13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (2024)

A lot of us take great pride in visiting farmers’ markets and eating the seasons. If that sounds like you, then you’ve already been digging around for your prized asparagus-centric dinners and rhubarb recipes. There is just something incredibly uplifting about buying fresh, supporting local, and putting it on your dinner table. One spring veggie we know you can’t wait to brighten your plates with are those sweet little peas. Lucky for you, we’ve got 13 lush dinners (that are also vegetarian for your #MeatlessMonday cravings) that will have you cracking those pods and making everyone else pea-green with envy in no time.

Creamy Mushroom Linguini

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (1) One taste of this rich and dreamy pasta, and you’ll be floored to find out there’s no dairy in it. Silken tofu brings the creamy texture to this dish, while peas bring a vibrant punch of green. (via Discover Delicious)

Creamy Farro Risotto With Greens

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (2) Risotto has a bit of a reputation; one that suggests it isn’t easy. However, with much less stirring, this spring-inspired vegan spin proves otherwise. (via Natural Girl Modern World)

Quinoa Cauliflower Tabbouleh Salad

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (3) Bright peas are paired up with cauliflower and quinoa to create a substantial dinner that will hit the spot and make you feel fab. It also makes for great leftovers, so you’ll have the next day’s lunch covered too! (via Bourbon and Honey)

Veggie Pasta With Vegan Avocado Basil Cream Sauce

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (4) With its garden-inspired green hue, this dinner just screams spring. It’s creamy, herbaceous, and a total win. (via Humble Dish)

Spinach and Sweet Pea Coconut Curry

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (5) We’d be down with curry all day, every day. It seems impossible to grow tired of it, so we’re thrilled this spring-y recipe has sprung to our attention. (via The Veggie Chick)

Zucchini Pizza Crust With Lemony Pea Pesto

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (6) If you’re living the low-carb life, this pizza will seem like a godsend. The zucchini crust keeps things crisp and light while smothered in a brilliant pea pesto that will blow your mind. (via A Beautiful Mess)

Sweet and Sour Chickpea Bowl

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (7) Cravings for takeout happen; we can’t help it. In such cases, a bowl like this is a total savior. It’s packed with wholesome pulses and veggies, and it offers up more flavor and texture than *any* takeout could. (via Healthfully Ever After)

Cauliflower and White Bean Baked Samosa Burritos

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (8) Every bite in these tasty samosa-inspired burritos spoils you with a mouthful of curried cauliflower and sweet peas. We want it. (via Connoisseurus Veg)

One-Pot Creamy Fettuccine, Peas, and King Oyster Mushroom “Scallops

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (9) This recipe is as ingenious as it gets; big and tender king oyster mushrooms pose as scallops in this elegant dinner option. (via Simple Veganista)

Slow Cooker Vegan Split Pea Soup

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (10) Split pea soup is a classic that is hard to pass on, but most recipes include ham. If this recipe proves anything, it’s that peas can stand on their own just fine without their salty and meaty counterpart. (via There’s a Cook in My Kitchen)

Gluten-Free Fried Noodles in Chili Garlic Sauce

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (11) This GF noodle dish is full of sweet peas and tangy onions to complement all of that spicy, garlicky goodness. The best part is this dish is quick, so it makes for an ideal weeknight fix. (via Vegan à laMode)

Sautéed Cabbage Sabzi With Peas

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (12) Peas and turmeric go together swimmingly: This is not news. So it’s extremely easy to imagine how delish and satisfying this 15-minute wonder is. (via Mustard Plates)

Quinoa Salad With Asparagus and Almond Dukkah

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (13) If you’re craving a bowl of everything that denotes spring, this is it. Between the asparagus, spring peas, and cooling mint, there is a total sense of refreshment in this bowl. (via Curated Life)

Dana Sandonato

Born in Canada and now living in the beautiful state of North Carolina, Dana is a coffee-reliant food writer with a healthy appetite, a taste for culinary adventure, a thirst for good beers, and an endless hunger for food photography. When not writing for Brit + Co, she can be found pouring herself into her blog-turned-webzine, Killing Thyme, or taste-testing at local breweries with her husband. Dana's ideal down time includes pizza, marathoning on Netflix, or watching her fave flicks from the 80s and 90s - no matter how great or awful they are!

13 Vegetarian Dinner Recipes That Have Us Screaming “Yes, Peas!” (2024)


Can I feed my dog homemade food instead of dog food? ›

Individually Tailored Recipes

A major benefit of cooking homemade dog food over feeding a commercial diet is that the diet can be individualized to provide the appropriate calories and nutrients for your dog's age, body weight, and health issues.

What homemade food is good for dogs every day? ›

What are the Options?
  • Protein. Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Shrimp (fully cooked with shell removed), Tuna, Eggs (in moderation) ...
  • Vegetables. Carrots, Green beans, Spinach, Peas Celery, Cucumbers, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Corn.
  • Carbohydrates. ...
  • Other Foods. ...
  • Ingredients to Avoid. ...
  • Calcium.
Nov 20, 2018

Can I feed my dog meat and vegetables every day? ›

The general rule of thumb for a home-made diet for a healthy canine patient is 75% meat/15%vegetables/10% carbohydrate. Variety is the key to a healthy diet so be sure to vary your meat, carbohydrate and vegetable sources from time to time.

What is the ratio of rice to meat for dog food? ›

The combination of rice to chicken/beef will be 2 to 1. In other words, if you want to give your dog a total of one cup of food he/she will receive 1/3 cup chicken mixed with 2/3 cup of rice. Feed several small meals per day rather than one or two large meals.

Is oatmeal or rice better for dogs? ›

Filling your dog's diet with too much human food may result in nutrient deficiencies. If you're considering oatmeal as an easily digestible option for a dog with an upset stomach, go for white or brown rice instead. “Those are much more tried-and-true and safe,” Watkins says.

What should be the main ingredient in homemade dog food? ›

WHAT IS THE RATIO FOR HOMEMADE DOG FOOD? Dogs are obligate carnivores, so their diet should mainly consist of meats and protein. A good recommendation is 80% meat, 10% vegetable, and 10% Know Better Pet Food Premix.

What is the cheapest real food to feed dogs? ›

The most affordable raw dog food option for your pet would be to combine budget-friendly proteins like chicken and beef with bulk purchases of raw dog food, such as the bulk patties and Essential Boxes from We Feed Raw. Additionally, using raw food as a topper or base for dry dog food can help save money.

Can dogs eat scrambled eggs? ›

Eggs are nutritious for both people and dogs. They can be tasty treats or a hearty breakfast, whether they're hard-boiled, poached, scrambled, or over easy. A cooked entire egg or yolk can be good for your dog, unless your pet has a pre-existing health condition like acute pancreatitis or diabetes.

Can I feed my dog chicken and rice every day? ›

Chicken and rice isn't meant to be given as an everyday dog food, nor is it suitable to be used in place of regular dog treats. It's simply a short-term bland diet option intended for a sick dog.

What is the best meat to put in homemade dog food? ›

Very lean ground beef or poultry- This is the main source of protein and has to be lean since dogs have a high amino acid requirement. Compared to ground beef, ground chicken and turkey are lower in protein, iron, and zinc, so you'll need to make up for it with extra beef liver.

What can I feed my dog when I run out of dog food? ›

What To Feed Your Dog if You Ran Out of Dog Food
  • Canned chicken or tuna in water.
  • Canned vegetables (rinsed or salt-free)
  • Peanut butter (xylitol-free)
  • Plain steel-cut or old-fashioned oats.
  • Whole grains like brown rice and barley.
  • Whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta.
  • Gluten-free grain alternatives like millet and quinoa.

How many cups of homemade dog food per day? ›

Food Calculator
15 LB1 1/4 CUP PER DAY
20 LB1 1/2 CUP PER DAY
3 more rows

What is the best grain for homemade dog food? ›

Whole (cooked) grains, like brown rice, wheat, couscous, oatmeal, and quinoa. Boiled pasta (without sauce) Eggs in any form - scrambled, hardboiled, or poached - no more than a few times a week. You can even feed your dog the eggshells - bake them for ten or fifteen minutes to soften and then grind them up.

How to calculate homemade dog food? ›

There are other ways to calculate how much to feed. For example, Dr. Judy Morgan, a nutrition expert and one of our favorite podcast guests, recommends feeding a dog about 2-3% of their body weight when using homemade food, and I think that's an excellent place to start.

What is the healthiest meat for dogs? ›

Chicken, turkey, lean ground beef, and chuck steak or roast are animal-based proteins, which help dogs grow strong. A few rules apply: Always cook meat well. Never serve it raw or undercooked.

Can I feed my dog homemade dog food every day? ›

The answer is yes, dogs can eat homemade food every day, as long as you consult with a veterinary nutritionist to make sure your pet is being fed the correct balance of vitamins and nutrients they need.

Do vets recommend homemade dog food? ›

“Homemade food is a great option for many pets, but we recommend that owners avoid general recipes from books and the Internet and instead consult with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist,” Larsen said.

How many times a day should a dog eat homemade dog food? ›

Though there's no hard-and-fast rule to how often a dog should eat, twice a day is generally a good place to start. However, more important than feeding frequency is meal portion size. Portion size may vary based on breed, age, and health condition, and settling on the right amount can be tricky.

Do vets like homemade dog food? ›

Key Takeaways. You can make homemade dog food with human foods, but it must have the right balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to be healthy. Vets generally don't recommend making your own raw dog food because of the risk of bacterial contamination or possible public health risks.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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