, then rereads it, and slowly looks up at Sasuke with a salacious smile.

Sasuke sighs. “What.”

“‘Pick an article of clothing you want your partner to take off right now.’”

Sasuke fidgets a little. “Is that a prompt for me or you?”

“Me! Me,” Naruto immediately insists, bouncing a bit in his seat. Sasuke stares at him, biting his lip, then relents.

“Fine. What do you want me to take off?” he agrees, not ready for Naruto’s undoubtedly stupid answer.

“Your underwear.”

Sasuke frowns. “That’s cheating.”


“I have to take off my pants to take off my underwear. That’s two articles of clothing.”


“Naruto, come on.”

“If you refuse, you have to do a shoooot,” Naruto sing-songs. Sasuke takes a look at the liquor, then observes the haziness in his mind. It probably wouldn’t be wise to have another shot so quickly. With a loud sigh, he decides to stand up, immediately stumbling a little as he does so. Great.

If he does this, he wants to have fun with it. He takes his hands and runs them up his thighs, over the sides, then front of his hips. He then turns around, his hands pathing back onto his ass, dragging over it. Naruto’s completely enraptured, eyes lingering on his ass as Sasuke moves his hands to the hem of his pants. He undoes them, then leans down as he slowly pulls his underwear and pants down at the same time. He’s sure to lean unnecessarily low to the ground, giving Naruto a good view as the garments are pulled off of his body. He then leans back up, peeking over his shoulder as spreads his ass a little.

“sh*t,” Naruto’s voice is thick. “C’mere, baby.”

Sasuke turns around, his hairless puss* on display, and he grabs a card as he passes the stack. Naruto had pushed his chair out from the table, giving Sasuke the room he needs to climb onto his lap, staying up on his knees as he brings the card up to read. Naruto leans forward to mouth at his chest, then suck on his nipples. Sasuke grows wet at the sensations, shivering a little. “‘If you had to pick a toy to use on me right now, what would it be?’”

Naruto hums in thought, tongue laving thickly over his nipple. “Go get that vibrating dild*,” he eventually requests. Sasuke bites his lip, then slides off his lap and goes into the bedroom. He grabs the toy from the box under the bed where they keep them, grabbing the lube as well. He gives it a wash in the bathroom sink, then walks back out with it. Naruto has relocated to the couch, and he calls him over.

“Lay on my stomach across my lap,” he instructs. Sasuke complies, the front of his hips pressed against the hard line of Naruto’s dick as he settles in. He wiggles his hips a little, pretending to get comfortable, and Naruto hisses. Sasuke hands over the objects when asked for them, and Naruto pours out some lube and warms it in his hand, coating his fingers. The slick fingers rub against the entrance to Sasuke’s ass a few times, teasing, then slowly eases in one of his fingers. He doesn’t feel much burning from the stretching, since they play with his ass all the time, so it’s not long before Naruto’s able to fit in two fingers. He crooks them while thrusting, expertly finding the spot inside that drives Sasuke crazy. The brunet’s face is in a pillow, and he grips it tightly in his fists as he moves his hips to meet the fingers. Naruto’s about to go for a third when Sasuke reaches a hand back and grips his wrist, forcing him to stop. Naruto gets a little confused.

“You sure you don’t wanna be stretched more, babe?” he asks, and Sasuke shakes his head, explaining that he wants to feel himself stretch around the toy. Naruto curses under his breath at that, then withdraws his fingers to lube up the toy. He begins easing it in, and Sasuke gets a little of that burning sensation as his walls expand to fit around the toy. Naruto thrusts it gently in and out, gradually going further in, until the base is pressed against his ass. He then takes it almost all the way out, until only the tip of it is inside, then pushes it back in. He repeats this motion slowly a few times, until he suddenly slams it in and turns on the vibration.

“Ah!” Sasuke suddenly shouts, eyes wide. Naruto repeats this action a few times, then keeps it inside and circles it firmly against that spot inside him. Sasuke’s beginning to pant, and he quickly moves a hand down to rub against his cl*t. His other hole clenches around nothing, and he suddenly can’t stand it anymore. “f*ck me. f*ck me while using the toy,” he breathes, looking back at Naruto. When he looks confused, Sasuke frustratingly clarifies. “Keep the toy in my ass and f*ck my other hole, Naruto.” Naruto perks up, then grins in excitement as he gets up on his knees. He guides Sasuke onto his hands and knees, and turns off the toy for now. The thrusts of the toy slow while Naruto focuses on getting his pants open one-handed, and Sasuke watches over his shoulder as he finally frees his co*ck and gives it a few tugs. He begins thrusting into Sasuke, and Sasuke curses as he feels the sensation of both his holes being filled to the brim. Naruto languidly moves his hips and the toy at the same time, then suddenly thrust both in as he turns the vibration back on.

“f*ck!” Sasuke screams, chest dropping to the couch as his arms give out. He’s panting hard, cheek smashed against the couch as Naruto begins a fast, powerful pace with his thrusts. The vibration is turned up, and Sasuke feels like he’s going to lose his f*cking mind. He looks around, spotting the vibrator they left on the coffee table the other day, and frantically grabs for it, hoping it still has battery life. He brings it down and presses it against his cl*t, turning it on and crying out once again. He feels stimulated from all fronts as he moves the vibrator in a circle, hips meeting back against Naruto’s thrusts, and he feels his org*sm building until it crashes over him.

“Naruto, I— f*ck! f*ck, f*ck, oh my god—” he buries his face in the cushion to muffle his screams of ecstasy and the tingles from his org*sm ripple through his body, and leaves the toy against him to overstimulate himself, one of his favorite things. He’s already well on his way to another org*sm, and when it rolls over him, he feels the familiar sensation of Naruto’s hips snapping to his ass as his warm seed spurts deep inside him. Naruto’s large hand is clenched around Sasuke’s hip, tight enough to bruise, and he gives shallow thrusts as he rides out his high. Eventually the toy in his ass is turned off, and Sasuke turns off the one against his cl*t as well, feeling exhausted and trying to catch his breath. Naruto eases the toy out of him, then himself, and leans forward to give a kiss right between Sasuke’s shoulder blades.

“God, Sasuke, you’re so— sh*t. You’re so perfect, I swear to god. You’re the only one for me, you know that? I love you so goddamn much.” Drunk, post-org*smic Naruto is the sappiest Naruto ever, and Sasuke’s ashamed to admit that he eats it up and loves it. He rolls onto his back, pulling Naruto’s sweaty face down to give him a few tender kisses, the quiet smacking of them the only sound in the room. He then sits up, grimacing as he feels the seed gush out of him and all over the couch cushion. Now I have to f*cking clean it again…

“Babe, I’m f*ckin’ tired,” Naruto complains, standing up to kick his underwear and pants off, then throws his shirt somewhere random. He looks back at Sasuke, who’s done the same with his own shirt, and reaches to grab his hand. They retire to bed together, completely nude, and Naruto wraps all limbs around Sasuke like he always does as they fall into slumber together.

“Did it hurt?”

Sasuke stops with a chip halfway to his mouth, then lowers it and looks over at Karin. “Did what hurt?”

“Your IUD. Did it hurt when they inserted it?”

They’re sitting together in the living room at Karin and Suigetsu’s house watching a horror movie, while Suigetsu and Naruto loudly yell at the TV in the game room, playing Overwatch.

“Yeah, honestly. But it’s worth it,” he replies, popping the chip in his mouth. Karin purses her lips in thought.

“And you don’t have to, like, take a pill? Or go in every few months to get a shot?” she asks. Sasuke simply shakes his head, watching the character on-screen sneak around a dark corner while suspenseful music plays. “How long does it last?”

“About five years.” He pops another chip into his mouth, and Karin does the mental math.

“So it’s about time for you to get a new one, huh?” she points out. Sasuke grimaces.

“Yeah. Not looking forward to it. I have an appointment in a couple of months for it.” Sasuke had gotten his IUD put in shortly after starting a relationship with Naruto, after quickly realizing that the kinks they have in common required the strongest and least annoying birth control they could find. They had a scare early into their relationship, and the next day Sasuke was at the doctor’s office demanding an IUD that very moment. They insisted they had no appointments open for that day, but they had something Monday the following week, and Sasuke grumbled as he waited for the appointment, forcing an unhappy Naruto to wear condoms the entire time. The next five years sailed by with the two of them very satisfied with the results, and when he got a call from his doctor’s office informing him he was due for a change, he groaned loudly and booked the appointment right away. Karin reminding him of the upcoming appointment made him want to kick her in the shin in revenge.

“I booked an appointment for next week. I’m gonna talk to them about it. I don’t want to pee in a cup, though,” she curls her lip at the thought, and Sasuke snorts.

“Too bad. They wanna make sure there isn’t a baby cooking in there,” he teases. Karin goes pale at the thought.

“If you jinx me, I’m throwing you into a sewage pit,” she threatens lowly. Sasuke just smirks at her, then rolls his eyes.

“Oh, come on. You’ll be fine.” He eats another chip.

“God, I hope so. I don’t feel any different, so I should be fine.” She sinks back into the couch, breathing out a sigh of relief.

“If you’re not, though, I’m not babysitting for you. I’m no good with kids.”

“Shut up, Sasuke!” she hisses. Naruto and Suigetsu walk into the room with some drinks, finished with their match.

“Whatcha guys talkin’ about?” Naruto asks, plopping down on the couch beside Sasuke.

Pregnant Karin,” Sasuke replies, knowing exactly how it sounds. Suigetsu drops his beer on the carpet, making a huge mess.


the finer things - Chapter 1 - coffeebuoy (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.