The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Slowly sweating a trio of alliums—leek, shallot, and garlic—develops their milder flavors while mellowing out their harsh edges.
  • Mussels cook in no time flat, adding their own briny liquid to form a uniquely savory sauce that is ideal for dipping bread into.
  • By removing the mussels immediately after cooking and finishing the sauce with lemon juice, parsley, butter, and optional mayonnaise or crème fraîche, we can create a rich, creamy, emulsified sauce without overcooking the mussels.

I don't know why mussels don't get more love. They're always inexpensive (even at Whole Foods they run under $5 a pound!), they're delicious, they're elegant (heck, you might even call 'em downright fancy!), and best of all, they're ridiculously quick and easy to cook. Got a bag of mussels, a bit of butter, a few aromatics, and a bottle of wine on hand? Great. Dinner's on the table in just about 15 minutes.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (1)

But it doesn't have to start and end there. The best thing about mussels is that they're almost infinitely variable. If you have a pot and a reasonable imagination, you've got yourself a blank canvas for any number of meals. All it takes is a bit of know-how.*

Today we're gonna go with the basics and fire up a pot of traditional French-stylemoules marinières—sailor-style mussels which hail from the coast of Normandy.

*I lied. The best thing about mussels is the pool of flavorful liquid at the bottom of the pot just begging for some nice charred crusty bread to be dipped into it. But we'll get there in time.

Step 1: Clean Your Mussels

Farm-raised black mussels are far and away the most common variety you'll see at the market. Luckily, farm-raised mussels are a good choice from an environmental standpoint (they are one of the few farmed animals that actually improve the environment they are farmed in), from a cost standpoint,andfrom an ease-of-preparation standpoint. They arrive at the market virtually ready-to-cook. All they require is a bit of rinsing and debearding.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (2)

Take a look at our guide tocleaning and debearding musselsfor some more details.

Step 2: Sweat Your Aromatics

Mussels are great because they create their own sauce in the pot as they cook, but they can still use a little help. This starts with aromatics. For moules marinières, that typically means shallots. I tested a wide variety of alliums ranging from shallots to red onions to spring onions and found that the best was a combination of shallots for their sweet pungency, leeks for their milder onion flavor, and garlic because how can younotlove garlic with mussels?

I also add a couple of bay leaves to the mix.

You like your mussels a little stronger tasting? Go ahead and use a regular onion or perhaps a sliced fennel bulb. Want some herbs in there? A few sprigs of thyme or rosemary would go great. Spices are your game? No problem. Some Thai curry paste or perhaps a dollop of harissa would be tasty. Cubes of salami or chorizo or some diced pancetta or bacon are also a fine choice.

Like I said: choose your own adventure here.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (3)

Once you have your aromatics, sweat them down in a good amount of butter or olive oil. For moules marinières, you want to sweat the aromatics over moderate heat without giving them any color. But even without any browning, you still want those leeks and shallots to be positivelymeltingby the time you're done.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (4)

This is by far the slowest part of the cooking process, and it only takes about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Add Your Liquid

Mussels expel plenty of liquid on their own so you don't absolutelyhaveto add a liquid here,* but it's a good opportunity to develop the plot of your little mussel story. A dry white wine is a classic choice and probably the most common, but considering that cider was a more common drink for Norman sailors, there's a good argument for using a dry hard cider to make truly classic moules marinière. I also happen to like the way it tastes.

*One great preparation for mussels is to simply drop them into a dry, screaming hot skillet and slap on a lid. They'll rapidly steam in their own vapors. All it takes is a drizzle of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a sprinkle of fresh herbs to finish them off.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (5)

For other variations, try using some crushed tomatoes or beer or a shot of anise-flavored liquor like pastis. Coconut milk can give it a nice Caribbean or Southeast Asian bent (depending on your other aromatics), or just some chicken stock or bottled clam juice would work.

Step 4: Steam Your Mussels

Now's the part where you should make sure that the designated table-setter has set the table and that everyone is sitting down, glass of cider, beer, or white wine in hand, because from here on out things gofast.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (6)

Increase the heat to high and as soon as your liquid has come to a boil (in the case of anything alcoholic, give it a chance to reduce for a minute or two), then add your rinsed mussels all at once.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (7)

Immediately cover the pan to trap in the steam and let your mussels cook while gently shaking the pan. Peek in there and give them a stir every 30 seconds or so. After about one minute, they should begin to open, and after around two, they should be pretty much done. When all of your mussels (or at least, all except for a stubborn few*) are open, it's time to move on. And do it quick.

*For the record, you can go ahead and ignore the conventional wisdom that a mussel that doesn't open after cooking shouldn't be eaten. AsDanielpointed out in hispiece on Rhode Island clam chowder, it is totally safe to crack open an unopened mussel to get at the meat inside.

Step 5: Enrich Your Broth

If you wanted to, you could just throw the whole pot on the table at this point and call it a day, but with just a tiny bit more work you can upgrade this meal from awesome to holy-crap-let's-do-this-every-night status.

I like to finish off the broth with some flavoring and enriching agents. We're going to be working with a whisk here, so it's best to remove the mussels to get at the liquid below.

Start by taking those mussels out of the pot with a set of tongs and transferring them to a bowl. If you're extra-fastidious, you can remove them from the pot individually as they open so that each mussel is cooked to the absolute peak of perfection.

Next, we whisk in our enriching agent.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (8)

Once again, you've got options. Am I beginning to sound like a broken record here?

The most classic would be a knob of cold butter whisked in vigorously so that it emulsifies the briny broth into a rich, smooth sauce. A good high-fat cultured butter like the stuff fromVermont Creamerywould be my top choice for those times that I don't have a block of ultra-expensive important cultured butter from Normandy sitting in my fridge.

Crème fraîcheor plain old heavy cream are also great fortifiers and can be whisked in just like butter.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (9)

But my personal favorite? A good garlickyaioli. I know, I know. Hardly traditional for moules marinières and in fact from entirely the wrong region of France, but it just works so damn well.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (10)

Of course this requires you to actually make the aioli before you start cooking the mussels, but with mytwo-minute mayonnaisetechnique, you can get your aioli ready while your aromatics are sweating and still have time left over to take the dogs for a quick walk.

I alter my mayonnaise recipe by adding three cloves of grated garlic and swapping out half of the canola oil for some good extra-virgin olive oil that I whisk in by hand after forming the base emulsion.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (11)

Whatever enriching agent you use, blend it in by whisking vigorously until it's smoothly incorporated.

Step 6: Reheat the Mussels, Stir in Herbs and Acid, and Serve

With your sauce enriched and balanced, all you've got to do is dump those mussels back in along with a handful of appropriate herbs and last-minute aromatics. I call for finishing the mussels with some parsley, lemon juice, and lemon zest in this recipe. If your sauce needs an extra splash of acid, make sure to add it just before serving to get the freshest flavor and best results.

To serve the mussels, you can either bring the pot directly to the table for folks to fight over share out of, or you can transfer the mussels to a serving bowl which you've thoughtfully warmed in the oven to keep the mussels piping hot while you eat them.

Some folks have expressed concern that removing mussels from the pot and taking the time to finish your broth separately might lead to mussels that overcook as they sit around. But I tested this method with two finely calibrated, precisely tuned instruments: my thermometer and my mouth. My thermometer told me that they do no such thing: mussels are so small and have such a high surface area to volume ratio that they begin cooling pretty much immediately after they're removed from the heat source, with no carryover cooking whatsoever. My mouth confirmed what my thermometer told it. I couldn't taste any difference in a fresh-from-the-pot mussel and one that had been removed and reheated a few moments later.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (12)

This is some seriously good eating right here (especially if you serve them with more of that aioli for dipping at the table), but it's only the start of the meal.

Step 7: It's All About Dipping

Because everyone knows thetruepurpose of mussels: that delicious briny broth to dip your bread into.

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (13)

I take a good loaf of hearty rustic bread (if you're inclined, oursimple crusty white breadis the perfect bread for the job), slice it into thick, long slices, drizzle them with extra-virgin olive oil, then park them under the broiler for a few moments.

I'm not sure why, but I like the bread I dip into my mussel broth to be broiled until nearly blackened in spots. The smoky, charred bread just seems to mesh perfectly with the briny broth.

Now that you've got the basics, go at it. And if I see any of you making the recipe exactly as written, I'm docking points off of your final score. What adventure are you gonna choose today?

November 2014

Recipe Details

The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe

Cook20 mins

Active15 mins

Total20 mins

Serves3to 4 servings


  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 small leek, white and light green parts only, thinly sliced

  • 1 small shallot, thinly sliced

  • 4 medium cloves garlic, thinly sliced

  • 2 bay leaves

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 cup hard dry cider or white wine

  • 2 pounds mussels (see notes)

  • 2 to 3 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise (see notes), crème fraîche, or heavy cream (optional)

  • 3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley leaves

  • 1 tablespoon juice and 1 teaspoon grated zest from 1 lemon

  • Additional homemade mayonnaise for serving (optional, see notes)

  • 1 loaf rustic sourdough bread, thickly sliced, drizzled with olive oil, and broiled until heavily toasted


  1. In a medium Dutch oven or large saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium-low heat. Add leeks, shallot, garlic, and bay leaves. Season lightly with salt and heavily with black pepper and cook, stirring, until vegetables are very soft but not browned, about 10 minutes.

    The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (14)

  2. Increase heat to high and add cider or wine. Bring to a boil and let reduce by half, about 2 minutes. Add mussels, stir, cover, and cook, shaking pan constantly and peeking every 30 seconds to stir. As soon as all the mussels are open, transfer mussels to a bowl using tongs. Place pan lid over bowl to keep mussels warm.

    The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (15)

  3. Remove from heat and whisk in remaining butter along with mayonnaise or crème fraîche (if using). Return mussels to pot, add parsley, lemon juice, and lemon zest, stir to combine, then transfer to a warm serving bowl. Serve immediately with additional mayonnaise (if using) and broiled bread.

    The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (16)


Examine mussels before using. If they're gritty or have lots of beards (it'll look like bits of hair coming out from between their shells), scrub them well under cold water and pull out the beards by grabbing them and pulling towards the hinge-end of the mussels. Farm-raised mussels are generally quite clean when they are sold.

Discard cracked mussels or open mussels that don't close when tapped with another mussel.

Mayonnaise is not essential for this dish, but it does add extra richness and lots of flavor, particularly if served alongside for dipping mussels into. When using mayonnaise for this dish, be sure to use fresh homemade mayonnaise—store-bought mayonnaise will not combine with the sauce properly. I like to add extra garlic and substitute half of the canola oil for extra-virgin olive oil when making mayonnaise for mussels.

Read More

  • How to Clean and Debeard Mussels
  • Two-Minute Aioli Recipe
  • Spicy Steamed Mussels With 'Nduja Recipe
  • Mussels With Fennel-Saffron Broth Recipe
  • Mussels With Thai Red Curry Broth and Rice Noodles Recipe
  • Belgian
  • French
  • Gluten-free Mains
  • Seafood Mains
  • Quick Dinners
The Best Moules Marinières (Sailor-Style Mussels) Recipe (2024)


What's the difference between mussels and moules? ›

Moules Marinières is a French mussel cooked with white wine, onions, parsley, and other vegetables. The name means "mariner's mussels," a traditional dish eaten by fishermen on their boats. Moules Marinières are usually served with drawn butter, garlic, broth (or wine), and herbs.

What is in marinière sauce? ›

The Fish Society Mariniere Sauce

Our homemade sauce is a wonderful combination of double cream, shallots, butter, garlic, thyme, parsley, bay leaves and a splash of white wine. This sauce is perfect to keep in the freezer for when you don't know what to make for dinner!

Why do you soak mussels in flour and water? ›

Soaking live mussels in flour water cleans out any remaining grit, plumps up their meat, accentuates the meat's color to make it more orange, and gives them a creamier texture. The mussels will eventually drown if left in flour water long enough, so only do this a few hours ahead of cooking them.

What wine for moules marinières? ›

Here are some suggestions of wines that will go perfectly with your mussels marinière : A dry white wine will go very well: a white wine from Entre-Deux-Mers in the Bordeaux region. APouilly-Fuméor aVouvray. White wines from Burgundy with aChablis.

Which mussels taste better? ›

Black mussels are “wild” while green mussels are farm raised. Farm raised green mussels are much bigger and more tender but the wild black ones are more flavorful.

What are the 4 types of mussels? ›

The most common are Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), Pacific Blue mussels (Mytilus trossellus), and New Zealand green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus). Like oysters, they are filter-feeders that consume algae and plankton from the water.

How many mussels per person? ›

You should buy 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of mussels per person for a main-course serving. The most common type is the black-colored "blue mussel," but green-shelled New Zealand mussels are popular, too. Mussels are sold live and their shells should be tightly closed, but some may "gape" open slightly.

What to eat with moules marinière? ›

To soak up that delicious garlic herb butter, try dunking some fresh crusty bread (like sourdough or tiger bread) or chunky chips into the sauce. If you want to keep the meal light, serve the mussels alongside rice or a fresh garden salad.

What does moules marinière taste like? ›

The taste of the sea itself. No; the taste of the French coast. Wine, garlic, fresh, unctuous, delectable seafood. That is what Moules Mariniere evokes in me upon each towering, dripping mouthful after mouthful.

Do you drink the broth in mussels? ›

If eating mussels with broth, you can spoon the broth into your mouth or use a piece of bread to soak some of it up for a delicious bite. Take care to dip one piece of bread a time (you can even spear it with your fork) to avoid double dipping.

Should mussels float or sink in water? ›

A partly opened mussel may be dead. To test, squeeze the mussel shut; if it stays shut, the mussel is good; if not, discard it. To check freshness, place the mussels in a bowl of water. If any mussels float, they are dead or empty.

What has to be removed from mussels before cooking? ›

Pick up each mussel and check that it's firmly closed. Discard any mussels that are open – that's very important. Scrub each mussel clean with a stiff brush to get rid of any barnacles, pulling off the hairy 'beard' that sticks out from the shell, if it has one.

What alcohol is best with mussels? ›

For wine, opt for crisp, zingy whites with salty minerality, such as French Muscadet or Chablis (Chardonnay that can actually taste like oyster shells). A snappy pilsner is the beer equivalent and a great choice. Rosé with tomato-based or porky broths.

Which white wine is best for mussels? ›

Pairing your mussels with wine

Mussels topped and baked with garlic and breadcrumbs suit a crisp dry white like a Pinot Grigio or other Italian white, but an unoaked Chardonnay or fruity Sauvignon Blanc such as Sauvignon de Touraine will match well, too.

Are mussels good for you? ›

Your whole body can benefit from eating mussels. Mussels contribute to a healthy heart, being high in omega-3 fatty acids but low in saturated fat. According to research conducted by the Australian Heart Association, these unsaturated fats help to lower the risk of developing abnormal heartbeats.

What is the meaning of Moules? ›

noun. a mussel, esp. an edible variety.

What are the different types of moules? ›

How many species of mussels are there? Four main species supply the European market: the relatively small blue mussel (or common mussel found in the UK), the larger Mediterranean mussel, the New Zealand greenlip mussel and the Chilean mussel.

What type of mussels make pearls? ›

Most cultured pearls today come from Hyriopsis species in Asia, or Amblema species in North America, both members of the related family Unionidae; pearls are also found within species in the genus Unio.

What is Moules in French food? ›

And like so many people from Provence, Guy has a passion for all things seafood, especially mussels, or as the French call them, "moules". Mussels steamed in white wine and served in a sauce made from the cooking liquid with butter and shallots is a classic French preparation of mussels, moules marinières.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.