What Should I Learn? 28 Useful Skills to Learn in 2023 (2024)

What should you learn to stay relevant in 2023 and beyond?

It’s a tricky question to answer. Technologies change all the time, companies come and go, and predictions turn out to be wrong. Still, it’s worth thinking about — both for the professional benefits and the sheer joy of learning something new.

This guide, then, is our attempt to answer the question, “What should I learn?” Some of the skills will be more useful to certain jobs than others, but all of them will benefit you.

In addition to work-related skills, we’ve also included some skills that will make your life better no matter what you do for a living. Some of these you can learn in an afternoon, while others can take years to grasp (most fall somewhere in between).

Here’s a look at some skills we’re fairly sure will be relevant for years to come (and don’t worry, it’s more than programming and computer skills).

Digital Literacy

A lot of guides to what you should learn will say, “learn to program.” But, quite honestly, not everyone should code.

While coding is an extremely useful skill, the world also needs people who can manage companies, come up with business ideas, and sell/market the products that programmers help produce.

However, I do think that everyone can benefit from a certain degree of digital literacy. This means knowing how to use your computer to its fullest potential.

Here are a few computer skills that I consider essential for the modern knowledge worker:

If these seem like elementary skills to you, great! But if you’re not sure about some (or are a bit rusty), then use some of the links above to learn more.

Basic digital literacy will make you a more effective employee and free up time to focus on work tasks (instead of constantly struggling to use your tools).

Written Communication

Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, you still have to write.

Whether it’s an email to your boss, a cover letter for a new job, or even a text to a friend, learning to communicate your ideas in writing will make life a lot easier. And you don’t have to get a degree in English or take some kind of “business communication” class to learn these skills.

Instead, start with our guide to professional communication. And for more specific advice, check out our guides to writing a cover letter and creating a resume. Also, install the Grammarly app, which will catch and fix most spelling and grammar mistakes.

Public Speaking

I know it may be strange to write about public speaking in a time when many in-person events are canceled or postponed, but it’s still a valuable skill even if you’re communicating via video calls or phone.

Great public speaking means communicating your ideas to a group in a clear, compelling way. That’s true whether you’re speaking to an audience of thousands or a handful of people in a conference room.

To start learning public speaking, check out these resources:


How to manage others is a valuable skill (especially as you advance in your career), but we often overlook the skill of self-management. Managing yourself is at the core of this website, and it’s what much of “productivity” advice is really about.

Here are some core principles of self-management that everyone should learn:

  • How to create (and maintain) a calendar
  • How to create (and use) a to-do list
  • How to change your habits
  • How to resist digital distractions
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • How to do a weekly review
  • How to focus deeply

Web Development

While I don’t think everyone should code (or wants to), web development is a very valuable skill to learn if you’re so inclined.

Obviously, you can use it to make money through a job or freelancing. But it also makes it much easier to create and market your projects online. And, it can be extremely fun and exciting (especially with new advancements happening each day). Finally, it’s a great way to get into other more technical (but useful) forms of programming.

To start learning web development, I recommend these resources:

  • Codecademy
  • Treehouse
  • How to Become a Software Developer (According to the Pros) – An interview with two professional software developers with tips on interviews, networking, and building a career once you’ve learned to code.

Also, if learning to program intimidates you, I encourage you to at least learn the basics of HTML. This can make it much easier to maintain your own website (see the next section for more on that).

How to Make a Website

A website is a powerful tool for showcasing your work and impressing prospective employers. It takes more effort to make than a resume, but we think it’s worth it for improving your job prospects.

Plus, it will teach you lots of valuable skills in the process, such as how to buy a domain, maintain a website with WordPress, and even publish your own blog posts.

To get started creating a website, check out our free, comprehensive guide.

How to Cook

Being able to cook food (that you actually enjoy eating) is an underrated skill. There are the obvious benefits of saving money and eating healthier. But cooking can also be tremendously rewarding and fun. It’s a great way to relax, entertain friends, and even impress a date.

If cooking has always eluded you, I recommend these resources to get started:

  • The 4-Hour Chef – This book by Tim Ferriss is what got me into cooking. Great for absolute beginners.
  • Basics with Babish – This video series from Andrew Rae (creator of the Binging with Babish YouTube channel) teaches the basics of cooking just about everything, with new videos added regularly.

How to Exercise and Be Fit

Unless you played lots of sports or came from a particularly fit family, you may never have learned to exercise as a kid. It sounds silly, but I found myself in that situation when I started college. Thankfully, I ended up learning how to create (and stick to) a regular exercise routine.

If you haven’t done the same, I highly recommend it. Being fit makes life a lot more enjoyable, and it’s also a chance to learn some new skills.

Not sure where to start? Nerd Fitness was the website that taught me how to exercise, but you can also just pick an activity you enjoy and do it regularly. Try different things and see what you enjoy.

And remember that there’s no such thing as the “best” exercise program. The best program is the one you’ll actually stick with.


Even if you aren’t a professional designer, learning some basic principles of design can be very useful. You’ll be able to design better-looking presentations…or just more interesting Instagram posts. And if you work with designers in your job, it will make communication much easier.

I’m still a novice in this area myself, but I’ve found these resources helpful:

How to View the World Through Mental Models

Mental models are a concept I discovered back when I was in college (thanks to the Farnam Street blog).

Mental models are different ways of understanding a complex, unpredictable world. They draw from a variety of disciplines (chemistry, physics, statistics, economics, etc.) in an effort to arrive at a more complete, accurate understanding of reality. Being aware of them can help you make better decisions and work more productively.

To start learning about mental models, I recommend this master post from Farnam Street. For a deeper dive, read Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Logic and Reasoning

Logical thinking can be extremely powerful for making better decisions and solving problems. However, most of us receive little training in this area in school. So it’s worth spending some time on your own to learn how to think logically and avoid certain cognitive biases.

To be clear, I’m not recommending you become a robot or a “pure logic” Vulcan. That’s a great way to alienate yourself and lose your friends. But having logical thinking in your mental “toolbox” can be tremendously useful.

To get started, I recommend these resources:


Even if you took a statistics class in high school or college, you may not have learned how to think statistically.

Far more important than being able to calculate the standard deviation is learning how to interpret statistics you encounter in everyday life, such as in online articles or even ads.

Because while statistics can be a powerful tool for making sense of the world, they’re also a great tool for manipulating unsuspecting people. If you don’t want to be one of those people, understanding statistics is key.

The best introduction we’ve found to this topic is How to Lie With Statistics. It explains how people misuse statistics (intentionally or not), and how you can spot shoddy statistical thinking.

We’ve reached a fascinating place technologically. Almost everyone has a device in their pockets that can take HD videos, shoot HDR photos, and record surprisingly decent audio. This has made digital media production more accessible than ever before.

Even if you don’t have aspirations to make videos or shoot photos professionally, learning the basics can be an asset to both your job and personal creative projects. To get started, I recommend these courses:

Also, if you’re a student or educator, you can get a great discount on Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes the apps that pros use for editing video, retouching photos, creating visual effects, and more.

How to Give a Great Job Interview

Job interviews are something all of us have to do in one form or another. While they may not be fun, it is possible to make them less stressful and more positive experiences.

Foremost, remember that a job interview is not an interrogation. It’s just a conversation to help people decide if they can work together in a mutually beneficial way.

Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that. To learn how to rock your next job interview, check out these guides:

  • How to Ace Your Next Job Interview: 35 Proven Tips
  • 4 Tips to Ace Phone Interviews (Plus 8 Practice Interview Questions)
  • 21 (Creative) Answers to Common Interview Questions

How to Network

Networking gets a bad rap. People will call it sleazy, fake, or even manipulative. But if you do it in an authentic way, it can open all kinds of doors that pure skill cannot. Plus, the relationships you make networking can enrich your life and lead to friendships that go beyond the workplace.

In fact, we prefer to think of it not as networking, but as making friends (thanks to Stephen Warley for this idea). Many of those will be friends who share your professional interests and can even help you advance your career. But the focus is on connections first, professional benefits later.

To learn how to network, check out these resources:

  • The Ultimate Networking Guide for Introverts
  • How to Write a Networking Email That Gets a Response

How to Dress Professionally

I spent the first 13 years of my education attending private schools with a strict dress code. This reduced decision fatigue (I never had to think about what I was going to wear), but it also meant that I didn’t learn how to buy quality clothes and put together outfits until I was in college.

The unfortunate reality is that people do pay attention to what you wear and make judgments based on it. So you might as well do your best to dress in a way that gives the impression you want.

For advice on what to wear in a variety of business and professional settings, check out this guide.

How to Play a Musical Instrument

Some people would argue that this isn’t an “essential” skill, but I would disagree. While you may never play professionally, playing music still has benefits. It’s relaxing, challenging, and fun. And it will teach you a lot about how to learn (and practice) new skills.

For those of us who work with computers all day, playing an instrument is also refreshingly analog, physical, and disconnected. Much like exercise, it reminds you that you’re a physical being existing in space, not an abstract mind.

I can’t give you specific resources for learning, as that depends on the instrument and your overall musical knowledge. But YouTube is definitely the place to start. If you can afford it, I’d also encourage you to take a few lessons with a teacher so that you can learn proper technique and avoid bad habits.

How to Speak a New Language

If your only experiences with language learning have been in high school or college, then you may mistakenly believe that you’re “too old” or “not smart enough” to learn a new language as an adult.

However, I challenge you to question those assumptions. You absolutely can learn to fluently speak new languages, and you can do so in less time (and for less money) than you might think.

To start, you need to pick a language. While you could pick a language based on its “usefulness” (such as one of the official languages of the United Nations), it’s better to pick a language you feel a connection to and are interested in.

This could mean learning a language that your ancestors spoke, a language your friends or family members speak, or the language of a country you’ve always wanted to visit. You’re more likely to stick with a language you care about than one you feel obligated to learn.

To start your language learning journey, read this guide from Martin (our web developer and resident polyglot).

How to Make and Use Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets used to intimidate me. I assumed I needed some kind of advanced math or programming knowledge to use them, and I never thought about creating my own.

Once I learned how to use spreadsheets, however, I found myself unable to live without them. They’re a great tool for organizing information, automating calculations, and even making data-driven decisions. I use them to plan complex trips, manage my personal finances, and track certain projects at work.

To get started learning, I encourage you to find a project that a spreadsheet could help you organize. Making something to model your expenses and budget is a good start (see Thomas’ budgeting spreadsheet for some inspiration).

Unless you have a reason to learn Excel specifically, Google Sheets is our recommendation for beginners (it’s free). When you get stuck, just google your question — there’s almost certainly an answer out there.

How to Make Good Coffee (or Tea)

We drink our fair share of caffeine here at College Info Geek, and that habit would get pretty expensive if we were buying all our coffee from Starbucks. Luckily, we’ve learned how to make great caffeinated beverages at home, and you can too.

For coffee, the best thing you can do is buy freshly roasted beans and grind them yourself. They don’t have to be fancy; we drink a lot of bulk beans from Costco and they taste just fine.

But grinding the coffee fresh makes a big difference in the taste (this hand grinder is an affordable, quality option). If you want to make fancier, single cup coffee, then get an Aeropress.

Making great tea at home is even simpler. Buy loose leaf tea and some kind of infuser, and you’re good to go. If you’re tired of waiting for your water to boil on the stove, get an electric kettle.

I buy most of my tea fromAdagio. But if you have a local tea shop, be sure to check that out as well.

How to Ask for a Raise

It’s easy to feel intimidated when discussing money with your boss. But if you don’t ask, you’re unlikely to get a raise (or, at least, as much of a raise as you deserve).

Remember that your company has an incentive to keep you, and giving you a raise is much less expensive than finding, hiring, and training a new employee.

Obviously, you need the job performance to merit a raise, but you also need to make a good case for it. For advice on doing that, read this excellent guide from The Cut.

The Fundamentals of Business

Most of us work for businesses, but how many of us understand how they really work? Of course, you understand the parts of the business that relate to your job duties, but do you really know what they do in HR or accounting?

Even though you’re unlikely to work in every aspect of your company’s business, it’s still useful to understand how the business as a whole works. It will help you collaborate more effectively with other members of your organization, as well as help you sound more intelligent and informed during company meetings. Plus, it’s useful to know if you ever decide to start your own business.

The Personal MBA remains our favorite introduction to the fundamentals of business. It’s concise, full of useful examples, and easy to reference.

How Taxes Work

Unless you went to a particularly practical school, you probably didn’t learn how to do your taxes. But everyone has to do them, so you might as well learn how they work.

I’m not saying that you should manually fill out and file every form of your return — that’s a waste of time.

But it is worth understanding some of what’s going on in the background of your tax preparation software. And if you ever decide to hire an accountant, knowing how to do your own taxes will help you choose a good one.

Taxes can get quite complex (especially if you’re self-employed or own property), but the basics for most employees are simple enough. For a general overview, check out our guide to taxes for college students.

(I recognize this section is U.S.-centric. If you’re from a different country, I’m sure there are similar resources for understanding your country’s tax system, which is probably less complex than that of the United States).

How to Budget and Save Money

In addition to not teaching how to do your taxes, most schools do a poor job of teaching you how to manage your money. But unless you’re living off the grid and producing everything you need to live, you have to deal with money. So you might as well learn how to manage it responsibly.

To learn how to budget and save money, check out our detailed guide (even if you aren’t in college, the advice still applies). I also recommend signing up for an account with Mint, which makes it much easier to see and manage all your different financial accounts.

Basic Investing

If you can learn to budget and save money, you’ll already be ahead of most people. The next step, however, is putting your money to work and saving for retirement.

Investing seems like an extremely complex topic that only Wall Street pros understand, but that’s largely an illusion. Investing is not complicated, everyone should be doing it, and you don’t need a lot of money to get started.

If you’re looking for an easy place to open an investment account, then we recommend Betterment (they also offer a great online checking account). For guidance on how investing works, read our guide to investing for beginners.

How to Perform Basic Home Repairs

Knowing how to fix things around your house or apartment is empowering. Instead of having to wait hours (or days) for your landlord or property manager to fix it, you can do so immediately. And once you own your home, doing your own repairs can save you lots of money.

To get started, buy a basic tool kit. And when you encounter some kind of problem with your place, see if you can figure out how to fix it using YouTube and some google searches. This guide from DIYNetwork is also a useful reference for quick fixes.

Caveat: Please don’t electrocute yourself or flood your house. I’m encouraging you to learn how to make basic, minor repairs. If you have any doubt, call a professional (especially when it comes to electrical or plumbing work). And be sure any work you do is okay with your landlord.

How to Buy a Car

While I wish it weren’t so, owning a car is still a necessity for many people. Therefore, it’s worth understanding how to intelligently buy one.

Mainly, I recommend that you do a lot of research and don’t rush into anything. Shop around (for cars and loans, if you need one). If you can, get a mechanic to look at any used car before you buy it. And be sure to stay within your budget.

For more advice on buying a car, listen to these podcast episodes:

  • A Master Class on Buying a Car – Part 1
  • A Master Class on Buying a Car – Part 2

Also, if you’re not familiar with Car Talk, do yourself a favor and give it a listen. Even if you don’t care about cars, the show is immensely entertaining (not to mention educational).

How to Buy a House

Besides your car, a home is the largest purchase you’re likely to make. Plus, you’re not just purchasing new shoes; you’re buying something that will affect many aspects of your life, every day. So you should give it lots of thought and learn how to do it correctly.

To start, figure out if you can even afford to buy a house. And, if it makes financial sense to do so (if you’re planning to stay somewhere less than five years, for instance, it’s often cheaper to rent). This calculator from The New York Times is very helpful for deciding if you should buy a house in your area and financial situation.

For more home buying guidance, check out this podcast series:

  • How to Buy Your First House, Pt. 1: The Research Process
  • How Much Owning a Home Will ACTUALLY Cost You
  • Buying vs. Renting a Home: What’s the Smartest Choice?

A Lifetime of Skills to Learn

I hope this guide has inspired you to go out and learn something new. Whatever you do, don’t try to learn all the skills on this list at once. It’s much more effective to focus on one or two at a time.

Looking for more free learning resources? Check out our list of the best free online courses.

Image Credits: drafting tools

What Should I Learn? 28 Useful Skills to Learn in 2023 (2024)


What is the best skill to learn in 2023? ›

Top 20 Skills to Learn in 2023
  1. Artificial Intelligence Research. Average salary: $130,000. ...
  2. Machine Learning. Average salary: $130,000. ...
  3. Data Analysis. Average salary: $90,000. ...
  4. Cloud Computing. Average salary: $106,000 (US) ...
  5. Translation. Average Salary: $70,000. ...
  6. Mobile Development. ...
  7. Ethical Hacking. ...
  8. Video Production.
Mar 30, 2024

What do you learn in 2023? ›

Life Lessons Learned in 2023
  • Always be prepared.
  • Take calculate risks.
  • Find your passion and pursue it.
  • Don't be afraid to fail.
  • Take responsibility for your actions.
  • Respect yourself and others.
  • Develop an attitude of gratitude.
  • Find balance in your life.
Mar 23, 2024

What is one skill that everyone should learn? ›


The ability to solve problems may seem simple, but it's a skill you can improve over your lifetime. Solving your own dilemmas doesn't mean you never ask for help.

What is the best skill to learn? ›

Listed are some of the most in-demand skills that you should learn for the future, in order to keep your career secure.
  1. Artificial intelligence. ...
  2. Coding. ...
  3. Cloud computing. ...
  4. Blockchain. ...
  5. UX design. ...
  6. Critical thinking. ...
  7. Emotional intelligence. ...
  8. Communication.

What are the top 3 skills 2023? ›

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2023 report finds analytical thinking, creative thinking and AI and big data will be top in-demand skills by 2027. Leadership and social influence and curiosity and lifelong learning are among other skills expected to see growing demand.

Which skill is most in demand in 2023? ›

In conclusion, the most demanded skills in 2023 – Technology, Digital Marketing, Data Analysis, and Project Management – require continuous learning. By leveraging resources and opportunities, like those provided at NSHM Knowledge Campus<, you can prepare for a future full of potential.

What is your biggest learning in 2023? ›

The 23 Most Important Lessons I Learned in 2023 (That'll Set Your Mind Free)
  1. You never know what you have until it's gone. ...
  2. Focus is power. ...
  3. Your body is hard to repair if you don't look after it. ...
  4. The bull market always comes back. ...
  5. Take the painful situation and get over it fast.
Dec 27, 2023

What is the most profitable skill to learn? ›

Below you can find a list of 15 high-demand, high-income skills to learn, in no particular order:
  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) ...
  2. Cloud computing. ...
  3. Data science. ...
  4. Machine learning. ...
  5. Blockchain technology. ...
  6. Cybersecurity. ...
  7. Digital marketing. ...
  8. Robotics.
Mar 12, 2024

What is the most important thing in 2023? ›

What happened in 2023? Key world events from the past year
  • Earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
  • India takes #1 spot.
  • The lost submersible.
  • Russia-Ukraine war spills into second year.
  • Imran Khan's arrest and Nawaz Sharif's return.
  • The ongoing Israel-Hamas war.
  • Bangladesh elections and protests.
  • A blip in Canada-India relations.
Dec 20, 2023

What are the 9 essential life skills? ›

These life skills include problem solving, critical thinking, communication skills, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal relationship skills, self awareness building skills, empathy and coping with stress skills.

What are 5 life skills? ›

This is the idea behind the Positive Action curriculum and why the following five life skills are critical for your child's development:
  • Emotional intelligence.
  • Money management.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Daily living skills.
  • Communication skills.
Sep 13, 2023

What are the three main life skills? ›

These skills are usually clubbed into three major categories:
  • Thinking skills (critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, decision making)
  • Personal skills (self-awareness, self-management)
  • Interpersonal skills (communication skills, empathy, cooperation etc.)

Which skill is in most demand? ›

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) AI and ML skills are in high demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and manufacturing.

What skills are most sought after in 2024? ›

A mix of both hard and soft skills will be in demand in 2024. On the hard skills side, employers may be looking for candidates who possess advanced tech skills, including programming and coding skills. On the soft skills side, good communication skills and the ability to think critically and creatively are important.

What are the most valuable skills in 2023? ›

These are the top 10 most in-demand hard skills in 2023:
  • Software development.
  • SQL.
  • Finance.
  • Python.
  • Java.
  • Data analysis.
  • JavaScript.
  • Cloud computing.
Feb 16, 2023

What is the best career to start in 2023? ›

Best jobs of 2023
  • Full stack developer.
  • Data engineer.
  • Cloud engineer.
  • Psychiatric nurse.
  • Senior product manager.
  • Back-end developer.
  • Site reliability engineer.
  • Machine learning engineer.
May 18, 2023

What can I improve on in 2023? ›

  • Focus on What You Can Control. ...
  • Set Realistic Goals. ...
  • Get Inspired with TED Talk. ...
  • Declutter Your Environment. ...
  • Keep a Bullet Journal. ...
  • Admitting your Mistakes. ...
  • Face your Fears Head On. ...
  • Don't Shy Away from Feedback.

What is the best skill to learn in 2024? ›

High Income Skills To Learn For The Future 2024 - Top 10
  1. Data Analysis. ...
  2. Software Development. ...
  3. User Experience. ...
  4. Web Development. ...
  5. Project Management. ...
  6. Account Management. ...
  7. Content Creation and Management. ...
  8. Video Editing.
Mar 14, 2024


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.