Soccer Event Dissapointment (2024)


  • Jun 10, 2019
  • #1

The Soccer Game Quest now has two options. One is Explore a province and the other is defeat a large army.
1. It is physically impossible to explore a province when I am already in a continent above my level and cannot gain the goods to negotiate purchasing my first province so that I can explore more. This is a box with no exit as there is no Explore available for me, and will not be until after the Event ends.

2. Even with 209% attack bonus, with Tavern and Color Guard bonus, it is impossible to defeat a large army with 60% bonus. This is a waste of time.

FoE works by encouraging play as a habit. Some choices designed to encourage diamond use and generate a revenue stream are voluntary, like Daily Quests that have complex Negotiations. If one wants to skip that day and continue other play then that is fine. This use of insurmountable tasks in the Event is different because one cannot just skip a day. Not completing the taks ends the Event. That frankly is a much larger issue in leaving a bad taste.

There should always be a way to continue play even if forgoing a daily prize.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 10, 2019
  • #2

1. Not Inno's fault that you raced ahead on the Cmap. You've been around for at least two years, you know what quests are coming, so plan for them.

2. I find it hard not to beat a large army with a 209% bonus. You're doing something wrong; either choosing the wrong units or not taking advantage of terrain or just blindly auto-battling. You should ask for help either here on the forums or from your guild.

3. I did find one disappointing thing: the lady giving out Event quests keeps calling me "Soccer Fan". I hate soccer.

Super Catanian

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 10, 2019
  • #3

Graviton said:

the lady giving out Event quests keeps calling me "Soccer Fan".

Well, who's the one participating in the Event? Soccer Event Dissapointment (3)

Also, it's called "fútbol" where I'm from!

Darth Mole

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 10, 2019
  • #4

All I'm hearing is "Wah, Wah, Wah!"


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 10, 2019
  • #5

Super Catanian said:

Well, who's the one participating in the Event? Soccer Event Dissapointment (6)

I participate 'cause I want those goodies! I don't like American football either but I played that one too.

Also, it's called "fútbol" where I'm from!

You don't wanna know what I call it.


  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #6

"Not Inno's fault that you raced ahead"
"All I'm hearing is "Wah, Wah, Wah!"

All I am hearing is Subservient defense of Authority and Gamer Attitude.
There is no excuse for punishing someone for completing CM sectors. In fact the realization that further advancement is now a rare event until more resources are gathered is an acceptable reason to pause on completing Daily Quests.The cost for forgoing one of those being minor for future game play. If the CM Exploration though were balanced by a more playable alternative then that would have been reasonable. Making it impossible to continue play based on expected levels of risk and cost when an event has 27 more days to run essentially ends the play, and sinks the value of time and game resources spent on the first 18 event quests.

INO made a poor design choice by using the Large Army bonus to 60% instead of a more normal 30% or at most 40%. At the least each of these offered paths should have been the first of a an either/or choice with the second being in the form of accumulate a large but attainable quantity of goods, coins, or supplies. This was simply an engineering design error. It happens all the time and in a game there is no physical harm. This is not NASA. Throwing up defenses instead of simply saying "Ooops. Something went wrong. We have to fix this and make it good." is a larger problem.


  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #7

Duncan Scotus said:

1. It is physically impossible to explore a province when I am already in a continent above my level and cannot gain the goods to negotiate purchasing my first province so that I can explore more. This is a box with no exit as there is no Explore available for me, and will not be until after the Event ends.

This is a fault with your game play choices, not with the game or event quest. Consequences for choices. Why do so many players not understand that simple concept?

Duncan Scotus said:

2. Even with 209% attack bonus, with Tavern and Color Guard bonus, it is impossible to defeat a large army with 60% bonus. This is a waste of time.

That is also a player problem, not a game problem. If you have an army with 209% attack boost and you can't beat an army with 60% boost, there's an issue with your fighting. I beat two wave armies all the time that have higher boosts than that while having a lower boost than you do. You should post in the Questions section of the Forum and ask for fighting tips, making sure to specify the age and type of the units from both your army and the defending army.

Duncan Scotus said:

This use of insurmountable tasks in the Event

These tasks are only insurmountable because of your game play abilities and choices, to be frank. They are not even a challenge for most players.

And speaking of sections of the Forum, I am going to move this to Forge Hall, as Game Room is not the right place for a thread like this.

Triopoly Champion

Active Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #8

Graviton said:

2. I find it hard not to beat a large army with a 209% bonus.

The only possibility is that the owner doesn't have Alcatraz GB, I'm in Colonial with 181% attack boost, I can defeat 2 waves of 90% boosted enemies.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #9

Duncan Scotus said:

Throwing up defenses instead of simply saying "Ooops. Something went wrong. We have to fix this and make it good." is a larger problem.

Sorry. The only problem is your inability to defeat an army with a 60% boost. When the Daily Challenge first introduced direct battles, I had the same problem as I had built up the ability to complete GE 4 negotiating once fighting got too hard. I fixed the problem in a couple weeks by building and leveling CoA and getting Zues and CdM to level 10. After adding another 30% attack boost, I was able to fight and win with minimal losses.

Because I built my city to complete every daily challenge task thrown at me, including the worst of the fighting quests, what is an event stopper for you, is not even a road bump for me. I have 2 cities. One in HMA, one in LMA. Defeating a 60% double wave army is not an issue in either city. Does that mean farmers need to become fighters? No. But it does mean farmers cannot escape fights completely and need to build up minimal fighting abilities to complete all the tasks in the game.

Sorry this is an event stopper for you, but you've also made the choice to push the map beyond your ability to fight or negotiate.

200% attack boost should absolutely be enough to defeat an army with a 60% boost no problem. My HMA city has 152 / 96, but I've been able to beat that, with rogues since I had 100 / 75 or so. 100 / 75% is Zues, CoA, and CdM at level 8, plus whatever attack boost you get from the special buildings you have in your city.

Anyway, doesn't sound like you much want to solve the problem, but there's no reason why you can't. As such, there's not reason to think that Inno made an oopsie. In fact, you've committed the oopsie by leaving yourself unable to complete minimal fights. No, I don't GvG. I don't fight all 4 levels of GE. But I can fight when I need to.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #10

Duncan Scotus said:

The Soccer Game Quest now has two options. One is Explore a province and the other is defeat a large army.
1. It is physically impossible to explore a province when I am already in a continent above my level and cannot gain the goods to negotiate purchasing my first province so that I can explore more. This is a box with no exit as there is no Explore available for me, and will not be until after the Event ends.

Who got you there? You or Inno?

Duncan Scotus said:

2. Even with 209% attack bonus, with Tavern and Color Guard bonus, it is impossible to defeat a large army with 60% bonus. This is a waste of time.

Only if you keep using autobattle. Otherwise it is a piece of cake.

Duncan Scotus said:

FoE works by encouraging play as a habit. Some choices designed to encourage diamond use and generate a revenue stream are voluntary, like Daily Quests that have complex Negotiations. If one wants to skip that day and continue other play then that is fine. This use of insurmountable tasks in the Event is different because one cannot just skip a day. Not completing the taks ends the Event. That frankly is a much larger issue in leaving a bad taste.

You can hardly blame Inno if you rushed the continent map and are a lousy fighter.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #11

Oh, c'mon folks, the problem is pretty damn obvious. Four simple words:

Duncan Scotus said:

and Color Guard bonus

What Era are you in?

Lvl 12 Zeus, lvl 11 CdM, lvl 11 CoA.

And i do NOT understand this at all:

Duncan Scotus said:

cannot gain the goods

Why can;t you get Goods to Negotiate?

EDIT: Oh. Now I get it. You have been in a one member Guild for a long time and either have no Friends of advanced Era or don't have the Resources to trade for the Goods you need. Or maybe you haven't even tried trading for or buying the Goods?

You really do make a lot of uhhh, shall we say, sub-optimal? game play choices.

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Well-Known Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #12

Instead of being disappointed, which will not help you complete that quest, you could ask for help. You should be able to easily defeat that army with your boost, so you're doing something wrong. Take a screenshot of the army you're facing and some players will be happy to help you with which units to choose. And unless you're below EMA, bench that Color Guard.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 11, 2019
  • #13

Pythagoras 1290 The Dire said:

Instead of being disappointed, which will not help you complete that quest, you could ask for help. You should be able to easily defeat that army with your boost, so you're doing something wrong. Take a screenshot of the army you're facing and some players will be happy to help you with which units to choose. And unless you're below EMA, bench that Color Guard.

only thing i use color guards for is some gvg segies.....before my guild eplaces the army ith asomthing else when we take the sector.and i dont try to get tgem either..they are given to me somtimes in players for events, fo example this event
so yeah stop using the color guard


  • Jun 16, 2019
  • #14

Duncan Scotus said:

The Soccer Game Quest now has two options. One is Explore a province and the other is defeat a large army.
1. It is physically impossible to explore a province when I am already in a continent above my level and cannot gain the goods to negotiate purchasing my first province so that I can explore more. This is a box with no exit as there is no Explore available for me, and will not be until after the Event ends.

2. Even with 209% attack bonus, with Tavern and Color Guard bonus, it is impossible to defeat a large army with 60% bonus. This is a waste of time.

FoE works by encouraging play as a habit. Some choices designed to encourage diamond use and generate a revenue stream are voluntary, like Daily Quests that have complex Negotiations. If one wants to skip that day and continue other play then that is fine. This use of insurmountable tasks in the Event is different because one cannot just skip a day. Not completing the taks ends the Event. That frankly is a much larger issue in leaving a bad taste.

There should always be a way to continue play even if forgoing a daily prize.

I am lma finishing up the arctic future map — i manage fine ... with better planning you can too


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 16, 2019
  • #15

From the "Glass Half Full" files....

At one point, there would have been no alternatives. The quest step would have offered you a "choice" of "Scout A New Province" or "End Your Event Progress Right Now".

The player base was on Inno for- literally- years to provide alternatives for quest step completions. This is one of those instances in which they listened to us.

Alfred Rex

  • Jun 19, 2019
  • #16

Talk about disappointment-the only thing I really wanted from this event was the Tholos upgrade kits. I just spent nearly 4,000 energy drinks across two worlds and got exactly ZERO kits!

Sheriff Of Rottingham

Active Member
  • Jun 19, 2019
  • #17

Alfred Rex said:

Talk about disappointment-the only thing I really wanted from this event was the Tholos upgrade kits. I just spent nearly 4,000 energy drinks across two worlds and got exactly ZERO kits!

INNO says "gimmie the cash!"


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  • Jun 22, 2019
  • #18

Duncan Scotus said:

The Soccer Game Quest now has two options. One is Explore a province and the other is defeat a large army.
1. It is physically impossible to explore a province when I am already in a continent above my level and cannot gain the goods to negotiate purchasing my first province so that I can explore more. This is a box with no exit as there is no Explore available for me, and will not be until after the Event ends.

2. Even with 209% attack bonus, with Tavern and Color Guard bonus, it is impossible to defeat a large army with 60% bonus. This is a waste of time.

FoE works by encouraging play as a habit. Some choices designed to encourage diamond use and generate a revenue stream are voluntary, like Daily Quests that have complex Negotiations. If one wants to skip that day and continue other play then that is fine. This use of insurmountable tasks in the Event is different because one cannot just skip a day. Not completing the taks ends the Event. That frankly is a much larger issue in leaving a bad taste.

There should always be a way to continue play even if forgoing a daily prize.

Thank you. I’m having the same problem. I’ve been playing FoE since 2013; I cannot get past this quest. I’m on the desert continent; I cannot scout a province, and now I can’t go any farther in this quest because I can’t defeat the army. I have used bonus, champions, and I have Alcatraz adding to my weapons, but this one is just too danged hard.


  • Jun 24, 2019
  • #19

Alfred Rex said:

Talk about disappointment-the only thing I really wanted from this event was the Tholos upgrade kits. I just spent nearly 4,000 energy drinks across two worlds and got exactly ZERO kits!

I spent 4k energy drinks and got 10 kits...


  • Jun 24, 2019
  • #20

wish the divine pack had an upgrade option/choice. a lot of opportunity to get the altars not enough to up grade them

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Soccer Event Dissapointment (2024)


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