Diablo 4 - Barbarian Skills Guide (Season 3) - Icy Veins (2024)

The Barbarian has access to 23 different skills in Diablo 4. Most skills also have an “enhanced” version as well as two mutually exclusive upgrades that improve them in various ways.

This section provides a brief overview of the Barbarian skills as well as their enhancements and upgrades.

For a detailed list of Barbarian talents, refer to our Barbarian passives page.

Barbarian Passive Talents

For more general information about the Barbarian class, refer to our Barbarian Guide.

Barbarian Leveling Guide

Barbarian Basic Skills

Basic Skills are spammable skills whose primary purpose is to generate Fury for skills of the Core category. By virtue of being free and having no cooldown, they are also used to fill dead time while waiting for other, more powerful skills to be available.


Fury Generation10
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionBash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 30% damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to [2] seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon.
Enhanced BashDamaging a Stunned enemy with Bash grants you 20% Maximum Life as Fortify. Double this amount when using a Two-Handed weapon.
Battle BashDamaging a Stunned enemy with Bash generates an additional [3] Fury, or [4] Fury if using a Two-Handed weapon.
Combat BashAfter Critically Striking [4] times with Bash using a Two-Handed weapon, your next Core or Weapon Mastery Skill will Overpower.


Fury Generation9
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionFlay the enemy, dealing 5% damage and inflicting 36% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Enhanced FlayFlay has a 10% chance to make the enemy Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Double this chance when using a Two-Handed weapon.
Battle FlayWhen Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, they take x10% increased Bleeding damage from you for the next 3 seconds.
Combat FlayWhen Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and 10% [[x] Damage] Thorns for [3] seconds. This stacks up to [4] times.

Lunging Strike

Fury Generation9
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionLunge forward and strike an enemy for 30% damage.
Enhanced Lunging StrikeLunging Strike deals x30% increased damage and Heals you for 2% Maximum Life when it damages a Healthy enemy.
Battle Lunging StrikeLunging Strike also inflicts 20% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Combat Lunging StrikeCritical Strikes with Lunging Strike grant you Berserking for 1.5 seconds.


Fury Generation4
Lucky Hit Chance30%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionUnleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing 22% damage with each pair of hits. If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to 60%.
Enhanced FrenzyWhile Frenzy is granting60%] bonus Attack Speed, it also generates 3 additional Fury.
Battle FrenzyWhile Berserking, your other skills gain +5% Attack Speed for each stack of Frenzy you have.
Combat FrenzyYou gain 8% Damage Reduction for each stack of Frenzy you currently have.

Barbarian Core Skills

Core Skills are the main sources of damage of the Barbarian. Although they have no cooldown, the main limiting factor of Core Skills is their Fury cost.

Hammer of the Ancients

Fury Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSlam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing 50% damage to a concentrated area.
Enhanced Hammer of the AncientsGain 3% more Fury for [5] seconds for each enemy damaged by Hammer of the Ancients, stacking up to [10] times.
Furious Hammer of the AncientsHammer of the Ancients deals 1% additional damage for each point of Fury you had when using it.
Violent Hammer of the AncientsAfter Overpowering with Hammer of the Ancients, you deal 30% more damage for 5 seconds.


Fury Cost35
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionCleave enemies in front of you, dealing 12% damage and inflicting 96% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Enhanced RendDealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds.
Furious RendDirect damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury.
Violent RendRend deals x12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.


Fury Cost40
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionTear into the ground with your weapon and fling debris forward, dealing 77% damage.
Enhanced UpheavalUpheaval has a 20% chance to Stun all enemies it damages for 2.5 seconds.
Furious UpheavalDealing direct damage to an enemy with a Skill that is not Upheaval causes your next cast of Upheaval to deal 12% increased damage, stacking up to 6 times.
Violent UpheavalIf Upheaval damages at least [2] enemies, you gain Berserking for 2 seconds, increased to 3 seconds if it damages at least 4 enemies.

Double Swing

Fury Cost25
Lucky Hit Chance30%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSweep your weapons from opposite directions, dealing 36% damage with each weapon. Enemies caught in the center are damaged by both.
Enhanced Double SwingIf Double Swing damages a Stunned or Knocked Down enemy, gain 25 Fury.
Furious Double SwingCasting Double Swing while Berserking grants 2 additional seconds of Berserking.
Violent Double SwingHitting an enemy with both hits of Double Swing makes them Vulnerable for [1] second.


Fury Cost25 per second
Lucky Hit Chance20%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionRapidly attack surrounding enemies for 17.33% damage.
Enhanced WhirlwindGain 1 Fury each time Whirlwind deals direct damage to an enemy, or 4 Fury against Elite enemies.
Furious WhirlwindWhile using a Slashing weapon, Whirlwind also inflicts 40% of its Base damage as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Violent WhirlwindAfter using Whirlwind for 2 seconds, Whirlwind deals 30% increased damage until it is cancelled.

Barbarian Defensive Skills

Defensive Skills revolve around protecting the Barbarian and their allies through powerful protective effects or crowd control.

Challenging Shout

Cooldown25 seconds
DescriptionTaunt Nearby enemies and gain 40% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.
Enhanced Challenging ShoutWhile Challenging Shout is active, gain 20% bonus Maximum Life.
Strategic Challenging ShoutWhile Challenging Shout is active, gain Thorns equal to 30% of your Maximum Life.
Tactical Challenging ShoutWhile Challenging Shout is active, you gain 3 Fury each time you take damage.

Ground Stomp

Fury Generation25
Cooldown16 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSmash the ground, dealing 9.5% damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.
Enhanced Ground StompIncrease Ground Stomp’s duration by 1 second.
Strategic Ground StompReduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 1 second for each enemy damaged by Ground Stomp.
Tactical Ground StompGround Stomp generates 25 Fury.

Iron Skin

Cooldown14 seconds
DescriptionSteel yourself, gaining a Barrier that absorbs 50% of your missing Life for 5 seconds.
Enhanced Iron SkinIron Skin’s Barrier absorbs [0 * 100|%|] more of your Maximum Life.
Strategic Iron SkinIron Skin also grants 15% Maximum Life as Fortify. Double this amount if cast while below 50% Life.
Tactical Iron SkinWhile Iron Skin is active, Heal for 10% of the Barrier‘s original amount as Life per second.

Rallying Cry

Fury Generation20
Cooldown25 seconds
DescriptionBellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by 40%[x] for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.
Enhanced Rallying CryRallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.
Strategic Rallying CryRallying Cry grants you 10% Maximum Life as Fortify. While Rallying Cry is active, you gain an additional 2% Maximum Life as Fortify each time you take or deal direct damage.
Tactical Rallying CryRallying Cry generates 20 Fury and grants you an additional 20%[x] Resource Generation.

Barbarian Brawling Skills

Brawling Skills provide a wide array of utility, including mobility.

War Cry

Cooldown25 seconds
DescriptionBellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x15% for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.
Enhanced War CryWar Cry grants you Berserking for 4 seconds.
Mighty War CryWar Cry grants you 15% Maximum Life as Fortify.
Power War CryIf at least 6 enemies are Nearby when you cast War Cry, your damage bonus is increased by an additional 10%[x].


Cooldown17 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance40%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionThrow a powerful kick that deals 18% damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 54% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Enhanced KickDamaging enemies with Kick makes them Vulnerable for 4 seconds.
Mighty KickKicked enemies deal 54% damage to enemies they collide with while being Knocked Back. Enemies damaged this way are Knocked Down for 2 seconds.
Power KickIf Kick damages an enemy, it consumes all of your Fury and deals an additional 20% damage per 10 Fury spent. Kick no longer Knocks Back enemies.


Cooldown17 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance66%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionLeap forward and then slam down, dealing 33% damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact.
Enhanced LeapIf Leap doesn’t damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
Mighty LeapEnemies damaged by Leap are Slowed by 70% for 5 seconds.
Power LeapIf Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.


Cooldown17 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance33%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionBecome Unstoppable and rush forward, pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for 25% damage and Knocking them Back.
Enhanced ChargeEnemies who are Knocked Back into terrain by Charge take 150% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Mighty ChargeDamaging enemies with Charge makes them Vulnerable for [x] seconds.
Power ChargeReduce Charge’s Cooldown by 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. Charging a boss will reduce the coolwodn by 6 seconds.

Barbarian Weapon Mastery Skills

Weapon Mastery Skills are situational but powerful offensive skills with a relatively long cooldown.


Cooldown10 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionSkewer enemies in front of you, dealing 13% damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount and removing all Bleeding damage from them.
Enhanced RuptureRipping your weapon out of enemies during Rupture causes an explosion that deals 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. This damage is increased by x10% for each 50 Strength you have.
Fighter’s RuptureHitting at least 1 enemy with Rupture Heals you for 22% of your Maximum Life.
Warrior’s RuptureHitting enemies with Rupture increases your Attack Speed by 40%[x] for 5 seconds.

Death Blow

Cooldown15 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance50%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionAttempt a killing strike, dealing 1.2*100% damage to enemies in front of you. If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset. If this kills an enemy, a Charge is refunded.
Enhanced Death BlowDeath Blow deals 150%[x] increased damage to Bosses.
Fighter’s Death BlowIf Death Blow damages at least one enemy, gain 20 Fury.
Warrior’s Death BlowIf Death Blow damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 3 seconds.

Steel Grasp

Cooldown11 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance25%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionThrow out a trio of chains that deal 23% damage and Pull In enemies.
Enhanced Steel GraspSteel Grasp also makes enemies Vulnerable for 2.5 seconds.
Fighter’s Steel GraspIf Steel Grasp damages an enemy, gain Berserking for 2 seconds.
Warrior’s Steel GraspSteel Grasp gains 1 additional Charge.

Barbarian Ultimate Skills

Ultimate Skills are extremely powerful skills with a cooldown to match. Their use is typically reserved for dispatching powerful enemies. Only one Ultimate Skill may be equipped at a time.

Wrath of the Berserker

Cooldown60 seconds
DescriptionExplode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.
Prime Wrath of the BerserkerWhile Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain [0.2 * 100|%+|] increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by [0.3 * 100|%x|].
Supreme Wrath of the BerserkerWhile Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury you spend increases Berserk‘s damage bonus by 100%[x].

Iron Maelstrom

Cooldown60 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance24%
Damage TypePhysical
DescriptionActivate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack: First, your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing 60% damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Next, your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swipes in front of you, dealing 20% damage and inflicting 1.2*100% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Finally, your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing 32.5% damage per hit.
Prime Iron MaelstromIron Maelstrom gains +10% increased Critical Strike Chance and deals x20% increased Critical Strike Damage.
Supreme Iron MaelstromDealing direct damage to an enemy after swapping weapons reduces Iron Maelstrom’s Cooldown by 1 second.

Call of the Ancients

Cooldown50 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance30%
DescriptionCall upon 3 Ancients to aid you in battle for 6 seconds. Korlic leaps at enemies, dealing 104% damage and swings his weapons in a frenzy, dealing 39% damage per hit. Talic spins in a whirlwind rapidly attacking enemies for 65% damage. Madawc upheaves the ground, dealing 195% damage.
Prime Call of the AncientsWhile Call of the Ancients is active, gain +10% bonus Attack Speed and x10% increased damage.
Supreme Call of the AncientsEach of the Ancients gains additional power:
Korlic: You gain 10 Fury each time Korlic damages an enemy with his Frenzy.
Talic: Enemies are Slowed by 50% for 1 second when damaged by his Whirlwind.
Madawc: 30% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds when using his Upheaval.

Barbarian Dismount Skill

While mounted, the Barbarian has access to a unique Dismount Skill which causes the Barbarian to jump off their mount and slam into the ground twice, dealing damage to and stunning nearby enemies.

Diablo 4 - Barbarian Skills Guide (Season 3) - Icy Veins (2024)


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