Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict (2024)

by edwinflores428

First published

The main guild members of the powerful wizard Fairy Tail are transported to Equestria: expect dragon slaying and comedy along the way!

When the title & power of Dragon Lord passes down to Garble, the dragons of the world viciously unite and strike Equestria which was still recovering from Tirek's destruction. After many devastating casualties the princesses send word for dire help...more specifically the magical nation of Fiore....

A collab between me and yellowpikmin88 over in DeviantArt!

Featured on 8/16/2016; 10/5/2016; 10/8/2016; 11/24/2016

It has been a few months since the defeat of the magic-stealing demon Tirek by the Elements of Harmony, with the new Rainbow Power at their disposal and a new crystal castle given to Princess Twilight by the Tree of Harmony Equestria has entered a peaceful break. However in the far south, where the sweltering volcanic Dragon Lands reside, a large group of dragons, mainly in their teens had amassed before large outcrop of volcanic rock. Several of them are Garble and his gang of thugs who you may remember as the young Dragon Spike's temporary mentors during the Great Dragon Migration.

The dragons that have amassed range from 50-100 strong, a rather sizable force considering their strength and very deadly to any ordinary pony whether they be unicorn, earth pony or pegasi. Finally, the deep red colored teen dragon steps up to a high vantage point overlooking the massive army.

"Finally. The gang's all here" Garble growls

He glares at all of the dragons with a heavy intimidating glare with each of the dragons stiffing up at the sight.

"Everydragon listen up and listen good!" Garble yelled with a commanding voice. "The time has finally come to prove to those namby-pamby ponies that this land belongs to the dragons!" He clenches his fist and raised it to the air. "Those ponies have had it good for too long! It's time to show them who's top of the food chain and their true masters are!!"

"Can we really win when they have the Spirit of Chaos and four Alicorns at their disposal though?" Asks one of the other dragons doubtfully.

"What are you guys too chicken like that tiny little squirt Spike!?" Garble angrily glared at the doubting dragon remembering that waste of space of a dragon and his girly pony pals. How dare he humiliate him during the phoenix egg raid after he took him in to teach him how to be a TRUE dragon.

"NO!!" the dragons denied.

"Then let's show them what we're made of!! We'll steal everything that's nailed down and shiny and burn everything else!!" Garble grinned evilly "and then we'll steal their magical secrets, defeat those namby-pamby princesses, end the Spirit the Chaos and all of Equestria will be ours to dominate!!!"

"Oh so that's how we'll beat Discord!" the other dragon realized.

"Exactly!" garble grinned. "So who's with me?!"

They large dragon army roars in approval all following Garble as the leader of their group.

"Follow Garble!!!" one dragon yelled.

"Make him king of them all!!!" another cheered as Garble grinned at let out a dark and evil laugh.

Miles and Miles to the North, beyond the Badlands, pass the deserts, over the hills and far away from the Dragon Lands lies the quant town of Ponyville where newly crowned Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle resides in her new Crystal Palace given by the Tree of Harmony as a gift after defeating Tirek (at the price of loosing the Golden Oaks Library). It is also where little Spike the dragon, #1 assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, was busy getting used to the new castle.

"Why does this place have to be so big?" He sadly sighed reminiscing the Golden Oaks Library which was their old home that had exploded to smithereens by Tirek's magic. As he walks along the halls he suddenly gets a weird feeling of dread forcing him to stop in his tracks and grimace at the sudden feeling. Twilight, who was passing by with some new books also took notice..

"Spike? Are you ok?" twilight asks concerned for her little brother.

"I-I'm not sure.....I just got a really bad feeling in my gut....like something really big and bad just happened." Spike said worriedly as he looks at Twilight. She then hugs him close to comfort him however as the day slowly begins, the mail arrives to some of our heroes homes bringing some dire news.

Over at Rarity's Carousel Boutique, where the elegant unicorn mare has just started her day. A letter from an old friend arrives "Hmm what's this? Ah~! A letter from my dear friend Coco, it's been I a while since I've heard from her isn't it my precious Opal~?" Rarity baby talked to her sleeping cat. But as she opens it up and reads it, she soon grimaces..

Rarity it's Coco. I wish I could've written this on happier times but something's happened! Whole jewelry stores have been robbed clean, homes set ablaze, even.....even your fashion line from the competition was torn to shreds!! We're trying our best to help everypony following your generosity, I hope you're safe as well. -Your friend Coco.

Rarity had her hoof on her mouth trying her best to fight back to tears from the dire news of her friend. Yet over to Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple family recieved equally bad news from their relatives in Apploosa.

"C-cousin Braeburn....." Applebloom said in a worried tone.

".....nope" Big Macintosh said in a stoic tone.

My dear family, we were attack and hit hard. All of our crops and homes have turned to cinders, we're barely making do with what we have left! Thank Celestia that the we and the buffalo are on friendly terms now.....it's all gone, our town, our home even our train station....all gone. But we are all safe and hopefully we can rebuild..... your cousin Braeburn

Applejack herself, can only place her prized stetson hat over her heart, mourning for her family.

But all the way to the capital city of Canterlot where Princess Celestia, being the princess that she is was busy looking over her reports of all the damage that have appeared over the past 10 hours. Whole settlements burned down, thousands of banks and jewelry stores robbed down to the bone. Even the Diamond Dog tribes reported horrible burns and their entire hauls swiped clean. This was not a good day at all.

"Sister, you seem troubled. Has Tartarus been breached again?!" Luna asked worriedly sensing her sister's worry.

"No my dear sister.....but I fear for something much worse" Celestia replied to her little sister showing her the reports

"Fire damage....jewel robberies...not even the Diamond Dogs were spared. Could this be a dragon strike!?" Luna asked worriedly.

"We have to consider that possibility, I fear the long time peace we've had with the dragons has finally crumbled" she said in a sad tone.

"But the elders have gone to their hibernation! There's no way they could let this happen unless provoked!" Luna added.

"however, our ponies are getting hurt we must act quickly." She levitates a paper to her and starts writing "I'll summon the elements and maybe we can negotiate a peace once more" Celestia answered but as soon as she was about to send her letter a bright red lava bomb crashes into the throne room causing some of the elegant tapestries to catch fire!

"What in Equestria!?" one of the servants screamed as she gather the others and tries to put out the flames. Only Luna and Celestia remained silent as they see a scroll sticking out of the hot pyroclastic rock. Using her magic Luna carefully picked up the scroll, unraveled it, and read it alongside her sister.

Listen here you namby-pamby princesses!! You've had it too good for too long!! It's time we remind who's really boss of this world and that's us the Dragon Hoard!! I've amassed over 100 of us and our numbers grow! Try beating us Sun-butt!! -Garble, King of the Dragons

"Lt. Front Assault!!" Celestia called for a guard.

"Yes your highness?" Front asked.

"Send word to both Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence.... as well as start building Equestria's defenses and military" Celestia grimaced as the guard quickly bows and heads immediately to do the tasks.


"I fear we may need outside help for this one little sister..." Celestia said as Luna gasped.

"Outside help? What do you mean sister?"

Celestia could only sigh as she summons a specific scroll and starts writing while telling Luna her story. "Long ago.....in a magical kingdom named Fiore...."


In the magical nation of Fiore, in the sprawling city of Magnolia stands a proud wizard guild building that has recently been rebuilt. After winning the Grand Magic Games and holding off the dragon invasion, the magical guild of Fairy Tail has earned back their respect, guild hall and reputation!

"Oh yeah! Now we're really back in business!" Natsu Dragneel cheered.

"Aye Sir!" his blue Exceed companion Happy equally cheered.

Gajeel was busy chewing of some scrap metal, while Grey was relaxing on one of the tables.

"Jeez, does he have to be so loud?" Grey said as he unknowingly took off his shirt and eventually stripping down to his boxers.

"Gray your clothes." Cana reminded him casually

"ack!!!" He freaks out again while Juvia is hiding behind a table, being lovestruck as usual.

"He's so cute when he's embarrassed" Juvia said to herself with her face as red Erza's hair.

"So master, looks like the guild it's back to it's lively self huh?" Mirajane said to Mastar Makarov serving a drink to him.

"Yep. No more cramming everyone into that little shack we had to substitute with." Makarov grinned chugging down said drink. Mira could only nod in approval and head back to work

"NATSU! GAJEEL!" the dragon slayers looked to see Wendy running towards them waving a job poster in her hand.

"Hmm? what is it Wendy?" the celestial spirit wizard Lucy asked.

"It's a job request but it's huge!!!!" Wendy exclaimed as her exceed Charla flew next to her.

"We knew it's something we can't do ourselves so it would be wise to show everyone..." she said while Happy blushed.

"Well what is i-WOW WOW WOW!!!!!" Levi exclaimed holding up the job request.

Powerful beings needed for dragon slaying. Reward: 100,000,000 jewel.

Happy's eyes widen "HOLY SMOKES!!! 100 MILLION JEWEL!?"

Lucy immediately dashes to the paper "100 million!? That will pay my rent for years! in fact I could actually buy a home of my own!!"

"You could even get your novel published!" Levy suggested.

"Hold the damn Lacrima! I want a slice of this too! I could finally buy a new guitar!" Gajeel butted in.

"SHOALS AND SHOALS OF FISH FOR ME~!!!" Happy sang as he fluttered around dreamily.

"No way! I'm gonna buy a brewery so we don't have to buy booze anymore for the guild! We could just make our own endless supply!" Cana smirked.

"Oh just imagine the outfits I could buy with that money." Erza blushed at the thought of many suits of armor and fancy clothes.

"That's gotta be the manliest reward I've ever seen!" Elfman grinned.

"I can get new outfits~" Lisanna added.

"I want in..." Laxus smirked.

"With 100 million jewel we'll be the richest guild in Firore~!!" Makarov exclaimed

"And best of all. This could finally be our lead to finding Igneel, Grandeen and Metalicana!" Natsu yelled.

Wendy gasped happily "Grandeen~!"

Gajeel scoffed "Peh! I don't give a damn about that lizard after he abandoned me. I just want the cash. And maybe give him a hard kick in the teeth if I happen to see him, unlikely as that is."

"Oi oi oi, you shouldn't disrespect your own teacher and father would you metal face!?" Natsu started to get up at Gajeel's face.

"Disrespect?! What kind of respect did he have after he flew away like a fat bird without so much as a 'see ya'?!" Gajeel angrily scowled.

"Boys....." Natsu and Gajeel flinch as Erza speaks up.

"Alright. We all have our desires for this reward but first we have to earn it. So let's show our client the Magic Games was just as warm up for Fairy Tail!" Makarov cheers as the guild mates raise their fingers in salute.

"Hey what's this?" Natsu spotted at the bottom of the flier. "'Recite this passage to be summoned to client.'"

"An enchanted passage?" Panther Lily asked

Freed takes a look at the flier.

"It's a gateway enchantment. When recited, those within its range will be transported to where the other gateway is inscribed."

All of the guild members gather around the flyer..

"Alright!! Read it already!! I'm all fired up!!" Natsu exclaimed.

Freed recites the enchantment before a sizable chunk of the guild members are surrounded by walls of encryption which proceed to envelop them

"Um...guys....I have a weird feeling about this!!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Maybe you ate something funny." Happy giggled

A bright light shining at the very top of the column appears as wind starts blowing from the ground up in a vacuum style motion with Happy, Carla and Lily beign the lightest are the first to be lifted off the ground by the wind. And eventually the rest of the guild members are lifted up to the light!

"Whoa!! Check it out we're floating!!" Natsu exclaimed

"You're too casual about this!" Lucy shouted holding down her skirt due to the strong winds.

"Kya!! Grey-sama hold me!!" Juvia cried as she floated next to Grey although he tries his best to push her away (accidentally grabbing her breasts in the process). Despite their efforts to hold on, the group are pulled up and away

"WHOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" They are all sucked up into the light before they all disappear, leaving the Guild Hall empty once more. After a great light engulfs them they wake up in what appears to be a town.

"Ugh I feel dizzy" Happy said with swirls on his eyes. As they recover from the mass teleportation the guild members looked around to see the town appeared to be deserted save for an occasional tumbleweed.

"Is this where we're supposed to meet the client?" Gray asked.

"Hey!! Anyone home!?" Natsu yelled. "We're here for the dragon job!"

"This is weird. Why is this place a ghost town?" Lucy wondered.

"I knew it." Gajeel huffed. "It's a trap just like when Salamander got tricked into getting stuffed into that robo-dragon by that four eyed maniac.

"Hey!!" Natsu angrily said.

"Well....it does look like a peaceful town!" Mira examined.

"Oh you've made it!" a voice sounded from behind the group of mages. They turned to see Spike standing there. "Wow you look just like the humans I met with Twilight once. Only you all have the same skin."

The group looked at the baby dragon for a few seconds before Gray lifted his hand

"Ice make: cage" he said before Spike was sealed inside a small ice birdcage.

"What the?!"

"Well that was easy!" Natsu laughed squatting in front of the cage.

"See I told you this client was screwing us." Gajeel said. "We get called here to hunt dragons and we get a purple lizard. Pipsqueak didn't even try to fight back."

"Maybe he can tells us where's Igneel and the others are!!" Natsu exclaimed before eagerly approaching the cave. "Alright baby dragon, talk! Where's Igneel, Metallicana and Grandeen!?"


"Wow this is such a joke." Cana laughed. "One hundred million for this squirt? Who's our client? The cricket you tried to eat for lunch?" she then asked the dragon.

"Wait wait wait!! I'm not the dragon you're hunting!! You got the wrong drake!!" Spike banged at the icy cage trying to escape.

"Or maybe you're associated with the one we were called for. Talk." Erza demanded.

"Yes!! What the red-head said!! The princesses put up the ad!!" Spike yelled

"Princesses? Oh crap! Did I not fully destroys the Eclipse gate?!" Natsu said

"There's more than one princess!?" Wendy added.

"Eclipse Gate? What's that?" Spike asked.

"Alright, alright. let's just all calm down." Markov spoke up. "Let's start at the beginning, dragon. Who is our client and where exactly in Fiore are we?"

"Y-you all are in Equestria! The princesses are used a dimensional spell to bring you all here!" Spike nervously replied.

"wait what!!!? Dimensional spells!? You mean that we're....!?" Lisanna gasped

"In a completely different world.." Erza finished as the guild members gasped.

"so...uh......can you let me out now? It's starting to get cramped in here!" Spike asked.

After Gray released Spike from his ice cage, the little dragon began to lead the group of wizards through the small town. The Fairy Tail family seemed a little confused by the fact that the town was deserted, though some would occasionally catch a glimpse of a peeking silhouette in one of the windows.

“I don’t like this. The last time we found a deserted town it turned into a bunch of inedible monsters.” Natsu said.

“Please don’t remind me of how bad those things tasted.” Lucy grimaced.

“So where exactly are we meeting our client, Mr Spike?” Wendy asked. The baby dragon grinned at the formality.

“Mr. Well, well. She’s just inside the castle up ahead.” He pointed to a rather bizarre but beautiful castle that resembled a crystalline tree with a star shaped spire. “Right this way Sirs and Madams.” He added opening the door to let them in.

“He’s quite chivalrous for a dragon, even though he’s the first I’ve met…and seen.” Carla commented as they entered the building. The long hallways which they paced through had many pictures hanging on them which, to the intriguing confusion of the group, all showed images of brightly coloured horses.

“I take it this client of ours, uhh, really likes horses don’t they?” Lisanna asked.

“Maybe she owns a stable.” Happy assumed.

“Well…not exactly.” Spike muttered as he stopped walking upon reaching a large door that touched the ceiling before he turned around to face the guild. “Ok. When we go in you’re gonna meet the ones who summoned you here but…you’re also probably gonna be quite surprised. Just, keep an open mind, be cool.” The mages looked amongst themselves in puzzlement before Spike pushed the door open; they stepped in and got a clear view of the occupants. There, standing before a circle of thrones were eight of those colourful horses, all of them female upon closer inspection. Two of which were a couple feet taller than the other six and bore tiaras atop their heads while also sporting a long pointed horn and a pair of wings, along with flowing manes. One was pure white with a marbled mane of blue pink and green whilst the other was dark blue with a mane of different shades of the same colour, reminiscent of the night sky. The remaining six were another story. Two of them had wings; one was cyan blue with magenta eyes and a rainbow coloured mane and tail whilst the other was a creamy yellow with a soft pink mane who seemed to be cowering slightly behind the cyan one who looked ready to fight. The next two didn’t have any wings or horns; one was bright orange with freckles and green eyes plus a blonde mane and tail, both sporting a red scrucnhy at the end. The second was light pink like cotton candy whilst her mane bared a striking resemblance to the sweet treat though a much darker shade of pink whilst her eyes were big and blue as they sparkled with excitement. The final two of the smaller horses sported the same pointed horns on their foreheads; the first was snowy white and soft like a marshmallow with a twirled purple mane that brought out her dazzling blue eyes whilst the second though having a horn also had a pair of wings like the larger horses. She was lavender purple with a darker shade of mane with streaks of hot pink whilst her eyes were a soft violet colour. The Fairy Tail mages looked at the bunch of animals before Gajeel glared at Spike.

“Is this some kind of joke, pipsqueak? We didn’t come here to feed some oats to a bunch of damn skittle themed ponies. We’re here to work so take us to whoever’s in charge here.” Though the awkward silence was broken by the sound of giggling which surprisingly was coming from the pink pony.

“I like him. He’s silly.” She….spoke. The mages froze upon hearing her.

“Did…did that horse just speak?” Lucy murmured.

“Well sure I can talk, dummy.” The pony replied earning a second gasp from the group. Cana blinked as she looked down at the bottle of drink she was holding before tossing it out the window of the castle which earned a distant ‘Ow!’ from someone below. Some of the guild members rubbed their eyes or smacked themselves across the face. That was until Natsu cemented the reality of the situation.

“TALKING RAINBOW HORSES!!” he squawked in such surprise that he let out a belch of flames which the ponies had to scatter to avoid being singed as it shot passed them and hit the curtains setting them ablaze.

“AAAHH!!! NOT THE DRAPES~!!” the white unicorn screamed in abject horror as she tried to blow them out to no avail.

“Natsu you oaf!” Erza scolded as she clocked him over the head. “Juvia would you kindly?” the rain woman nodded before she sent a jet of water at the burning curtains, dousing the flames instantly but splashing the white mare in the process.

“MY MANE! UGH! Princess Celestia, with all due respect, these ‘guests’ are acting rather destructive.”

“I’m rather surprised by their capabilities as well, Rarity but I’m sure they meant no harm.” The tall white horse with the flowing mane said gently before facing the group of befuddled mages. “I understand you all must be quite baffled by our…form shall we say. But Spike wasn’t lying. We are your client.” Though Fairy Tail was still rather uncomprehensive, Makarov cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

“I am Makarov; Guild Master of Fairy Tail.” He introduced.

“Pleased to meet you. My Name is Princess Celestia and this is my Sister, Princess Luna.” The white horse acquainted.

“Hello.” The dark blue horse quickly added.

“We are the rulers of the land of Equestria.” Celestia continued.

“Then shouldn’t you be Queen Celestia?” Wendy asked a little puzzled causing Celestia to chuckle.

“If I had a bit. Since my Sister and I both rule this kingdom, neither of us considered ourselves superior than the other so we choose not to carry the title of Queen.” She explained.

“Interesting. So we have been summoned to this animal populated country on your behest?” Erza said.

“That is correct.” Luna replied.

“And I’m guessing the entire population of this land is a horse as well?” Erza assumed.

“That is also true.”

“Good. Did you get that, Natsu?”

“Yeah I gotcha. But still…” Natsu stared at the colourful equus as the yellow one shrank further behind her friends letting out a timid whimper. Lucy, deciding the awkwardness had lingered enough cleared her own throat to gain attention.

“Well aside from the fact that we’re different species, a friendly introduction’s always welcome. I’m Lucy Heartfilia.” She then went over to the purple winged unicorn and held her hand out. “What’s your name?” the pony looked at the celestial mage before smiling as she placed her hoof in her hand.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle. How do you do?” she greeted earning a friendly smile back from Lucy. “And these are my friends.” She added with a gesture to the five other ponies. The orange one glanced between them before she trotted over to Gray and tipped her hat as she offered her hoof.

“Howdy. I’m Applejack. Salutations.” Gray blinked before he shook her hoof.

“Gray Fullbuster. I’m an Icemake Wizard.” He introduced. Applejack grinned before her eyes suddenly widened.

“Um…beg your pardon, sugar cube. I don’t know much about human behavior but, uh…are you supposed to have such a small amount clothing on for a species your size?” Gray glanced down and yelped when he noticed he’d once again unknowingly stripped down to his drawers much to his comrades’ embarrassment/amusem*nt or in Juvia’s cause amoration.

“Stripping with one hand while shaking the other! That’s gotta be a new record for you!” Natsu laughed before he found himself butting heads with Gray.

“At least I’m capable of doing things with one hand! You can’t even pull off a shoe with one hand, brimstone breath!”

“I don’t wear shoes I wear sandals, ice for brains!” Natsu ranted back.

“Are those two alright?” Applejack asked at a loss.

“They do it all the time.” Erza sighed before she shot a piercing glare at them “I thought I told you boys to stop fighting!”

“EEP! YES MA’AM!” Gray yelped as he and Natsu suddenly put their arms around each other’s shoulders in a friendly manner though they were both sweating bullets.

“Aye, Sir.” Natsu whimpered.

“Stop talking like Happy, it’s weird.” Lucy muttered.

“You’re all weird.” The cyan Pegasus said earning a glare from Gajeel.

“Got something to say about us, Skittles? I don’t know about you but you’re not exactly ordinary for a horse. Last I checked they didn’t have wings or look like an accident at the hairspray factory.” The Pegasus snorted before she got right up in the iron dragon slayers face, completely fearless as he grinned at her.

“Well I’m not the one who had an accident with a nail gun, rivet face! And the name’s Rainbow Dash; remember it!”

“Whatever you say, Rainbow Crash.” Gajeel snickered.

“Oh no you didn’t!” Rainbow Dash said before she began throwing kicks and punches at Gajeel who laughed mockingly as his skin coated itself in iron scales rendering her attacks harmless.

“Is someone tapping me on the shoulder?” he asked earning another angry snort from Rainbow.

“Well looks like Gajeel’s making friends just fine.” Levy grinned sheepishly. “I’m Levy McGarden by the way.” She introduced herself.

“Pleasure.” Twilight smiled.

“Damn. At first I thought I’d drunk too much but now that I know I haven’t, I just threw a good bottle out the window.” Cana sighed.

“Oh you’re thirsty?” the pink pony suddenly spoke up gaining Cana’s attention. “I always keep one of AJ’s ciders around with me in case of an emergency.” She said before pulling on the tip of her mane like a lever and releasing a bottle from it after letting go much to Cana’s surprise. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Cana muttered as she took the bottle and removed the top before taking a whiff. “Hmm, seems good.” She smiled before sipping it and beaming before she downed the bottle in one second. “Wow! That’s some good liquor!”

“Oh there’s no alcohol in my family recipe. Never has, never will.” Applejack said proudly.

“Get out of here. I’ve tried hundreds of cider but nothing like this and you’re telling me it’s nonalcoholic?” Cana questioned in shock.

“You bet your lucky horseshoes it isn’t. Sweet Apple Cider’ll quench ya like a dried up cactus in a monsoon.” Applejack grinned as did Cana.

“Cana Alberona’s the name, Cowgirl.” She said “And how about your pink friend who kindly introduced me to your produce?”

“Me? I’m Pinkie Pie! Top party planner in Ponyville and big time baker.” The pink mare said bouncing on the spot. Erza turned to face her at the mention of baker.

“You bake?” she asked.

“Sure do. Next to parties, baking’s my passion. You stake it, I’ll bake it.” Erza looked at Pinkie before a sparkle glittered in her eyes and smile appeared on her face.

“Can…can you make Strawberry cake?” she asked hopefully.

“Can I?!” Pinkie laughed. “You’re lucky it’s summer. Strawberries are the range here at this time. Strawberry cupcakes, muffins, tarts, cookies, sponges. Like I said you stake it, I bake it.” Erza was now blushing with excitement.

“I’m Erza Scarlet. I think we’ll get along just fine.” She smiled as Pinkie giggled.

“It seems the others are making acquaintances rather well with these mages.” Rarity commented as she and the yellow pony were yet to introduce themselves to the group though they were suddenly approached by the Straus siblings.

“I’m sorry about that little show back there.” Mira apologised.

“I know Natsu can be a bit of a loose cannon but he’s really a big softy if you get to know him.” Lisanna added.

“Yeah the kid’s a real man but a heart he’ll always be a kid.” Elfman laughed.

“I’m Mirajane, just to introduce myself.” The she devil smiled. “And these are my little brother and sister Elfman and Lisanna. What’s yours, Miss?” Rarity smiled a little at Mira’s polite greeting.


“Rarity. What a beautiful name.” Mira replied.

“Not as beautiful as that dress you’re wearing.” The unicorn commented on her wardrobe.

“Oh this old thing? I’ve had it for years.”

“Well you’ve certainly taken good care of it. Your sister has quite the taste too.”

“Oh thank you. Though if you want to talk about fashion you should see Erza. Her power revolves around clothes.” Lisanna said.

“You don’t say?” Rarity looked at the red haired mage who was still in awe listening to Pinkie’s infinite range of baked goods. While the majority of the ponies seemed to be getting acquainted rather well, the yellow one didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic as she remained tucked away from the crowd, not making a peep. Wendy happened to take notice of this and decided to say hello.

“Um…hello.” She greeted startling the pony. “I’m Wendy Marvell. What’s your name?” the yellow pony glanced at the sky maiden before shrinking back a little.

“Um…I’m Fluttershy.” She trailed off into a murmured whisper.

“Pardon?” Wendy asked kneeling down so she wouldn’t seem as intimidating.

“Um…my name is Fluttershy.” She whispered again, backing away timidly. Wendy frowned before she reached out towards the frightened pony who squeaked and closed her eyes before she felt a hand brushing her mane and looked to see Wendy petting her with a gentle smile.

“Don’t be afraid. I know we must seem a bit scary to you but we won’t hurt you.” Wendy reassured as she stroked the pony’s mane. “You’re shy aren’t you? I’m a little shy sometimes too.” The pony looked back at Wendy before a little smile crept onto her face.

“I’m…I’m Fluttershy.” She said clear enough for Wendy to hear this time.

“That’s such a pretty name.” Wendy smiled causing Fluttershy to go a little pink. All the while the Exceed trio were looking at the sky Dragon Slayer as she petted her new friend.

“Leave it to Wendy to help the shy ones open up.” Happy grinned.

“I’d expect nothing less from one such as her.” Carla smiled proudly.

“She has always been one of the gentler members of our guild.” Lily said before Fluttershy spotted them and gasped joyfully and flew into the air, startling Wendy.

“Kittens!” she beamed before she flew over to the Exceeds and gathered them into her arms, cuddling them. “Oh they’re sooo cute~.” She squeed.

“AHH! Not another crazy cat lady!” Happy panicked over his memories of being overly cuddled by Miliana as he flew out of Fluttershy’s arms much to her surprise.

“Unhand me! It’s rude to pick me up without asking me first let alone hug me!” Carla snapped.

“I would appreciate it if you put me down please, Miss.” Lily said.

“Oh my goodness. You can talk! And fly!” Fluttershy gazed in awe as she let go of the cats. “This is so amazing! I’ve never seen flying cats before. Or talking ones. This is just like when I met Spike!”

“Well. I appreciate your fascination but nonetheless it’s only polite to ask for permission before involving me or the boys in such intimate gestures.” Carla said brushing herself off.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were this incredible. I thought you were just normal cats.” Fluttershy apologised.

“Aye. It’s an easy mistake to make.” Happy said.

“You’re excused. I can see you meant no harm.” Said Lily.

“So, what’re your names?”

“I’m Happy.”

“My name is Carla.”

“And I am Pantherlily, but you may call me Lily.”

“And techniqually we aren’t cats. We’re known as Exceeds. Catlike in appearance but we’re actually magical beings.” Carla explained.

“That’s why we can grow wings!” Happy said, fluffing up his wings proudly. “No feline can fly as fast as me.” He added with a grin which earned an intrigued glance from Rainbow Dash.

“Yes we are all born with wings but we’re capable of other feats of magic too.” Lily said. “Example.” He then transformed into his giant form causing Fluttershy to scream and fall on her back after freezing up like a statue. “Oops.” The other ponies chuckled a little.

“Ok enough with the meet a greet.” Laxus spoke up. “I think we deserve a rundown of what we’re here for, please.”

“Ah, yes of course.” Celestia agreed. “You see, we have called you here because our kingdom is under attack…from dragons.” The mages were surprised by this revelation, but Natsu and Wendy were the most shocked that the job poster hadn’t been a hoax. Even Gajeel was a little stunned.

“It would be best if I start from the beginning.”

“Oh wonderful. Long backstories.” Bickslow muttered.

“Boring~! Boring~!” his tiki totems chanted.

“A thousand years ago, my little sister Luna was corrupted by a dark magic. The jealousy she felt for the adoration my subjects gave me for granting them sunlight whilst she was all but neglected by them for only raising the moon and bringing night, twisted her body into a nightmarish form that no longer contained a shred of my dear sister.” Celestia continued as Luna bowed her head in sadness of the memory.

“And so, with a heavy heart, I was forced to seal Luna away in the moon before she hurt anypony, or herself. Having to commit such an act to my only family caused me such pain and sorrow. As such I fell into a deep depression shortly after. My power dwindled and the sun lost its warm welcoming glow and was reduced to a mere light. Of course my subjects didn’t notice the change in the sun but there were others who could see such changes, and what they meant. The dragons quickly realized my weakened state and decided then and there to attack the kingdom as they believed they stood a chance to take over Equestria what with one of the two rulers banished the remainder weakened by heartbreak. It was chaos. So many towns and villages were attacked by their fire and many citizens were hurt, not to mention all the riches that were pilfered from them. I feared the worst.”

“Celestia, you’ve nerve told me about this.” Said Twilight who was just as shocked as her friends by the revelation.

“It’s not a time I choose to remember, Twilight. And I thought telling you would be of no benefit to you or myself.” Celestia said solemnly.

“Then…how did you stop the dragons?” Twilight asked.

“At the state we were in, I couldn’t’ find anything or anyone powerful enough in the kingdom to stand against the dragons. So I instead sought a power outside of my own domain.”

“Meaning...?” Gray asked.

“Our land does have the capabilities of travelling to different worlds. I searched many in an attempt to find a way of defeating the dragons until I eventually found a group of individuals born to fight their species: Dragon Slayers.” Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and Laxus looked at each other. “I requested the services of a group of the mages to help me stop the dragons from overthrowing and destroying the kingdom and they complied. With their magic we were able to push the dragons out of Equestria though some remained in the badlands on the borders of the kingdom. Since then, the dragons have kept to themselves. Occasionally some may take up residence in the kingdom but mainly just for hording their gems or sleeping, but posing no physical threat to the kingdom. Until now that is. Dragon attacks have begun to rise again and I fear that they may be taking a second strike at us and I won’t risk this generation of my ponies to go through the same frightful chaos and suffering as the passed did. That’s why I sent out a request to your world in order to gather Dragon slayers to help stop the threat before it spirals out of control again. I never want to see this land engulfed in fire again. Never again.” Celestia whispered the last part with great fear. The mane six were quite shaken by this. Fluttershy was trembling awfully at the thought of her greatest fear being this dangerous and even Pinkie looked a little scared.

“But, what about us?!” Rainbow piped up. “The only reason the dragons got the upper hoof is because you’d been weakened by having to send Luna away so you couldn’t’ wield the Elements of Harmony. But you have us now! Sure we may have given the elements back to the Tree of Harmony but we have our Rainbow Powers now. I bet if we worked together the six of us could take them.”

“Never underestimate dragons!” Celestia shouted suddenly making the group jump. She suddenly gasped. “I’m sorry. I don’t blame you for your confidence, Rainbow and I know the dragons you’ve encountered yourself haven’t posed much threat…but this time real dragons are involved, not some juvenile growing ones. And when that happens….this is something you and your friends cannot face alone. We need these mages if we’re to assure victory.” The Fairy Tail guild looked at the ponies before Makarov stepped forward.

“We accept.” He spoke in a serious tone. ‘You aren’t’ the only one to have witnessed the destructive capabilities of those beasts.”

“So you’re saying you can fight them?” Celestia asked hopefully.

“We only have four Dragon Slayers in our guild: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and my grandson Laxus. I don’t know if the dragons in your world are different from ours but I agree with you about no underestimating them. We ourselves were lucky to have survived our encounter with them. We could’ve been killed din fact. The truth is we’ve yet to actually defeat one let alone slay it.”

“You’ve never beat a dragon?!” Twilight asked shocked.

“It’s kind of a long story but we are capable of fighting them. And like Gramps said, the ones from our world are likely different from yours.” Laxus reassured.

“Hey now, don’t let that get you down!” Natsu said grinning. “Just you watch we’re gonna get every one of those dragons by the tail and smash ‘em! There’s nothing Fairy Tail can’t do!”

“Always the optimistic one, Natsu?” Lucy said in thought with a smile.

“Salamander’s got the right idea. I’m not missing out on that cash prize and no way in hell are a bunch of lizards gonna stop me!” Gajeel cackled.

“Blunt as an iron bar.” Levy grinned sheepishly.

“Well it seems we have an agreement, Sister.” Luna said.

“Indeed. In that case we are now in partnership.” Celestia declared as she shook Makarov’s hand.

“So when do we get to the dragon hunting?” Natsu said, slamming his fist into his palm whilst grinning enthusiastically.

“So far we have no leads on thein location but we’ve sent one of our allies to investigate. Once thy have a confirmation that’s when we’ll deploy. Until then if any incidents come up we’ll be sure to inform thee immediately. For now, make thyself at home. Thou must take time to adjust to their new environment.” Luna said.

“Hey that’s right!” Lucy spoke up. “Where are we gonna live while here?”

“Well it might be a bit of a squeeze but we should be able to divide you amongst several locations. We weren’t actually expecting this many of you to come.” Twilight said. “I’d recommend you stay either here or any of my friends’ homes. I’m sure the rest of the town will adjust to your presence quickly, but I wouldn’t expect them to leave their doors open to you off the bat.”

“Good point, Twi. I’m more than willing to make room for some of them. Y’all are more than welcome to stay on my Family farm at Sweet Apple Acres for your stay, or at least as many as we can stuff in the barn that is.” Applejack chortled.

“Farm huh? Well where there’s a farm there’s work. Hard work. Sounds like the place for a real man.” Elfman grinned.

“Sounds pretty relaxing. Plus I’d have to agree with Elfman. Always good to work up a sweat.” Juvia held her breath at the mention.

“I’m coming too!” she quickly added. “I’d be happy to return the accommodation by watering your orchards.”

“Well I don’t know about you, Juvia, but I wanna get me more of that cider so I’m sure as hell coming.” Cana grinned.

“Well I would be remiss if I didn’t welcome our guests too.” Rarity spoke. “Anyone’s welcome at my boutique, though I don’t have as much space as Applejack. Though, I would appreciate it if you do stay you’re reasonably tidy.” Mira chuckled.

“Well I’d be honoured to accept your invitation, Rarity. And while I’m sure they appreciate the offer I should warn you the boys can be a little wild, well most of them.” One look was enough to convince Rarity who nodded to Mira. “Say, Erza. Maybe you’d like to stay since your magic is based entirely on clothing.” Mira added.

“She uses magic for clothing too?” Rarity asked, surprised.

“Oh yes. She has a vast variety of outfits and armour she keeps in a pocket dimension. She’s able to switch between them at will.”

“I’ve never heard of such magic. You’re more than welcome to my abode, Miss Scarlet.” Rarity said eagerly.

“Thank you for the offer and I’m sure I’ll drop by to visit but I must decline your offer of lodging.” Erza replied.


“I’ve decided to stay with Pinkie Pie.”

“PINKIE?!” the ponies and mages asked in shock.

“No offense to her, Erza, but I think she may be more out of control than any of the guys put together.” Lucy said.

“Oh I can clearly see that, Lucy, but I don’t care.” Erza said before her eyes sparkled and her cheeks glowed as she clenched her armoured fists in determination. “I’ll take all the recklessness and craziness if it means getting to taste the wears she spoke of.”

“You’ll do anything if it involves cake or acting.” Lucy sweat-dropped.

“I think I’ll go along too.” said Lisanna. “It’s been a while since I last baked and I’d love to help out.”

“Great! I could always use an extra pair of hooves or hands or flippers maybe! Oh and don’t forget paws! Or claws or fins or…” Pinkie continuing to drabble on her list of appendages lead to the group ignoring her before Fluttershy quietly piped up.

“Um…I know you all need a place to stay and uh…you’re welcome to stay at my cottage, i-if you’d like to of course. It’s a little small so I don’t know if I’ll have much room though. I’m sorry.” Wendy looked at Carla who smiled and nodded at her before she turned back to face the Pegasus.

“I’d love to stay, Fluttershy. I’d be happy to help out around the house too for letting me live there.”

“And I’m sure I won’t take up much space myself.” Carla reassured. Fluttershy looked at the pair a little surprised at first of her offer being taken before she smiled back.

“Those two are gonna be best friends I just know it.” Mira squealed.

“There aren’t that many Fluttershy can bond with that quickly. It often takes time for her to get used to come out of her shell.” Twilight said. “Oh and of course my castle is open to anypony who wishes to stay. I have plenty of room and all the books you can read.” Levy and Lucy glanced at the purple Alicorn.

“You like books?” the script mage asked.

“HAHAHA!!” Rainbow Dash burst out laughing. “Books is practically her middle name and fifty percent of her egghead! There’s not a book I know she hasn’t read. She even pretty much created a book form of herself when me and Pinkie went on a quest for her.”

“Oh I remember that! Your Twilight impression was so funny!” Pinkie giggled much to Twilight’s chagrin.

“Despite Rainbow’s ‘humour’ yes I do like books.” Twilight confirmed. “‘Never too late to learn’ I always say.”

“Ain’t that the truth? I’m a solid script mage. Anything I write takes on a physical form. Watch.” She then waved a few gestures with her hands before speaking “Solid script: apple.” With that the word apple appeared in the air in big letter only they were rounded and shiny and a mixture of reds and greens. “Go on, take a bite.” Twilight stared at the word in astonishment before she trotted over and took a bite out of the L before gasping.

“It’s actually apple!” she spluttered.

“Now that’s magic.” AJ gaped.

“But my scripts aside, I’m also a talented decipher and speed reader, not that I mean to brag.” Levy added.

“What’s there to brag about being a shrimpy bookworm?” Gajeel snorted causing Levy to puff up her cheeks angrily.

“I may not be as talented as Levy in the same field but I always enjoy a good book.” Lucy spoke up.

“Just between you and me, she’s writing a book herself.” Levy whispered to twilight though Lucy clearly heard what she said as she blushed with embarrassment despite Twilight’s look of excitement.

“Well judging by the circle of thrones I’m assuming this serves as a council room of sorts.” Makarov examined.

“Yes. A large map of Equestria can be summoned in the centre of the circle.” Twilight said. “It can also show us where to go and where we are.”

“Well then, this could serve as a good way of finding out when and where the dragons will strike. I think it would be best if I stay here so I can inform my children if something should come up.” The guild master said. “Which means I would suggest Natsu and Gajeel take up residence here, as our Dragon Slayers are our trump card to solving this crisis, so I want you two on the front lines.”

“No problem, Gramps. I’m itching to charge in first.” Natsu said.

“If it’ll make the work easier then whatever.” Gajeel agreed nonchalantly.

“So what about you and the Thunder Tribe, Laxus?” Elfman asked.

“Well Laxus is a Dragon Slayer too so maybe he should live in the castle as well.” Wendy suggested.

“Well as his team we must stay by his side should he need us.” Freed spoke.

“I’m cool with wherever, just so long as I can have fun there.” Bickslow grinned.

“Fun! Fun! Fun!” the tikis chattered causing Pinkie to giggle.

“I will admit that boutique does sound inviting.” Evergreen mentioned. Laxus looked amongst his team before exhaling.

“I think I’m gonna take a walk. Get a look at this crazy town.” He muttered before he took his leave with the other three close behind.

“Just give him some time to settle in. I’m actually quite surprised so many of the others adapted this quickly.” Makarov said.

“So be it. For now, take a look around and make yourselves at home.” Celestia said. “We’ll be in touch on the situation and inform you as soon as something comes up.”

With that, the Fairy Tail guild was welcomed to their new (temporary) home(s). Applejack lead Elfman, Gary, Cana and Juvia to Sweet Apple Acres where she proceeded to introduce them to her family.

“Y’all, I’d like you to meet some of our new friends from the world yonder. This here’s Elfman, Gray, Juvia and Cana. And Fairies, this here is my big brother, Big Macintosh or Big Mac as we tend to call him.

“Hey.” A large red stallion with an orange mane and wearing a work horse collar said.

“My little sister, Applebloom.” Applejack continued as the gang looked to a small yellow filly with a red mane and a big pink bow on top.

“Wow! They must be freezing with so little fur.” She said curiously.

“Hahaha! First time seeing a human?” Elfman laughed.

“She’s so adorable~.” Juvia smiled whilst petting the filly on the head.

“And last, but far from least is our Grandmother, Granny Smith.” Applejack concluded as she introduced an old, light green mare with a white mane in a bun.

“Well I’ll be. I’ve seen many strange creatures in my time but none as peculiar as you.” Granny said.

“We’ll take that as a compliment, Ma’am.” Gray said understandingly. “We really appreciate the accommodation during our time here.”

“Gray’s such a formal gentleman.” Juvia blushed at his politeness.

“Oh no need for the formalities, Sonny. Any friend of our Applejack is an honorary member of the family.” Granny smiled.

“Well the least we can do is help out on your farm. If there’s any work that needs doing we’ll lend a hand.” Elfman grinned.

“And you can pay us in cider.” Cana smirked.

“You got yourself a deal, Sugar Cube.” AJ winked at the card mage. And so, the four mages went about helping the Apple Family for the rest of the afternoon. Elfman, being the man he was, helped Big Mac with ploughing and carrying loads of apples to the storage. Though it seemed the two had made the chores into a contest as they worked.

“Hop to it, big guy, I’m two crates of apples ahead. Don’t tell me you’re gonna be beaten by an animal with half as many legs as you!”

“Nope!” Big Mac replied as he began to pick up speed whilst towing the large cart of fruit. Meanwhile, Gray was currently re-tiling the roof of the barn which had gained a few holes during a storm.

“Holy smokes! You make re-shingling look easy with those hand thingies. It usually takes us a while to put up new tiles.” Applejack complimented from below.

“Nothing to it. I’ve done repairs a few times on previous jobs.” Gray replied as he wiped his brow form the heat. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by Juvia who was currently using her magic to water the orchards, though she seemed to be more focused on her crush continue his hard labour though her water momentarily became steam when he removed his shirt.


“Umm, Miss Juvia?” Applebloom said trotting up to the rain woman. “I think you’re watering a tree stump.” But Juvia no longer seemed to be paying attention to her work. Elsewhere, Cana was helping Applejack carry barrels of cider down to the storeroom for when the season came and the young woman was finding it extremely difficult not to break open a barrel and drink to her heart’s content.

“Just hold yer horses for now, Cana. You can have all you want once we’re done for the day.” AJ said.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Ponygirl. When I set my sights on a good drink I can’t be held back for long.” Cana replied. “Your cellar’s gonna be half dry when I’m done drinking.”

“Do that, and I’ll put you to work cleaning out the pens.” Applejack said with a wicked smirk. “Trust me, no one wants that job.” Though despite the risk of their cider store’s being emptied, the Apple Family were finding the mages to be quite the versatile guests. This could be a great year for the farm.


“So? Whaddya think?” Twilight asked but Levy and Lucy could only gape at what they were seeing. They, along with Natsu, Gajeel, Makarov and Rainbow Dash were now standing in the library of Twilight’s castle. Of course, the latter was thoroughly impressed by the alicorn’s vast collection but that couldn’t even begin to describe the former’s reaction.

“No words…should have sent, a poet.” She whispered at the stacks of tomes organized into crystalline book cases. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful library in all my life.”

“Meh. Just looks like another boring old bookshop to me.” Gajeel muttered causing Levy’s jaw to drop in utter shock as she let out a few garbled words of disbelief.

“A-another boring- ARE YOU BLIND, GAJEEL?!” she squawked grabbing him by the highest point of his shirt she could reach. “This is a-” her argument was cut off by Gajeel and Natsu snickering as they bumped fists. “Oh you’re so funny!”

“Good one, nuts & bolts.” Rainbow grinned.

“Hmm-hmm. Well at least Levy’s impressed by your home.” Lucy chuckled as Gajeel mockingly patted Levy’s head much to her irritation.

“Yes this is indeed a magnificent castle, Princess.” Said Makarov. “I must admit, I’ve yet to encounter such architecture.”

“Well I’m glad you all like it. It feels nice to have others staying here besides Spike and myself.” Twilight replied. Though the silence was soon broken by the sound of growling stomachs.

“Sorry. I haven’t eaten since this morning.” Natsu said raising his hand. “You got any fire?”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked.

“And some scrap iron. I’m feeling hungry too.” Gajeel spoke.

“Scrap iron? Fire?”

“Oh yeah, you don’t know yet. Dragon Slayers replenish their energy by eating the substance they use in their magic. Natsu’s a fire Dragon Slayer, whilst Gajeel’s an iron Dragon Slayer. Wendy’s a sky Dragon Slayer and Laxus is a thunder Dragon Slayer.” Lucy explained.

“Fascinating. Well I’m sorry but we don’t really have either of those materials here.” Twilight apologised.

“Well then how ‘bout some meat?” Natsu asked.

“Or some fish?” Happy piped up.

“Actually I think I saw some cows in a field when we arrived here. I bet you could roast up some of them.” Gajeel said.

“Yeah! Barbeque time!” Natsu cheered.

“NO! The animals you eat in your world are citizens here in ours. You can’t eat them or it would be equivalent to murder.” Twilight said. The Dragon Slayer’s jaws dropped before Natsu blurted out.

“You mean there’s no meat here either?!”

“I can’t have fish~?” Happy whimpered, his eyes tearing up.

“Well I’m pretty sure it would be alright to eat fish. Fluttershy catches them for her otters and seals.” Twilight said.

“YAY!” Happy cheered relieved his favourite food was still on the menu.

“Well I don’t wanna eat nothing but fish. I need something bigger!” Gajeel protested.

“Well…there is one place where I think you’d be allowed to hunt for food.” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “The Everfree Forest.”

“The what forest?” Natsu asked.

“It’s a great forest on the outskirts of town. It’s a very mysterious and unnatural place.” The cyan Pegasus said.

“How so?” Gajeel questioned.

“The plants grow, the animals look after themselves and the clouds move, all on their own~!” Rainbow answered in spooky voice. Natsu and Gajeel looked at each other before they along with Happy and Lily as well as Lucy and Levy burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?!”

“That just sounds like a normal forest to me.” Natsu said.

“Yeah! Next you’ll be telling me it rains there.” Gajeel cackled.

“With all due respect, Rainbow Dash, how does that make a forest ‘unnatural’ and ‘mysterious’?” Lucy asked wiggling her fingers in spooky emphasis.

“All forests grow by themselves and animals are independent all the time and clouds have been moving since the dawn of time.” Levy added.

“You’re saying all the forests in your world are like Everfree?!” Rainbow asked, astonished.

“Well duh!” Gajeel responded.

“Well that’s not the case here. The Pegasi control and create weather all over Equestria and we grow all plants ourselves and animals are cared for by ponies like Fluttershy. Only the most dangerous uncontrollable beasts live in the Everfree.” Twilight said.

“Well. Now we know where to find lunch.” Natsu said before turning around. “Your welcome to come if you can keep up, Gajeel.”

“I’m the one who should be saying that!” Natsu looked up to see Gajeel was already at the end of the hallway and walking out the front door with Lily padding after him.

“HEY! Come on, Happy! We’re goin’ hunting!”

“AYE SIR!” Happy saluted before picking up Natsu by the back and flying the two of them out and after Gajeel and Lily.

“They’re going to fight monsters in the Everfree Forest without an ounce of fear?...WAIT FOR ME!!” Rainbow shouted before taking off after them as well.

“Always on the move.” Lucy grinned sheepishly.

“Are they always this imprudent?” Twilight asked.

“They’ll be fine. Those kids have been through worse than a leisurely stroll through the woods.” Makarov reassured the Friendship Princess.

“Actually, I think I’m gonna go out too. I want to visit that boutique Rarity owns. I’ll bet she’s taken a liking to Mira if she’s been told about her centerfold.” Lucy said before taking her leave as well.

“As for me I’m gonna start perusing.” Said Levy as she went over to the nearest bookshelf and began taking some off it.

“Hey. Has anyone seen Spike?” Twilight asked though she quickly caught a glimpse of purple scampering out the door as well.


Concurrently, Pinkie Pie was bouncing along towards Sugar Cube Corner with Erza and Lisanna in tow. As they reached the bakery, they stopped to take in the image of the cake themed architecture.

“What a beautiful building.” Erza said as she clasped her hands together and let out a whimsical sigh. “It reminds me of the gingerbread house in the story I read as a little girl. I don’t think I ever could’ve grown to love cake so much if not for that wonderful story.”

“You do remember that house was really a trap for luring children to be eaten by a witch, right?” Lisanna asked.

“Well this house may not be made of gingerbread but there’s definitely gingerbread inside, as well as many other treats I’m sure you’ll enjoy.” Pinkie winked before the trio entered the house. “I’m back Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pound and Pumpkin.” Upon entering the two mages found themselves greeted by a pair of ponies. Was a skinny yellow one with a short orange mane whilst the other a sky blue colour with a twirled pink mane and sitting a couple of feet away from them were a pair of foals; one was a light cream colour with a tufty brown mane whilst the other was pale yellow with a tufty orange mane.

“Oh welcome back Pin-oh my!” The blue pony said in surprise when she noticed Erza and Lisanna.

“Um, are these the…humans was it? The ones the Princess summoned to help stop the dragons?” the yellow stallion asked.

“That’s right though these are just two of them. This is Erza and Lisanna. Girls, this Carrot Cake and Cup Cake; I work here at the bakery with them. And these are their children Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.”

“It’s very nice to meet you all.” Lisanna bowed politely. “I know you must be quite surprised seeing a human for the first time. Don’t worry, we’re not offended.” Erza, on the other hand seemed to be more focused on the contents of the bakery. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks blushed at the sight of the hundreds of different cakes on display.

“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a more beautiful bakery in my life. So quaint and small yet so full of tasty charms to draw in a hungry customer.”

“I take it baked goods are her favourite.” Carrot murmured to his wife.

“Maybe even more so than Pinkie dare I say it?” Cup replied.

“So here’s the dealio. The girls need a place to stay for the time they and the rest of their friends are here. Me and my friends divided them amongst ourselves so they’d each have somewhere to sleep and so Erza and Lisanna will be staying here.” Pinkie explained.

“I hope you won’t mind our presence. We’ll be more than willing to compensate with work around your establishment.” Erza said. “I don’t mean to brag but I am quite the skilled baker.”

“And I’d be more than happy to look after your foals. I’ve done plenty of babysitting in my life.” Lisanna offered.

“Well we could always use the extra help looking after the shop when we’re away making deliveries. And it would certainly be good to know we have a babysitter on standby besides Pinkie.” Carrot said. “I think I’m comfortable with letting them stay for the time being.” Cup nodded in agreement.

“Thank you. We really appreciate your hospitality. And to thank you I would like to purchase some of your produce.” Erza said.

“Oh you want some cake?” Pinkie asked. “Take your pick.” Erza looked at the many treats on display but found she couldn’t decide between them. She’d never seen cakes such as these. Not even in her favourite bakery back in Magnolia. These were something else entirely. The requip mage straightened herself up after thinking the situation through before she spoke.

“You know what? I can’t choose. I’ll take all the cakes.”

“All of them?!” Pinkie gaped before she faced forward and grabbed ‘something’ which she began to shake in disbelief. “She wants ALL OF THE CAKES!!” with that the pink mare began zipping around the bakery, packing every cake she could grab into boxes whilst Carrot Cake and Cup Cake were staring dumbfounded at the woman’s order.

“A-All of them?!” Carrot stuttered.

“Yes I like to treat myself on special occasions.” Erza smiled.

“’Treat yourself’?! Dear I may not know how much more a human can eat than a pony but surely this must be a bit much?! Can you even afford it?!” Cup said to Erza in equal disbelief.

“Actually this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this.” Lisanna said sheepishly. “She’s cleared out the bakery back in our home town several times. She’s their best paying customer.” By this point Pinkie was now lying in front of the counter, panting, having packed the last cake in the shop, a mountain of packages stacked behind her.

“Here’s your…..order,….Erza.” she breathed. “That’ll be…..one thousand bits…please.”

“Ah. Of course. I should’ve thought you might have a different currency here. What are…bits?” Erza asked. Pinkie responded by holding a small coin which Erza took in hand before her eyes widened. “This is gold!”

“Really?! Wow, does this mean gold is equivalent to chump change here?” Lisanna said in surprise.

“I’m afraid my people don’t use this currency, but I’m sure I can provide you with something of equal value to one thousand of these.” Erza said before a red magic circle appeared above her open hand and out of it, fell a large glittering gemstone as big as Wendy which Erza found to be as light as a feather to lift, at least for her. “I was rewarded this as payment on job and been meaning to cash it in but now I find it’ll be of better use here. So should this gem suffice to a thousand bits?” the Cakes and Pinkie stared in utter shock at what the mage had presented them with before they all broke into large grins of impressed joy.

“Welcome home!” they said in unison earning a laugh from Lisanna.

“I think you’re gonna fit in just fine here.” She said to her friend.

“Pinkie. Would you kindly show our honored guests to their rooms? Cup and I will bring Miss Erza’s delivery to her as soon as possible.”

“You got it, Mr. Cake.” Pinkie saluted before she began to lead Erza upstairs.

“You two may need some time to get all those cake sup there. I can keep an eye on your foals during.” Lisanna said.

“We appreciate the offer dear, but I think the children might be a little…um how do I put this delicately.”

“Oh no I understand.” Lisanna smiled. “I’d probably be a little scared too, but don’t worry; I know how to approach them gently. Pinkie could you come here a second?” Pinkie trotted over to Lisanna before the girl placed her hand on her head which glowed yellow for a few seconds before she pulled away.

“Oooh~. That tickled.” Pinkie said.

“What was that?” Carrot asked.

“Oh you’ll see.” Lisanna winked before she held out her arms and her body began glow in with checkered yellow light. “Take Over. Animal Soul.” She said before he whole body was engulfed in a flash of light and when it settled the group gasped at what stood before them. It was a dusky blue unicorn with a short silver mane and tail and on her flank was a cutie mark which pictured a paw print, a feather and a fin. “Pony!” she said standing on her hind legs in a pose.

“Who are you?” Pinkie muttered, unable to process the situation.

“It’s me, Lisanna.”

“You…you turned into a pony!” Pinkie gaped.

“Yep! That’s my magic. I absorb the traits of any animal I encounter and can transform into them. Now I can approach the foals without frightening them.” She then trotted over to Pound and Pumpkin who were staring at the human/pony is what seemed to be amazement. “Hello there. My name’s Lisanna.” She smiled at them. The babies looked at her before they smiled and began to giggle, waving their little legs. Lisanna giggled back before her horn began to glow which resulted in a pile of building blocks rearranging themselves to form a small cast while she also held up a stuffed bear and made it dance around merrily. Pound cake fluttered his tiny wings before he flew about a foot of the ground and then sent himself barreling through the block castle, knocking it down and laughing all the way while Pumpkin cake used her own horn to levitate the bear away from Lisanna and began to chew on it.

“Wow, she’s good.” Pinkie blinked.

“Lisanna has always been good with kids.” Erza smiled proudly.

“Well I must say you humans are really something.” Carrot grinned.

“I could say the same of you ponies.” Erza replied. “Now then, which cake shall I try first?”


Meanwhile, Fluttershy had lead Wendy and Carla to her little cottage on the edge of Ponyville. The trio were currently inside and whilst Fluttershy was feeding some of the mice and squirrels, Wendy was sweeping the floor while humming merrily to herself.

“I-I hope it’s not too small.” The Pegasus hoped as she scattered a few acorns amongst a group of squirrels.

“It’s lovely, Fluttershy.” Wendy reassured sweetly.

“Agreed. It’s a nice peaceful little home. I think we’ll do just fine here.” Carla added who was washing one of the windows. She wiped her brow after she finished before settling down in a nearby basket. The white exceed padded around on the fluffy inner lining before she curled up to take a nap but at that moment a hopping noise sounded from upstairs before a small white rabbit came bounding into the living room.

“Who’s that, Fluttershy?” Wendy asked.

“Oh that’s my pet bunny, Angel.” The white rabbit hopped down the stairs before he looked to the basket and gaped when he spotted someone sleeping in it. He snorted angrily before bounding over and then of all things, pushed Carla out of the basket, sending her tumbling across the floor.

“Ow! Who did that?!”

“Carla!” Wendy said running over to her. “Are you alight?”

“No, I’m not. Someone disturbed my nap and I think I bumped my head.” Carla huffed.

“I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy apologised drastically. “Angel didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just you were sleeping in his basket and that’s the one thing he doesn’t let any of the other animals do. It’s my fault; I should have told you before.”

“You have nothing to apologise for, Fluttershy. “ Carla said before she turned around to face Angel who upon seeing her in full view, felt a blush coming on. “So you’re the one who pushed me. You at least could’ve woke me up gently and told me to move, instead of shoving me out. How rude!” the rabbit looked at the female exceed before he brushed off her dress and bowed his head.

“I think he’s trying to say sorry, Carla.” Wendy said. Carla looked at the rabbit before she stuck her nose in the air, her eyes closed.

“I suppose I can forgive you. Just don’t push me again.” Angel nodded before he hopped over o his basket and pushed it over to Carla.

“Aww look, Carla. He wants you to have the basket back.” Wendy swooned at the cute gesture.

“Angel’s never offered his basket to anypony before.” Fluttershy said, surprised. Carla blinked before she said.

“Well, that’s very nice of you, Angel. Thank you.” The rabbit smiled as he looked away bashfully his cheeks pink and his long ears folded. But at that moment, Wendy spotted a group of figures passing by outside the cottage and as she went to the window, she recognised who they were.

“Hey look. It’s Natsu, Gajeel, Happy and Lily. And Rainbow dash is with them too. Hi guys!” she waved from the window causing the group to look in her direction.

“Hey, Wendy!” Natsu smiled, waving back, though Happy seemed to glare at the cottage as though he could see what was going on inside.

“I sense a love rival.” He murmured sinisterly.

“Where are they off to I wonder?” Carla asked.

“It looks like they’re heading towards that large forest.” Wendy answered. Fluttershy nearly dropped the bag of pet food she was holding.

“Not…the Everfree Forest.” She whispered.

“The Everfree Forest?” Wendy asked.

“It’s home to some of the most dangerous animals in Equestria. Hurry, we need to stop your friends from going in!”

“Oh there’s no need to worry.” Wendy smiled. “Natsu and Gajeel can take care of themselves.”

“Once those two set their sights on something, nothing will stop them. A few wild beasts won’t be any trouble to them.”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy checked.

“They’ll be fine, no need to worry. Come on, I wanna meet the rest of your animals.” Wendy said, changing the subject to a lighter sense. And so, the group made their way out to the garden tot end to the rest of Fluttershy’s animals. Carla decided to refill the bird feeders, while Fluttershy went about feeding her chickens. Wendy meanwhile was grooming some kittens.

“Hehe. It feels so funny being around regular cats. I’m always expecting them to talk.” She giggled when she suddenly felt a large shadow over her and when she turned around she gasped to see a giant grizzly bear standing over her.

“AAAAAH!! A BEAARR!! HURRY! PLAY DEAD!!” she screamed before falling flat on her back. Carla and Fluttershy turned around, startled at the noise before the former gasped at her partner’s state.

“Wendy! Get your hairy mitts away from her you big brute!” she shouted as she prepared to fly at the large animal before Fluttershy stopped her.

“It’s ok, he won’t’ hurt her. He’s friendly.” The Pegasus said before she went over and gave the bear a hug which he quickly returned. “See?”

“He-He’s harmless?” Wendy asked, sitting up.

“There’s always a way to tame an animal if you know how. Especially if you’re able to show them kindness.” Fluttershy said. “I met him in the forest one day; he had a nasty cut on his paw and was going wild from the pain. At first I thought he wanted to eat me too, but when I saw he was hurt, after I healed him up, we became friends. He guards the smaller animals here.”

“But I thought you said the Everfree was full of dangerous animals.” Wendy said.

“It is, but I didn’t say they couldn’t be tamed.” Fluttershy winked. “I was worried because your friends have never been there before. You can get in a lot of trouble if you don’t know your way around it.”

“Amazing. You’re really brave if you have the guts to tame animals lots of people would think would want to eat them.” Carla complimented.

“Oh no, I’m not brave; I’m just good with animals. I’m actually scared of lots of things.”

“Well everyone’s afraid of something. I’m actually scared of pickled plums.” Wendy grinned awkwardly.

“Pickled plums?”

“Yeah, they’re just so…sour~.” Wendy cringed as her lips began to tighten. “Just the thought makes my lisp pucker. Gray actually beat me in a battle by eating a whole jarful of them and making a face at me.” she then laughed. Fluttershy giggled back.

“Sort of reminds me of Twilight’s fear of quesadillas.”

“What’s your worst fear, Fluttershy?” Wendy asked.

“Oh…well my worst fear is…dragons.” Fluttershy shivered.

“Dragons? But what about Spike? He’s your friend isn’t he?”

“Yes, but he’s only a baby. Real dragons are big, mean and scary full of fire and smoke and sharp teeth and claws.” Fluttershy said curling up smaller and smaller with each descriptive feature.

“But that’s not true. My Mother taught me that like all species, even dragons can be good and peaceful as well.”

“You mean your Mother studied dragons?”

“No she didn’t study dragons. She is a dragon.”


“Wendy was raised by a dragon when she was just a toddler. The same thing happened to Natsu and Gajeel. Many Dragon Slayers were raised by dragons.” Carla informed.

“Her name is Grandeen, the Sky Dragon. She found me in the forest when I was little and raised me as her daughter. She taught me many things including magic. It’s how I got my Dragon Slayer magic. It can be learned through the teachings of a dragon and allows me to take on the qualities of one. It’s how I’m able to eat the air and use it to increase my power and cast spells. Natsu fuels himself by eating fire and Gajeel eats iron. Their dragons were named Igneel and Metalicana.” Fluttershy was speechless at this revelation.

“It’s like you said. Fluttershy. Even the most dangerous of beasts can have hearts of gold within if you know how to find them.” Carla said. “Our Dragon Slayers could never have become who they are if not for their dragon parents.”

“…That’s…that’s unbelievable. I’ve never heard of one being raised by a dragon, let alone in a way such as this. But then why would they teach you magic that’s sued against them?”

“The only thing that can fight a dragon is another dragon. You could say me and the others are like Spike. We were all baby dragons to begin with but now we’ve grown stronger and one day we’ll be a strong as a full grown dragon.”

“And you’re not scared of them? Not even a little?” Fluttershy asked, still unable to comprehend the situation.

“Not at all. They’re may be bad dragons but there’re good ones too. You shouldn’t fear an entire species like that. I mean if Spike grew big would you no longer be friends with him just cause he grew lots of teeth and claws.”

“Of course not! Spike’s a wonderful dragon.”

“So then why not give other dragon’s a chance too?” Wendy asked.

“You can’t possibly believe that he’s the only good dragon in the world can you?” said Carla.

“N-N-No…” Fluttershy murmured. Wendy smiled before she placed her hands on Fluttershy’s shoulders.

“Well I see no reason for you to stay scared of them. You’re not scared of other animals. Even ones from the Everfree Forest. So why not dragons? I’m gonna see to it that you don’t’ have to fear dragons ever again. You wait and see; I’m gonna teach you how to tame your dragon.” Wendy grinned while Fluttershy could only look at her in complete awe.


But not far away, Natsu and Gajeel, along with Happy and Lily, were charging through the forest with Rainbow Dash flying behind them.

“Alright! We’re gonna catch us some dinner!” Natsu grinned.

“I may not eat meat, but I’m always up for fighting monsters!” Rainbow grinned. As the group continued trekking a growling noise eventually reached their ears.

“Looks like our lunch decided to come to us.” Gajeel snickered, his fists turning metallic. And sure enough, two ferocious beasts began to emerge from the forest, towards the gang. A lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail came prowling towards Gajeel while on the opposite end of the clearing a giant wolf made entirely form wood advanced towards Natsu.

“Gihi. Wanna fill us in on what we’re dealing with, Skittles?” Gajeel asked.

“Rainbow. And looks like we’ve got a manticore and a timberwolf on our hooves.” The cyan Pegasus said. The Dragon Slayers and Exceeds grinned.

“You take the walking fire hazard, Slamander. I’m gonna show this puss* how novice he is to a real cat like Lily.”

“I think I’m quite capable of showing him myself.” Lily said as he grew into his large anthro form while his Busterman sword grew into a giant blade three times his size. “You can join in too if you can keep up.” He added with a smirk to Gajeel.

“Whoa.” Rainbow gaped.

“Happy, you’re with me.” Natsu grinned.

“AYE SIR!!” Happy cheered as he held onto his partner’s back and his wings grew double in size. “No one’s faster at flying than me.”

“What was that?!” Rainbow asked. But little did the group know that just out of sight, behind a tree, Spike was watching them, ecstatic at the battle about to instigate.

“LET’S GO!!” Natsu roared as he and Gajeel charged at their given opponents. As the former flew towards the timberwolf it roared furiously at them causing happy and Natsu to gag as they caught a whiff of its foul breath.

“GAH! Two word, man: tooth brush.” Natsu spat before his fist suddenly erupted into a flames. “Fire dragon iron fist!” KA-POW!! The wooden beast was sent flying back from the strike, bits of its body breaking off as it did. Meanwhile Gajeel and Lily were facing off against the manticore. The large cat snarled before it lunged at Gajeel and tackled him to he ground.

“Gajeel look out!” rainbow shouted before the beast sunk its fangs into the iron Dragon Slayer’s throat. But second later it recoiled in agony revealing its large fangs to be shattered and Gajeel completely unharmed, his skin now covered in metal, silver scales.

“Too tough for ya, kitty?! Lily could crack my scales with his bare fists!” Gajeel grinned before he catapulted the beast off him with a large iron bar which seemed to materialize out of his hand strike the manticore in the stomach. “Iron dragon club!” Rainbow dash meanwhile was overwhelmed at what these two humans were capable of she couldn’t’ seem to get a hoof in on the action and has resorted to watching on the sidelines.

“Cats rule and dogs drool~!” Happy snag as he and Natsu flew circles around the timberwolf.

“Let’s finish this!” Natsu grinned before he began to draw in a deep breath as did Gajeel. “Fire dragon…”

“Iron dragon…”

ROAR!!!!” the two roared as they sent a blast of fire and iron form their mouths, each hitting their respective target. The blast sent Rainbow Dash tumbling backwards into a hedge and Spike had to cling onto the tree he was hiding behind. The timberwolf was blown to pieces until its burning remains came tumbling down from the air to form a large roaring campfire with a wooden rotisserie hanging over it. The manticore meanwhile was eviscerated by the cloud of iron shrapnel until what looked like a giant uncooked turkey came falling down and landed right on the rotisserie before the campfire began to roast it up nicely.

“Dinner…” Natsu began.

“Is served.” Gajeel finished as they hi-fived, along with Lily and Happy.

“Dibs on the leg!” Happy drooled as he ran to pull off a hunk of manticore.

“I’m getting the ribs!” Lily shouted as he went to join him.

“Fine, more breast for me.” Natsu grinned rubbing his hands together.

“Not a chance, Salamander. I’m gonna chow it all so there’s none left for you!” Gajeel laughed before the four friends began to wrestle over the carcass to get the most meat. Rainbow meanwhile was at a complete loss for words. Those two had just taken down two of the strongest animals in the forest without even flinching and reduced them to a campfire cookout. The Pegasus fell on her rump as she took the scene in before a big smile began to tug at her lips before she pressed her cheeks together.

“Sooo awesome~!” she squeed. But while she only saw two humans laughing together over their meal, Spike was seeing something else entirely. All he could see before him were two magnificent dragons; titatanic in size, bursting with power and flowing with pride. One was scarlet red with pointed horns, gargantuan wings and a mouthful of blazing fire while the second was armoured from nose to tail in thick, shining scales of silver iron. Both of them roaring in victory of their battle against the beasts of the Everfree Forest.

"So this……….is a Dragon…..

Where we last left our magical heroes, Natsu and Gajeel has just decimated a manticore and a giant timberwolf for lunch under the witness of Rainbow Dash. Gajeel busy chewing on the giant piece of meat from killed manticore, couldn't help but notice that Rainbow Dash, or...Skittles as he would call started looking squeamish at the sight.

"The hell you staring at Skittles?" Gajeel growled glaring at her right in the eyes like a predator.

Rainbow Dash jumped in her seat and fondled her hooves a bit. "Nothing nothing!! Just.....seeing you two taking down an animal like that and..well" She takes a gulp "...eating it."

"Well...back in our world, horses are kinda prey animals. Ogres, monsters, heck even raiders eat horses when it comes down to it" Natsu flatly said before going back to eating completely ignoring Rainbow's paled face.

"E-e-even h-humans?" Rainbow asked.

"Aye, sometimes when humans are pushed to their limits they sometimes eat their own horses." Happy said.

Rainbow then sulked in her seat as they returned to their meal, but one certain baby dragon...little Spike, walked and sat next to Natsu taking his notice.

"Yeah? What's up little guy?" he said to the drake.

"Spike what the hay are you doing here!?" Rainbow demanded. "It's way too dangerous for somepo-er-dragon like you here!" she spread her wing in intimidation at the small drake causing him to sulk a bit.

"Hey don't talk to him like that!!" Natsu yelled, spouting a bit of flame from his mouth forcing Rainbow to stand down.

"I'm s-sorry....But I wanted to see the Dragon-Slayers for myself!" He clenches his claws on his knees "I...I never thought I'd see someone so strong and magically powerful enough to take down dragons! Seriously! You guys look awesome ki-" he choked on his words. "i mean...taking down that manticore and timberwolf! If anything you're both dragons already!!"

Natsu, Happy, Gajeel and Panther Lily all stopped eating and looks at the purple reptile inquisitively.

"Nevermind....nevermind...forget I said anything!" He looks down in embarrassment "But......" he looked at the cooked chunk of mind, steaming hot as something deep inside him slowly woke up. His nostrils filled with the scent of cooked flesh, medium cooked perhaps? he thought in his head. "Mind if I have a bite of that?" He soon gained a shock from Rainbow.

"Huh, sure there's enough to go around~!" Natsu rips off a cooked rib from the cooked carcass and hands it Spike. "Here!"

Spike hesitantly took a good long whiff of the meal.

"Hurry up and eat it pipsqueak" Gajeel scolded.

"Hey!! I've only eaten gems and sweets all my life!!" Spike yelled.

"You eat jewels?" Panther Lily asked.

"Well yeah...What else am I supposed to eat when everypony around you only eats plant-based food!?" Spike shot back as he carefully, with his eyes closed, took a slow bite on the meat. His eyes suddenly shot open as the juices flowed onto his tongue allowing the taste to shoot all the way to his brain. He bites down taking a piece off of the bone and starts chewing, the texture, the occasional taste of iron from blood. He takes another bite...and another...and another...tearing into the meal in ravenous hunger.

"Haha!! There you go~!" Natsu laughed.

"Oh my Celestia!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!?" He hungrily tears off the meat from the bone, chewing in the style as Natsu and Gajeel have been doing.

"Damn...hungry guy isn't he?" Gajeel commented, but as for Rainbow. All she could do was stare at the little baby dragon. She could never look at Spike the same way again. She was dealt a very harsh reminder...Spike was a dragon, dragons eat meat..... and she was meat. She took a very cautious gulp but shook off the thought. Spike was a friend! He would never eat her even if he grew up! Would he?

But back at Ponyville as the prestigious Carousel Boutique, Mira & Lucy were busy looking at Rarity's large collection of dresses.

"Wow Rarity....you sure have a large sense of fashion!" Lucy complemented as she gazes at dressing room.

"Some of these fabrics are beautiful~! It's nothing like what we see in Magnolia~!" Mira said.

"Oh I thank you for the complements darlings, that really means a lot coming from someone who dresses as beautifully as you two." the unicorn said as both Mira and Lucy blushed. "And I must say, those are some fantastic designs! but may I ask something?" She asked.

"What is it Rarity?" Mira replied.

"What are those large orbs on your chests?" she pointed to the large breasts of Lucy and Mira causing the two young ladies to flinch & blush which in turn makes their 'assets' bounce a bit. "....and why am I suddenly so jealous of them?" she then stated making a scrunchie face.

"Well.....they.....are.....uh....." Lucy stammered as she tries to come up with the right words to explain the concept of breasts to a unicorn. That is until Mira made a coughing sound drawing both Rarity and Lucy's attention.

"Well Rarity... basically they are what udders is to newborn calves and foals, they are one of the reasons of what makes a woman...." She makes a pose similar to a certain riveter "Large breasts means that she can bear many children, showing how strong she can be! With large breasts a woman can easily manipulate her enemies with a simple pose!!"

"Uh Mira..."

"She can trample her enemies and easily make a living in the right kind of work!"


"She can have a family, a faithful husband, while at the same time work dangerously!!"


"And finally....larger breasts can-!!"

"MIRAJANE!" Lucy yelled.

"Yeah?" She finally stopped her rant seeing both Lucy and Rarity blushing red. "Oh...sorry" she lets out a giggle at the flustered females as she continues browsing through the large collection of dresses. We then transition the streets of Ponyville where the powerful Thunder Legion walks through the quaint roads, with Laxus silently taking in the sights of the humble town.

"It's a nice town Laxus...." Evergreen said smiling with a light blush in her face when she noticed a mare, her foal and stallion husband. The basic happily family "It's the kind of town to settle down, have a family"

"BORING~!!" Bickslow exclaimed sticking his tongue out.

"Boring Boring Boring~!" his little totem 'babies' bounced in the air in agreement.

This grained a groan form both Freed and Evergreen who rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"You do realize we're all on a job here...." Freed stated.

"But how long does it take to give the go-ahead!! I'm tired of waiting and I'm eager to beat the crap out of those dragons!!" Bickslow exclaimed as he fires a one two punch, but unbeknownst to them they were be trailed by 2 little rambunctious fillies.

"They're so big....especially the one with the yellow mane" Sweetie Belle stated.

"And that guy with the floating dolls reminds me a lot of Discord!" Scootaloo. "But Sweetie Belle....do you know what they have in common?"

"What?" Sweetie asked.

"That..." She points to the Fairy Tail emblem that's present on all of the humans.

"Wait Scoots, you don't think that's...?" Sweetie Belle was about to ask when she sees that familiar gleam in Scootaloo's eyes before letting out a slightly annoyed sigh "Here we go again...."

"It looks like they're heading to the farm! Let's go!" Scootaloo then hops to her parked scooter as Sweetie gets in the wagon and the duo sped off ahead to their destination.

"Hey did you hear something?" asked Freed.

"Sounded like a motor bike..." Evergreen said.

"They have motors here in this place?" Laxus asked.

"Oh~!! Motorbikes~!?" Bickslow exclaimed.

Eventually the the Thunder Legion was able to reach the destination that was the entrance to the Sweet Apple Acres orchard. As the scent of freshly harvested apples filled their nostrils and their stomachs growled with hunger.

"Apple orchard.....there might as well be apple pie" Evergreen said.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" Said the bulking Elfman carrying a ton of crates filled with apples on his shoulders.

"Elfman..." Evergreen nodded.

"Evergreen" Elfman glared.

"Pinkie!!!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"What the heck!!!? Where did you come from!?" Laxus exclaimed jumping from his spot.

"Oh, I just appeared because one of the writers felt like it, toodles~! Lalalala~" Pinkie bounced away to her home leaving the group of mages dumbfounded.

"How'd she do that?" Freed asked.

"Rule Number 1 when it comes Pinkie Pie....Never EVER EVER question her, no matter how ridiculous it seems." Applejack said as she was hauling a cart full of apples.

"Eeyup" Big Mac followed.

"So...what brings you here?" Elfman asked.

"We wanted to see more of the town thank you very much, but we felt a bit peckish for some apples." Freed answered.

"You could've just said so, come on in~" Applejack said, but just as the Thunder Legion was about to enter the orchard the sound of motors filled the air.

"What the, there's that sound again" Evergreen said.

"You better take cover..." Applejack said.

"Why?" Elfman asked.

"INCOMING!!!!!!!" yelled the orange pegasus as she sped towards them.

"Scootaloo you're going too fast we're gonna crash!!" Sweetie Belle squeaked as Scootaloo tried to break.

"WATCH OUT!!" she yelled, but she failed to notice Freed doing a few quick movements with his sword as they are suddenly face planted into a purple wall of text. ".....ouch"

The wall soon dissipates letting the 2 fillies fall to the ground.

" Whoa!! How'd you do that!?" Sweetie Belles asked.

"Text magic" Freed calmly sheathed his sword.

"Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle!? What are you guys doing here?!" they turn their heads seeing their familiar red bowed earth pony filly coming towards them.

"Where here to see the humans!!" Scootaloo said.

"And see if they can help us get our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Cutie Marks?" Laxus asked.

"That's right! We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders~!!" Applebloom announced.

"Our mission is to find our cutie marks and help other foals find theirs!!" They wave their flanks in the air.

"....so they're butt tattoos?" Bickslow asked.

"Butts butts butts~!!" the totems asked causing a blush to streak across Applejack's face.

"They're not butt tattoos!!!....it doesn't work like that anyway!!" she yelled before she recomposes herself. "A cutie mark represents who you are and what you're meant to be, they appear when they find their special talent, the thing the defines who they are what they meant to do in life." she explained with the Thunder Legion taking in the info.

"So we came to you humans cause you all got the same mark!" Scootaloo pointed to the symbol of the Fairy Tail guild.

".....These aren't cutie marks.....humans don't get cutie marks." Elfman said causing shock to overcome the CMC.


"People choose their profession, they find what they like and follow it not by some butt tattoo that tells them 'oh you're a farmer? Too bad you're going into politics'" Laxus stated.

"I...never thought of it that way." Scootaloo said.

"For the last time they're not butt tattoos!!!" Applejack yelled.

"Whatever.." Bickslow said casually.

"So then....what do those marks mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The mages look to each other trying to come up with a good answer about it.

"Hey Grey!" Elfman called.

"Yo what's up?" Grey asked wearing nothing but his shorts.

"okay first off Grey your clothes..." Evergreen stated.

"ACK! Not again!!" Grey freaked out again while Juvia merely blushed as she hid behind an apple tree.

"Grey-sama is in his shorts again~" Juvia said as steam was coming off her face.

"Secondly.." Freed looked down to Sweetie Belle. "go ahead ask him..."

"Um Mr. Grey....what do those marks mean to you humans?" Sweetie Belle asked pointing to the guild mark of on his chest.

"Ah.....well uh..." Grey looked to the little white unicorn filly.

"Sweetie Belle"

"Right Sweetie Belle....it represents many things. A legend. A bond. A family. Our guild mark is what ties to together, it's our glue. It's what makes Natsu and I brothers yet at the same time not. It what makes us a family...in a way it's kinda like how you and your friends like sisters. Connect by a common bond." He reminisces all those adventures he had with Natsu and the gang, their celebrations, their struggles and their own special brotherly bond.

Applejack silently gasps as she touches her own chest remembering her own words when her friends had to give up the Elements of Harmony to save the Tree of Harmony. While at the same time, the CMC are awestruck by Grey's speech.

"Grey-Sama is so cool~" Juvia exclaimed.

"This mark represents who we are as a guild and family. It's what we choose to be. Does that answer your question Sweetie Belle?" Grey finished in which all 3 fillies slowly nod.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the Everfree Forest, Natsu and the gang was walking out of said forest stomachs full and content.

"I still can't believe you ate that Spike!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Hehe yeah, I don't know...it's just, something kicked in when I took that first bite." he said scratching the back of his head.

"You're a dragon! You're supposed to eat meat!!" Gajeel said using a twig as a toothpick.

"Aye, it's in your blood!" Happy exclaimed.

"Don't you guys eat any kind of meat!?" Natsu asked.

"Well....we eat eggs sometimes." Rainbow sheepishly said as she flew beside them. As time passed they run into Fluttershy's group who were just leaving her cottage.

"Oh hey Spike~!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Spike said.

Natsu smiled "Hey Wendy!"

"Hi Natsu, Carla made a new friend~. Meet Angel Bunny." She points to bunny next to Carla attempting to give her a flower. But he stops in his tracks as he feels a very angry glare from a certain blue cat.

"Love Rival....." Happy growled at Angel with a dark aura surrounding him.

With the meet up out the way they head back to the town, despite Happy keeping an eye on Angel still emitting that dark aura muttering 'love rival' every two minutes.

"I think something's wrong with Happy" Fluttershy said.

"Gee yah think?" Gajeel said as they continued walking but Wendy noticed something with Spike.

"Um Spike? You okay? You look like you want to ask something." she said.

"Huh? Oh...uh...it's nothing." He said looking down.

"Hey come on little guy what's up?" Natsu asked.

"Well.....how'd you guys become dragon slayers in the first place?" He asked as they reached the town center.

"Good question....well you see. Natsu, Gajeel and I were taught by dragons and-" Wendy was about to finish when suddenly large roars filled the air.

"What in the world!?" Carla questioned as the three dragon slayers turned to the skies while the ponies around them start to panic.

"It's the dragons!! Everypony run for your lives!!!" screamed a mare as ponies ran for the doors of their homes, and at that moment three large dragons the size of small houses landed. One a golden yellow, one a deep blue and the third a bright red and already start breathing fire on the ground intimidating the surrounding ponies.

"Alright you weak little ponies, by order of King Garbel, we demand all things valuable brought to us as tribute!!" the golden one commanded.

But as they all try to flee, the red dragon cornered on little filly.

"P-please...d-don't eat me" the little filly cowered with tears welling up in her eyes.

"HAHAH~! Don't worry I ain't gonna eat yah~" the dragon gnashes his teeth.

"M-mommy help!!" the filly cried shutting her eyes.

"HAHAHAHA!!!!" The dragon opens his mouth about to take a bite when suddenly.."GAHHHh!!!!" His face is blasted by a giant iron beam sending him crashing into a house.

"Magma Core!!!" The blue one yelled.

"Who the hell did that!!!?" The golden shouted looking to the source of the iron beam and was shocked to see it real back and morph back to what seems to be a soft claw to a being who is scowling right at them.

"I..HATE...bullies...." Gajeel scowled as Natsu smirks and enters a fighting pose.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" the golden one spoke.

"Hey kid....you alright." Natsu asked the filly.

"Y-yeah....t-thank you." she said.

"Get out of here.....things are going to get messy." Gajeel said.

"O-okay....." the filly scurried away getting back to her mother.

"You ass...THAT HURT!!!" Magma yelled as he climbed out of the rubble.

"Char him Magma!!" the blue one ordered.

"With pleasure Icnel!!" he opens his mouth and lets out a huge ball of fire that seemingly engulfs the trio. "HAHA!! Wait.." He suddenly hears what seems like a slurping sound and the 3 dragons jaws dropped to the ground as they lay witness to what they're seeing. The pink hair being....slurping up the flames as if it was a soup.

"HE'S...HE'S....HE'S EATING MY FLAMES!!! GILDER" Magma cried to his golden superior as the last of his fire ball was slurped up and Natsu burped.

"Aw yeah, now I got a fire in my belly~!!!!" Natsu yells with a huge grin on his face as his own fists start being coated in flames.

"GET THEM!!!" Gilder pointed at them with his own mouth spouting sparks. With Magma and Icnel charging head first to the 3 humans.

"IRON DRAGON..." Gajeel opens his mouth and aims for Icnel "ROAR!!!!!!" he fires a powerful beam from his mouth and engulfs Icnel blasting him. "And then.." his hands turns into a iron blade and darts towards the exposed dragon "IRON DRAGON'S SWORD!!" He slams it on the abdomen of the drake and hears a defining crack as he smirks. "Salmander hurry up!!"

"Right!! Now..Happy to the air!" he yelled as Happy sprouted his wings & latches onto Natsu's back.

"Aye sir!!" Happy yelled as the duo took off and darted towards Magma, but suddenly took right above him climbing high into the air.

"Here we go!! Now...drop me!" Natsu free fell towards Magma as her equally darted towards him "Now Fire Dragon's..." His right leg goes aflame and he quickly elbows the dragon in the face "CLAW!!!" he shatters the dragon's jaw as he plummets to the ground.

"This an't be happening!! WHAT IN TARTARUS ARE YOU THINGS!!" Gilder yelled.

"We're Dragon-Slayers!!" he turns around seeing Wendy with a strong gale blowing around her. "AND WE'RE HERE TO TAKE YOU OUT!! SKY DRAGON WING ATTACK!!!" She sends a tornado like attack launching him into the air "Natsu!!"

"Got it!! FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!!" He slams a flame fist right into the gut of the launched golden dragon sending him crashing down with his two dragon comrades.

"Now go cry to your boss..." Gajeel sneered bringing Magma close to his face. "Boo..."

They flew..or at least tried to fly...back south to the dragon lands whimpering and licking their wounds.

"WHOO-HOO~!! THAT WAS AWESOME~!!" Natsu celebrated. "We beat the crap out of them!!"

"That's what we're facing against? What a joke.." Gajeel scoffed. "Where's some iron I can eat"

Slowly the ponies that hid in their homes came out, agape, cautious, amazed..




"They're heroes!!!"

As the ponies soon crowded the three dragon slayers and cats with jubilee. Each singing praise, admiring their power and asking a boatload of questions about their power. But as they celebrated, things looked grim at the dragon lands. King Garble sat on his throne, he grew another ten feet, his muscles bulged and his teeth were deadly sharp. His gaze became like blood coated swords and...he was not happy.

"What do you MEAN the raid was a failure!?" He gnarled at the three beaten up dragons.

"We..we were bested by those three...things...they called themselves...Dragonslayers" Gilder cowered, as heads turned in the throne at the mention of the name.

"Dragon slayers?" He questioned as his claws dug into his throne. "Tell me....what did these dragonslayers look like?"

Gilder explained their looks to his king but that only seemed to make him furious.

"You mean to tell me...you were beat up...by three cats and three puny...Soft...ANIMALS!!!?" he snarled.

"Y-yes...." Magma squeaked as Garble's gaze glared down to the three.

"Get them out of my sight...and feed them to the Tatzlworms." Garble ordered much to the absolute shock of the fallen trio as they are dragged away. But as they are dragged away Garble sits back on his throne in thought. "Dragonslayers.....now where have I heard that name before?"

Update: fixed up some grammar in the story and fixed some dialogue

After the rather eventful afternoon in Ponyville had passed, which consisted of three dragons attempting to raid it only to be beaten senseless by Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy, the whole town had become abuzz about the dragon slayers as well as the Fairy Tail guild itself. Some of the citizens would speak greatly of the wizards valiance and magic but there were some who had grown to fear their power and the 'threat' it could pose. As such the town had become rather flustered since the failed raid and so, Makarov decided it would be best to allow the townsponies to settle their thoughts in a town meeting which Celestia heartily agreed on. So, one day the guild members, along with the mane six, gathered in the town hall which was filled tot he brim with ponies muttering ecstatically to one another.

"Ahem. Citizens of Ponyville!" Celestia called to gain their attention. "Now, as we all know, the dragon's recent attack on the town has been quite the disturbance for a great many of you."

"OH YA THINK?!!" one spoke up.





"RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!" the crowd immediately unraveled into storm of gibbered yammering. Makarov shook his head before his voice boomed.

"ATTENTION!!" he rumbled bringing everypony to a silence. "Thank you. As the Princess has said, I understand many of you have your concerns and questions, and we will listen, but one at a time, if you please." he said in a calm but orderly tone. A few moments of silence passed before one mare raised her hoof. "Yes, you there." The mare stepped forward revealing the little red filly from before standing beside her.

"I just wanted to thank the three of you who saved my little girl from those dragons. I thought I was going to lose her but you saved her life. I owe you so much." she bowed her head as did her daughter.

"Oh no, please think nothing of it." Wendy waved her hand shyly. "We were just doing what needed to be done."

"Yeah I bet any of you would've done same." Natsu grinned.

"I just don't like thugs who pick on little kids." Gajeel excused.

"And are you three the only ones who have this dragon slaying magic?" asked a stallion reporter.

"No Laxus has it too. He uses lightning." Natsu confirmed.

"So then what are the rest of you capable of?" another reporter asked the guild.

"Well the majority of us here are caster types where we produce magic from our bodies. I for example use ice, while Juvia here uses water." Gray explained.

"Though some of us use caster magic that isn't elemental. Such as my team the Thunder Legion who use enchantments, voodoo and fairy magic." Laxus added while the Thunder Legion raised their hands.

"The other class of magic we use is holder magic where we channel our power through items. primary examples include Lucy's celestial magic and my own requip magic." Erza said as Lucy showed her keys to the crowd.

"I use my keys to summon celestial spirits to aid me." she said. "The silver keys are various, but the gold ones are really rare and are connected to members of the zodiac, ten of which I have contracts with."

"You mean like if you chose Cancer you'd summon a gigantic crab?!" Sweetie Belle asked fascinated though Rarity suddenly went rigid with wide eyes as if she'd just had a unwanted flashback. Lucy giggled.

"Not quite. My spirits aren't exactly identical to the zodiac signs their based off of."

"Can we meet some of them?! Oh please~?!" Applebloom asked as she and her friends gave Lucy their big eyed squee treatment. Of course she couldn't resist and stood up.

"Alright you wanna see some magic?" she asked earning an excited cheer from the CMC and many of the other foals. "Open! Gate of the giant crab: Cancer!" in a flash of light the scissor wielding spirit appeared before the crowd.

"That's not a crab! That's just a guy with scissors." Snips pipped up.

"Well I did say my spirits weren't identical to their zodiac counterparts. They're more, aesthetically styled after them." Lucy explained. While the majority of the colts seemed a bit disappointed, Rarity was quite surprised as well that Cancer didn't have the form of a gargantuan crustacean.

"So this is that Equestria place you've told us about, Ms Lucy." he said to his contractor. "Would any of you little ponies care for a mane-cut? Baby." he concluded with his catchphrase.

"You're a stylist?!" Rarity asked earning Cancer's attention.

"Oh my! That's quite a nice do there, baby! You've got some real class!" he said to the unicorn who blushed pink at his compliment.

"Oh please it's nothing. Just my standard." she smiled bobbing one of her curls with a hoof, before Cancer leapt over to her brandishing his scissors. Snip-snip-snip! After a few graceful cuts he turned away to display his handiwork to the crowd who gasped.

"What?! What did he do to my mane?! I swear if he's made it green!" Rarity began to panic before Cancer held a mirror up for her and she gasped. Her mane looked absolutely stunning, like a style she'd never seen before. She could barely speak as she gazed at it as did everyone else, Spike of course completely enamored by it.

"YOU'RE AN ARTIST~!!" Rarity swooned before fainting happily as the crowd applauded Cancer who took a bow.

"ANOTHER!" the kids cheered. Lucy grinned; it wasn't often she got to show off her magic to others. She sent cancer back before selecting another key.

"Open! Gate of the twins! Gemini!"

"Piri-piri!" said the two little blue creatures that were now floating in cancer's place.

"Awww~!" the CMC cooed at their cute appearance.

"So what can they do?" Rainbow asked. The twins responded by looking at the pegasus before Gemi tapped her on the head before engulfing himself and Mini in a puff of smoke and when it cleared a second rainbow Dash was hovering there. The crowd gasped.

"THAT'S ME!" Rainbow gaped.

"Piri-piri!" Gemini Dash tittered gleefully.

"Gemini are able to transform into any individual they touch. And whoever they become, they're also able to copy their abilities and even their thoughts. They know everything you know." Lucy explained.

"Pfft! Yeah right, no one can guess what I'm thinking." Rainbow snorted.

"You have a mad craving for cider and last season you became incredibly annoyed at Pinkie Pie for buying thirty mugs of it leaving none for you." Gemini Dash stated causing Rainbow's jaw to drop. "You've once found yourself caught in a loop when trying to choose between the Wonderbolts and Daring Do as the coolest."

"Ooh she's good! Do me! Do me!" Pinkie clapped her hooves before Gemini Dash tapped the pink party pony and morphed into her. "Meh I've seen better." Gemini Pie frowned at her underwhelment.

"Last week you were bringing ten raspberry and white chocolate brownies to your friend's picnic but you ate every one of them on your way there and then said it was a badger." the rest of the mane six gasped.

"Uhhh I take it back." Pinkie grinned awkwardly.

"Show us your next spirit!" Scootaloo grinned at Lucy.

"As fascinating as their magic is, shouldn't we be focusing on the state of Equestria?" Cheerilee spoke up.

"Yes you're quite right." Erza agreed. "We already have a strategy that should protect the town from any further attacks for the time being."

"I plan to inscribe one of my enchantments around the boundaries of your home so that no dragons may enter the premises." Freed explained.

"But is it permanent?" a citizen asked Freed who shook his head.

"Unfortunately no. Our magic is tied to our bodies so if we use too much we become exhausted and weakened, so my enchantments will only hold for a few hours." this fact sent the crowd murmuring doubtfully.

"Then what's the point?! Can their magic even be relied upon?!" a stallion questioned. "If only four of them have this dragon slayer magic what good are the rest of them?!"

"Is their magic even safe?! What if they pose just as much a danger as the dragons?!"

"Hey! I'd rather take a little damage from them than the whole town burnt to the ground!" Rainbow defended.

"Yeah! The Princess called these fellas here to help us! A hooful of them already spruced up my farm out of kindness!" Applejack added.

"I understand your doubts, but we do have a plan." Celestia tried to console her agitated subjects. "Discord has been searching for Garble's location and with his magic he's sure to find and infiltrate them. Once he reports back to us, half of Fairy Tail, including the dragon slayers will go with him, while the other half will remain here on standby. So as soon as the dragons show up, Freed will activate his enchantment to block them out of the town while we will fight them off."

"But that brings up another factor that needs addressing." another pony spoke up. "Him." they pointed to Spike. The little dragon was confused as he looked from side to side before pointing to himself.


"Yes you. He's a dragon. What if he poses a threat?!"

"Now wait just a minute!" Twilight shouted. "Spike's been raised by ponies ever since I hatched him! He's a valued member of our society! What reason would he have to betray us?!"

"Who said anything about betrayal? This is about danger! Isn't it true he lost control and nearly destroyed the entire town when he turned into a giant?! Am I wrong?!" Spike felt himself shrink upon recalling the bad memory.

"...No...it's true." he murmured shamefully.

"Hold on! He had no way of knowing what would happen!" Rarity spoke up. "And he was able to regain control by himself. Spikey-Wikey wouldn't hurt a fly." the unicorn defended as she gave Spike a comforting hug.

"But who's to say it won't happen again, intentional or not? What if he loses control of his fire and sets the town up in flames?!"

"Or what if he goes mad with hunger and tries to eat us?!"

"You don't know if any of those things are even likely to happen!" Rainbow spat. "You don't know anything about dragons!"

"And you do?!" the pegasus opened her mouth to retort but couldn't answer. "Any of you?! How can you be sure he isn't a threat if you don't know anything about his species?!"

"The way things are now we can't risk it!"

"He's too dangerous!" the crowd began to fire paranoid assumption after accusation while the Mane Six couldn't come up with a proper counter. All the while Spike was on the verge of tears. He'd always felt he belonged here, that this was his true home where he was loved, but now that his kind were threatening the land suddenly he no longer felt welcome. But just as he was about to get up to run away a sandal-dressed foot stamped down hard on the desktop cracking its wooden surface.

"THAT'S ENOOOUUUGH!!!!" Natsu roared sending a cloud of angry flames over the crowd silencing them immediately. "How DARE you talk that way to him! He's part of your society isn't he?! And now just because other dragons are attacking you walking glue factories are grouping him with them?!"

"Dragons may be different from ponies, but their morality is no different than yours is!" Wendy puffed. "Just as their are bad ones like this garble guy, there are good ones like Spike. We know because we were raised by them!"

"Yeah! They were like parents to us even though we were human they raised us as their own and taught us magic." Gajeel said.

"You lot should be grateful to have a dragon like Spike on your side!" Natsu said as he put an arm around him. "I can tell just by looking at this little guy that he's gonna grow up to be one hell of dragon! Strong hearted and proud like my Dad Igneel."

"Thick skinned and tough like my old man Metalicana" Gajeel grinned.

"Kind and wise like my Mother Grandeen." Wendy smiled. The whole room had fallen silent.

"So be happy he's on your side cause if he wasn't you'd really be in trouble then." Natsu said before sitting down while Spike stared at him in absolute awe as Celestia cleared her throat.

"Well, I think we can safely say meeting adjourned."


After the eventful meeting was brought to a close, Spike saw the guild members leaving the town square as they were heading out towards the fields just outside of town. The little dragon had grown even more fascinated in the Fairy Tail wizards, not just the dragon slayers and so he decided to follow after them just as Twilight and the rest of the girls saw him leave. The alicorn was about to go after him when AJ stopped her.

"Slow down there, Twi. I think he needs some time with them. After standing up for him like that he probably wants a chance to thank 'em." Twilight sighed.

"I just wish I could've done more. Even though the citizens were out of line, they were right about us. What do we know about dragons?"

"Species ain't got nothin' to do with it! We know Spike as a person and that should be enough. Everypony's just on edge right now. But since our fairy friends know more about dragons than we do, I think they're the folks he needs right now."

"You're right. I just hope Spike doesn't take what happened too hardly."


Spike followed to where the wizards had gone before he found them standing in a clearing, split into groups and pairs as they challenged each other with their magic. He watched in awe as Erza blocked a bolt of lightning from Laxus with a large halberd while Gajeel and Lily were exchanging punches with one another. Lucy and Levy were sparring against Cana and Juvia while the Thunder Legion were facing off against Mira, Lisanna and Elfman and of course Natsu and Gray were locked in a stalemate of combat while Makarov, Wendy, Happy and Carla were observing from the sidelines; the former would be on medical duty for this day so she could ease her comrades after the training was over. Spike honestly felt overwhelmed by their presence and he was reluctant to approach them for an underlying fear that he might be blown away but he was soon spotted by Happy who waved and called to him

"Hey Spike~!" everyone stopped training to see the baby dragon at the edge of the clearing.

"Hey, come to enjoy the show?!" Natsu asked with a grin. Spike twiddles his claws awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Well what are ya standing around like that for with your mouth open? You tryin' top catch flies, pipsqueak?!" Gajeel laughed earning a slap to the shoulder from Levy. "What?! Kid can take a joke!"

"I just...I just wanted to say...thank you. For standing up for me like that. No one's ever done that for me before." Spike said.

"Never? But you have friends don't you?" Mira asked confused.

"No you don't understand. I mean my friends have stood up for me, but not like how you did. A while ago, I once felt like I was anything but a dragon. I knew nothing about what it meant to be one, and neither did my friends. So I set during a dragon migration to meet them and learn. But when I got there the dragons I encountered were nothing I hoped they'd be: They were bullies and only liked destroying and burning stuff. They even wanted to smash phoenix eggs just for kicks. What I didn't know was that Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow had followed me there and helped me when I put my foot down against the dragons." the wizards listened intently to his story, the dragon slayers most of all.

"My friends defended me being the way I was and that i shouldn't be ashamed of it for not being like a dragon. At that moment I truly felt like I'd found a home where I'd be accepted and for a while it seemed that way." Spike paused to sniffle as he felt tears sting his eyes. "But now, because of what Garble's doing, I'm suddenly an outcast. I thought this was my home but now I don't feel welcome anymore and even my friends couldn't stop them from treating me that way cause they don't know anything positive about dragons besides me. I feel like I can't fit in with either side now, dragon or pony!" the guild mates looked amongst themselves with mixed frowns as Spike wiped his eyes before he felt a pair of arms lift him up and he looked to see Lucy smiling at him kindly as she pulled him into a soft embrace petting his scales lovingly.

"It's ok." she said as she hugged him. "You're not an outcast but we understand how you feel. Many of us have felt similar to you before."

"Blondie's right. I mean, che, look at me?" Gajeel spoke up. "I used to be a complete punk before. Me and Juvia were members of a dark guild once that went to war with Fairy Tail. Juvia managed to earn herself a spot after she joined them on a side quest but for me, I had no right."

"But he had no where to go, and for all the time I knew him he always had this, emptiness about him so I asked Master Makarov to bring him into Fairy Tail too." Juvia said. "Of course it wasn't easy for him to fit in but I didn't get off so easily either. I was still mistrusted by some of the guild for my passed actions, but when I sacrificed myself to help a friend, and she cried for me, her tears were all the proof I needed that I was loved here." she smiled at Cana who returned the gesture.

"You guys talk like, you're a family." Spike said.

"Well we are; that's a guild's all about." Erza smiled. "A place where those who have no family can find their own. Those who have lost their way can find a place to belong amongst other misfits like themselves. A place that's warm, welcoming, safe: a sanctuary." Makarov grinned proudly at Erza's statement while Spike felt his own spirit lift as a smile reached his face.

"Can...can you show me? What it's like to be in a guild? What it means to be a dragon?" he asked hopefully which caused everyone to smile at him.

"We'd be happy to my boy." Makarov welcomed him. "Anyone is welcome in Fairy Tail, unless you're an enemy in which case stay far away from us HAHAHA!" the others chuckled at the old man's joke before Gajeel stepped over to Spike and leaned down to his height.

"Well if you wanna have what it takes to be a dragon you've gotta have a strong set of lungs. So gimme your best shot."


"He means show him your breath attack. What element are you, Spike?" Wendy asked.

"Well, fire I think. It's all I've ever been able to breathe."

"Awesome! You're like me then!" Natsu grinned. "Go on then show us whatcha got!" Spike swallowed before taking a deep huff and puffed only for a small poof of green fire to come out.

"What the hell was that?! You couldn't light a candle with that, pipsqueak!" Gajeel spat.

"Lay off him he's just a baby, remember?" Lucy scolded.

"I dunno, I think he's right." Natsu said. "I can tell you've done better than that before, Spike. Fire comes from strength of the heart. It needs to be burning with will before you let loose with the flames. When was the last time you felt closest to a dragon?"

"Well, I guess at the Equestria Games. There was an accident in the final game which caused a giant spiky ice cloud to come crashing down towards the crowd. Thousands would've been killed if I hadn't melted it with my fire. It's a long story." Natsu thought for a moment before he whispered something to Makarov and Gray who also pondered before nodding to him. Gray looked up before he spotted a cloud and put his hands together.

"Ice-Make: Super freeze arrow!" he materialised a large icy bow into his hands before shooting an arrow at the cloud causing it to expand into a giant frozen mass of death which began to fall rapidly towards the guild members.

"OH MY GOD IT'S GONNA CRUSH US!! NATSU DO SOMETHING!!" Lucy screamed but found the dragon slayer sitting on the ground with his arms and legs crossed and his eyes closed.

"What the hell are you doing, Salamander?! Melt the damn thing!" Gajeel shouted. "Fine I'll do it myself!"

"STAND DOWN, ALL OF YOU!" Makarov barked. "Happy would you kindly give our little dragon a boost?" the exceed was puzzled at first before he figured it out and grinned before grabbing Spike and carrying him up towards the cloud.


"Do it! Breathe like a dragon!" Happy said. Spike looked down at the guild, Natsu not moving an inch before the dragon slayer looked right at him. The gaze shook Spike to his core but also seemed to light a fire in his heart...and that's just what he let fly from his maw as an inferno erupted from him and melted the ice cloud into rain. A few seconds passed before everyone cheered the little dragon as Happy flew them back to the ground. Spike could barley speak before Natsu ruffled his spines.

"Now you've got a fire in your belly."

"That's what I call a roar, pipsqueak." Gajeel grinned.

"You were amazing!" Wendy clapped her hands. "And if you can breathe fire like that at your age who knows what you'll do when you're older?!"

"I may not have been raised by a dragon, but that's definitely what I'd expect from one." Laxus praised.

"Let's hear it for Spike! The Purple Wonder!" Cana cheered along with the others as they applauded Spike. He'd never felt this respected since the Crystal Empire. If this was how it felt to be a dragon, he never wanted it to end. Afterward the guild decided to take a break from training and so the music, meat and drink was brought out and soon came the brawling which, as always, began with Natsu and Gray.

"Are they training again?" Spike asked.

"No just another one of their fights." Erza said who was enjoying one of the cakes she purchased form Sugarcube Corner.

"Shouldn't we stop them then? Friends shouldn't be fighting."

"Oh it's fine they do it all the time but they're still friends. Heck they're practically brothers." Lucy smiled at them locking horns.

"That's how they've always been since they were little. They know a real man sees his battles through to the very end!" Elfman praised them.

"Honestly if they just stopped all their brawling we'd probably get worried." Mira chuckled. "It just wouldn't be the same without it."

"Just one of those things that makes it feel like home?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, you're getting it now." Lucy grinned. "Families fight all the time, big and small but they're still a family in the end."

"But, with that being said," Erza said standing up and walking to the pair. "A family also knows when enough is enough." she concluded before slamming Natsu and Gray's heads together knocking them out which made Spike jump at her ferocity though the others were laughing at the spectacle as he soon found himself joining in with them.


Many hours passed as Spike made merry with the Fairy Tail guild. They sang, danced, roughhoused and shared stories of their respective adventures but as the little dragon woke up, having passed out from exhaustion along with everyone else (though some were out from drinking instead) he suddenly remembered he needed to be somewhere.

"Lucy? Hey Lucy wake up." he called as he woke the celestial mage.

"Spike? What time is it?" she yawned.

"That's what I was gonna ask." Lucy pulled a watch out of her pocket and glanced at it.

"Seven thirty PM."

"OH NO! I missed it!" Spike panicked before he sped off like a bullet before Lucy could say a word.


Back at the castle Twilight was slumped over a desk surrounded by charts and books. The Princess of Friendship had been spending the passed several hours discussing and going over strategies and battle plans to both defend the town and confront the dragons while also maintaining the citizen's calmness. And with Spike absent she'd also had to cover his share of the house work. In short, she was utterly exhausted. She lifted her head when she heard the door and looked to see Spike rushing in. She got up from the desk and trotted over to Spike, frowning as she did so. Spike looked at her before he grinning awkwardly.

"Sorry I'm tardy?" Twilight groaned.

"Where have you been, Spike?! I've been stuck all day working my flank off and I had to cover your share of the work too!"

"I'm sorry, Twi. I didn't mean to be late. It won't happen again I promise." Twilight sighed tiredly before patting her assistant on the head.

"It's fine. Everyone slips up once in a while. But right now I need to rest." the alicorn then conjured a scroll which she handed to Spike. "That's your list of chores for tomorrow." she began as Spike let the scroll roll across the floor as he opened it. He grimaced but after the day Twilight had had it was the least he could do to make up. "Please tidy away the books and then go to bed."

"Ok. I'm really am sorry. I just got so wrapped up I forgot you're under a lot of stress with everything going on."

"Wrapped up in what? I saw you following after the Fairy Tail guild but I assumed you just wanted to thank them."

"I did. But then they invited me to hang out with them." Spike smiled at the memories he'd made with them. "The way Natsu and the others stood up for me like that, it was so amazing. They're all amazing. They taught me so much about what it means to be in a guild. They're like one huge family even though only a few of them are related. They look out for each other and teach each other and welcome anyone into their group no matter who or what they are. The dragon slayers even told me about the ones who raised them. I'd give anything to meet Igneel, Grandeen and Metalicana. Even Laxus who wasn't raised by a dragon still has that greatness about him. And boy oh boy do they know how to party! Fairy Tail is the absolute best!" but as Twilight listened to his idolization of the guild she couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy spark within her and her stressed and exhausted state didn't exactly quench it.

"...I think maybe you should give them some space for a bit." she said earning Spike's attention.

"What do you mean? You mean I can't hang out with them?"

"Just for now. Remember they're here on a mission so they need time to prepare if they want to stop Garble. So unfortunately you'll need to put your partying with them off."

"B-But, I wanna help too! They invited me to their next training session! I think they want to teach me dragon slayer magic. If I had that I could finally be strong."

"Don't be ridiculous, Spike! You're far too young to be fighting! This isn't some playground scuffle it's war! You'd just risk getting hurt or worse out there!"

"You don't know that! Natsu told me that even baby dragons can hold their own in a fight! Igneel told him so and he'd never lie to his own son!"

"It doesn't matter if Igneel's right or not! I'm your guardian and I say you don't fight. It's for your own good." Spike stood there and glanced at the list which crinkled in his tightening grip as he frowned.

"So that's it? While you're all out there with Fairy Tail and Discord doing all you can to protect Equestria, I'm stuck here sweeping floors and stacking books when I could do so much more...SO MUCH MORE!!!" he roared ripping the chore scroll to pieces and beating his chest which knocked Twilight for a loop from his sudden outburst.

"This can't be all that there is for me! Fairy Tail believes in me and meanwhile this town just rejected me!"

"Spike no! This is your home!"

"It sure doesn't feel like it! I've been thinking about this for while now and after today...I'm an outcast here! An orange among apples! A sore thumb! I should've seen the signs! I mean, heh, look at how they treated Zecora for being different, and now me! Time after time I've been the butt of everyone's jokes and when I'm not I'm an errand boy running around doing this and that for everypony, nothing special! And at the end of the day I'm still just the little baby dragon!"

"Spike I didn't mean you were a baby in spirit. I only meant it since dragons live for so long so twelve is still very young for a dragon."

"And there it is again. Because I'm a dragon. I don't have a place to belong I can call my own like everypony else here does. I'm just your assistant. I don't even have much of a childhood because of it. I never went to school."

"But I've been teaching you everything." Twilight reasoned.

"I have no friends!"

"Now that's a lie! What about Rainbow? Applejack? Rarity? All of them, you have plenty of friends."

"Only because they're your friends! I've never made a single friend on my own who hasn't met me through you! Heck! I don't even know where I came from! Did I have parents?! Was my egg stolen before being handed over to you?! There isn't a single other dragon in Equestria cause that egg hatching you did couldn't have been a common test! So why would Celestia use me like that?!" By this point Twilight was beginning to grow frustrated.

"It shouldn't matter where you came from! You belong here with me and the others!"

"Well after what happened back there I find that hard to believe!"

"They were just on edge from the attacks!"

"It's not just them! I mean what do you call that?!" Spike pointed to a group picture of the Mane Six...with a torn picture of Spike taped on to the corner. "And that was just after we got back from my quest! Was that just a cheap way to make me happy?! To feel like I was one of you?!" Twilight winced at the retouched photo.


"And now, after I've finally formed a bond with a group who accept me for what I am! Make me feel proud for what I am, you want me to stay away from them when they could help me become more than this judgmental town's chore boy?! You're not doing this to protect me! You're just jealous cause they know dragons better than you could ever hope to in a hundred years! I wish I'd been born into their guild than into this town that would brand me a threat based on nothing but paranoid fear! I HATE THIS TOWN!!" Twilight stared at him utterly shocked. Never had she seen him this enraged, as he panted heavily, before she lowered her head and turned her back. Spike snorted angrily and kicked a stray book across the room before stomping to his room and slamming the door shut, unaware that Twilight was crying silently, but she wasn't the only one as outside the castle Lucy, who had followed Spike after he ran off, had witnessed the whole thing and now she too was weeping not just for Twilight, but for him to. For the first time ever, the two friends had truly broken apart.

To be continued...

It was the dead of night in the the quaint town of Ponyville. But a tense atmosphere filled with fear, paranoia and doubt has blanketed the land from the recent dragon strike from the previous day and although the dragon slayers had saved them, the damage had been done. The meeting from earlier devolved to accusations and distrust against the humble drake Spike. Whilst the Fairy Tail guild slept in their respective accommodations, the Celestial Wizard Lucy was wiping off her tears after listening into the heated argument between Spike. Carefully, she stepped towards the room where a weeping Twilight was present.

"Princess Twilight?" Lucy asked as she stepped into the room.

"What do you want?" Twilight sniffled, her voice hoarse from the shouting match earlier.

"Are you alright Princess?" Lucy asked again

"Fine...more than fine perfect. Why wouldn't I be?" Twilight angrily scoffed in an almost accusatory tone. "I mean my own best friend who I'VE hatched and help raise for his entire life just told that he would rather be born in the hands of you!" she points her hoof at Lucy

Lucy flinches "I heard everything Twilight...."

"How can you put such a ridiculous idea into his little head!!? I mean training him to be a warrior!? Are you humans stupid in your world!?" Twilight angrily shouted.

"Hey now hold it right there missy! Spike shows a lot of potential and Natsu sees that. It's Spike's decision that he wanted to join our guild, he sees a life beyond whatever you and your friends give him. And since you hatched him doesn't that make you his own mother, doesn't a mother want her child to grow strong and be happy and proud with their life?!" Lucy countered, her hands instinctively reaching for her Celestial Keys.

"But it's also a mother's duty to care and protecting him!" Twilight's wings flared

"A mother also needs to know when to let go and face the facts that her child is growing up and to explore the world around him rather than cooping him up in an empty castle!!"

"He's fine here!!!"

"HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOUR OWN PARENTS IGNORED YOU AND LEFT YOU ALONE WHILE THEY DO NOTHING BUT WORK AND KEEP YOU TRAPPED INSIDE!!?" Lucy yelled as a memory of her father disappointing glare while a rice ball gift is on the floor flashed in her mind.

"Well you....!! You....you...." tears welled up in Twilight's eyes, her wings dropped, her legs shook and buckled before collapsing as Twilight wailed is sadness "you're right....."

"Twilight...I didn't mean...." Lucy approached but a hoof stopped her.

"You're right....all my life...I used Spike to my convenience once he was old enough to read, write and understand the world around him. I didn't let him go to school, make friends outside my life... I'm a horrible and failure of a mother!!" she cried before being embraced by Lucy.

"It's going to be okay Twilight...but Spike needs to do this, he needs to grow...he wants this with all his heart. He said it himself..."

"But training? Right as we're in the middle of a war? I-it's just so much" Twilight cried.

"I know.....I'll talk to Spike and please...if anything put yourself in his place...how would he feel about this?"

"Betrayed....angry....confused.....scared...." Twilight winces at the torrent of emotions running through her body. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Lucy......"

"I'm sorry too...but like I said, Spike needs to do this" Lucy gets up.

"His bedroom is down the hall from mine...just be gentle when talking to him" Twilight pleaded.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to need my friends and Celestia.....if you're guild is what Spike is truly looking for. They need to hear this too, they're just as much family as I am to Spike." Twilight said. Lucy nods in agreement heading to Spike's room. As she left Twilight uses her magic to pick a photo album, as she flips through the pages she noticed something horrible. Back when she was a filly and had received her cutie mark Spike was very prominent in the pictures but as time went on Spike slowly and surely moved to the background before not being there at all once she had settled into Ponyville. And just like that she broke down again "Oh Spike.....I'm so so sorry" she cried, she levitates some scrolls and a pen and began writing some very important messages.

In Spike's room, Spike is angrily crying in his bed as there are a lot of torn photos across the floor. Most of them were of Twilight and Spike back when they were both little. He cried into his pillow before gasping hearing a knock, he pulls his bed sheet covers over him.

"who is it?" Spike said.

"Spike...it's Lucy.....can I come in?" she asked.


Lucy steps in, she silently gasped seeing the mess of the room. "What happened here?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing important" Spike scowled.

"Spike....I've heard everything between you and Twilight. She's extremely heartbroken and...."

"And what? Wants me to 'keep safe'?" he snarled using air quotes.

"Spike, Twilight loves you with all her heart. If anything she's your mother too since she has hatched you right" Lucy asked receiving no reply from Spike. "Spike please know that Twilight only wanted what's best for you....but she now knows that she's been using you too much and she's admits she's wrong."

"Is she really?" Spike calms down a bit.

"Yes....she's in her room sulking and practically beating herself up. She feels absolutely awful on what she did to you" Lucy sits next to him in his bed. "And she promises to own up to her mistakes..."

"You mean...she's gonna let me train with you guys?" Spike peeked out of his covers.

"Well....she's going to ask Celestia and her friends for much needed advice before she can really decide."


"You'll say your piece and they'll say theirs. And we'll stick out for you too Spike, you're a guild member" Lucy smiled.

"T-thanks Lucy.....but I simply can't talk to Twilight...at least not right now" Spike said.

"I understand....see you tomorrow Spike" Lucy pats him before leaving his room to go tell her guild mates the news.


The next day arrives with the tense atmosphere still apparent in the town, Celestia and the rest of the Mane 6 once more meet up at the castle after receiving the mail from Twilight. But as they stand by the castle entrance they were also greeted by their human guests.

"Morning Princess" Erza said.

"Morning to you too Erza" Celestia said with a hint of worry for her former student.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rainbow asked.

The dragon slayers stayed silent, looking to the ponies with almost some anger.

"It's about Spike" Makarov said.

"The letter did say the meeting was about Spike" Applejack said.

"She hasn't told you yet?....He's going to join our guild." Grey bluntly said.

"WHAT!?" The ponies said in shock while Celestia's eyes widened.

"Why would Spikey-Wikey join you!?" Rarity demanded answers.

"Oh gee, how about sticking out for the little guy when all you horses couldn't even get out a word when the entire town turned on him?" Gajeel scowled.

"W-we didn't know what to say! We barely know enough about dragons here!" Rainbow countered only to back down when Gajeel glared at her with eyes that looked like it could melt her. But before any more words could be exchanged the door opens, revealing Twilight. Her mane is a complete mess, her feathers are ruffled and her eyes are still red from crying.

"Twilight! What happened!?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"I did a lot of thinking Flutters.....and all of us have to as well.....come in" Twilight opens the door for the group as they cautiously enter the castle. Each casting a worried look to the beleaguered alicorn.

"Lucy already filled us in on the details...this is quite a big challenge to you Princess Twilight" Makarov said to her earning a slow nod.

"I failed as his mother.....it's the absolute least I can do" She tiredly said.

"Wait Twilight you're actually letting him go through with this?!" Rainbow asked.

"Yes....she is" the gang looked ahead to see Spike with his arms crossed and a sharp gaze that looked like it could pierce their souls.

"Spikey-Wi..." Rarity was about to finish before Spike held a claw up.

"No....just Spike. No hugs, no nicknames....it's time we talked." Spike said he said in a cold tone.

They all head to a table, with the ponies on one side and the guild on the other while Twilight and Spike sits on the side middle.

"What you heard is true....I'm going to join to Fairy Tail guild and leave Equestria." he said.

"But why Spike!? Don't you love it here!?" Pinkie asked.

"I did....until what happened yesterday when the entire town turned their backs on me and accused me of future destruction, which NONE of you sticked your neck out to help me! After my quest, I used to think dragons were nothing but greedy, cruel and just plain bad. But Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy showed me that good dragons existed too!! They practically gave me a new lease on life with them as a true dragon, a way for me to actually fit in and be proud of who I am!!!!" he beats his chest proudly

"But you do fit in sugarcube!" Applejack said

"DO I?!" Spike snarled causing them to flinch. "For the past few years I've been living here I've been nothing but your errand boy and the butt of jokes!! You left me on a melting ice cube in a lake during Winter Wrap Up and laughed it off. You didn't even bring me to Twilight's own birthday party up at Canterlot!! I'm the subject of nonstop pranks from Rainbow and Pinkie!! I'm practically a spell guinea pig and any time I was burnt, electrocuted, bruised or even needed somepony to talk to, did ANY of you come to check up on me!?"

"W-well we..." Fluttershy stammered as Celestia looked at them in shock.

"Is all of this true!?" Celestia demanded "how could you all do that to Spike!?"

"Don't think you not to blame too also Celestia...remember when you sent me all those letters back when Discord first escaped?! I was in so much pain from burping out all of them and Twilight only had to read only a few!" he glared at her causing even her to look down in shame.

"B-but Spike we all care for you and do respect you! Remember the Crystal Empire and how they honored you?" Applejack exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter here does it?" Spike rebuffed, "even when I'm a hero in one place I'm still in the same place. I've done so much for all of you....and now that I've found a place to fit in you don't want me to go!?"

"But Spike, we love you!" Rarity said, she really wished she hadn't said that.

"Do you Rarity? I've done some much for especially next to Twilight. Using my back as a pin cushion, talking to you when you're down, getting all your stuff and digging for gems for you and your dresses." he scowled. "and you probably know of my feelings too..'how could you ever know what it's like to be totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with some pony else' ?"

Rarity flinches...she hates where this is going. "B-but S-spike I do give you kisses and gifts..."

"Rarity.....I can't do this anymore I need an answer from you" Spike said.

"Spike...I....I do love you, but not what you think. I love you like the little brother I never had, I just didn't want to break your little heart. There's also the issue of age and species....you're a dragon, you'll live for over a thousand years while I'll probably live to a hundred. You would've had to suffer my passing further breaking your heart. But I know somewhere out there there is special somepony or somedragon for you to love...the find happiness...and maybe start a family" Rarity feels her voice cracking before tearing up "Spike...I'm so so sorry"

"We all are....I'm supposed to be the Element of Loyalty and yet I've been doing nothing but hurting you. I'm sorry with all the pranks and insults I've thrown at you" Rainbow sulked.

"I've been a mean party-pooper, I promise when you leave I'll throw the biggest going-away party you'll ever see."

"I'm so sorry I should've been there for you..." Fluttershy cried.

"I'm sorry too....it was wrong of us to treat you like that Spike." Applejack sulked.

"Now hold on little guy, you didn't have to do that. They're your family right? They're not the ones who judged you are they" Natsu asked.

"Well no" Spike said as he calmed down

"Well then just because they couldn't defend you doesn't meant they don't care about you, they're family. And in our guild family look out for each other no matter what. And besides, holding grudges are really bad for the heart" Natus finished.

"I..I guess you're right."

"Spike, we love you with all our hearts. We'll do whatever we can to better ourselves and...we'll respect your decision to join the Fairy Tail guild. " Twilight said.

"Thanks Twilight...and I'm sorry about the way I had acted at you. I was just so frustrated with the way I was living and all those ponies accusing me and..." he was about to ramble on before he found himself in a warm hug and feeling tears dropping to his scales.

"I'm so sorry Spike....I'm so sorry I did those things to you" Twilight cried.

"And I am sorry too Spike..." Celestia trots forward and hugs them, the ponies followed suit ensuing a massive group hug. Which earned some 'dawwws' from the girls, proud smiles from Natsu and Makarov....and Gajeel gagging from the cute scene.

"gross..." he said gagging as Panther Lily rolled his eyes chuckling.

"But Princess Celestia....I have to know something. Where did you find my egg all those years ago?" Spike asked. "And why aren't more like me if that was part of the entrance exam for your school?"

"I would like to know that too Celestia...no more lies, no more secrets." Twilight firmly said.

Celestia remained silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and sighed. "I found you in an abandoned dragon's nest after a dragon couple had left the mountain. Over 200 years ago."

"200!???" He gasped, "but then why did they leave me?"

"My assumption is that your egg was never going to hatch, the main reason why I used your egg for the exams was to teach incoming students when to know when to give up. But you hatched when Twilight experiences her magic surge bringing you to life. "

"I see....so either way Twilight's still my mom and the rest of you guys are my family!" Spike said in his old cheerful self as all the occupants of the room smiles as the tense moment is finally relieved. "Sooo....since I'm gonna be part of the guild now, does this mean I get those marks too!?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh course my boy!!" Makarov chuckled.

"But we left that stamp thing back at the guild hall though..." Natsu said.

"Oh well we can always improve before he gets the official mark" Erza said.

"Oh I think I have an idea for that!" Rarity exclaimed as she bolts out of the room in a gallop. Around half an hour later, she returns with her finished product.

"Whoa is that a...!?" Happy exclaimed as the white unicorn unveils a Cutie Mark Crusader style cape with the Fairy Tail guild symbol proudly emblazoned on the back.

"Whoa!! Awesome cape!!" Natsu exclaimed as Spike puts it on.

"It's similar to the capes my little sister designed for the Cutie Mark Crusaders" she said proudly.

"it's amazing Rarity! Thank you so much" he smiles.

"of course Spike, I still love you as we all are" She hugs him.

"Alright!!" Natsu suddenly grabs him and lifts him up "He's now part of Fairy Tail~!!! Gift it up for our newest member of our family~!!!" he yelled.

"Aye sir~!!!" Happy exclaimed as the guild cheers as Spike is now inducted into their guild, and soon enough the ponies join into the celebration. They didn't see that Spike grew a few inches as they celebrated.


Over in the dragon lands, King Garble was looking through the ancient archives of the his ancestors "Let's see....dragon slayers dragon slayers" he looked through the ancient scrolls and sure enough he found what he was looking for, reading an ancient journal.

The war is over, the ponies and their allies had driven us out with the powers of the mysterious dragon slayers. Princess Celestia described them as humans respectfully, they absorbed our flames with ease and their magic pierced our dragon hides wounding many of us, even killing few. That was enough to return to our lands and with some with our tails between our legs. The slayers returned to their respective world but gave us a dire warning...should we ever invade their world...we would be slaughtered by Acnalogia. I write this in hopes any future generation will head this warning. Do. Not. Challenge. The. Dragon Slayers.

Garble merely scoffed as he placed the scroll back in it's respective place.

"Dragon slayers...those dragons were weak, I AM NOT WEAK! I'll show them..I'll show them all!!" he returns to his throne/hoard room ready to plan another dragon strike against the ponies.

A few days had passed since Spike's initiation into the guild and needless to say he was happy as a lark. The event at the town meeting had all but faded from his mind and now that not only was he begin trained by a group that made him proud to be a dragon, but his family had supported his decision. He'd been training with the guild for about a week now and it seemed that the dragons slayers had gotten into a little competitive feud over what type of dragon slayer he'd be. Natsu for instance was firm that Spike would be a fire dragon due to his little display from before, while Gajeel believed Spike should be a mineral user like him since he fed on gemstones and rocks. Even Wendy had her own say in the matter that Spike also had potential for learning sky magic to heal since he had the kindness, loyalty and chivalry to fuel it. Though Laxus eventually settled the feud, having them agree on all training him as none of them, not even Spike really knew what type of dragon he'd be. It was early afternoon on the eighth day of his training that Spike was currently being shown how to eat fire by Natsu. What's more the mane Six had come to watch as they were curious how their little dragon was coming along.

"Alright, Spike. I'm gonna let loose with a roar and you try to breathe it in and then shoot it back at me. And remember, don't fear the fire; use it. Are you ready?" Spike swallowed before nodding. "Ok. Fire dragon ROAR!" FWOOOOOSH!! Natsu breathed a stream of flames towards Spike who stood his ground. Twilight, Fluttershy and rarity were all chewing their hooves in fear while Rainbow and Applejack were watching intensely and Pinkie? Well she was hungrily eating popcorn and slurping and milkshake as though she were at the cinema.

"Wow! Those flames look so real!"

"This isn't a movie, Pinkie for the last time!" Twilight said just before the wall of fire hit Spike head on. For a moment he was completely engulfed in flames before he began to slowly inhale them until the entire cloud had been sucked into his mouth his cheeks puffed up immensely with fire.

"Ok now you gotta swallow it so you can make it your own fire and send it back!" Natsu called form across the field. Spike let out a strained grunt of understanding as he tried to gulp down the mass of flames, his face turning red from the heat before he let out a large burp causing the fire to escape his maw in a large burst and he fell over.

"Spike!" Twilight rushed over to him as he sat up groaning, a wisp of smoke trailing form his mouth. "Are you ok?! Speak to me!"

"I'm fine, Twilight. Just a little dizzy." Spike reassured as Natsu approached him. "I'm sorry. I goofed."

"No you did fine. You're really getting the hang of inhaling. You just need to learn to contain the element and reconfigure it. Once you have that down no amount of fire in the world can harm you. Every flame will be under your command, even Garble's!" Spike's eyes glittered from his idol's encouragement, the Mane Six also smiling at Natsu's praise.

"Well I think our little purple powerhouse could use a break." Lucy grinned as she pet Spike.

"HEY~!!" a voice shouted. Everyone looked to see Happy, Carla and Lily flying towards the group. And they seemed to be carrying a large egg with them. It was about the size of Wendy and had three stripes, red, brown and grey.

"Where'd you guys find that egg it's enormous!" Erza said as the exceeds set it down gently.

"Dunno. It just fell out of the sky while we were on our way here so we saved it." Lily explained.

"It's clearly not that of an exceed." Carla assured. "Unless it's like Lily and incubating in it's anthro form. Can that happen?" she asked him.

"Well I've certainly never heard of it." everyone looked at the large egg before ti started wobbling and a crack appeared on its shell.

"It's hatching!" Pinkie gasped.

"What could it be?! A giant baby bird?! A giant baby platypus?!....Another baby dragon?!" Fluttershy wondered, Spike perking up on the last assumption as the egg shook more violently, cracks of light splintering across its surface. Until suddenly...CRACK-A-POOF!!! The egg exploded in a burst of coloured confetti and smoke and the gang got a good full view of its hatchling. It was a truly bizarre animal made from an amalgamation of animal body parts including a horse, goat, lion, dragon, snake, bat, deer and eagle. All of them molded together in a large serpentine body.

"I'M BACK BABY!!!" it said in a cheerful flamboyant voice.

"DISCORD?!!" the Mane Six and Spike said.


"A SNEAK ATTACK FROM THE ENEMY!!" Erza blurted as she began to slash at Discord who dodged her multiple strikes.

"Unbelievable! He dodged all of her attacks without even blinking!" Lucy gaped as Discord flipped behind Titania with a wide open smile.

"He doesn't even care. he even looks happy." Natsu observed.

"I thought I was gonna die." Discord squeaked in fear.

"THEN QUIT SMILING ABOUT IT!!!" Lucy and Natsu shouted.

"Let me deal with this!" Gray stepped forward removing his shirt. "I'll take this freak-show to the cleaners." but at that moment Discord poofed next to him dressed in a plain shirt and trousers, while standing behind a desk with a long rack of clothes streaming behind him. He quickly snatched up Gray's shirt and stuffed it in a plastic bag and sent down the rail.

"That'll be ten bits for the cotton and dry, Sir." he held out his paw.

"QUIT SCREWIN' WITH ME, CLOWN!!" Gray roared as he prepared to attack.

"ENOUGH!!!" Twilight's voice magnified to bring attention. "First of all, this isn't our enemy or a dragon. He's Discord: the spirit of chaos and ally to our kingdom. Celestia had him sent on a reconnaissance mission a week before you arrived. I take it you're back with an update." she asked the last part to the draconequus who changed out of his cleaner getup.

"Correct. I was about to tell you all after my greeting until this young lady so rudely took a swing at me." he pouted snootily with folded arms. Erza blushed slightly in embarrassment before she cleared her throat.

"I apologise for my accusation and reckless behaviour." she bowed. Discord rubbed his lip in thought.

"Hmmmm~. Well I guess I can forgive you. Right after you walk on your hands for ten hours while clucking like a chicken."

"Discord~!" Fluttershy frowned.

"Alright fine, no penalty." he huffed.

"Aww booo!" Natsu jeered. "I thought I was gonna see Erza clucking while doing handstands. This opportunity will never happen again! YOU DELIVER!" he demanded though a piercing glare form the woman quickly silenced him.

"But back to business. You're back with intel on the dragons I hope?" Twilight asked as Discord materialised an armchair out of thin air and proceeded to sit in it while wearing a pair of glasses. He laced his fingers and breathed through his nose before speaking.

"Yes. After my weeks of surveillance and infiltration I have learned much of the self proclaimed King Garble's plans."

"So he's calling himself a King now?" Spike snorted.

"I know! A flamboyant arrogant monster just coming out and declaring his title as ruler without anypony else's consent?! Who does that?!" Discord asked earning co*cked brows from the Mane Six. "What? Anywho, I've learned that he's amassing a great army of dragons and intends to strike at the heart of the Kingdom to spread fear faster than hsi own fire."

"Canterlot. Where else?" Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Actually no, oddly enough. His first target is in fact the one place any dragon would dream to be and it just so happens our little Spike is one of its higher ups."

"He's going after the Crystal Empire?!" Rarity gawked.

"To a dragon it's a city made entirely of food. His army will munch every morsel until there's nothing left. And much like old man Sombra he intends to enslave the populace and turn the city into a gem mine to feed him and his subjects." Discord explained. "At the same time he will also be sending dragons here to obliterate the citizens hope in you lot and then finally Canterlot. The succession of these three attacks will obliterate any remaining hope or will to fight in Equestria if three of its strongest areas are defeated. Manehatten, Baltimare, Las Pegasus and many other sites will be picked like apples once Garble's amassed enough power." he concluded solemnly. The Mane Six and Fairy Tail looked amongst themselves with deep concern.

"How can a dragon be so wicked? I know Acnalogia was destructive, but this Garble is just plain evil." Mira said.

"All the more reason for us to stop him before he causes just as much chaos." Freed replied.

"Does he know anything about us though? We could land a surprise attack." Levy suggested.

"Well he did hear of your little escapade in town." Discord began. "But he's incredibly arrogant and doesn't acknowledge you as a threat."

"The bastard's underestimating us?!" Natsu roared.

"Hey cool down, Salamander this is a good thing." Gajeel interjected. "Underestimation is the best thing you can get from an enemy cause that means we can take them surprise, as Levy suggested.

"Well in that case he's in for the nastiest surprise of his life." Natsu snarled as he pounded his burning fist. Discord disintegrated his armchair as he suddenly changed into a drill sergeant uniform and pulled down a map of Equestria.

"Now I believe the proper tactic is to head off the Crystal Empire invasion with a small ragtag army including myself, the Mane Six and a handful of you Fairy Cake wizards.

"Our name is Fairy Tail, man!" Elfman corrected.

"Hoho yeah, like that's any better." Discord grinned.

"Hahaha! This guy's a riot!" Bickslow laughed at Elfman's fuming expression.

"Riot! Riot!" his tikis laughed with him.

"As I was saying. While our squadron makes for the Crystal Empire, the remainder of your guild should stay here to man the town." Discord mapped out the battle plan. "Since you dragon slayers are their key weakness you should preferably be present at both locations."

"Well I'm going to this Crystal City. I'm gonna show that Mouth Wash jerk what a real dragon is!" Natsu growled.

"Mouth wash?" Lucy asked confused.

"His name's Gargle isn't it?" Spike, Discord, Pinkie and Rainbow burst into laughter.

"HAHAHA! Gargle!" Rainbow clutched her sides.

"That's a good one!" Discord slapped his knee.

"Well I'll bet he really needs a mouth wash with that bad breath of his!" Spike laughed.

"But back on track, I\'m not lettin' Salamander show me up so I'm definitely goin'!" Gajeel said.

"Well you'll be needing me to treat you if you get injured." Wendy piped up.

"Then I guess I'll be holding down the fort here." Laxus concluded.

"Then I and the Thunder Legion shall remain as well. After all, my enchantments will be needed to defend the town." Freed said.

"I'm going with Natsu's group. Someone's gonna have to watch him." Lucy grinned as she and the fire dragon exchanged a high-five.

"Then in that case the whole team might as well go." Gray stepped in along with Erza, both smiling.

"Wherever Gray goes I'll be there to back him up." Juvia said determined. "Besides I'm sure my water magic will prove useful against the dragons."

"I think I'll go along too. I'm the only one capable of feeding this big guy." Levy smirked tapping her fist on Gajeel's chest.

"Only if your short legs can keep up with me." he snickered back making her puff her cheeks at him.

"In that case, the rest of the guild should remain here to protect the town." Makarov spoke up. "The Thunder Legion, the Strauss siblings, Cana and myself. The rest of you shall go to the Crystal Empire and confront Garble."

"We will not fail, Master." Erza assured.


The group bound for the Crystal Empire were preparing their backpacks for the journey since, according to Discord, they'd have a long journey ahead of them after they arrived. Twilight had just finished packing her bag when she looked to see Spike coming out of his room with his own bag. She frowned a little.

"Um, Spike. You know I'm happy for you to be a part of fairy Tail and all...but are you sure you're ready for something like this?" she asked worriedly.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but this is something I have to do. Especially with where we're going. I'm the Empire's greatest hero. Like you said, I saved them. Twice. And now that their home may come under attack any day, I have to do all that i can to protect them. I'm not saying I'm gonna go claw to claw with Garble but I can't just stay and do nothing. Not when I have ponies and people I can protect." he went over to the Princess of Friendship and gently pet her mane. "I've always believed in you, Twilight. So let me show you why you believe in me." Twilight stared at him before she wiped a proud tear from her eye and hugged him.

"How could I not see how much you've grown?" she sniffed as Spike returned her embrace before they parted. "Come on. The others are waiting."

"Then let's go!" Spike grinned as they rushed off to meet the others at the station.


Spike looked rather puzzled as he, along with the Manse Six stared at Nastu and Gajeel as they road the train to the Crystal Empire. Both of the dragon slayers were pale green and their cheeks swollen, occasionally letting out a strained gag as they tried not to let whatever was trying to escape their stomachs out.

"So wait. You're telling me Dragon Slayers get severe motion sickness?" Spike asked Lucy who nodded awkwardly.

"It's a curse for poor Nastu." she said rubbing her partner's back soothingly, though having little effect on him. "It's the same for Gajeel."

"But what about Wendy? She doesn't look sick."

"It comes with our level of power. Since I'm the weakest of the three I've yet to develop it. Gajeel's second strongest cause he got his sickness a while ago but Natsu's been dealing with it for years."

"Don't...put me beneath...Sala-HNNGH!" Gajeel failed to finish his sentence as he covered his mouth.

"Well, don't worry, we're almost there, you two." Twilight consoled the sickly duo.

"Man they look sicker than I did after eating those horrific muffins." Pinkie grimaced.


The journey took about another hour, Natsu having to hurl out the window during, until they finally reached the Crystal Empire. And as soon as the train came to a stop, Natsu and Gajeel instantly returned to normal, the former jumping out the train window and kissing the platform.

"FINALLY!! SWEET SOLID GROUND!!" he cheered as the others stepped off the train to join him.

"Sheesh, and I thought Rarity was a drama queen." said Rainbow.

"A drama queen?! Me?!" the unicorn questioned flamboyantly. As the group departed the station they were soon greeted by a large carriage with two royal crystal guards standing by.

"Princess Twilight. We welcome your arrival." the first bowed along with his comrade. "As do we yours, Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." they bowed to the little dragon who grinned sheepishly at the Fairy Tail wizards.

"Long story." he said before the guards began to transport them to the city center, crowds of shimmering crystal ponies waved and cheered at Spike as they passed them by.

"Wow. I know you said you were a hero but I never would've guessed you were this big a shot here." Lucy nudged him with a smirk as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I know. I'm still not used to being pampered by them."

"Well maybe now that you're in our guild you'll get a cut of the cash, eh?" Gajeel laughed as the carriage to a stop outside the magnificent crystal castle. The guild mates looked at it in astonishment as they were lead into the building by Spike and the Mane Six before being greeted by a couple of other ponies. A white stallion unicorn with a blue mane and a pink mare alicorn with a purple, pink and yellow mane. Twilight beamed when she saw them and ran to hug the couple who returned her embrace.

"Welcome back, Twily." the white unicorn greeted her.

"Good to be back, BBBFF." Twilight replied.

"And of course, we're glad to see the rest of you back as well." the pink unicorn smiled. "Especially you, Spike." she pulled the dragon over with her magic to give him a hug. "Oh and you must be the Fairy Tail wizards twilight's told us about."

"Correct. It's nice to meet you Miss..." Erza asked her name.

"Oh where are my manners? I'm Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire, but please, call me Cadance. And this my Husband, Shining Armor; captain of the Royal Guard."

"A pleasure." the white unicorn nodded. "My little sister's told me much about you prior to your arrival."

"Sister?" Wendy quizzed.

"Oh yeah. Shining is my Big Brother Best friend Forever." Twilight informed the group.

"So that's what that jumble of letters stood for." Levy realised.

"My name is Erza. And these are my comrades, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Levy and Juvia." Erza introduced the group to the couple.

"Welcome." Cadance bowed to them. "We're grateful for your assistance in our battle against the dragons."

"So Discord already filled you in." Lucy said.

"Correct. Our top priority is to prepare the Empire for the attack. The citizens must be evacuated to the safe points before Garble's armies reach us." Shining informed the group.

"Do you know exactly when they'll be here?" Gray asked Discord.

"I can't say for certain. There's always the chance he changed his last plan I heard. But if not, they should arrive in just two days."

"Then there's no time to lose. we need to prepare now." Twilight said as the group set about their business. But little did they know, just outside the window a clear shadow was watching them. it flew away from the tower and the city before reaching a nearby cave where it's invisible coat changed colour, revealing itself to be a dragon; a female. She had electric blue scales, green spines and large ruby red eyes. She also had quite the voluptuous figure, standing about the same height as Erza with a pair of strong wings. The dragoness glanced from side to side before holding out her hand where a small flame bloomed in her palm, shaping itself into a mirror as Garbles face suddenly appeared on it.

"Melinda. Your report?"

"Yes, Sire. I'm still posted at the Crystal Empire as you ordered. The Mane Six have arrived along with those human creatures as well as the Spirit of Chaos, Discord."

"Just as I suspected. I figured they'd show up sooner or later." Garble smirked smugly.

"That's not all, Sire. One of our own is with them." Melinda spoke.

"A dragon is aiding them?! Who?!" Garble roared in fury which flinched the dragoness.

"I don't know. They were small, with green spines and purple scales." garble digested the description before he burst out into mocking laughter.

"Don't worry. He's no threat. That's just that little runt, Spike. He can't even light a candle let alone fight a real dragon like you or me. Just forget about him. Stay where you are until the squadron I send arrives."

"Yes, Sire. Melinda out." the flame communicator poofed as the message concluded leaving Melinda alone in the cave and she stared at the distant city.

"Just who is he?" she asked, the image of Spike still floating in her mind.

To be continued...

The armed forces of the Crystal Empire were all at work preparing the defense of King Garble's coming strike. Barricades and large squads of soldiers rush to the empire's edges, weapons drawn. Large crossbows are erected upon the tops of the crystal buildings, the whole city was in high alert, even the train station was shut down for the day in anticipation for the attack. And at the balcony of the Crystal Castle, the gang looks over the mobilizing forces.

"Like a well oiled machine...you did great training them honey~" Cadence nuzzles her husband who beams in pride.

"Even though they were 1000 years out of practice, nothing like the General Artillery patented mega-training can't fixed." Shining said.

"I still can't believe you have a frickin' statue of yourself Spike" Natsu pointed to the crystal statue depicting Spike holding up the crystal heart.

"Aye! We don't even have statues like those back home!" Happy said as Spike couldn't help but blush.

"It's nothing really....I just had to do the right thing" Spike said scratching the back of his head.

"But more to the point, these defenses will at the very least stall the dragons. We barely know how tough their scales are and the fire power they have." Shining said.

"Which is why we're here isn't it" Gajeel said arms crossed looking at the landscape.

"Exactly, if we can beat back this assault it'll have a big morale boost for our people as well as send a message to Garble that we won't go down without a fight" Cadence stated.

"That's the spirit Cadence!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

But little Spike, was looking out the empire and far into the landscape deep into thought. Here he is, at practically the front line in a potential world war his mind races with a flurry of thoughts. Was he really ready for this? Is he really sure to leave Equestria? But just as he was about to continue his racing thought, he is stopped by a gentle hoof. He looks up to the source to see Twilight's concerned face.

"Are you alright Spike?" she asked.

"Yeah...." Spike breathes in slight relief "Just did a lot of thinking is all"

"Don't think too hard otherwise your head would get all hot and dizzy!" Happy said.

"Which happens to Natsu a lot, can't think too hard or else he'll hurt his little fire brain of his. " Grey said.

"What did you say ice geek!!?!?" Natsu snarled.

"I'm saying you're a dumbass fire breath!!" Gajeel said whilst unknowingly stripping off his coat and shirt.

"Grey-sama getting naked again~" Juvia blushes seeing his bare body.

"Ack dammit not again!!!" Grey freaked a bit as he goes back to butting heads with Natsu.

"GRRRRRRRRR!!!!" both wizards could practically feel their tempers starting to boil over, only to be smacked on the heads by a pissed off Lucy.

"Will you two quit it!!! We're entering a war dammit!!!" she glared while taking out her whip, her eyes glowing yellow.

"Y-yes ma'am!!!!" the duo said while at the same time Lucy gained the deadly glare of Juvia.

"love rival..." she muttered as a shadowy aura surrounded her, but the ponies were dumbfounded at the curious seen with Discord and Pinkie laughing it up.

"Oh wow!! These guys are hilarious~!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"They're....curious that's for sure." Shining said, he looks to his sister who could only shrug. But the comedic scene was cut off with the sound of sirens wailing as the group looks to West.

"They're coming..." Erza said. "REQUIP!" she yelled as her body glows as her regular suit of armor is replaced by a blazing silver winged, and a tad revealing, armor. "Heaven's Wheel Armor!! We must not hold anything back since we're dealing with dragons once more!!" Erza commanded as around 10-20 winged creatures came into view in the horizon.

Spike gulped and took a few deep breaths, "Here we go..."

"Ready for your first fight Spike~?" Natsu said with vigor.

"I t-think so ..." he fidgets his claws, but with the worrying looks of the ponies he clenches his fists and glares to the coming assualt. "No....I know so Natsu" He said said with confidence.

"That's the spirit Spike!!" Happy exclaimed as he activates his wings, with a quick motion he grabs a hold of Natsu and lifts him off the balcony and to the coming storm of dragons.

"I'M ALL FIRED UP!!" he yelled.

"Damn it Salamander!! Like hell I would give you a head start!!" Gajeel snarled as he leapt of the balcony and started running in the same direction.

"H-hey wait for me!! Come on Carla." Wendy exclaimed to her partner as Carla merely rolled her eyes as her own wings appeared.

"Honestly Wendy you're becoming more like Natsu and the others everyday" the white exceed said picking up Wendy and following dragonslayers as well as Erza taking flight with her armor while the ponies stand in awe at the power of their mage allies.

"This I gotta get into!!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Get ready everypony! We're going into war!!" Cadence proclaimed as the army of ponies march to the empire borders, spears and other weapons drawn. Even Spike bolts from the balcony and down the steps.

"Spike wait where are you going!!?" Fluttershy cried.

"One way or another, I'm going to help!!" He yelled grabbing a quick sword.

"Where'd he get a sword?" Applejack asked.

"Oh I have weapons stashed all over the place, in case of emergency!" Shining said proudly.

"Hey that's my schtick!" Pinkie exclaimed pouting a little earning a chuckle among the group, but they quickly had to chase after Spike as he runs head first into the coming battle. However in the now abandoned streets of the Crystal Empire, Melinda the dragoness kept watch of the marching armies as well the legendary 'dragonslayers' as they head into battle. She hid in the shadows as she watches Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy run by, but, she can't seem to focus that much at the moment. Her mind somehow fixated that little drake 'What was his name again...Spike was it?' she thought to herself. Her thoughts were suddenly put on pause when she heard a voice.

"Hey guys!! Wait up!! I want to help too!!" it yelled out, her ruby eyes looked further down the road and sure enough there was the drake, sword in claw and his own maw breathing sparks. She lets out a silent gasp gazing into his emerald eyes, filled with confidence and determination, she even catches a bit of muscle on the little drake.

As Spike ran to his trainers, he suddenly stops in his tracks. He looks around for a bit as Melinda hid back into the shadows at a safe distance. "What was.....?" but that comment was cut off by loud, warring roars of the coming dragons descending upon the city.

"INCOMING!!!" the soldiers scrambled huge fire balls and boulders rained upon the city. It was then Spike uttered his first 'swear'.

"HOLY CRAP!!!" The little drake dodged away from the raining hellfire as he dives into an alleyway as the sounds of war bellows through the skies.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!" Natsu bellowed as he breathes a large breathe of fire magic against the dragons. The dragon slayers and their pony allies clashed the battle spilled into the streets. Though the ponies outnumber the dragons it's still a tough fight with their weapons only scratching the dragon's scales and their shield spells barely holding up against the dragon fire.

And yet Spike, even with sword in hand and courageously ran out to the battlefield was unsure what to do. He was still small compared to the others around him. But his thought process was cut off by screaming as he looks to see a family cornered by a dragon.

"D-don't hurt us!!"" the stallion yelled as the dragon took a deep breath.

"MOMMY!! DADDY!!!" their daughter cried shutting her eyes expecting the worst to come as the silver colored dragon let out a huge fireball crackling. They would've died right then and there but then they heard an odd sound of slurping, the cornered ponies slowly open their eyes and gasp seeing Spike, slurping up the massive fireball.

'Come on, come on!! You can do it Spike!! Remember what they taught you' He thought to himself as sweat appears on his forehead, straining from the fireball he was slurping up much to the shock of the dragon who had breathed such fire. Before long, the last of the dragon fire was slurped up with Spike's cheeks puffed up and his face red an clenched holding in the flames. And with one large gulp, he had officially ate the flames and suddenly he feels rejuvenated in energy, he glares at the attacking dragon with a smirk.

"Now I have a fire in my belly!!!!" Spike took a deep breath his maw crackling with embers, "Fire...Dragon....ROAR!!!!" he lets out a massive fireball of his own blasting the dragon to the other side of the street! "I ... I did it....I did it!!!" Spike grinned before looking to the stunned ponies. "Hurry and get to safety!"

"T-thank you" the mare said before taking her family.

"You can do it Spike!!" the little filly yelled as they left filling Spike with more determination and confidence. He glares at the fallen silver dragon who's getting back up who's equally give Spike a death glare.

"You...ASS!!!" the silver dragon snarled as his claws are then coated in a cold gray coloring. "Let's see you take down my iron!!" he charges roaring at the little drake. Spike then charges too, baring his teeth. Just as the dragon swings his claws, Spike leap into the air, he opens his jaw and bites down on the iron coated claws using his jaw strength he bit off the iron claws as the silver dragon roars in absolute pain. "H-how!!!?"

Spike smirks as his claw started to spark lightning, "Because I've been training with the dragonslayers!!!" And with a powerful lightning filled punch, he knocks out the dragon finally defeating it. "I did it!!" Spike said panting, but the fight still rages through the city as the ponies and mages duke it out with the dragons.

"Ice make!! Spears!!"

"Open gate of the Scorpian: Scorpio!!!!"



With the mages help the battle quickly starts turning in their favor as the many of the assaulting dragons are slowly getting pushed back. But war is not without their casualties.

"Shoot!! Medic!!" A guard yelled as Spike quickly rushes over to the source of the wounded pony.

"time to use that healing magic Wendy taught me." Spike muttered as his claws glow a white aura of the Wind Dragon while keeping on guard for other dragons that may strike at him. But in the alley, Melinda watches in shock as the dragon force is being repelled and the supposed weak whelp was actually extremely powerful. She summons her communicator to contact her superior.

"Melinda! Report, what in Tartarus is going on out there!?" Garble snarled.

"Not good sir, the force is being repelled by the magic humans and ponies." She said seeing one of the dragons' wings being frozen by Grey's ice magic.

"WHAT!?!?" Melinda flinched.

"And that's not all, it's about the drake Spike." Melinda said seeing Spike healing the fallen guard.

"What is it about that poor excuse of a dragon?!" He glared.

"He has been training, he was able to take down Silver Gleam by eating his flames, biting through his iron claws and knocked him out. If I heard correctly, he has been training to become a dragon slayer like the humans." Melinda stated.

".....Melinda, I'm giving you a direct order. Capture Spike the Dragon and bring him to the Dragon Empire directly to me. I'll deal with him personally" He said snarling.

"Are you sure your highness? He can be of use to us and- "

"Are you questioning my order!?" Garble snarled.

"N-no sir! Of course not!" She stammered in slight fear.

"Then do it and don't contact me until you have that little whelp!" he snarled before cutting off the connection. She sighed sadly as she watches the retreating dragons.

"Yes sir....... This shouldn't be our way..." she muttered as she goes into the shadows to capture Spike.

As the dragons retreated the team celebrates a battle hard won, and especially Spike who's the true hero of the hour.

"You were super duper amazing Spike!!!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"That was incredible on how you ate those flames!" Rainbow yelled.

"Man Spike, you've really grown since the Equestria Games" Cadence stated.

"That's all the training we've been giving the little guy!" Natsu beamed with pride as he gives Spike a little noogie.

"H-hey stop that! It's nothing really" Spike blushed from receiving so much praise.

"You helped out so many of my soldiers and my subjects, we are in your debt Fairy Tail." Cadence bowed to them slightly.

"It's no problem at all Princess, we are merely doing our duty as mages." Erza said proudly in her usual armor set.

"Aye we did awesome!" Happy exclaimed.

"T'was a quite a large fight, but these dragons are very different than the ones in Magnolia." Carla stated.

"Yeah, to be honest they're a little more goofy but they're still really tough. Taurus and Scorpio deserve a long break after that!" Lucy said.

As the gang talk amongst themselves, they were unaware of a shadow slowly creeping up behind them. The bright ruby eyes barely visible, 'Just a little closer' Melinda said to herself. But just as she was about to pounce..

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!" Gajeel yelled before stomping on the shadow behind them, actually reaching into the shadow and grabbing the dragoness by the neck.

"Gajeel what are you doing!!?" Levy asked.

"Looks like we had a straggler" Gajeel snarled as he pulls the dragoness out of the shadows.

"H-how....!?" Melinda chocked much to the shock of the group and a slight gasp from Spike.

"I had an opponent who pulled the same trick in the Grand Magic Games, now talk or else..." His right hand turns his iron club, "This is going right up your big ass"

"Eep!!" Melinda blushes, 'My butt isn't that big!!....Is it?' she thought to herself.

"Whoa whoa! Gajeel slow down!" Cadence said.

"Why should we? She's the enemy!" Gajeel said.

"She's a prisoner of war and should be treated as humanely as possible." Erza said as chains are put on Melinda's claws. "Now who are you?"

"My name....is Melinda." she said.

"And what is your purpose here in the Crystal Empire." Twilight glared at her.

"For him....." she nodded to Spike.

"M-me?" Spike said, nobody noticed the tiny blush on his cheeks.

"King Garble wanted him after hearing you're learning dragon-slaying magic...so he ordered me to kidnap you and take you to him." She said.

This earned a really pissed off Twilight. "KIDNAP MY SON WILL YOU!!!" her horn glowing with looks to kill, only to be held back by Rainbow, Applejack, even Fluttershy!

"Twilight stop!" Fluttershy cried "It's not worth it!!"

"Save your strength for the big fight!!" Rainbow said. Twilight took a few breathing techniques she had learned and calmed down enough to prevent her magic attack but still glares at the dragoness.

"Send her to the dungeons, I'll see to it that I'll oversee the interrogations." Cadence ordered as guards take Melinda to the dungeons, but just as they were about to leave.

"WAIT!!" heads turned to Spike. "Don't send her to the dungeons!"

"Why not?!" Shining said.

"W-well....think about it, we're supposed to be a nation that represents equality, tolerance and understanding. If we treat uh...


"R-right Melinda, if we treat her like this we might spur the dragons for a bigger retaliation from Garble!" Spike reasoned as the gang looks to each other a little unsure what to say. Even Melinda was lost for words at the drake's kindness.


"What are your orders your highness?" The guard asked.

".....Release her, but keep a close eye on here at all times." Shining ordered.

"I'll talk with her, I'll be her escort!" Spike said.

"Are you really sure about this Spike?" Lucy asked.

"Yes....I know she's not a bad dragon like the others...I can just feel it!" Spike said looking Melinda right into her ruby eyes, causing her to gasp a little and blush lightly herself.

"Alright...but if she tries anything she's going straight to the dungeons!!" Twilight yelled still glaring at the dragoness.

"I...I understand" Melinda said hanging her head low.

"Jeez angry Twilight is just as scary as Erza..." Natsu said.

"And what;s that supposed to mean?" Erza said with a hint of a growl as her eyes glow red glancing at Natsu.

"Nothing nothing!!" Natsu cowered.

"This outta be interesting..." Lucy said as Levy raised an eyebrow at Melinda.

To be continued...

About a day had passed since the dragon's failed attack on the Crystal Empire. Repairs were already underway for any of of the damaged buildings and the citizens were already moving back in after receiving an all clear from Shining Armor. The only difference that had come from the battle was that the Empire now had a special guest in their midst. Needless to say Melinda was shocked by the situation she was now in. The dragoness had expected to either A) Capture and escape with Spike to bring him to Garble or B) Be captured and imprisoned in Tartarus by the ponies. But instead, although she didn't succeed in obtaining Spike and was caught by the enemy, the little dragon had insisted she not be made a prisoner as he believed it would only make the war worse than it already was.

"So this is where you'll be staying." he said as he lead her to a spare room in the castle. "I know it looks delicious, but try to resist eating it. Twilight gave me such a scolding when I pigged out on one of the other guest rooms during my first trip here. Ate everything in sight." he laughed with a hint of past embarrassment.

"Why?" Melinda asked earning Spike's attention. "Even though I was sent to abduct you, you insisted I remain unchained. You out of all of them should want me locked up." Spike looked puzzled at first but he soon gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Well when you put it like that, I guess I should be the maddest of the bunch. But I wasn't raised that way. Equestria stands for far greater things than locking up war prisoners. I was taught to see the good in everypony and learn to understand them. I can tell just by looking at you that you aren't here out of hatred for our nation, and locking you up would only give Garble even more excuses to rile up the other dragons to fight. That's why I wanna show you what we truly stand for." Melinda stared at the young drake in awe of his wise words.

"Besides," Spike added. "A lovely lady like you shouldn't be chained up in some dingy jail cell." Melinda blushed lightly at his compliment before she smiled at him warmly.

"Thank you. You're very kind, Spike." the boy chuckled bashfully rubbing his head.

"Hehe yeah I get that a lot. So how about I show you around? The Crystal Empire's more than just one giant dragon treat."

"Oh I-I don't know." Melinda hesitated. "I'm with the enemy after all. The ponies would probably be terrified or even spiteful if they saw me."

"Not if you're with me they won't. I don't know if you saw the statue, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm actually a national hero here. So as long as I tell them you're on my side you should be fine."

"Well, I suppose it's worth a try." Melinda nervously agreed. Spike smiled at her agreement before he took her by the claw and led her down to the main entrance.

"And just where do you think you're going, young drake?" the two turned to see Twilight tapping her hoof accompanied by the rest of the Mane Six and Fairy Tail.

"I thought I'd show Melinda the Empire. Teach her why Equestria's such a great place to live." Spike smiled. Twilight sighed.

"Spike, I understand your reason for keeping...Melinda, out of prison. But I'm sorry, I don't trust her. Not after learning what she was sent here to do. What if she takes off with you as soon as you step outside? I know you've gotten stronger but..."

"It's ok, Twilight. I know you're just worried about me and I'd be a fool not to see why. But I can just tell Melinda isn't gonna take me away. It's hard to explain but I just feel it."

"It's because you're listening to your heart." Erza smiled. "You look passed her actions and instead see the good in her that others can't. Trust me, I've done it before." she said as her mind drifted to the thought of a certain blue haired man. "Go on. Show her what makes this place home for you." Spike beamed at the Queen of the Fairies' supportive words.

"Thanks, Erza you're the best! Come on, Melinda!" he said before the two left the castle.

"We're following him right?" Rainbow asked.

"Yep." Twilight confirmed.

"Here here. I'm not fully convinced myself." Rarity agreed.

"I'll admit I'm curious too." Lucy piped up. "Plus I didn't see much of the Empire before the attack so no time like the present."

"I'm coming too." Happy grinned. "I wanna see if Spike scores with that lady dragon."

"Happy she's like twice his size!" Applejack interjected. "She's gotta be at least ten years older than him!"

"I would like to join as well." Juvia spoke.

"Why do you wanna go?" Gray quizzed. "Are you afraid Melinda's your love rival for Spike?" he then joked, but of course it went right past Juvia who began panicking.

"Oh darling please don't misunderstand! I have no such feelings for Spike! You're my only true love and you always will be!"

"I was kidding, jeez. You need to work on your sense of humour." Gray muttered.

"Oh. Well my reason is the same as Happy's. I think this may be the start of a beautiful romance."

"N-Now Juvia, dear. You know they've only just met, and under questionable circ*mstances might I add." Rarity smiled a little nervously. "And then there is the whole matter of her her age as Applejack brought up. Don't you think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself?"

"Not at all. I've never once been wrong when it comes to love." Juvia smiled proudly.

"Now I know that's a lie." Gray frowned as Lucy nodded in agreement which shocked Juvia at first before she started swooning again.

"Oh Gray, your harsh criticism is what helps me become the woman you deserve~!"



"Welcome to the Crystal Empire!" Spike opened his arms presentingly as he and Melinda were now walking through the crystalline streets. As they walked, the passing citizens were surprised to see a dragon other than Spike in their midst. Considering the events that had just transpired, they naturally kept their distance from Melinda which saddened the dragoness.

"Is this really how they've come to view us? Is this what our image has been reduced to because of Garble?" she thought until a small voice snapped her back to her sense.

"MR SPIKE~!" the pair looked to see the family that Spike had rescued form yesterday running to them. The little filly ran to the drake and hugged him, knocking him to the ground since she was close to his height. "Thank you! You saved me and my Mommy and Daddy!" she said nuzzling him thankfully.

"You're welcome." Spike chuckled as he gently pushed the filly off so he could get up only to be hugged by her Mother.

"Oh Spike the Brave and Glorious! We owe you our lives! Thank you!" she said before giving him a kiss on both cheeks and passing him to her husband who gratefully shook his claw.

"If it weren't for you we would have surely perished that day. I don't know what this Empire would do without you, Honorable Spike." the dragon was blushing by this point from the praise he was being showered in.

"I-It's really no big deal, honest." he grinned.

"Of course it is! Really you're so modest, sweetheart." the Mother argued. "With you on our side those other nasty dragons don't stand a chance. Why they ought to take every leaf out of your book." but that was when the small family noticed Melinda. Not wanting them to panic Spike quickly stepped in.

"Don't be afraid. She's with me. This is my friend, Melinda." the dragoness tentatively stepped forward before she spoke.

"Do...Do you ponies really view us this way? Have all dragons become monsters in your eyes?"

"Oh, please don't misunderstand." the Father spoke up. "We have nothing against dragons in general. I mean you just witnessed our view of Spike so I'm positive there are just as many good dragons as there are bad like the ones who attacked our home."

"Actually, I haven't heard any other cases of other dragons living among ponies besides Spike." the Mother wondered.

"Then does that mean you're like him?" the filly asked Melinda. "Are you gonna help Spike save us?" Melinda looked at her before turning to Spike who gave her a small nod.

"...Yes. I am." the filly smiled before hugging her leg.

"I knew it. You look way too gentle to be a bad guy, or girl." she said.

"Well, we should be on our way now. I have a lot more to show her." Spike said as he began to carry on. "Good day."

"Bye Mr Spike~!" the filly waved as she and her parents headed off as well.


A few hours went by as Spike and Melinda toured the Empire making numerous small stops along the way, including the Crystal Heart and the large statue of the drake which the latter found most dazzling. The pair were currently at one of the restaurants waiting for their serving of gems, which of course were on the house despite Spike attempting to pay.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were a national hero here." Melinda chuckled awkwardly, seemingly overwhelmed by how much the crystal ponies glorified him.

"I know." he laughed back. "Sometimes even I can't comprehend it. I mean really all I did was carry the Crystal Heart to safety and melt a cloud of ice spears."

"I don't think it was the act itself that made you a hero, but the outcome." Melinda deduced. "By carrying the Heart to safety the ponies were able to defeat King Sombra and by melting the cloud you saved thousands of lives. The actions may have been small but they amounted to so much. You have the right to be proud."

"Wow." Spike murmured. "I guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks."

"Hey, it's the least I can do." Melinda smiled at him resting her head in her claws. But not too far away from the restaurant the small squad of Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Lucy, Juvia and Happy were watching

"What are they saying?" Lucy asked Twilight who was holding a large ear horn made of magic.

"She's praising Spike for his deeds to the Empire. Quite insightfully actually." the alicorn muttered with a hint of impressiveness. "Spike did have a hard time being proud of himself during both cases, but it seems she got through to him. Maybe...maybe she can be trusted." she added.

"Never mind that." Happy said. "I wanna see some flirting~!"

"I highly doubt that." Rarity muttered. "Besides they've only just met. Spike's just being polite with her, being the chivalrous gentledrake he is."

"You know Spike." Melinda said as she leaned forward a little causing the dragon to blush a little when she got close to him. "You're incredibly mature for a hatching, and so strong too. Those ponies and humans have raised you so well. I don't think any six year old dragon in our land has become as astounding as you."

"Six?! I'm not six, I'm thirteen!" Spike blurted which startled Melinda.

"B-But that's impossible. You're tiny. If you're honestly thirteen you should be almost as big as me."

"...As, big as you?" Spike murmured confused as his eyes looked over the dragoness's 'well endowed' slender body, his face turning a light shade of red. "How old are you?"


"FIFTE-!" the two sharply turned their heads when they heard a yell of shock but saw no one. The yell of course came from the group who were hiding behind the building, Lucy covering Rarity's mouth.

"She's two years older than him?" the celestial mage asked nobody in shock.

"But she's nearly three times his size." Rarity questioned. "How can they be so close in age?"

"Well let's find out shall we?" Twilight said.

"I smell a win coming. Natsu better have his pay ready." Happy snickered.

"You bet on whether they'd hit it off?" Lucy gave the exceed a look which made him chuckle.

"But how? You're so, um, big." Spike muttered.

"Believe me I'm just as surprised by your age." Melinda answered. "It must be because of where you were raised."

"Well I ate healthily. Mainly vegetarian and baked goods, although Rarity would treat me with gems. She always picked the best ones." the unicorn smiled at the compliment. "Although Natsu and Gajeel recently introduced me to meat when they hunted a manticore. Boy oh boy did it taste great."

"Hmm. Well your diet is definitely a cause. We dragons have a high protein diet what with all the meat and gems we eat. You'd probably grow bigger if you had more."

"Well, there was one time I grew. But it's not a memory I'm proud of." Spike muttered with a guilty tone.

"How what happened?"

"It was my birthday. I think was about ten, maybe nine. It was my first birthday since Twilight and I moved to Ponyville and up until then I only ever got presents form her and Shining Armor and maybe if I was lucky, Celestia. But now we had all these new friends and they threw the best birthday ever with so many generous gifts. I even got a kiss from rarity back when I had a huge crush on her."

"So then what's the problem?"

"Well after my birthday Twilight sent me to sugar Cube corner because the Cakes had baked me a special sapphire cupcake for my birthday as a surprise."

"Wow. I've never heard of gem cakes." Melinda couldn't help licking her lips which made Spike chuckle.

"Yeah. Anyway, after I left I bumped into Cheerilee the school teacher and told her it was my birthday, just to make gossip, but she gave me this cool hat. That was when I started feeling this strange urge to get more stuff and I began mooching off everypony in town using my birthday as an excuse. Of course Twilight caught on and snapped me out of it, but then the next morning I'd grown as big as you." Melinda's eyes widened curiously. "And it only got worse from there. I started stealing more and more things growing bigger with each theft until I'd grown as big as a mountain. I went on a rampage and nearly destroyed the town. It was only because of Rarity, when I tried to steal a fire ruby gem I gave to her, that I regained control and changed back to this size instantly."

"I see." Melinda said. "Well as you probably know, dragons have a tendency to horde treasure. We are all born with a small dose of natural greed in our being but in our society it's more gradual and controlled allowing us to grow with ease. but I think, because you were raised in such a chivalrous way and in such a small society, coupled with your vegetarian diet, you were unable to grow as a regular dragon would."

"But then why'd I grow so big and crazy on my birthday?"

"Because that was your first taste of greed. But because it was such a large and fast dose of it your body took it in all to well causing you to lose control. Your natural tendencies being minimalised has stunted your physical growth."

"Unbelievable." Twilight murmured. "She knows so much."

"Well duh, she's a dragon." Rainbow stated.

"And you said that garble and his friends were the first dragon you met?" Melinda asked.

"Well technically my first was a giant green dragon whose cave I trespassed on in the Everfree Forest. He was not happy to see me." Spike jittered.

"How much do you know exactly about our kind, Spike?" Melinda inquired to which Spike frowned.

"Not much. At least nothing positive. When i met garble all he and friends wanted to do was fight, wrestle and smash phoenix eggs. they were just a bunch of bullies. I actually didn't want to be a dragon if that's what it meant to be one. But then I met Natsu and the dragon slayers. They were raised by dragons in their world who were wise, powerful and loving parents to them. It's because of them and fairy Tail that I want to be proud to be a dragon." Melinda smiled.

"I'm glad you feel that way, spike. I would hate for such a sweet drake like you to reject your kind. I want to teach you everything about what we really stand for. Not those savages Garble's got under his thumb." the dragoness got up form her chair and walked up to Spike, kneeling before him as she took his claw in hers.

"Ohhh here it comes~." happy grinned unable to contain his excitement.

"Is she going to propose to him? She's on her knees." Juvia blushed at the sight.

"They haven't even kissed yet, geez!" Lucy gawked.

"Will...will you let me show you the true ways of a dragon, Spike? Even though we met on weaker terms?" Melinda asked gently petting him with her free hand which made him shiver from her contact as he looked into her beautiful red eyes.

"Melinda I...I'd be honored to learn from you." he accepted placing his hand on hers making her gasp happily.

"Oh Spike thank you!" she cried before she picked him up and embraced him, unintentionally burying him in her soft bosom.

"Aww they're hugging." Lucy beamed.

"They're in loooooove~!" Happy blushed.

"How can she just snatch him up like that?!" rarity spluttered. "At this rate she's going to smother the poor dear."

"Are you jealous?" Rainbow asked. "You're jealous aren't you?!"

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are. You're not used to him being over you." Rainbow smirked while Melinda continued to hug Spike. But that was when small flecks of white began to rain on them.

"What the?" Spike wondered as he caught a few. "Rice?"

"Well isn't this just a beautiful touching moment?" the two dragons looked up to see Discord floating above the fountain next to the restaurant throwing rice onto them. "So when's the wedding? Can I be the best drake by a foot?"

"DISCORD?!" Spike squawked. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh I just thought I'd see how our little lady is settling in. You're certainly making a good first impression, my lad."

"Thanks but did ya have to stalk us like that?"

"Well at least I'm willing to admit unlike some group of friends we know back there." draconequus pointed his tail to the building the group were hiding behind.

"Wait who's back there?" Spike asked before he spotted part of Twilight's tail. "Twilight is that you?!"

"Thanks a lot, Discord!" Twilight ranted as she and the group begrudgingly came out form their hiding spot.

"What? I have loose lips." Discord shrugged before his mouth fell off and landed on a boat that appeared in the fountain, sinking it to the bottom until the draconequus picked his mouth out of the fountain and glued it back on.

"Have you lot been spying on us?" Spike demanded.

"Sorry, Spike I just had to be certain." Twilight apologised. "But now I see that Melinda's a good dragon. You were right to keep her unchained."

"Yeah and she sure knows a lot about dragons. I bet Natsu and the others would love to pick her brain." Lucy said.

"Plus she's gorgeous don't you think?" Happy asked giving Spike a friendly nudge making him blush.

"Hey you lot~!" the group looked to see Carla flying towards them.

"Hey, Carla what's up?" Lucy asked.

"You need to come back to the castle, now." the exceed informed the group. "We need to discuss our next course of action."


After returning to the castle the others were informed by the royal couple and Erza of the plan of attack they'd come up with.

"If there's one thing I know about battles, it's that the enemy is sure to return with a second wind." Erza spoke. "I propose the best plan of action would be to give garble a reason to call off any further attacks on the Empire while we go to confront him. Lucky for us we have an ace in the hole."

"And what's that?" Lucy asked.

"Melinda." Erza answered.


"As we recall, you were ordered directly by Garble to abduct Spike and not contact him until you did." Shining mentioned. "So this is the plan. You'll pretend to capture Spike and deliver a fake message to Garble. Additionally you'll inform him of how much the Fairy Tail wizards pushed back his army from the previous attack and suggest he put further assaults on the Empire on hold until the wizards, particularly the dragon slayers are eliminated. That should take his focus off us long enough for Twily, her friends and fairy Tail to reach Garble's location and stop him."

"Well it would keep the dragon's focus off the city, but it would all depend on how well garble buys the message. I'm pretty sure it will take more than Melinda's word to convince him."

"Oh you just leave that to me." Discord grinned.


"That girl's really taking her sweet time." Garble muttered as he drummed his fingers impatiently on his throne. "How long does one need to catch a single puny dragon?" but at that moment a flame appeared in front of his face startling him.

"King Garble! Sire can you hear me?!" Melinda's voice sounded.

"Speak of the devil. Melinda what's your report?! Have you captured the dragon Spike?!" Garble asked as the dragoness came into view.

"Yes, Sire. I have him right here." Melinda answered as she held up a chained Spike in her hand.

"RRHGH LEMME GO!! LET GO OF ME!!" he shouted as he struggled against the chains while Garble chuckled sinisterly.

"Very good, Melinda. You may return." he said as he was about to hang up.

"Sire wait! There's something else i need to tell you!"


"I don't know how much you know about how the attempted attack on the Crystal Empire went, but those humans are really dangerous! Our armies weren't merely pushed back, they were beaten to a pulp. Just look at this recording I took." Melinda said before breathing some fire in front of the communicator and when the flames cleared garble was presented with the image of a large ferocious dragon attacking the city before the beast was struck by Natsu's iron fist and then Gajeel's sword and lastly Wendy's roar until the dragon fell in defeat. In reality, the dragon was simply a puppet crafted by Discord's magic as the chaos spirit was manipulating the model with his fingers while the dragon slayers attacked it.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Twilight asked.

'Hey I was able to fool all of you wasn't I?" he grinned at the alicorn before summoning a band of smaller puppets which Erza, Gray, Lucy, Juvia and Levy fought against with ease. All the while Garble had a truly shocked expression on his face form seeing his 'men' being pummeled by these puny meatbags.

"Sire." Melinda spoke as the 'recording' ended and she showed her face again. "I understand that you didn't expect much threat form these humans but I fear we may have underestimated them. There's no way we can conquer Equestria while they defend it. I know it's not my place but, I would recommend that we call off any further attacks on the Empire and focus on getting rid of these interlopers." Garble glared as he rubbed his chin in thought before he closed his eyes.

"You're right. These creatures are indeed capable of fighting us and it would be a waste of our armies to send more to the Empire if they're still around. Where are they now?"

"They're just leaving the Empire now, Sire, along with the ponies and discord. I fear they may be coming after me to retrieve Spike and then come for you."

"Don't worry. I'll secure our land for their arrival. This time we'll be prepared. You're dismissed."

"Yes, Sire." Melinda concluded before the communicator vanished. "Well, how was I?" she asked turning to the group.

"You should consider doing theater." Natsu grinned. "Same goes for you, Discord." he added making the draconequus chuckle.

"Well I have always been quite the performer." he smiled proudly.

'Well while the empire may no longer be targeted, Garble now knows we're coming." Lucy said nervously.

"Don't worry. There's more than one way into the city. even some Garble doesn't know about." Melinda reassured.

"Well in that case let's go." Twilight said.

"You take care out there, Twily." Shining hugged his sister.

"I will BBBFF."

"And the same goes for you, Spike." Cadence said.

"You can count on me." the drake saluted.

"Then let's get a move on. No time like the present." Discord said before conjuring a scooter and zipping off ahead of them.

"Hey! How come he gets a set of wheels?!" Pinkie complained.

"Hey I'll take walking any day of the week." Natsu said as the group headed out of the Empire and onward to their destination. "We're coming for you, Gargle."

To be continued...

After tricking Garble into thinking that Spike was captured and that the Crystal Empire was to heavily defended to assault, the group rode in the train out of the Crystal Empire heading south to the Dragon Lands. Having already passed Ponyville around 3 days ago the train travels South as it leaves the forests and into the more arid lands of Equestria. Much to the dread of Natsu and Gajeel who hung their heads out the window ready to puke. In the meantime, Spike and his new friend Melinda were having a private chat as Melinda promised to teach Spike her ways of being a dragon as well as Spike teaching Melinda his own values all while both having a light distinct blush on their faces. Nevertheless, she was fascinated on how he was raised and by royalty no less as he detailed his life from his hatching day to where he is now. But a few seats down, Rarity can't stop glaring at the curvaceous dragoness, her cheeks puffed up with a red tinge on her cheeks.

"Rarity you can stop glaring at them" Applejack bluntly said.

"She's planning something I just know it" Rarity mumbled.

"Someone's jealous~~" Happy said slyly.

"I'm not jealous! I'm just worried for Spike, I love him like a brother you remember?" she said.

"Love is still love~" Happy continued to tease.

"I think it's a little cute" Wendy giggled.

"Honestly Rarity I expected more you" Carla said crossing her little arms.

"Nothing more exciting than a love triangle~" Lucy also teased. However as the group joked around Rarity's feelings, Erza wanted some answers about Garble. She gets up from her seat, and heads to the dragon's conversation.

"...wow, so that's why ponies gotten along so much?" Melinda asked Spike as he finished the tale of Hearth's Warming.

"Yep, and Equestria was founded too!" Spike said proudly remembering his role in the play at Canterlot. He pauses and looks up to see Erza "Oh hey Erza what's up?"

"It is something I want to know about our opponent, 'King' Garble. Melinda...how exactly did he come to power?" she asked in a serious tone as Melinda looked down a little.

"He won the Gauntlet of Fire..." she said.

"The Gauntlet of wha?" Asked Rainbow.

"The Gauntlet of Fire, it is a ceremony held to choose the next Dragon Lord. Ruler of the Dragons, the previous Dragon Lord Torch stepped down from power and hosted a competition to gain the Bloodstone Scepter from the fire volcano. All the youthful dragons, including myself and Thorn's daughter Ember, competed for the throne. But Garble won...the moment he grabbed the scepter he was the ruler of all dragons. It was then he started to formulate his plan to conquer Equestria, he even forced Ember to be his mate!" Melinda said.

Spike growled as he clenched up his claws. "Grable..." he gritted his teeth as his maw made some green sparks.

"He immediately started using all the magic power from the scepter....and I believe it's starting to corrupt his mind". She continued

"So he's legally the king of the dragons." Grey said listening in, in nothing but his shorts.

"M-mr. Grey...um....y-your clothes" Fluttershy said softly blushing.

"Ack not again!!!" Grey jumped.

"Fascinating, so even though dragons are very reckless they still have to answer to the Dragon Lord?" Twilight asked.

"Whoever's dragon lord, his/her word is law no matter what" Melinda answered as she nodded to Twilight's question.

"Shoot...how are we going to beat Garble then if he's legally the ruler?" Rainbow said.

"If we take out Garble, the whole dragon lands would retaliate against Equestria." Twilight pondered causing Fluttershy to whimper in fear.

"Well there is one way....but if could be dangerous" Melinda said.

"Well what is it?" Wendy asked.

"A duel.."

"A duel?" Spike asked.

"A duel for the throne of Dragon Lord." she said causing a gasp among the the passengers, but suddenly the train comes to complete stop rocking the cars.

"Hurk!!!" Natsu and Gajeel try their best to hold in their lunch from the jerking motions of the train cars.

"What the?! Why are we stopping?!" Erza yelled demanding an explanation,

"U-um guys?" Pinkie pointed out the window ahead of the train, revealing a contingent of royal guard charging towards a large group of attaching dragons!

"AW YEAH WE STOPPED MOVING AND THERE'S A BATTLE~!!" Natsu bellowed as he rockets out the train. "Come on Happy~!!"

"aye sir~!!!" Happy cheered following his partner.

"Ugh...finally we're off this god-forsakken thing!!" Gajeel yelled charging after Natsu "I'M NOT LEADING YOU KEEP GETTING A HEAD START SALAMANDER!!!"

"Do they always act like this when they get off of transportation?" Rarity asked.

"You have no idea..." Lucy said as she rushed out to assist in the battle.

"Wait for me!!" Spike yelled as he's hopped off his seat and follows the Fairy Tail guild. Melinda would've followed but she was blocked by Grey.

"Not so fast Melinda, if the dragons see you they'll immediately brand you as a traitor and will attack you." he said.

"But then why does Spike get to go!?" she cried in annoyance.

"These dragons don't know what's going on with our plan and we're going to keep it that way" Grey said as Erza and Twilight flew off to the battle. Melinda growled but sighed knowing that she can't fight.


"But hey at least you'll have company" Grey pointed to Fluttershy as she was cowering under the seats as the battle rages outside.

"Uhhh....right." She sighed as she sits across the row from where Fluttershy is.

"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Meanwhile at the battle, the pony soldiers and guild fight back the dragons in a flurry of flames, ice, sword and magic! Unicorns shot powerful combat spells while earth ponies fought the dragon troops in close combat. Natsu and Spike ate the flames breathed by the dragons.

"Ready buddy~!?" Natsu smirked to Spike.

"Ready Natsu~!!" Spike cheered.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!" They both breathed a huge flamethrower that merged into one mega blast of dragon fire!

"KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY!!" Erza commanded as she launched a shower of blades onto the dragon army. Across Equestria, from Manehatten to Seaddle, pony armed forces held the front lines against the nationwide dragon assault. Though their main weapons don't do much to pierce the dragon scales their magic attacks and mastery of the weather allowed the ponies to also beat back the dragons and the assistance of the Fairy Tail Guild further.


Over at Ponyville, Cana, The Thunder Legion, The Strauss Siblings even Makarov are using their own magical abilities to combat an invading squad of dragons.

"Lightning Dragon ROAR!!!" Laxus bellowed sending an electrifying beam at the dragons. As Elfman, taking the form as a giant beast was slamming his monster fists on the bodies of downed dragon. Even Mira, in her Satan Soul demon form was brutally beating the absolute crap of the dragons when Freed trapped them in word traps.

"Soul Extinctor!!" Mira yelled blasting the dragons in a beam of dark magic.

"Cards Volley!!!" cried Cana launching a wave of magic card attacks.

As the battle rages outside, Lisanna in her pony form watches over the citizens that have taken refuge in the basem*nt of Twilight's Crystal Castle. Some foals and fillies huddle together with their respective parents as they try to calm them down.

"Is everypony safe for now?" Lisanna asked the citizens.

"It's too tight and dark, can't we get a bigger place!?" A certain spoiled pink mare complained, but was quickly shut up with the sounds of battles increasing in volume.

"Are you crazy!? We might as well travel to the gates of Tartarus than to go up there!" Lyra cried.

"Yeah do you want to die!!?" Bon Bon said. The Pink mare grumbled, as the ponies wait out the violent battle above.


Back to the battle at Southern Equestria, further powerful blasts from Gajeel, Levy, and Grey turned the tide of the raging battle in their favor forcing the dragons to start their retreat.

"We beat them back!!" one pony trooper yelled as the squad celebrates their victory.

"WHOO HOO~!!" Natsu cheered as he high fives Spike and the others. Though some of the troops are wounded, they are quickly healed up by Wendy's healing magic.

"I-is it safe to come out now?" Fluttershy squeaked poking her head out the window of the train.

"All clear Fluttershy, you too Melinda." Twilight said as the yellow pegasus and light blue dragoness comes out of the train.

"Okay good news and bad news." Erza said landing in front of the group. "The good news, after speaking with the guards the dragons are in full retreat across Equestria. Your homes are safe in Ponyville."

"So what's the bad news?" Rarity asked.

"The tracks are wrecked and we still have a ways to go to get to the Dragon Lands." She bluntly said.

"You don't mean!?" Rarity gasped.

"We're walking the way there..." Gray said.

"Heck if I care, no more trains means no more motion sickness for me~!!" Natsu exclaimed happily. But then something caught his eye coming in from the north. "Hey what's that?" he points to something glowing leaving small trails of what seems to be flames coming towards them.

"It's glowing, is it another scout?" Erza readies herself.

"Doesn't look like it, it's too small" Lucy squints her eyes as the glowing light dies down and goes lower.

"It's getting pretty close" Panther Lily said.

"Hold on....it kinda reminds me of something." Rainbow pondered, as the shape of bird is now apparent. "Wait a minute is that a-!?"

"No way!!" Spike said as he runs up to the landing bird.

"What is it Spike?" Lucy asked, she and the others soon gasp once they get a good look. Around the size of a human baby, it's feathers are colored in blazing red orange and yellow. It gives off an aura of elegance and power while it carefully lands on Spike's shoulder.

"A Phoenix~!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"it's not just any phoenix, It's Pee Wee~!!!!" Spike exclaimed. "Hey there guy, long time no see!!"

Pee Wee squawked happily as he flaps his wings.

"He said 'Long time no see too Spike~!'" Fluttershy said happily as she translated for Pee Wee.

"Holy crap Spike!! This bird is your pet or something?" Happy asked.

"Yep remember that story of when I first met Garble and his jerk squad, Pee Wee here hatched from the egg I saved! I took care of him for a bit before I gave him back to his parents. Wow you grew up fast huh Pee Wee~?" Spike said stroking the fire-birds' feathers.

"Wow Spike he's beautiful~" Lucy said as Pee Wee squawks again making a saluting motion with his right wing.

"He said he wants to be by his master's side through his journey to stop the dragons!" Fluttershy said.

"Awesome! My own flying buddy! Kinda like Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy!" Spike exclaimed.

"Except he's not a exceed..." Gajeel flatly stated.

"Incredible," Melinda comes in front and kneels forward to see the phoenix up close, however Spike couldn't help but blush seeing the very distinct cleavage of her large bosom while the ponies behind her get a good long look of her large behind. "It is said that the phoenix are pets only to those worthy of keeping them, and usually they are kings or queens!"

"R-really?" Spike choked a bit keeping his eyes focused on Melinda's gleaming ruby-colored eyes. It's having an opposite effect than what Spike wanted. As the sun shines down on the dragoness, he notices how her blue scales gleams in the light and how her green spines matches his own spines.

Melinda soon stated "I have to say Spike...Pee Wee looks.."

"Beautiful." He blushes still staring at her. Her eyes widen a little, as she a streak of red appears on when she catches him simply staring at her.

"W-well I was gonna say handsome...but that works too." she said as she gazes into Spike's emerald eyes.

But at the back, Rarity was gritting her teeth at the scene while Natsu was paying Happy from their bet.

"Boy....I knew sparks would fly~" Levy said.

"Just look at them, they're falling for each other hard~" Lucy smiled seeing the two dragons blush so red they might as well change scale color. It was then Pinkie noticed something.

"Hey is it just me, or Spike is a little taller?" She asked her friends.

"Really? Ah don't think I noticed....come to think of it with everything going on he does look a little bigger" Applejack said.

"Huh...wait remember what Melinda said about how Spike was raised? Now that he's being trained by the dragon-slayers as well as his diet changing to be more carnivorous his body must be slowly reacting" Twilight said.

"Whoa....do you think he'll grow wings soon then?" Rainbow asked.

"No clue, we'll just have to wait and see." Twilight said.


The days past by as the gang journeys to the dragon lands, crossing the arid landscapes of Southern Equestria with their phoenix friend in tow. At their breaks they take the time to further train Spike in the dragon-slaying arts as well as Melinda also teaching Spike what she considers the best of dragon's traits; And slowly over the passing days, he gets stronger in his combat skills even gaining another couple inches in height, if anything he was just starting to get to eye level with most of the Mane 6. Surprisingly,even Laxus was able to join up with the group to assist in taking down the tyrant dragon and to put his input in Spike's training being a lightning dragon slayer. But that wasn't all, as they spend nights on a makeshift campground, Spike especially spends them with Melinda sleeping beside her and occasionally cuddling lovingly which felt weird for Melinda at first but has grown used to it and even enjoys it whenever Spike is by her side.

Then on the day before they reach the borders of the dragon lands, they have one more training session in heavy combat. The four dragon slayers against Spike.

"Alright Spike, before we head into enemy territory we're going to test your abilities to your limit." Laxus said.

"So we won't hold anything back pipsqueak" Gajeel grinned.

"Ready little buddy?" Natsu asked pounding his fists together as the Mane 6 simultaneously gulped.

"B-be careful Spike!!" Rarity cried. But Spike gives a confident smirk and a thumbs up to his pony friends.

"I'm ready Natsu." He goes to a attack pose.

"IRON DRAGON ROAR!!" Gajeel opens up with a blast from his maw while Laxus and Natsu dart towards Spike in flanking positions. Spike barely dodges the blast as his feet then glows an orange hue. He leaps into the air as his feet are on fire in a rocket-like trail, his claw then glows and bursts into a brilliant flame as he charges at Gajeel

"Fire Dragon's IRON FIST!!" He slams his fist right as Gajeel coated his skin in iron, pushing him back a bit. Gajeel smirked from the push-back.

"Not bad pipsqueak, but you still keep forgetting an important rule~!" he bellowed.

"ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BACK!!" Laxus bellowed with a lightning filled fist barreling towards Spike's back. But Spike quickly disappeared in a strong gust of wind, the trio looked up to see Spike high in the air .

"Wind Dragon's wings~!!" he exclaimed.

"Not bad!!" Natsu yelled as he darted towards him with his own fire dragon powered legs. "FIRE DRAGON CLAW!!" he bellowed clashing with Spike who had his own iron armor on. But it was too much as he was slammed to the Earth below.

"Ooff!!!" He struggles a little as he gets back up. He then starts breathing in the air around him, eating the wind itself before puffing his cheeks up. "WIND DRAGON ROAR!!" he blasts a beam to the 4 dragon slayers, just as they dodge but Gajeel stood his ground taking the hit in his iron scales.

"Dammit, I'm out!" Gajeel steps out, as Laxus then launches his own dragon roar to block out Spike's roar.

"My turn!!! LIGHTNING DRAGON'S JAW!!!" Laxus bellowed as he launches his attack at Spikes while Twilight was biting her hooves at the intense battle before her.

"Come on Spike you can do it!!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"This is so awesome!!" Rainbow cried watching the battle. It takes a few hours and before the 5 beings tire out from the tough battle covered in bruises and scratches.

"Spike are you okay!?" Twilight asked worriedly as Spike was panting.

"All....good Twi" Spike tiredly gave a thumbs up.

"'I think you overdid it guys' Lucy blatently said." Horologium stated as the clock spirit contained Lucy within him.

"S-she's kinda right" Fluttershy said hiding behind a scorched rock outcrop.

"Alright everyone Take 5, let's rest up before we enter the dragon lands" Melinda said.

"I'll heal everyone up" Wendy said as she gets to work healing the dragon slayers and Spike. But as Spike was being healed, he can't help but stare a Melinda as she helps set up camp.

"Hey Wendy?" he asked.

"Yeah Spike?"

"What do you think about Melinda?" he asked.

"Melinda? Oh she's really nice once you really get to know her like you. She's even really pretty, she kinda reminds me of Erza and Lucy" Wendy said as the bruises healed up.

"Yeah she's really something huh~?" he said.

"Well then....tell her how you feel." Carla flatly stated, causing him to blush. "It's no secret that you and Melinda both have strong feelings for each other. We saw how red you two blush and how closely you two sleep together."

"But....I don't know....I may be still recovering from my old crush from Rarity" he said. "And what if she laughs at me or rejects me?"

"Although I highly doubt that would happen, but I understand how you would be so hesitant on love. " Carla said.

"Thanks Carla, I'll think about it" he smiles. But little did they know, a scout was watching them from a distance and had saw everything. He flies back to the heart of the dragon lands to the massive castle where Garble waits on his throne and Princess Ember is begrudgingly at his side.

"Report, what have you seen" Garble bellowed.

"it's the humans and that pipsqueak...they've arrived at the borders" The scout bowed.


"My liege...Melinda had betrayed us, she has been working with the dragon slayers!" The scout cowered, Ember's eyes widen as she looks to a now furious Garble.

"MELINDA YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING, WEAKLING TRAITOR!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE!!" he roared as he mar spewed hellfire that echoed through the castle. Ember herself gasped after hearing the news, during Garble's tantrum she had sneaked off to the side at a safe distance away from her forced mate. As she looks out the window to Equestria, she can't help but mutter as she swallowed her pride.

"Please....save this world and save our kind. Spike whoever you are....you are the only one who might be able to take down Garble." she mumbled.

The band of wizards, ponies, dragons and...whatever Discord is, had finally reached the Dragon Lands, determined to bring Garble to justice before he could strike Equestria with his army, though unknown to them he was already aware of their plan and was preparing to intercept them as they spoke.

"And then I said to the Changeling 'You had that many holes in your legs when I got here!'"

"HAHAHAHA!! Good one Discord." Pinkie laughed.

"I don't get it." Gajeel muttered.

"You wouldn't. You've never seen Changelings before." Twilight explained.

"So what exactly are we going to do when we get there?" Lucy inquired. "We already know Garble's expecting us thanks to Melinda's fake message. Do we have a plan to beat him?"

"Easy! Mel said there are ways in that Mouth Wash doesn't know about. We head in through there and then take 'em by storm!" Natsu grinned.

"It's always by storm with you." Lucy muttered.

"But he is right about entering by a route Garble isn't aware of." Erza said. "Or better yet, we make our own way in. And I believe Lucy has just the friend for the job."

"Virgo! Of course! She could dig a tunnel right into the throne room and we'd attack Garble right under his big red nose!" Happy cheered.

"It's certainly less risky than running into his guards on our way in. There's no telling if he's discovered every way into the Kingdom by now." Melinda said.

"Ok, well we have our way in. So then what?" Natsu asked.

"The best course of action would be to dethrone Garble so the dragon slayers should go after him together while the rest of us handle his armies before they launch the next attack on Equestria." Twilight suggested.

"It's certainly a start. But then our plans never go exactly the way we want them to." Rainbow said awkwardly. "But, we always pull through." she added.

"Same goes for us. We go up against the impossible every month." Gajeel snickered.

"Well to start off, I say we head to one of them secret entrances Melinda spoke of and form the rest of our plan there. That way we at least won't be seen out in the open by Mouth Wash or his minions." Applejack recommended.

"Good call. Lead the way, Melinda." Twilight said as the dragoness took the lead while the others followed after.


"King Garble! We've sighted the enemy! They're headed for one of the secret entrances!" a guard spoke to the red dragon. A pompous smirk crossed his face as he drummed his claws together.

"Excellent. Just as I thought they would. Nice try, Melinda, but I know every way into this land." he ended his monologue to face the guard. "Send the troops to intercept them, and remember. I want them all alive. What better way to crush the ponies' hopes than by executing their 'saviours' before them?" the guard swallowed at the darkness of the plot but nodded in understanding before taking his leave. "Nothing can stop me now, Celestia."


Meanwhile the invaders had reached a large mountain with a boulder placed in front. Melinda stood beside the rock and, with some effort, managed to roll it away to reveal a tunnel within.

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere!" Natsu grinned as they entered the passage.

"This should lead us into the lower regions of the castle." Melinda stated. "Once inside we'll make for the throne room with help from Lucy's spirit friend." she added to which the young woman smiled proudly knowing this was one of those rare occurrences where her magic was crucial to victory. As they descended deeper into the dark, Spike couldn't help glancing at Melinda as she lead the way. At first the drake had believed what he felt was admiration for her courage, wits and knowledge of the positives to his species but the more time he spent around her the more he realized he may not just looked up to her like he did Natsu and the Dragon Slayers.

"M-Melinda....I..I want to tell you something before we fight Garble." the sapphire beauty turned around to face him as he spoke to her.

"Really? What is it, Spike?" she asked with an curious smile.

"W-Well, you see. The thing is...at first when I got to know you I thought I just admired you like I did Natsu and the others." Spike began.

"Aww that's so sweet. I'm glad I've earned your praise."

"I-I know but, after all this I've started to realise that-"

"Shh!" the dragoness suddenly hissed.

"Melinda I-" Spike tried to continue only for Natsu to cut him off this time.

"Hold on. I hear something." the pink haired pyro said as the group stopped moving to listen. To the majority only silence reached their ears but to the dragons and slayers a faint scratching sound could be heard. Almost like...digging...from beneath them. KROOSH!! Before anyone could react the ground in front and behind them exploded in bursts of ground rock and dirt as four dragons emerged from the earth trapping the group between them.

"Burrow Dragons! It's an ambush!" Melinda exclaimed.

"But how did they find us?! I thought Garble didn't know about this tunnel!" Twilight questioned.

"He shouldn't have!" Melinda explained. "He must have discovered it while I was away!"

"Damn! Looks like the sneak attacks busted." Gray cursed. "Guess we'll have to do it Natsu's way after all."

"Never thought you'd see it my way, frosty." the aforementioned grinned co*ckily before pounding his fists. "Alright let loose with the fire, I'm starving!" he egged the dragons on as they began to draw breath but instead of flames large clouds of yellowish gas poured from their maws engulfing the group who began coughing loudly.

"GAAH!! What the hell do you dragon's eat?! That stinks!" Natsu gagged.

"I can't breath! I feel so heavy!" Wendy coughed.

"They're using smoke and sulfur! We have...to get...out..." Melinda tried to speak though her vision had begun to blur.

"You cowards! Falling back on cheap tactics...like that." Erza said as she fell tot he ground and soon did the others as the dragon's stopped spraying them and one summoned a communicator flame.

"King Garble. We've successfully knocked out the intruders."

"Very good. take them tot he dungeon immediately. Begin with the traitor, Princess Twilight and that human girl Lucy. She has the means to bypass our security." the dragons nodded before three of them picked up the Alicorn, dragoness and celestial wizard while the fourth grabbed rarity due to her being the only other pony capable of magic.

"Send for more to gather the rest. They won't stay asleep forever." but just as the dragons were leaving with their captives a growl reached their ears forcing them to turn around to see Discord had regained consciousness.

"This isn't over you lizards." he glared and before they could stop him the chaos spirit enveloped himself and the group in a bubble which then disappeared with a pop.


A multitude of dizzy groans filled the air as the heroes groggily awoke form their daze to find themselves back outside a fair distance away from the kingdom.

"Wha...What happened? Where are we?" Rainbow asked no one in particular.

"Where's Lucy?!" Natsu shouted. "I can't find her scent!"

"Melinda's gone too! And Twilight! And Rarity as well!" Spike panicked.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't reach them in time." everyone looked to see Discord sitting with his back to them, staring at the kingdom in the distance.

"What happened, Discord?" Applejack questioned.

"The dragons knocked us out and captured some of the girls. I woke up and teleported us to safety." the draconequus explained.

"And you just left the girls behind?!" Natsu thundered.

"Natsu don't please." Fluttershy calmed him. "If it wasn't for Discord we all would've been captured." the salamander bit his lip frustrated over his friends capture before Erza spoke.

"It seemed Garble new of our plan all along. My guess is he found out about Melinda's betrayal and found the rest of the entrances he didn't know of before. We walked right into his trap."

"I told you we should've done it my way!" Natsu said. "Our plans never work so why bother?! Let's just charge in a rain hell down on that Mouth Wash dragon and his minions!" the young man was about to charge off before Erza seized him by his scarf.

"Hold it! It's true stealth's no longer an option what with the dragon's on high alert and with Lucy captured we can't use Virgo's digging magic. But even so we can't charge in without a strategy before we do. So let's at least figure out how we're going to breach the castle and free our friends."

"Here here." Pinkie agreed as the group huddled together to reform a new plan of action.


Meanwhile, deep beneath the castle in some unknown dungeon, the two unicorns, dragoness and human were stirring awake also.

"What's going on?" Lucy sat up only to notice her hands were bound behind her back. What's more Melinda was wearing a muzzle and Twilight and Rarity had their horns locked in some strange cuffs, and like Lucy their limbs were restrained as well. "Oh great, as if I've been in enough dungeons already."

"Lucy?" Twilight mumbled before she came to her senses. "Where are we? Where are the others?!"

"It was Garble." Melinda confirmed. "He must have found out about my betrayal. He knew we'd try and use a different route to sneak in so he covered all of them. And he even overheard our plans to use Lucy's spirits to aid our attack. He got us good."

"Shoot! I can't reach my keys with my hands bound like this!" Lucy grunted as she tried and failed to grab her key pouch. "Now what do we do?!"

"Well for starters we mustn't panic." Rarity said. "Since none of the others are here it's best to assume they managed to escape those halitosis riddled dragons. So all we have to do is wait here for them to come and rescue us." the others nodded begrudgingly. Based on the situation all they could do for now was wait, whether they liked it or not.


"Forgive me, Spike, but that is the craziest bonkers plan I've ever heard!" Applejack hollered.

"It's suicide man! I know you've grown but not THAT much! He'll tear you to pieces!" Rainbow panicked.

"Guys it's the only way! Garble may be a rotten king but he won the throne by right so we can't just beat him up or the dragons won't have a leader to regulate them." the little drake said.

"But you're joining Fairy Tail. How's this plan supposed to work then?" Pinkie asked.

"...Yeah I'm still working on that part but right now what matters is dethroning Garble." Spike said.

"Hey, you've got this, buddy." Natsu ruffled his spines as the dragon smiled at him before he rolled up a scroll he'd finished writing and passed it to Levy.

"Can you reconfigure it so it goes to Garble instead of Celestia?"

"Leave it to me, Spike!" Levy grinned with a thumbs up.

"If it involves reading or writing, Shrimps your girl!" Gajeel laughed making her blush from what could have been embarrassment or pride...or both. The script mage added a few edits to the scroll before handing it back to Spike who took a deep breath before spraying it with fire, disintegrating it and sending it whizzing off toward the kingdom.

"Now we wait." Erza muttered.


Back in the dungeon the girls were sitting in their cell, unable to figure a way out of their predicament. Lucy was trying to reach her keys again only for them to dangle out of reach of her fingertips.

"GRRRRR THIS STINKS! If I could just summon Cancer he'd cut us loose no trouble!" she raged.

"I know! I could levitate your keys to your hand but my horn isn't working with this weird cuff on it!" Twilight cursed.

"Ugh! We should have never taken that route in the first place!" Rarity huffed. "Why didn't we just have Discord warp us inside or something?!"

"I'm sorry. This is my fault." Melinda apologised. "I should have known Garble might have found out about me."

"Oh Melinda you mustn't blame yourself." Twilight said. "It wasn't your fault."

"No I should've seen this coming. I just haven't been very focused since I've been around Spike." almost instantly after she finished the sentence she covered her mouth as a blush came to her face.

"What do you mean by that?" Rarity asked her eyes narrowed.

"I...I mean...that is..." Melinda tried to say through her tied tongue.

"Well maybe if you weren't so distracted by him you could have come up with a more full proof plan, and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation."

"Rarity can i talk to you fro a second? Melinda why don't you chat with Lucy?" Twilight suggested as she ushered Rarity away from the two. "Just what is it with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why you can't seem to get along with Melinda. I mean I know I had my doubts about her but I'm sure by this point you can tell she's on our side."

"I know that. Of course she's our ally otherwise she wouldn't be in this cell with us."

"Then what's the problem? Come on tell me."

"It's just that...I don't know, I think I might be...jealous of her." Rarity murmured embarrassingly.

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous?" Twilight inquired. "Unless...Rarity is this about Spike?"

"Yes. No. Oh I don't know I'm so confused." Rarity whined.

"You know you're the one who told him you didn't love him that way."

"It's not as simple as that, Twilight. It's not that I didn't want to return his feelings. Out of all the stallions I've met none of them came close to his kindness and mannerisms. You know why I pretended not to notice his affection. How I won't live as long as him, how I couldn't bare the thought of breaking his heart like that. But still, it's not like he didn't matter to me."

"Of course not. You had the best intentions telling him the truth. But are you saying you're having second thoughts?"

"I don't know that's why I'm so confused. I guess...I guess just after Melinda came along the two of them just...zinged. And now it's not like he even notices me. I'm not saying I want him to start crushing on me again, I want him to find someone better but...I guess I'm just a little upset he got over me so quickly, like all that time he had feelings for me didn't exist. And now that he's going to join Fairy Tail...I'm scared he may forget me."

"Oh Rarity." Twilight pulled the white unicorn into a hug. "How could you think that for a second. Spike loves you just like he loves me and the others. You're family to him, he could never forget you. And maybe Melinda did unintentionally sweep him off his feet without knowing. But then...he did learn how to treat a lady from one of the loveliest." a smile crossed Rarity's face when she heard that.

"You're right. I don't know what came over me."

"Hey it's fine. Let's just put it aside for now. We'll have plenty of time to talk about it after we get out of here." Twilight smiled when at that moment an echoed sound began to reach their ears. It sounded like footsteps.

"Damn, it must be the guards." Lucy glared as the noise grew louder until a single dragon came into view; a female. She was cyan blue with red eyes and black spines.

"Who are you?! What are you gonna do with us?!" Lucy panicked.

"Ember?!" Melinda gaped.

"You know her?!" Twilight asked surprised.

"Don't worry. I'm here to help." the cyan dragoness said before taking out a bunch of keys and unlocking the cell door followed by the girls restraints. "My name is Ember. I suppose you could say I'm the Queen, though I use that term very loosely."

"You're the Queen?!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Only by marriage. I was forced to marry Garble by law when he claimed the throne but know that I don't love him nor do I support his actions." she looked at Twilight and rarity her face filled with guilt and sadness.

"You ponies must hate my kind for the things Garble's manipulated or forced them into doing." Twilight shook her head.

"No not at all. Granted my ponies are naturally frightened but we don't blame your species for this. It's not our way to prejudice another species."

"Then you'll be happy to know that not all of us are letting Garble walk all over us." Ember said. "Follow me." the girls looked at each other before they began to follow Ember as they made their way through the twisted walkways of the dungeons before reaching a dead end. Ember scoured the wall before she pressed a oddly shaped stone in it causing the wall to slide out of view revealing a tunnel. The group walked through and after a few more minutes it opened out into a large cave filled with a group of clamoring dragons. The girls looked around at the small army before Ember spoke.

"Welcome to the rebellion."


Garble sat quietly upon his throne plotting his next strategy when all of a sudden...POOF! The dragon was startled by a scroll appearing right before his eyes and landing in his lap. Curious, he picked it up and unrolled it and read.

When first met you I hope you would be the one to show me how great it is to be a dragon...but I was wrong. You're everything that the world fears and hates about our species. Because of dragons like you, our kind is feared and even discriminated by the other species and now you've taken the throne and intend to burnt he world with your foul flames. But I won't stand for it. I've met a group who know the true values and ways of a dragon and with their help I will free our species from your reign and Equestria from your terror. So I challenge you to a duel for the title of ruler. Write your answer on the back of this scroll and burn it with your fire to send it back to me.
Let's see who the true Dragon Lord is.

Spike of Fairy Tail.'

Garble's eyes narrowed as he gripped the letter tightly before turning his gaze to the window.

"Game on, twerp."

To be continued...

Spike and gang have set up camp at the borders of the dragon lands. The atmosphere is tense as they await Garble's reply to Spike's challenge to the duel and pray that the captured friends are safe.

"Dammit I hate waiting!!" Gajeel growled as he chewed on some iron ore.

"I know Gejeel, I hate it just as much as you do especially with Twilight and Rarity kidnapped but those dragons!!" Rainbow yelled punching a tree trunk in frustration. As the others sit around the campfire in silence, anticipating the reply Wendy came up to Spike who looked emotionally hurt in this whole ordeal. His back was turned against the camp, sitting on a boulder facing the dragon lands.

"Spike are you alright?" She asked cautiously.

"I'm fine...." He said glaring at the castle, his eyes completely focused on the land as he grit his teeth and clenches his firsts.

"No you're not Spike..." Erza said in a firm stoic tone.

"We can see it in your eyes Spike. It wasn't your fau-"

"I should've fought back...I shouldn't have passed out like that....dammit I was supposed to be stronger!!" he growled interrupted Wendy as he punches the boulder in frustration making it crack.

"But you are stronger Spike! You are able to go toe-to-toe with all us dragon-slayers!" Wendy yelled.

"Honestly Spike, we know your frustrated but throwing a temper is not a good way for growth" Carla said

"But Natsu does it all the time" Wendy said

"That's not the point" Carla countered as Spike sighed.

"I didn't even get to tell her how i feel..." But his thoughts are interrupted by a sight of red smoke approaching the camp, Spike growls knowing exactly what it is. "Garble.."

The smoke approaches Spike as it poofs into the scroll he had sent earlier with a squad armored ground dragons not too far behind. It has 3 words written on the back in crude letters in a red color. One would mistake it that it was written in blood. 'GAME ON TWERP'

"We got our answer" Gajeel said standing up cracking his knuckles.

"Stand down Gajeel, this is Spike's duel.." Erza said as the gang gets up.

"Spike....are you sure you want to do this?" Levy asked worried for her friend.

"I have to...to save not just Equestria but Twilight, Melinda and Rarity too. Even my own species need to be saved from Garble's tyranny."

Laxus silently smirked and nods at Spike's code of honor and heart. "Well then what are you waiting for squirt? You got a duel to win."

Spike nods as he glares at the ground dragons surrounding the gang.

"Don't make any movements!" one yelled as maw emits streaks of sulfur gas.

"We're here to make sure you reach the arena without making any funny business" the other glares. "by order of Emperor Garble, you are to come with us!"

"Emperor Garble now?" Gajeel sneered. "he thinks pretty high of himself to call himself emperor now"

"Damn mouth wash" Natsu muttered as Happy hid behind him.

"aye" Happy said.

"Let's go...just follow their instructions" Erza said as the gang follows the ground dragons into into the dragon kingdom.


Deep in Garble's castle in the underground dungeons, Melinda, Twilight, Rarity and Lucy stood in awe of the cavern filled with dragons. Most of them being females, but slowly more male dragons joined. Twilight recognized the look in their eyes as small groups of dragons trickled in through the caves and tunnels....determination...fear...love...and rebellion. She can see that some of them are parents who are worried for their children, teens who can't take Garble's maddening rule...or just everyone who want no part of the war against Equestria.

"Where....how?" Melinda stood baffled.

"I've organized this since day 1 when Garble seized power..and as revenge for what he did to my dad." Ember said as her claws clenched.

"What happened? " Rarity said.

"When Garble obtained the blood scepter Dragon Lord Torch was going to teach him how to properly use it for the blood stone contained an extremely powerful and ancient magic. The Elder dragons fire....made from the magic from the very first dragons of the world. Said to be only close to the power of the Great Creator of the world" Ember explained.

"Is that how dragon lords keep all the dragons in line?" Twilight asked as Ember nodded.

"But that's why you need to be trained to be dragon lord otherwise the power in it scepter will have their mind slowly corrupted....but what Garble did....he petrified my dad." Ember bites her lip and winces in pain remembering the pain and betrayed face of her father as Garble cackled zapped Torch making his overall colors go into a greyish shade. "He decided to use as much from the scepter as possible and making me his bride"

"Dragon greed..." Twilight realized. "He's letting the greed take control"

"And thus I decided to start to rebellion, we have enough numbers to at least have a chance against his forces but we've also heard about the humans and their victories" all eyes turn to Lucy.

A-actually...I'm just a helping hand. I'm not like Natsu and the others" she chuckled nervously before looking up. "I hope they're okay."

"So what's the plan your highness?" Melinda said following her to a large table where a large map of the dragon kingdom laid before them.

"Garble's amassing all his forces, a whole fifty-thousand strong army, preparing for a massive assault against Canterlot and this little town in Equestia." Twilight and Rarity gasped in horror.

"Ponyville...it's our home." Rarity said.

"Even with the defenses and help from the Fairy Tail guild, this attack would overwhelm them!" Twilight looked in shock.

"But once they mobilize it'll be our opening to seize back control of the kingdom" Ember stated "The we can strike back at the invasion from their rear distracting them so that Equestria can remobilize against the invasion"

"Ember...this plan is extremely risky. Hundreds of ponies may die if you're too late!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight's right!" Melinda said.

"Do you have any better ideas!?" Ember hissed.

"Spike and dragonslayers" Melinda said with a slight blush. But the moment she mentioned Spike the rebellion and even Ember silently gasped and muttered among themselves.

"We've heard of Spike...the 1st Traitor. He makes Garble mad more than anything else. We've heard about his increasing power as well though our spies....what is he like?" Ember asked.

Melinda couldn't help but blush "Where to start?...Brave...noble...chivalrous....his emerald eyes shows great determination while his purple scales shine in the sun. He even has a pet phoenix...he amazing with his friends, he loves his family." Her tails starts wagging, her hips and large rear shaking, as she blushes redder and redder giggling a little "Not to mention he's pretty handsome too~...the way he holds me closely in our sleep, the great strength that shows as he trains with the human dragonslayers" The two ponies and Ember could only stare wide-eyed as busty dragoness continues to list off Spike's qualities shaking her curves, some male dragons even had small nosebleeds seeing her large rear bounce a bit and other dragons could swear steam was coming off of her head.

"Uhhh Melinda?" Twilight blushed.

"Mmm yes Twilight~?" Melinda said with her eyes closed as she held her face by her cheeks.

"W-we got the details Melinda" Ember said.

"H-huh?" she opened her eyes to see the dragons and 2 ponies staring at her blushing. "Oh uh...heh heh..." A cough is heard in the crowd.

"Melinda..." Rarity stepped up to her looking up "Tell me....how do you feel about Spike?"

"Spike...he's...he's....he's amazing. He's everything I never thought a dragon could be. I.....I..." She struggled with the words.

"You love him...don't you?" Rarity said.

"I...I do Rarity." She suddenly gasped remembering the scene in the tunnel before they got kidnapped. "And...I think he's in love with me too. He was about to tell me something before we were knocked out by the gas.....I think it was his confession of his feelings for me." She sighed sadly "And I shushed him..."

"Believe me darling, I know your position. After all he did crush after me first..." Rarity places her hoof on her claw, "But I can see Spike's heart has chosen a beautiful lady to be with. I know Spike will give you great happiness" She smiles as she hugs Melinda. "But promise me this Melinda.."

"What is it?" the dragoness asked.

"Promise me that you'll give Spike all the love in you heart as he deserves so much for all he's done for us all" Rarity asked.

"I Pinkie Pie Promise, cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" Melinda said smiling even doing the motions before returning the hug

"Uhh what is that you're doing?" Ember asked as Melinda giggled.

"It's called a hug Ember~" Melinda said squatting down as she hugged back. But as things seemed to calm down a small dragon possibly no older than 7 ran in.

"Melinda!! Everyone! You won't believe what's happening!!" he yelled.

"What is it?!" Ember demanded answers.

"Garble has been challenged to a duel for the title of Dragon Lord." Everyone in the room gasped.

"Somedragon has challenged Emperor Garble?!" An adult male dragon exclaimed. "Is he or she crazy!? He's too powerful from the blood stone scepter!"

"But the dragon that's challenging him...is...is" He takes a deep breath "It's Spike!! They're going to fight at the arena!"

"WHAAAAAAAT!?!!?" Melinda, Twilight and Rarity yelled in disbelief.


Outside on the surface, Spike and the rest of the magic guild approach a massive arena made up of sharp red crystals and black volcanic rock. Spike could only face forward as his Fairy Tail guild cape blows in the wind. Along the streets, hundreds if not thousands of dragons line the sides looking in either disbelief, confusion, anger but mostly hope as they look to the little drake as well as the guild members.

"Look at them Natsu" Erza muttered.

"Yeah...I see it too....." Natsu said.

"They're all pinning their hopes on Spike" Wendy worriedly said.

"Some of them don't agree" Lily said walking beside Gajeel.

"Makes me want to beat the crap out of them then" He snarled.

As they entered the arena they are greeted by the massive crowd who are cheering and roaring in the coming battle. And right in front of them, wielding the BloodStone Scepter and wearing a crown was Garble. Standing over 16 feet tall, his teeth, spines and claws sharp and menacing and his wings are large to encompass his whole body.

"SILENCE EVERYONE!" Garble yelled as the arena goes silent.

"So...these are the mighty 'dragon slayers' and Fairy Tail magic guild that's been a thorn in my side for the past weeks" He snarled. The dragonslayers themselves glare at Garble, their eyes speaks of disappointment.

"Igneel would be disgusted at you" Natsu spat at him.

"YOU DARE INSULT ME!!?" Garble yelled ready to strike before a wall of green flames blocked him.


"Pipsqueak..." Garble hissed. "So...the little drake has the balls to challenge me eh~!?" He laughed heartidly but glares at the guards. "LAUGH WITH ME!!'

The guards & other dragons surrounding the team also burst out into laughter. But it's clear that it's forced laughter out of obligation and fear.

"Enough! Are we going to duel or what!?" Spike yelled stepping forward into the center of the arena as Peewee flew beside him. But he stopped him as Peewee squawked worriedly "Sorry Peewee...this is my fight. I have to do this" he said as he removed his cape letting Peewee carry it back to the gang. Garble soon comes forth setting his crown and blood stone scepter aside.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces~" He grinned evilly as the gang are led to the stands and seats.


"IS SPIKE CRAZY!?" Twilight yelled at the top of his lungs "HE CAN'T FIGHT GARBLE ONE ON ONE!!"

"What are we going to do!?" Rarity yelled.

"Wait..this may be the chance we've been waiting for!" Ember exclaimed as the forces stood attention. "Contact all our forces across the nation, this is our chance to mobilize!"

The dragons salute as the cavern springs to life and as squads enter and dig out new caves that will lead to their rebel cells. Ember then looks to the formerly captured gang "I know a way to the arena where the duel is being held. Follow me!"

"Right!" they 4 ladies exclaimed following Ember into a tunnel.

"We're coming Spike" Melinda muttered.


"You know what's at stake Garble, whoever wins is the new Dragon Lord" Spike said as the 2 dragons circle around each other.

"And the loser...if he's still alive...gets banished into exile!" Garble snickered.

"Fine..." Spike clenched his fist as bursts into a green flame.

"OOooh...nice theatrics did those puny 'dragonslayers' taught you that little firewor-" Garble's sentence was interrupted by a powerful fire-filled punch to the face as Spike had charged at him at great speeds.

"I'm sick of your talking....so I'm shutting you up once and for all!!" Spike bellowed as the crowd gasped from the punch.

"You....YOU!!!" Garble took a deep breath and launches a massive flamethrower making the arena walls melt slightly forcing Spike to dodge out of the way.

"Come on Spike!! Remember what we taught you!!" Wendy yelled.

"Put pressure on your enemy! Look for openings!" Erza yelled as Spike ran around Garble.

"RUN LITTLE HATCHLING RUN!!" Garble taunted as Spike slid under the fire as his legs glows a green flame before kicking him under the jaw.

"FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW!!" Spike yelled forcing Garble's body to reel back, he then clenches his fist making it go grey with iron coating before punching Garble in the throat

"Ha! Take tha-" He is then swat down by Garble's claw making get a face full of hard rock "GUH!"

"Not getting away that easy twerp!!" Garble snarled as Spike spat out pieces of rock, wiping away the dust.

"Well I'm not going down that easy either!" Spike yelled.


Meanwhile in the tunnels Ember and her gang are headed towards the arena underground. They could faintly hear the sounds of the crowd cheering or jeering as the battle rages within the arena. Twilight can practically feel the years go through her as she worries about Spike's well being. Even Rarity and Melinda are feeling the same effect...even though it has only been around 30 minutes.

"The duel has begun." Ember said as her wings flap.

"WE KNOW!!" Twilight, Melinda and Rarity yelled as the ground shakes from a blast.

"You guys calm down, Spike has been trained by the best. I'm sure he can hold his own again Garble." Lucy said in an effort to calm them down.

"We're here..." Ember said leading them to a vent that's right in the wall of the arena.

"I WANT TO SEE!!" Twilight rushes to the vent to take a look and gasped, she sees the duel raging and it doesn't look good. At this point he's horrible bruised, his mouth coughing some blood and even his scales look like it's starting to crack. And although Garble doesn't look like he sustained wounds, he looks exhausted as Spike as been hitting the critical points on his body.

'Dammit...he's not letting my eat the fire or wind. And the rock doesn't look like it has iron in it.' Spike thought to himself as muscles scream in pain. 'Natsu and the others can't even help.'

"What's the matter pipsqueak? Where's all that fire and gusto you had earlier~?" Garble taunted despite blood leaking from his cracked
teeth and damaged gums.

"Shut up!!" Spike panted as his eyes looks around for anything that could help.

"That's what separates you from a REAL dragon like me! You lack the killer instinct, you're no dragon...you're just a weak freak lizard!" Garble backhand slaps Spike flinging him to the arena walls making him cough more blood.

'Is this it? I'm I really still so weak?....Garble's gonna win and I'm going to die. I wasn't any help' he shut his eyes feeling a tear. But then he hears something in a faint whisper 'Spike! Spike! over here! Don't give up!' he looks around and off the corner of his eye he spots the vent.

"Twilight? Rarity? ... Melinda?" He muttered as his eyes widened.

"You can do it Spike!" Melinda whispered.

"Beat that brute!" Rarity cried out.

"Spike..you can beat him!" Ember said.

"I can't...I'm no dragon...I'm too weak." Spike muttered as tear drops hits his wounds, the pain stinging sharply.

"No Spike, you're better than any dragon here. Especially better than Garble! You're a dragonslayer remember!? Let me feed you some fire!" Melinda cried out.

"This is my figh-"

"Let me stop you right there mister! Remember when Sombra first came back and tried to take over the Crystal Empire and I tried to recover the Crystal heart but was trapped by his quite ingenious crystal incantation and-"

"Get to the point Twilight, I don't have much time left." Spike said panting seeing Garble gearing up for another attack.

"The point is...I had to sacrifice the goal of completing Celestia's test and put my pride aside so that you can get the Crystal Heart to Cadence. If it wasn't for that, the Crystal Empire would've fell to Sombra's tyranny again. You can't do everything alone Spike you have all us friends to back you up." Twilight smiled as Spike pondered over her words in which Melinda blew a small bright red flame to him. Spike then looked to the flame...his loved ones in the vent and in the stands, in which the dragonslayers silently nodded to him...and glared at Garble. He then slurped up the flames, his wounds healing and his muscles bulging at his renewed strength. He then smirked at Garble as his goes aflame with magic.

"Now I got a fire in my belly, this ends here Garble!" Spike yelled standing back up.

"Likewise" he snarled as his maw drools molten lava, he then sends a massive molten blast at him.

"SPIKE!!!!" Melinda cried out, with Spike's wounds he couldn't have survived being covered in lava as Garble cackled.

"THAT'S IT!! I WIN!!" He bellowed.

"No Garble.." Spike appeared right next to his face, his claws aflame no longer a fiery red but now a brilliant emerald green. "I win" Mustering all his strength he sucker punched him sending him flying, smashing against the wall. But Spike's seeing the opportunity charges at him delivering more devastating punches, Garble's teeth shatter, his scales and bones crack and splinter, as blood starts flowing from his jaw. "DRAGON'S BERSERK!!!" Spike roared out dealing out punishment to Garble's head at a huge ferocity dragon warriors haven't seen since the 1st dragon war over 1000 years ago. By the time the dust clears...Spike stands tall over Garble, panting his fist raised up in victory.

"SPIKE WINS!!! HAHA!!" Natsu yelled hopping off the stands into the arena as the crowd cheers.

"SPIKE!!" The remaining mane 6 rush to his side.

"Holy crap Spike you were amazing!!"

"We were so worried for you! You got hurt so much!"


"Aww thanks guys" Spike blushed as he hops off of Garble's defeated body, unaware of Garble's claws reaching for something.

"SPIKE!!!" they gang turned around to see Twilight, Rarity, Melinda, Lucy and Ember came out of the vents heading to them.

"TWILIGHT~! RARITY!!" The ponies quickly hug their beloved friend.

"Lucy! You made it out!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Hah see, Lucy's fine no worries~" Natsu beamed only to get slaped in the face.

"You asshole why couldn't you come and save me!?" Lucy yelled.

"Well we figured you could easily hold your own since..."

"My hands were tied up and I couldn't reach my keys!!"

"B-but Lucy..!"

"There they go again" Carla said.

"Aye like a married couple~" Happy said.

"WE'RE NOT MARRIED!!" Lucy and Natsu yelled blushing as the gang laughed.

"You've become quite strong...you'll need a lot more training though" Laxus smirked.

"Yeah...I know" Spike said as Peewee flew to his side, his eyes flowing with tears. "Hey little guy why are you crying?"

"Spike look!" Fluttershy pointed out as the tears hits Spike's wounds they seem to heal up completely.

"Phoenix healing tears!" Twilight gasped.

"Wow Peewee thanks! Now then..." He glares to Garble. "I won the duel Garble, give me the scepter and end this stupid war"

"You.....You...YOU!!" Garble snarled as he wields the scepter in his claw. "I won't....I WON'T LET SOME DAMN FREAK AND FRIENDS BEAT ME!!" He lets out a booming roar as thousands of dragons took to the air as the Mane 6 looked in horror seeing that their heading towards Equestria at great speeds. But Ember has an equally shocked face as Garble ripped the blood stone from the crystal scepter itself.


"SHUT THE HELL UP ALL OF YOU!! I WON'T BE BEATEN YOU HEAR ME!! I...WON'T...BE..BEATEN!!" Garble bellowed as he swallows the crystal. His body then pulsates as not only his wounds healed up, but he grows 4 times larges, more spikes grew on his joints and back, his wings becoming a titanic size, menacing horns grew on his forehead as his eyes glow a devilish purple aura as well as his scales becoming a deep toxic purple before he lets out a horrific roar at the group of humans, ponies and dragons. Soon Garble's old gang from when Spike first traveled to the dragon lands during the migration lands beside their monstrous king wielding huge weapons glaring evilly at the group.

"M-m-monster!!!!!" Fluttershy cried.

"Well s**t" Grey stated as he tosses his shirt aside.

"You have no honor Garble" Ember said glaring "You don't even deserve to be called a dragon any longer." She then lets out her own roar as the other dragons flowed out onto the streets and into the skies, bearing a symbol on their chest that's a mixture of both the Equestrian flag and a dragon wings wrapped around the alicorns as if in protection, to intercept Garble's invasion.

"AW HELL YEAH!! NOW I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!" Natsu bellowed as the real battle is just beginning.

"Aye sir!!" Happy yelled despite quivering in his little cat legs. Gajeel and Laxus smirked as they cracked their knuckles, Erza requiped into her shining silver winged armor, Wendy glared at the beast as Lucy took out her whip and keys. Even Levy, Juvia, Twilight and Rarity readied their own magic spells and especially the rest of the ponies (save for Fluttershy who hides behind Laxus) ready themselves for the massive brawl ahead.

Abomination, was the one word the Fairy Tail wizards, ponies and Discord would use to describe what Garble had become having consumed the royal blood stone. The titanic red behemoth of a dragon panted heavily from the energy spent to undergo the immense transformation. Meanwhile the drake's friends stood before him brandishing their weapons with co*cky grins to match.

"MINIONS!!!" Garble roared, his voice now deep and gravelly. "GO NOW!! BURN CANTERLOT AND PONYVILLE TO THE GROUND!! LEAVE NONE ALIVE AND BRING ME THE HEADS OF THE PRINCESSES!!!" his army followers roared as many took flight and soared off towards the capital.

"NO! There's too many for the others back home to fight off!" Twilight panicked before ember commanded her rebellion.

"Half of you are to stay here to assist out allies! The rest of you pursue the attackers! Defend Equestria from them and assist the ponies! Show them we're not the monsters Garbles lead them to portray us as!" the rebels nodded in understanding before half flew off after Garble's invading force.

"We await your orders, Emperor!" the fat brown dragon said. "Or if you'd prefer to take them all down yourself you're welcome to. You do have the power."

"No." Garble spoke through ragged breath. "The transformation. It took all my energy. I must...temporarily withdraw."

"COWARD!!" Spike roared. "First you go back on our duel, then you devour the dragon's greatest relic and now you're running away?! You really are he lowest of all dragons!"

"Well if you're so confident, come and get me, runt!" Garble challenged him before taking off towards the highest tower. Spike was about to chase after him but soon found his path blocked by the other dragons.

"Good luck getting through us on your own, twerp!" the purple dragon sneered. "You may be stronger but you can't fight an army!"

"He isn't alone!" Natsu roared. "We tried playing nice, letting Spike duel like a man...or, dragon! But now that your Emperor Gargle went back on his word...you have to deal with us now! The lot of us!" he added gesturing to the gang for emphasis.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!" the brown dragon commanded as the forces rushed toward the heroes.

"Oh this'll be fun." Discord grinned as they in turn charged the enemy.


Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Celestia and Luna were quietly enjoying some tea together in the royal garden. So far they'd received no alarms from the guards or from Ponyville involving the dragons and while it was reassuring of their subjects' safety, the Sun Princess herself found the quiet activity to be a bit of a bore. She sighed as she set down her tea cup.

"Sister? Is something the matter?" Luna inquired. "Are you concerned about humans and ponies on the mission?"

"No, I'm sure they're doing fine. I guess...what with this war going on, it's just got me thinking about the old days and how my most glorious times are behind me."

"But are you not living just as glorious as before?"

"No, not like that. It's just Twilight's now my equal, Spike's growing up and soon he'll depart this world to join Fairy Tail for who knows how long, and Cadence. She's not only running her own empire but expecting a baby as well. And meanwhile here I am sitting around waiting like I always do. I miss the times you and I fought to protect our kingdom and ponies."

"You know we mustn't leave Canterlot should it require our protection." Luna reminded her sister.

"I know, Lulu. But still, I wish I could get involved just a little in the battle. Heck, I'd welcome a dragon to fight me if they fell right out of the sky."

Little did the Princesses know however, just beyond the horizon, an army of dragons were flying straight towards Canterlot and Ponyville. But as the army of Garble's followers were seeking to destroy them, the rebels weren't far behind to stop them. One of the aforementioned rebels took a shot at the enemy, managing to blast two of them in midair causing them to go falling right out of the sky...and land before the royal sisters.

"What in the name of..." Luna looked up and gasped to see the two swarms fighting each other. "They're fighting...amongst themselves?"

"PRINCESSES!" Luna looked to see a guard run to her side. "Garble's army has arrived, but I just received word from Spike that a number of those dragons are rebels who oppose his reign and wish to aid us! They can be identified by our flag painted on their bodies!"

"Send this information to Ponyville at once! the Fairy Tail wizards must be identified of our new allies!" Luna commanded.

"Right away, your Highness." the guard saluted before goign off to complete the errand.

"Sister, should I go to aid Ponyville or remain with you here to defend Canterlot?" Luna looked back to Celestia only to see the Sun Princess standing over the two bad dragons with a rather evil grin whilst her horn levitated a large mace with tally marks on it.

"It must be my birthday." she giggled as the dragons began to tremble in fear from landing before the wrong pony.


Not too far away in Ponyville, Makarove, the Strauss siblings and Cana had been posted to defend the town while the Thunder Legion were to assist in Canterlot's protection. Freed had placed one of his enchantments around the smaller town due to its lesser defences compared to Canterlot. Unfortunatel the barrier would only repel the dragons for half an hour once activated which would allow the wizards to herd the citizens to safety before the dragons got in. Currently, the four wizards and Guild Master were patrolling the borders of the town when Mira spotted a royal guard flying toward them.

"Fairy Tail Wizards!" he called as he landed within the barrier. "The dragon army is upon us! Half have reached Canterlot and the rest will be here soon!"

"Mira! You and your siblings along with Cana begin seeing the ponies to safety! I'll stay here for when Freed's enchantment runs out." Makarov insturcted.

"There's more!" the guard spoke up. "We've received word from Princess Twilight's group that a rebellion has broke out amonsgt the dragons. There are many who've chosen to oppose Garble and protect our kingdom. You can identify them by our flag painted upon their scales."

"Well that is reassuring knowing we have more allies to back us up." Mira said with a hopeful smile.

"Those are some manly dragons if they're willing to stand up to that Gargle jerk!" Elfman grinned.

"Come on! We better get started moving the citizens now before a panic starts up." Cana insisted as she along with the siblings headed off to inform the townponies leaving Makarov to face the noticeable swarm of dragons approaching.

"I sure hope this turns out better than it did in Fiore." he muttered


"Fire dragon iron fist!"

"Ice make: Buzz saw!"

"Requip: Heaven's Wheel!"

"Solid Script: Iron!"

"Iron dragon sword: demon logs!"

"Water Nebula!"

"Lightning dragon roar!"

"Sky dragon wing attack!"

"Urano metria!" The Fairy Tail wizards unleashed their various spells against the dragon army, the dragon slayers in particular were grappling with Garble's right and left wing dragons; Natsu fighting the purple one and Gajeel against the brown one. Natsu grabbed the purple dragon by his tail before swining him around his head like a wet towl.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughed maniacally. "Compared to the dragons we struggled against back home, you losers are a piece of cake!"

"Yes, but what they lack in strength they make up for in numbers!" Erza reprimanded cutting several dragons down. "We need to break through their ranks if we're to reach Garble before he fully recovers his strength!"

"My rebels can keep them at bay but we're nto enough to push them back completely!" Ember cursed who was also fighting with all her might.

"Looks like it's my time to shine!" everyone looked to Discord who was stretching and cracking his joints in preparation. "I haven't used my magic like this in some time. Here's hoping this old frame still has it." the draconequus growled in concentration before he began to grow bigger and his head began to slightly change shape along with the texture of his fur before the spirit of chaos had transformed himself into a gigantic chinese dragon only with his colours and various limbs.

"Yep. I still got it!" he grinned.

"You mean you could do that all along and you waited till now to do it?!" Ranbow questioned.

"Like I said, a transformation on this scale takes a lot of magic and I haven't done it for a long time! Now go! I can hold these midgets back long enough for you lot to get to the boss level!" with that Discord began to breath a mixture of elements upon the evil dragons with various chaotic results while also swiping and pushing them aside with his arms and tail.

"You heard the whatever-he-is, let's move!" Gajeel shouted.

"We won't let your efforts be for nothing!" Erza promised as she and the Fairy Tail wizards along with Spike and Melinda.

"Come on! This is our fight too! As the representatives of Equestria we have to assist in Garble's defeat!" Twilight decalred.

"Discord!" Fluttershy cried out in concern to her friend.

"Don't worry about me!" he reassured. "I've had worse than this! Now go!" the pegasus shook her frightened tears away before putting on a brave face and following after the rest of the Mane Six.


"Take THAT! You scaly scoundrel!" WHAM! Luna roared as she comically flattened a dragon into a pancake as the Moon Princess was now wielding a gigantic war hammer whilst standing back to back with Celestia who in turn was going to town with her giant mace.

"I've waited decades to taste the sweet spice of battle again!" the latter grinned with a underlying hint of ecstasy.

"Finally I can let out all that stress I built up while I was on the moon!!" Luna cackled as she continued her game of 'whack-a-dragon.' Concurrently the Thunder Legion were holding back the dragons themselves (with some assistance from Ember's rebels).

"Dark Ecriture: sleep!" several dragons collapsed into a deep sleep after being struck by the runic spell. Evergeen had petrified many of them into stone with her gaze whilst Bickslow used his to control any of the enemy who looked into his eyes.

"I never thought we'd have dragons on our side in this battle. Hope they don't hold it against me too much if I hit one of the goodies by mistake." he chuckled as he made two of the bad ones knock each other out.

"Don't hold it against us~" his babies chuckled with him.

"Let's hope things are just as good back in Ponyville." Freed said with a hint of concern. "We may have the royal army on our side here but my enchantment won't protect the town for long when I'm this far from it."


He was not wrong. Sure enough the dragons eventually reached the barrier and whilst the rebels were able to pass through (the enchantment had been written so that any dragons who don't oppose Equestria may pass so that Spike could return if need be) the enemy were left attacking the barrier with every weapon at their disposal causing small but noticeable cracks to form on it.

"We appreciate the help. With our dragon slayers out fighting Garble we were short on defenses." Makarov thanked the rebels who now stood beside waiting for the spell to break. At the same time, Cana and the Strauss's were busy herding the citizens into twilight's castle as it was the strongest building in town and big enough to hold them all.

"What do you mean we have to stay in here?!" Applebloom questioned.

"We mean what you think we mean!" Cana responded. "In a few minutes the bad dragons will break through Freed's barrier and it'll be up to us to fight them off. We can't allow them to kill or take any of you hostage. It's up to us to protect you and this town."

"But it's our town! Shouldn't we be fighting to protect it too?! My sister and her friends are out their fighting so why can't we?!" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You guys may be here to help us, but even if you win and after you're gone whats to say the dragons won't try and attack again someday?" Scootaloo piped up. "If we keep relying on you the dragons will just see us hiding behind you! We need to show them we can protect ourselves even without your help!"

"You've got guts, kid and I get where you're coming from." Elfman spoke. "But right now you need to keep each other safe and let us do the hard work." Despite the citizens protests, the Strauss siblings and Cana left them in the castle before going to join Makarov to find him and the rebel dragons battling the enemy. The old master had grown to his gargantuan size with his giant magic and was swatting the winged lizards like flies stopping to pat out the occasional flame on his shoulder.

"Hey paws off of Gramps, you lizards!" Cana snapped striking the enemy with her cards while Lisanna crossed her arms.

"Take over! Animal soul..." she began before she sprouted a pair of feathers wings and horn grew from her forehead whilst her legs turned into hooves. "Alicorn harpy!" with that she began to fly after the dragons, blasting them with her horn or kicking them with her hooves.

"Hey don't go hogging all the fun, Little Sis!" Elfman grinned. "Take over! Beast soul..." his body began to stretch out into a serpentine shape while his limbs changed to various forms until a muscular version of Discord but with Elfman's hair and facial features stood in place. "Draconequus!" With that he began to blast the fiends with chaos magic transforming them into all sorts of oddities. As for Mira she'd resorted to one of her various demon forms thanks to her Satan soul magic and was ferociously handing the dragons their tails. It seemed the small group of wizards and rebels were having little trouble keeping the enemy back from destroying Ponyville.

"You know, this fight is easier than I anticipated." Elfman commented as he turned one of the dragons into a cardboard cutout. "Is this really all Gargle can dish out?!" but at that moment the bellow of a horn sounded in the distance and that was when the group could make out several large shapes approaching and as they looked harder they gasped to see six gargantuan dragons with bulky bodies on all fours but no wings and strapped atop their backs were battlements teaming with reinforcements from the enemy.

"Way to jinx it, Big Brother." Lisanna frowned.


Back at Twilight's castle the townsponies were still huddled up in the crystalline palace listening to the battle going on outside. Mothers heald their fillies close while stallions heald their wives and friends heald each other. But despite the matters at hand, there were some who just couldn't stay put. Those being the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were pacing back and forth around the room unable to calm their frustration. Eventually Scootaloo let out a disgruntled curse before she spoke.

"UGH! What are we doing?!" everypony looked at the small pegasus in surprise. "How can we just sit here on our flanks while Fairy Tail and those good dragons are out there protecting us?!"

"They said it's too dangerous. If we go out there we'll just get in the way." one pony answered.

"So what?!" Sweetie Belle piped up. "We may not be as strong as those wizards but we're not helpless! Just look at what Twilight, my Big Sister and her friends have done for our world."

"But they're the Elements of Harmony! We're just normal ponies." a small filly whimpered.

"That's just a title! The Mane Six are just as normal as we are. They still have the same hearts as we do." Scootaloo reasoned. "Think of when they saved Princess Luna from the nightmares, when they stopped Queen Chrysalis, when they defeated Tirek or even when they redeemed Discord. Heck, even he's fighting for us and he used to be our enemy."

"Yeah! And don't even get me started on Spike. So many of you thought he was dangerous but now look at him! A Fairy Tail Wizard able to go toe to toe with Garble! Whose to say we can't protect our homes too?!" the ponies, though stirred by the fillies' words still seemed reluctant to agree as one pony said.

"But we aren't fighters like they are. We've never fought dragons or demons or any of the threats Twilight, her friends and Fairy Tail have. What can we do to stop the dragons? We can't eat rocks or breath fire. Even our magic isn't much compared to the Princesses.

"What would our ancestors say if they saw us like this!? Cowering under some shelter while our friends risk our lives! Our ancestors risked their lives settling Equestria and they sure as hay wouldn't let dragons burn it to the ground when they worked so hard to make it to what it is today!" everypony stared at the young earth pony as she panted heavily before Big Mac pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He approached Apple Bloom with a straight face before he gave her a warm smile and lovingly pet her.

"You've got your sister's guts. While she's out there bucking her legs off what are the rest of us Apples doing?" he turned to face the crowd. "My Little Sis's right. Whether Fairy Tail needs our help or not, we gotta show those dragons we can fight on our own turf or they ain't never gonna stop attacking!" it was at this point a few ponies began to stand up.

"He's right! This is our home! We can't let Fairy Tail do all the work in stopping those fiends!" Cheerilee spoke.

"And we may not be as strong as alicorns when it comes to magic, but I'll bet we have a shot at holding our own if we all put our heads together!" Dr Whooves agreed.

"Even after many of us judged Spike like that, he's still willing to fight for us! The least we can do to earn his forgiveness is protect our town in his place!" Lyra shouted. By now the crowd of ponies had gone from timid to tenacious as the CMC beamed at the change in mood.

"Whaddya say?! Let's show those bullies who's boss!" Scootaloo cheered.

"YEAH!!!" Bulk Biceps roared along with the crowd of now pumped up ponies.

"I just wish you were here to see this, Spike." Sweetie Belle thought. "Consider this the town's apology for before."


Back with the defense, the wizards were now engaging the line of battlement dragons and they were certainly more of a challenge. The gargantuan beasts were no easy feat and the smaller ones riding their backs allowed them to fight the wizards while their passengers would deal attacks from above. Elfman had switched to his full beast form whilst Makarov had grown into giant and both men were grappling a dragon each in an attempt to bring them down while at the same time Mira and Lisanna were trying to hold back the remaining two with their demon and alicorn magic but were beginning to have difficulties as they couldn't focus on the big dragons and small ones at the same time. Cana had remained with the rebels who in turn were doing all they could to fight the barrage of smaller dragons who were starting to break through the enchantment as its time was almost up.

"This doesn't look good!" the card wizard shouted as she shot down five more cronies. "They're gonna get through the barrier at this rate!"

"AAAAGHH! These brutes are nothing more than a weight to keep us down!" Makarov cursed. "If we don't stop them now the town will be burned to cinders!" the old timer reeled back his huge fist before driving it into the beast's head managing to knock it out. But then...CRACK!...KRIK!-KRAK! everyone looked to see several large cracks splinter across the enchantment wall until....SHATTER! The barrier broke into a million shards leaving the town fully exposed.

"YES!!! Ponyville is ours!" one of the small dragons roared with his brethren in triumph a they began to enter the town (the rebels attempting to hold them back but failing).

"Dammit! They've got us pinned down with these monsters and we don't have enough rebels to stop the invasion, what do we do?!" Elfman asked. As the dragons began to swarm Ponyville a few flew over to the school cackling with malicious glee.

"School's out, brats!" one laughed but just before they could set the building ablaze...POW! One of the bullies was struck by a boulder. The others looked in shock to see none other than Big Mac with Applebloom, Granny Smith and Cheerille at his sides. The mighty red stallion snorted angrily at the dragons before he turned his back to them and stomped his hind legs against the ground sending another boulder slightly into the air so he could kick it at another of the dragons.

"How dare you! Know your place, pony!" one of the beasts snarled but before he could breath any fire at him a book was sent flying into his mouth jamming his jaws open, courtesy of Cheerilee.

"You're the ones who need to learn a lesson!" she scolded before Applebloom began to kick smaller rocks at them in rapid fire.

"RRRRR KILL THEM!!" one roared. FWEEEEEEEEEET~!!! Granny smith whistled shrilly with her hoof before a large black mass began to come towards the town from the farm and as it got closer it was revealed to be a massive swarm of vampire fruit bats hisisng angrily at the dragons.

"Good thing Fluttershy convinced us to let these critters stay in part of our orchard. Fly my pretties! FLY~! EEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE~!" the old green mare cackled as the bats surroudned the dragons, biting and smothering them. Elswhere in town more dragons were approaching Sugar Cube Corner but as they approached the building, the roof opened up to reveal a lineup of party cannons and standing behind them were the cake family accompanied by the school fillies.

"Load the cannons, kids!" Mr Cake instructed as the fillies went about loading Pinkie's celebratory artillery with baked goods.

"HAHAHA! Look guys! They're gonan shoot us with cake!" one of the dragons laughed mockingly at the silly looking weapons.

"Ready?! Aim!" Mrs Cake pointed as the children pointed the cannons at the dragons. "FIRE!" POOF!-POOF!-POOF! With that the cannons launched a barrage of bright red cakes at the lizards.

"Open wide, fellas! Free meal!" one laughed before they chomped up the cakes in midair. "HA! You really though you could beat us with a half baked plan like that?!"

"You took the bait." Diamond Tiara grinned as the dragon's faces began to turn red and sweat profusely. "You just ate Pinkie Pie's April Fools' Hot Sauce Buns!"

"SPICYYYYYYYY!!!!" the dragons released fountains of fire into the air from their burning mouthed. And this was only the beginning. All throughout the town, everypony was fighting off the beasts with their own special talent. The unicorns had banded together to cast large scale spells to protect the buildings with shields or restrain the dragons with binds or even tickling spells. The Wonderbolts had flown in and were electrifying the villains with their thunder cloud trails. Even the more unique town members were bringing their A game as Bulk was wrestling four dragons at once in a musclebound rage. Lyra and Bon-Bon fighting them back to back (the latter now kitted out in her secret agent gear having been prepared for a time like this). Cranky and Matilda were riding atop their sea serpent friend, Steven, who was ensnaring the dragons in his coils.

"That's what ya get for messing with a donkey!" Cranky laughed.

Now that's not to say the dragons were helpless. Some of the ponies found themselves on the run from the monsters as a handul of them, including Dr Whooves had been backed into a corner, the scientist using his last remaining gizmo to try and keep them back from the mares and fillies he was protecting. But as the dragon was about to strike. WHAM! A light grey blur kicked him square in the face sending him crashing into one of the buildings as the blur landed gracefully before the crowd, her bubble cutie mark glimmering. Dr Whooves smirked as Derpy grinned at the cheering ponies while the two shared a hoof bump.

Several more dragons were chasing a group of screaming fillies who were making a dash for the Everfree Forest, but just as they reached it they stopped and snickered at the dragons. The monsters looked confused at first before several clusters of vines burst from the forest and seized them before emerging from one of the plants came the town's only Zebra, Zecora. The shaman frowned at the dragons before speaking.

"Never underestimate the strength of a horse. Though our power really comes from a different source. Together we are strong and can never go wrong and what you see now are the fruits of our song. Go back to the bad lands from whence you have flown. And never return until your morale has grown. Your egocentric tyrant has lead you to here. And now thanks to him, you will know true fear." the dragons actually shivered from her rhyme until a growl reached their ears before out of the forest came an army of Everfree beasts; maticores, timber wolves, cragadiles, co*ckatrices and many more. And with them were Fluttershy's animal friends and standing atop Harry the bear was Angel wearing a nature themed centurion helmet and wielding a branch. The bunny let out a battle squeak and thrust his branch commanding Zecora and the animal army to charge the dragons.

Back in town the Fairy Tail wizards and rebels had managed to defeat all the big dragons and were now assisting the ponies. By this point the enemy were growing frustrated and reckless with their attacks as some flew after another group of seemingly helpless ponies, only to be lead right into a trap in the form of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia standing atop their amalgamation of the former's high tech DJ station and the latter's orchestra stand. The two musicians winked at each other before unleashing a sonic boom of remixed tunes causing the dragons to cover their ears.

"NO! Synthesized music! It hurts!" they moaned as Vinyl and Octavia continued their audial attack. But at that moment they began to feel a wind approaching. It started low, but then it began to grow stronger and stronger causing the dragons to begin struggling to stay aloft. They looked around for the source until they spotted a flock of pegasi flapping their wings at the fiends. But what was astonishing was that their wings had quadrupled in size, even Scootaloo's who was proudly beating her orange wings with a huge overjoyed grin on her face.

"If only you could see me now, Rainbow!" she thought gleefully. This phenomenon had been brought about by Makarov who'd used his giant magic to increase the ponies' wing size allowing them to churn up such a strong wind which by this point had turned into a hurricane.

"Incredible." the man himself said in amazement. "Despite the risks the ponies teamed together to face them head on. It seems this town is quite like our guild when it comes down to it." as the hurricane subsided after sucking up all the dragons, they found themselves in the middle of the town square, dazed and confused.

"Curse these ponies! Don't they know who they're messing with?!" one of the lead dragons asked no one.

"I think not. It is you who doesn't know who they're messing with." the remaining dragons turned around to see Mayor Mare, along with the rest of the ponies and animals staring them down from Town Hall. "For too long have we lived in fear of you. Back then the very mention of your kind chilled us to the bone over your capabilities. Not only that but the mere thought of an invasion from you sent us in a panic...We even had the audacity to let our paranoid fear cause us to wrongfully judge a certain purple drake who since his birth had shown us nothing but kindness. But it was thanks to him and his friends that your attack force was reduced to this. And it was thanks to three little fillies that we learned to stand up against the odds. And that's just what we're going to do, right here and now!"At this point Makarov stepped forward glaring at the dragon army.

"It seems you and your bretheren have been lead astray by Garble. Is this truly how you wish your species to be viewed by the others of this nation? As violent, ill tempered monsters with an insatiable greed?"

"Silence human! The dragons are the supreme beings of this land and Lord Garble as our leader we shall rule it all!" one of the army leaders declared before pointing to Ember's rebels and the ponies. "And our first order of business is to eliminate these traitors along with these insignifcant quadrupeds!" Makarov sighed.

"It seems you are in desperate need of a lesson of just how 'insignificant' these ponies are." he turned to face the crowd. "Will you all lend me your strength, so I may open the minds of these brats?"

"Like you even need to ask." Sweetie Belle smiled before Makarov turned back to the ponies.

"This is your last chance to avoid expereincing the true spirit of this species. I'll give you to the count of three to do exactly as I say." the dragons glared at him before he ordered. "Kneel to them."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" the leader roared in disbelief.

"One...!" Makarov began as the ponies began to stomp their hooves in unity.

"You hairballs have the gall to demand we surrender?! NEVER!"

"Two...!" Makarov continued as he began to bring his hands together while the ponies' cutie marks began to glow as they continued their standstill march.

"You're the ones who should be kneeling to us! Garble is the one and only true ruler!"

"Three...!" the guild master bellowed rotating his hands as an array of multi coloured lights began to leap from the ponie's cutie marks and gather betwen his palms.

"And once we destroy you all, the rest of your kind's hope will crumble into nothing! NOW DIE!!" the dragons unloaded a ferocious blast of hate filled flames toward the crowd but they didn't falter as Makrov concluded.

"Time's up." he then brought his palms together around the ball of rainbow light which blew back the flames as though they were candles. "I invoke...Fairy Harmony." DONG! As the bell of the town hall rang in tune with the man's spell a magic circle as big as Ponyville itself appeared in the sky, before out of it came a truly titanic pony head composed of various colors from the town ponies united spirits. It stared down from the heavens at the astonished dragons before with an earth shaking neigh it unleashed a waterfall of friendship magic which came crashing down upon the entire town, engulfing everyone and everypony in it. Until eventually the giant horse head ceased its attack before retracting back into the magic circle which vanished in a burst of glittering particles. As the light cleared and everyone looked at the enemy dragons they were surprised to see what had happened to them. Though they were unscathed, all of them were down on their knees violently trembling and wearing faces of incredible fear and shock.

"...What did you do to them, Gramps?" Cana murmured.

"It's not what I did. It's what the ponies did. The combined weight of their unity completely crushed the dragon's fighting sprits. They have been utterly, emotionally immobilized. Never will they underestimate the communal power of these animals." the beasts remained on the ground, their terror still fresh before Mare approached them and delivered one final order.

"Now get the buck out of my town." she glared at the pathetic dragons (the fillies thankfully had their ears covered by their elders.) With that the army turned tail and took off like rockets never looking back until they were completely out of sight. All was silent for a few moments before the crowd broke out into a tremendous explosion of cheering.

"WE DID IT!!" the CMC laughed as they and their classmates bounced around in joy among the other ponies, rebels and wizards who were also rejoicing in their victory.

"Looks like we won, Master." Mira smiled.

"Yes, we certainly lended a hand or two, but it was these brave ponies and their unbreakable friendships that helped us overcome the army. This victory is theirs." he grinned before he thought. "But it's not over just yet, as there's but one enemy left to defeat. Know that we're all with you, my children."


"What's with that grin, Natsu?" Spike queried as he, along with Fairy Tail and the Mane Six were almost at the top of Garble's castle where he'd retreated to. The Salamander chuckled before he said.

"Ah nothing. I guess I just feel like we missed something awesome back in Ponyville."

"Maybe they caught a super rare fish while we were gone." Happy guessed.

"Of course that would be it." Lucy mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't be silly. If anything they're probably having a huge victory party planned for when we get back." Pinkie suggested.

"No way! My guess is they made an amazing discovery about your world and have documented it for me to add to my archive!" Twilight giggled ecstatically.

"You too?!" Lucy gawked.

"All of you stop making such ludicrous assumptions!" Erza boomed.

"Thanks for that." Lucy sighed with relief.

"Obviously Mr and Mrs Cake have baked yet another phenomenal delicacy for me to taste~!" Erza sparkled with a blush.

"I SPOKE TOO SOON~!" Lucy fell to the ground.

"I knew it. All that sugar has gone to her head." Lily muttered. Until eventually the group came to a door whcih lead into the throne room.

"We're here." Laxus glared.

"So Mouth Wash is behind that door." Gajeel grinned sinisterly.

"Yeah. All juiced up by that by that blood stone too." Lucy whimpered.

"It's gonna take a lot of water to put this bastard's flames out." Gray said. "We'll be counting on you for that, Juvia." the water wizard gasped.

"Gray is putting his faith in me~?!" she blissfully thought. With that the doors were pushed open and the group stepped through to find A huge purple beast curled up in the center of the room. Spike gritted his teeth with rage.

"He's so co*cky he takes a nap in the middle of a battle?! That's not only stupid it's rude!" he growled.

"Then let's wake him up." Natsu grinned before he shot a fireball at the back of Garble's head causing him to stir and scratch the spot as he yawned. He looked over his shoulder with half lidded eyes still partly asleep.

"Oh it's you midgets. So you managed to get past my army after all."

"You're darn tootin' we did!" Applejack snorted. "And you're going down!" Garble just laughed.

"Wrong. The only one's who'll be going down are you. All six feet of the way and then some!" he uncurled from his sleeping position before getting to his feet allowing him to tower over the group. He certainly had grown in size, now standing as tall as a full grown Fiore dragon.

"He, uh, sure had quite the growth spurt." Rainbow muttered.

"Well the bigger they are the harder they fall I always say." Gajeel said showing no signs of intimidation.

"Since when?" Levy asked.

"Don't worry. As long as we work together we will defeat him." Erza assured. garble rolled his eyes before drawing in a great breath before unleashing a cascade of dark red fire at the group. Natsu instinctively stood in front as the flames struck before he began to inhale them. But no sooner had he done so he gagged.

"AGH! What is this fire?! It's disgusting!" he spat to try and get the taste out of his mouth. "Ugh it's making me feel sick~."

"Sick?! Since when has fire ever made you feel sick, Salamander?!" Gajeel spluttered. "I mean I know we've tasted some bad elements before, but nothing we couldn't stomach!"

"It must be the Blood Stone." Melinda deduced. "Garble's fire is so heavily saturated with all its magic it's no longer actual fire, it's like an artificial imitation!"

"So you're saying Natsu can't eat Garble's fire?!" Happy panicked. "Now what do we do?!"

"Keep your wings on!" Gajeel snapped. "Salamander isn't the only one who can fight the bastard ya know! You two just sit back and watch, I'll handle this!"

"NO WAY! I'm not quitting on this fight just cause his fire makes me nauseous! I can still kick his hug purple butt!" Natsu defended. "And besides, I have other ways to get some fire. Hey Spike, you mind giving me a snack?" the drake was a little puzzled at first but he quickly figured out what Natsu meant before he breathed some of his own fire at Natsu who swallowed it hungrily letting out a relieved sigh.

"Now that's more like it! Much tastier!" he grinned slamming his fists together. "Now let's beat this loser!"

"YEAH!!" the gang agreed before they charged Garble who just snorted. Before he could spray more fire at them a rope snared its way around his muzzle holding his jaw shut. He looked to see Applejack had been the one to lasoo his mouth. The dragon snarled at her before he snapped the rope with ease. The earth pony pales in response.

"Ok, that was a bad idea." she muttered before Garble lunged at her but not before the farm girl was scooped up by Rainbow who carried her to safety.

"Don't do that again." the pegasus scolded as she set AJ down. Meanwhile the dragon slayers were going all out against Garble using every weapon at their disposal.

"Fire dragon brilliant flame!"

"Iron dragon god sword!"

"Lightning dragon jaw!"

"Sky dragon crushing fang!" Garble cursed as the attacks struck him, causing small but physical pain before he began to counter with even more fire forcing the slayers to fall back. It was at that moment that Twilight stepped in and summoned a barrier around the group whilst Levy provided the slayers with solid script elements to replenish them.

"We've gotta get past his fire! Looks like it's up to you and Juvia, Gray." Erza instructed. The two aforementioned nodded to each other before they joined hands.

"Unison Raid!" the shouted before a swirling geyser of water sprang from their entwined hands. Garble of course saw the attack coming and flew into the air.

"Oh no you don't!" Lucy glared brandishing her keys. "Aquarius!" she called placing the key against her friends attack summoning the celestial mermaid. "Don't let that monster escape! Send all that water right down his throat!" the spirit let out a roar of determination as she began to manipulate the mas of water causing it to chase after Garble and force its way into his mouth.

"And now freeze!" Gray commanded before the water froze inside Garble's throat and stomach brinign him to a halt. "NOW! While his fire's blocked!" he said to the slayers who leapt back into the fray.

"Fire dragon...!"

"Iron dragon...!"

"Sky dragon...!"

"Lightning dragon...!"

"ROAR!!!!!" the four wizards thundered as they unleashed a combined quadruple element attack at Garble who could only gasp before he was swallowed by the tremendous explosion that followed after he was struck by the attack. The group halted as they looked at the massive cloud of smoke left behind.

"Did we get him?" Spike asked as the smoke began to clear before they saw Garble lying on the ground supposedly unconscious. But just when they were about to declare victory, his body began to glow blood red before the drake let out a thunderous, animalistic roar as sparks of red magic erupted from all over his body.

"What's happening to him?!" Fluttershy cried in fear.

"The Blood Stone magic is manifesting! It's driving him mad!" Melinda panicked as Garble charged at the group forcing Twilight to hurriedly create another barrier. The alicorn grunted as Garble attacked the shield to try and break through.

"This is bad. He's completely lost control. If the blood stone magic keeps building inside him like this who knows what will happen." Erza worried.

"But how do we bring him down?! That was our strongest attack!" Gajeel argued. The friends thought amongst themselves as they tried to come up with a solution before Spike spoke up.

"Guys! I have an idea!" he shouted.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"The only thing that stands more chance against a dragon than a dragon slayer, is another dragon. I may be too weak right now, but there might be a way for me to gain enough power."

"...And how exactly do you plan on getting it?" Laxus questioned, his tone uncertain.

"By consuming all four dragon slayer elements at the same time."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" Lucy screamed. "Dragon slayers eating different elements is very dangerous. Even two elements is risky but four?!"

"Blondy's right! That number of mixed elements is like swallowing ethernano! It'll poison ya!"

"I've already been able to wield your elements before! And I'm a pure bred dragon! The effects won't be the same for me as they are to you guys!"

"It's still too risky! We can't risk your life on a gamble like this! I won't allow it!" Twilight shouted.


"And don't you dare say I'm being overprotective again! This is going too far despite your growth!"

"I have to agree with the Princess on this one." Erza spoke. "The risk of death is too great."

"I'm sorry, Spike, but we have to find another way." Twilight said as she began to ponder alternative solutions. "Maybe if I can reach Celestia quick enough she could tell me how to seal Garble in the moon and-"

"MOTHER!" the alicorn wheeled round when she heard the little dragon address her that way to see him panting heavily. "We don't have time for learning spells! Garble's going to win if we don't go through with this! This is our best shot at defeating him! It may seem reckless and impossible but how many times have we pulled a crazy unpredictable answer out of our pockets?! And don't get me started on you guys." he looked to Fairy Tail. "You especially, Natsu. Impossible is practically your middle name what with all the times you've done it. Eating ethernano, lighting, gold fire, black fire even a dragon made entirely of fire was no match for your gut! So please, give me this chance to prove I can do the impossible as well. For Equestria, for Fairy Tail...and for myself. I know when to let my friends have my back, but now's the time for it to be left up to me." the salamander looked at the young drake with an unreadable expression before his ever confident grin crossed his face.

"Give him hell, Little Brother." he said. "Let's do this, guys!" he added to the dragon slayers before he sent a burst of flames at Spike who began to inhale them.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Gajeel roared in frustration before adding a blast of iron to the mix.

"I just hope you know what you're doing, Spike!" Wendy pleaded throwing in a sky dragon roar.

"You better make this work, kid or else!" Laxus warned as he tossed in the final element which Spike drew into his mouth before he swallowed all for of the attacks. At first nothing seemed to happen, until Spike's body began to glow with a radiating green light as a growl of strength began to build up inside him until....BA-BUMP!...BA-BUMP!...BLEEEEUGH!!! The dragon retched as a mass of ethernano spewed from his mouth and he fell back, his eyes white and glazed. Everyone, even Garble, went silent before Twilight tentatively spoke.

"Spike...?...Spike?" she spoke a little louder as she lightly pushed him but gained no response as the drake's head rolled to one side, his body limp like a rag doll. Natsu hurried over and touched his neck before his eyes widened in horror.

"...His heart...it stopped." the heroes gasped in terror as they began to panic over the little dragon.

"No-no-no-no-no-no! Spike! Spike say something, anything!" Lucy said frantically.

"Spike! Spike! Open your eyes, Spikey-Wikey please!" Rarity begged as her own sapphire eyes began to brim with tears.

"What the hell are you doing, pipsqueak?! GET UP!!" Gajeel shouted his face full of worry. As the friends desperately attempted to wake the dragon, Garble simply sat back with a mocking grin, relishing in their panic and fast approaching despair. Spike's trump card had failed...and it was beginning to look like it had cost him his life.

To be continued...

Darkness, that's all Spike knows so far. He woke up just a few minutes ago in this realm of nothingness, his eyes scanned for anything his heightened senses tried to feel anything but there was nothing, save for a faint light wind that curiously sounds like breathing.

"Hello!? Anyone here!? Twilight? Melinda? " Spike called out. "Where the hell am I?" He muttered to himself as he continued to walk along in the darkness as he talked to himself.

"How'd i get here anyways? Last thing I remember I ate all of the dragonslayer's attacks....and then." He suddenly stops in his tracks, his eyes shrank to pinpricks as his frills droop down. "I'm.....I'm dead aren't I?"

He feels tears welling up in his eyes as he drops to his knees. "It didn't work...Garble's going to win and i sacrificed myself for nothing...FOR NOTHING!!" He yelled as green embers left his maw. "I'm too weak...I should've listened to Twilight, I'm no dragon slayer or a dragon....I'm just what Garble said...a freak lizard"


"What?" Spike sprang back up looking around, high and low for the source of the voice. The faint light wind from earlier became louder, heavier. Spike can definitely feel a rhythm to the wind. "Who said that?" He keeps turning and turning trying to find the source of the voice, until he is met by a giant, green colored fire in the shape of dragon's eyes. If one could see them as Spike, one could say they were the size of Garble's head.

"I did...."

"Who....who are you?" Spike asked trembling a little but standing his ground, he can sense the massive power emitting from the flaming eyes.

"Who I am does not concern you at the time at claw....that's quite a power you're attempting to harness aren't you Spike the Dragon?"


The ponies and mages are in tears at their fallen friend, after devouring the 4 powerful attacks from the dragon slayers.

"No he can't be gone! HE JUST CAN'T!!!" Melinda was crying rivers as she sobbed into her claws.

"Dammit!!! It was our trump card!!" Natsu yelled as he glared at Garble, who grinning evilly as the alliance suffering.

"Like I had said earlier....he's nothing but a freak lizard~" He taunted.

"YOU SHUT THE F**K UP!!!" Melinda cried as she charged at Garble "He was a hundred times better as a dragon than you could ever be Garble! I'LL KILL YOU!!" She was stopped held back by both Laxus and Natsu.

"Don't do it Melinda, you'll get killed too! You'll waste S-spike's sacrifice if you die" Rarity yelled with tears in her eyes, her makeup trailing down her cheeks.

"Save you strength woman!" Laxus firmly stated as Melinda dropped to her knees. c

"Spike...please, come back to us." Fluttershy prayed as she cried.

"You can't go...not like this" Rainbow said fighting, yet failing, back the tears. "It's not fair to you..."


"Power? What are you talking about?" Spike asked the flaming eyes.

"A power that haven't been seen since the dawn of dragons, a power that levels mountains and wipes out civilizations." the low booming voice said as the eyes circled Spike.

"The dawn of drag-....but that's over thousands of years ago!!" Spike yelled as the voice chuckled.

"It's a power that the first alicorns sought to seal away from the destructive powers....Makes sense since the dragons were no more than feral beasts back then. However....you're different than most dragons aren't you?"

"Y-yeah what about it?" Spike asked with suspicion.

"You have a code of honor, you have the courage to take the risks, you wield harmony within your heart. However....should you choose to take this power, you may lose control and have to be banished and -"

"I DON'T CARE!!" Spike yelled at the eyes, definite pupils have formed within the flames as Spike interrupted him "Garble has to be stopped! I don't care if I have to be banished to the moon or have to be put down if i loose control! As long as my friends are safe I'll be happy...as long as Natsu and the others are victorious I'll be happy....and even if Melinda gets to have a true free life. I'll be happy! I..I love them, all of them!! They're my family and Melinda...I know it in my soul, I love her!!" He beats his chest proudly as he takes a few short breaths from that hardened speech glaring. The flaming eyes narrows, glaring deep into Spike's souls. Then the voice chuckles before bursting into a massive laughter, the air resonates as Spike's eyes widen in shock, as the rest of the body of the fiery eyes were revealed. It was a titanic dragon, 5 times the size of Garble, the wings were the size of a whole town, the tail as long as a train the claws as pointed as the spires of the Canterlot Castle with the teeth as white as snow and as sharp as even the sharpest blades in the Royal Armory. But most of the shock was from the color, the scales were a shimmer royal purple, the spines and frills a vibrant green and the eyes were a gleaming emerald. "You're....me!?"

"Yes....and don't say I didn't warn you~" The dragon suddenly becomes enveloped in a shimmering green flame and jets into Spike's maw. Spike then swallows it all...


"Spike, my sweet dragon son..." Twilight cried as Melinda approached the motionless body, Wendy had to move aside from her failed attempt to revive him

"Spike, please come back to us." Melinda knelt down beside him, lifting his claw. "Ever since I met you, you opened my eyes to a whole new world. You showed me the good that dragons can do, and the shared love with the ponies. You're proof that ponies and dragons can coexit peacefully." she leans in "Please Spike....I love you, I love you with all my heart and soul"

The rest of the mane 6 (minus Twilight and Rarity) and some of the mages then gasps at the sudden confession as Melinda leans in, locking lips with Spike in a passionate kiss. She then pulls back, with a sad smile and tears in her eyes.


"H-hold on! Did you hear that?" Happy said as his ear twitched.

"I hear it too!" Carla cried, "Wendy his pulse!" Wendy rushes to Spike's side as the expressions on the ponies lighten up as the gasp in happiness.

"It's coming back! He's getting a pulse again! It's....It's speeding up a lot actually." Wendy feels the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. "This feeling...."

"Speeding up?" Twilight asked worriedly. "What do you me-" She was cut off but a suddenly blast of raw magic power emanating from Spike as he opens his eyes. The massive blast causing a massive gale as Fluttershy & Rarity were nearly blown off their hooves, only to be caught by Grey and Juvia.

"We got yah!" Grey exclaimed as the mages stand in shock as Spike slowly stood up, his eyes glowing a fiery green with magenta outlines, his purple scales glowing and his spines glowed white as he started walking towards Garble, who raised an eyebrow in intrigue as each step Spike took made lightning crackle around Spike with green etheral wings appearing behind him

"It can't be...." Gajeel said in absolute shock.

"OH~? Does the little runt have a new trick? Is this the trump card that you were talking abo-" Garble was cut off as Spike suddenly disappeared. "What where the hell did yo-?


"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Spike roared as he had tackled into Garble's gut, crashing through the walls to the outside. With the wind knocked out of him, Garble barely had time to spread his own wings taking flight pushing off Spike.

"What the actual hell!!!?" Garble roared as he sees Spike actually flying by use of his etheral wings.


"What in Equestria was that power!!!?" Melinda cried. "I've never seen anything like it!!"

"Me neither! There's nothing in the archives about that kind of power in a dragon!" Ember stated.

"Dragon Force," Laxus said as all eyes turned to the dragon slayers.

"It's dragon force, the most powerful state a dragon slayer can obtain. The power to destroy absolutely everything" Wendy said in awe at the giant hole in the wall of where Garble once laid.

"Was....was it from when he ate all 4 of your attacks?" Rainbow asked.

"That's probably it but....whew boy.....I didn't know the pipsqueak had this much power in him!" Gajeel said as a blast roared outside shaking the tower.

"I hate to be the party pooper here but I think this tower ain't gonna last much longer!" Applejack cried as cobble stones rained down from the crumbling ceiling.

"She's right!!" Carla said as her wings appeared. "Best we evacuate"

"R-right!" Twilight said as the group ran out down the stairs. But Twilight looked back to the massive gaping hole where she sees jets of green and red flames blasting each other. "Please be careful Spike."


Outside, a new massive duel has erupted in the skies above the Dragon Lands. The two dragons clashed in the skies, as Spike is enveloped by a flaming green aura as he flew side by side against Garble launching hits and kicks. His arms & fists transforms that heavy steal beams sucker punching Garble in the face.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THIS POWER?!" Garble roared punching Spike but was blocked as Spike raised up his hand coating it with steel at such speed Garble missed it when he blinked. Spike remained silent, glaring at him as he then kicked Garble in the neck filled with lightning. The blunt force of the kick made Garble cough up some blood, as he wiped his tail knocking back Spike.

Below the battle, dragons watch in awe as the red and green flames duke it out in the sky. The raw power radiating from the fight was so much some of the smaller dragons fainted from the occasional shock wave of colliding fists. Once the duo were at a distance between them they roared as their flames shot out of their maws colliding at the midpoint causing a massive explosion blowing away the dark clouds above exposing the sky above.

'WHY DON'T YOU JUST F**KING DIE ALREADY!!!?" Garble roared as he charged at Spike tackling him into the tower they were in before. Blasting through the masonry and stairs, the tower collapses falling to the castle blow as dragon guards scramble out of the way from all the destruction.

"ICE MAKE SHIELD!" Grey yelled conjuring a strong enough ice shield as cover from the collapsing building once they had reached the ground floor. "that was close!!"

"Thanks for save Grey!" Rainbow yelled.

'HAHA!! LOOK AT THE LITTLE GUY GO~!!" Natsu exclaimed as the dragons duked it out in the sky above.

"Aye!! He's crazy powerful!" Happy said as the ponies and dragons looked up in awe.

"He's wrecking everything!!" Levy yelled.

"Well he's definitely going to fit into Fairy Tail once this is all over~" Grey smirked.

"Spike...." Melinda muttered.

As they exchange punches and kicks, Spike then speeds to Garble's head grabs his horn and forces them down to ground level. At great speeds, Spike forces Garble's face to grind against the rocks and ground as he roared in pain. And in a brutal fashion, rips off the horns before tossing them to the side, Spike roars ferociously as the wind, lightning, flame and iron swirls around him. He opens his maw with the sounds of charging as a magenta ball of pure magic forms at the front. He then fires a massive beam towards Garble, and in desperation the demon dragon erects a fire wall as a makeshift shield..

"Try your damn magic against th- AGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!" It didn't do any was Garble was blown back crashing into a statue of himself as Spike roared taking to the air.

With Garble not looking so good, he shoots back up to air as he now has brutal cuts and gashes deep in his arms and torso, they're gushing blood as Spike floats in the air. His etheral wings slowly flapping as his glowing eyes stares down Garble, his sharp teeth then shows in a growl as he makes one more tackle forcing them both back down to the Colosseum. The bloodstone-less scepter clatters as they land with a massive thud and crash.

"They landed in the Colosseum! Let's go!" Twilight yelled getting a head start galloping down the war-torn streets.

"C'mon everyone! We gotta go see who won!" Natsu yelled as Melinda, Ember and Rainbow Dash flew besides the princess.

'Please be okay please be okay please be okay!' Twilight and Melinda thought to themselves as the group raced towards the arena.


At the arena, Garble laid panting..heavy wounded, cough up blood and throwing up half-digested jewels. He can barely stand anymore as the damage done to his limbs was simply too great. "This....can't.....this can't, THIS CAN'T BE F**KING HAPPENING!!!" Garble roared, but this roar was different. It sounded weak, timid....scared, and his eyes widen seeing the purple drake land at the other side of the arena..quietly walking towards him. "You shouldn't beat me...YOU CAN'T BEAT ME!! I...AM YOUR MASTER!!" he yelled.

Spike opens his maw, the familiar charging of the beam forces Garble to breath an even thicker fire shield. Spike fires, the beam slices through the shielding like a hot knife through butter. With the shield erupting in an explosion, it reveals Garble now with a giant gash along his torso. Gallons of dragon blood splatters across the arena and the stands, his scales crack and shatter as Spike continues to walk towards him.

"S-stay..b-back" Garble weakly said before getting a face full of a fire dragon fist knocking him back as Spike lands on his neck. "M....mer....merc- AGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!' Garble wails in pain as Spike continues to punch him in the face repeatedly and ferociously. "S-stop..p-please." His now one good eye widens as he no longer see the young drake...in the fogginess of popped blood vessels, he now sees a titanic roaring dragon, far larger than he is with shimmering royal purple scales, vibrant green spines, proud powerful wings and muscles, sharp claws and teeth, and emerald eyes glaring down as the dragon roars in domination and victory.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Spike roared as clenches his fists together, slamming them on Garble's stomach. Garble's cheek then puffs up with bile and gems, he then throws up on the ground producing a pile of half-digested gems, jewels, and meat but most importantly the Bloodstone itself which was wrapped in nerves and and broken blood vessels. Garble's eyes roll back as his body shrinks down to that of the time before the whole war even started. At that moment, the rest of the gang finally catches up to dragons entering the battleground and gasp to find who's there and who's left standing. Twilight's eyes widen in shock at the horrific state Garble is in as Spike stands tall over him.

"Spike..." Twilight muttered quietly in shock.

"HE BEAT HIM!!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Land sakes..." Applejack was in awe at Spike's super powered state and the amount of blood splattered across the grounds.

"The Bloodstone!" Ember cried pointing the pulsating red jewel.

Spike then grabs the scepter and the bloodstone, instinctively reuniting to two into the single item. He feels the Bloodstone's power flowing through him in which he raises the staff high before slamming the bottom down to the ground. The scepter in reaction, releases a massive wave of red magic as it shoots up and out spreading across the lands.


Across Equestria & the dragon lands, the dragons fighting within streets of Canterlot or the deserts of Dodge Junction, or spacious skies above. All dragons big and small came to a complete halt in the war as they turned their gaze to the dragon lands.

"Sister....what was that?" Luna asked giving one more hoof punch to a dragon who was in her chokehold. Celestia smiled proudly as she looked around to the stunned dragons.

"They did it sister...." Celestia takes a deep breath and bellows in her Royal Canterlot Voice. "THIS WAR...IS OVER~!!!!"

And all at once, both the ponies and the rebel dragons erupt in celebration, possibly for the first time in all of pony history. Word of the end of the war spread like wildfire from the humble towns like Dodge Junction and Apploosa to the glamouring cities of Manehatten and Las Pegasus and especially Ponyville and the Crystal Empire.

"Hmph" Makarov smirked as he looked out to the distance with the Strauss siblings "I knew they could do it~"

"Yep, I'm sure Spike is going to fit right into Fairy Tail~" Mira said.

But over to the site of the Gauntlet of Fire, Fire Lord Torch was freed from his pertrification taking his first breaths. "What the? I'm free?" Torch sees the tower of red magic shooting up to the sky, he takes flight to investigate and as he flew he sees the massive destruction to the once proud drgaon city. "What in Tartarus happened here?" He growled as he remembered the culprit "Garble....I'LL CRUSH HIM!" He reaches the arena "Alright Garble you're going to have hell to pa-" his eyes widen at the unbelievable, at least in his opinion, sight. Ponies, dragons and these fleshy bipedal beings all united over the defeated and horrible bloodied body that was Garble.

"Ember?" Torch asked as the blue dragon gasped.

"Dad...." Ember couldn't help but tear up, shooting towards Torch and hugging a small area of his body. "Y-you're okay...." she turns around and smiles "Everyone, meet my dad. The previous Dragon Lord, Torch."

"What in Tartarus happened here and who..." his eyes widen again seeing Spike wielding the Bloodstone scepter, his body still glowing with the dragon. He then looks at the fleshy bipeds and a memory flashed in his head from over 900 years ago. "It can't be...."


"The Dragonslayers....." he muttered.

"Whoa you know we are?" Wendy asked as Fluttershy cowered behind her.

"I witnessed their power and the dragon's defeat when I was but a hatchling over 900 years ago." He then looked in awe as Spike floated down, the glowing dying down and the moment he touched the ground his eyes closed as he fell to the floor.

"Spike!!!" Twilight and Melinda rushed to his side.

"T-twilight? Melinda?" He groaned as his eyes crack open.

Twilight had tears in her eyes and she pulls in Spike in a tight hug.

"Too tight" Spike groaned.

"We were so worried for you" Twilight cried silently in joy.

"Is Garble....?"

Melinda nodded as she joins in the hug "You did it Spike, you won and.....you're the new Dragon Lord~" She smiles warmly.

"I .. I'm what?" he's in a complete daze as he is suddenly rushed by everyone.

"Holy crap Spike you were amazing!!!"

"You beat the absolute s**t out of Gargle~!!"

"You've grown exceptionally powerful"

"I can't wait to spar with yah once we get to Magnolia~"

"THREE CHEERS FOR SPIKE~!!" Rainbow yelled as she and Pinkie grabs the drake & started tossing him up in the air multiple times.

"OW OW OW!! STILL HURTS!!!" Spike yelled in pain

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight and Melinda yelled before hitting both Pinkie and Rainbow in the head producing large lumps on their heads with steam emitting from them.

"Ow...." the two mares weakly said.

"Hahahahah~!!! They're practically like Erza!" Natsu exclaimed but freezes feeling the burning gaze of the scarlet haired mage.

"What was that Natsu?" she growled.

"N-nothing..." The gang all laughed as everyone shared in a massive group hug over their victory.


It's been a few days since the end of the great war, a massive crowd of dragons has amassed on the shoreline. Spike sits in front of a large raft, wielding the scepter but he's heavily bandaged, where the unconscious Garble and a few other dragons (which included the ones that had attacked Ponyville earlier) are all tied up.

"Garble and group, you have committed a great crime against not only Equestria but to dragons as a whole. You ignored the great laws of the Dragon Duel, nearly destroyed the Blood Stone and caused massive destruction. As per dragon law you and your cohorts are to be banished from the dragon lands and our allies lands. Never to return." Ember proclaimed beside Spike.

"Goodbye Garble....don't ever come back or next time we fight." Spike's eyes flashed the fiery green and magenta. "I won't let you live next time." Using his foot he pushes the raft making it drift off, the beating of wings from other dragons made the raft drift off faster into the horizon. He sighs as he staggers up, Melinda helps him up. "Hey Ember, I need to tell you something"

"What is it Dragon Lord Spike?" Ember asked as he approached him, she then gasps as Spike passes the scepter to her.

"How about Dragon Lord Ember?" He said smiling as the other dragons gasp and Torch raises his eyebrow.

"W-what me?! I-I can't be dragon lord! You're the one who saved Equestria, you're the one who beat Garble!" Ember said flustered and blushing only for Spike to shake his head.

"You helped lead the rebels, you helped save Equestria just as much as I did. Besides, I barely beat Garble...I'm simply not strong enough to become Dragon Lord. I'm going to continue my training with Fairy Tail. I know you'll rule well Ember" He smiles.

"Well I'll be..." Torch smirked as he nodded to the wisdom of the young drake.

"I...I will Spike, but you'll always be the true Dragon Lord to me" She smiles with a hint of a blush.

"Yo Spike!" Lucy called out from the crest of the beach head. "You and everyone ready to go? We got a first class flight back to Ponyville~"

"Awesome! You coming Torch?" Spike asked the behemoth only earning a light chuckle.

"Nah, you 3 go have fun. Some dragon has to stay here and clean up this mess~" He grinned.

"Alright Dad, thanks!" Ember said as the 3 dragons head to what looks to be a private jet with multiple Discords.

"Flight 888 to Ponyville, final boarding call! Thank you for choosing to fly with Disarray~" Discord exclaimed in a pilot outfit saluting the passengers.

"NO DON'T MAKE ME RIDE THAT THING!" Natsu cried as his fingers dragged through the ground as Erza dragged Natsu to the plane.

"Sorry Natsu but it's too far for me to fly to Ponyville." Happy said.

"I ain't hurling in the air!!" Gajeel exclaimed as Levy pushed him on board with help with Lily.

"I call window seats!" Pinkie exclaimed as they all board the plane. Spike especially takes the best seats of the whole thing right next to Melinda as they share a kiss.

"So...you and Spike are really a thing~?" Levy asked as Gajeel is shaking in his seat.

"Mhmm" Melinda blushes as the door closes as Discord takes the pilot seat, he turns on the intercom making some garbled speech before the plane lifts off at high speed.

"NEXT STOP PONYVILLE~!!!!" Discord exclaimed.

"HORK!!!" Gajeel and Natsu covered their puffed up cheeks with their hands, heck even Laxus was heavily suppressing his motion sickness.


As the crew relaxes for the expected hour long flight, over in Ponyville a massive undertaking is being held as word of Spike's victory and return had reached the town. A massive celebration is being held as the ponies and dragons work together from their hard earned peace. Even Celestia and Luna offered to pitch as the Fairy Tail guild reunite, Makarov was using his giant magic to hoist up the large banners and party activities. The Cakes and Lisanna were working hard to bake and create many goods as Elfman carried barrels of cider from the farm.

"So it was these three fillies that spurred the town to fight~?" Celestia asked Mayor Mare as the Cutie Mark Crusaders were given gleaming golden medals for their bravery as a certain pair of rich fillies cheeks puffed up in jealousy.

"Yes your highness, they made us give a long hard look at ourselves and allowed us to take up arms against the invasion. If it wasn't for them, Ponyville would've been destroyed." Mayor Mare said.

'We were only doing what we thought was right Princess~" Scootaloo said.

"And for that I congratulate the 3 of you, I'm surprised you haven't received your cutie marks yet considering your ages" Luna said earning a jab from her elder sister. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Ex-nay on the cutie-marknay" Celestia said through her teeth.

"So what?.....Sunbutt~?" Luna smirked as the elder sister eyes widen.

"Oh you so did not just go there!" Celestia's right eye twitched as the three fillies slowly backed away muttering 'nope' a multitude of times.

"Hey everyone! They're coming now!...I think." The muffin mare yelled out to the town.

"Places everyone~!" Makarov exclaimed. "Time for the biggest celebration this town has ever seen~!"

"YEAH~!!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed.


Back in the air, as the jet approaches Ponyville airspace through the clouds.

"I need....bag!!" Natsu looks a lot more green as the jet approached Ponyville. It may have been only an hour flight but there was plenty of turbulence as forcing both Gajeel and Natsu to have a few brown paper bags at the ready.

"Why...so much....turbulence?" Laxus asked not looking too good either.

"Now landing at Ponyville~!" Discord exclaimed as he drops the landing gear guiding the plane to the flat plains in front of Ponyville. "Thank you for flying with Disarray Airlines~" He suddenly appears dressed as a flight stewardess as the door flings open with a red carpet rolling out. "Buh bye now, buh bye~" He waves a little hankerchief as the gang steps out of the plane.

'YEAH!! WE'RE OFF THAT CRAZY THING!!!!" Natsu yelled running out to the grass plains.

"Finally..." Laxus muttered as the gang gathered out of the plane.

"Wow....so this is Ponyville~" Melinda said smiling.

"Yeah." Spike said with slight sadness.

"What's wrong Spike?" Melinda asked.

"Remember that experience i had with them when the war started? I...I just still feel uneasy about coming here after that." Spike sighed as the gang heads into town.

"Well Spike, I'm sure they're very sorry about everything and after what happened I Pinkie Promise they will treat you a whole lot better" the pink pony said doing her Pinkie Promise motions.

"What makes you say that?" the drake asked.


"SUUUUUUURPRIIISEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The gang jumped in surprise as the whole town, as well as the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild and some of the rebel dragons spills onto the streets. A massive banner is pulled up reading 'HOORAY FOR FAIRY TAIL, WE'RE SO SORRY SPIKE!'

"Hey hey Gramps~! This is huge!" Grey exclaimed as he's suddenly in his boxers.

"Grey your clothes" Applejack said.

"Dammit not again!" the ice mage exclaimed. But that is interrupted by the sound of sniffling as all eyes go to Spike who's wiping his tear filled eyes.

"Spikey what's the matter?" Rarity asked.

"I-it's just....I just love this town~" He smiled as tears flowed from his emerald eyes as Melinda and Twilight wraped Spike in a loving hug.

'LET'S PARTY~!!!!!!!!!!" Natsu yelled.

"AYE SIR~!!" Happy exclaimed.

While everyone was eager to celebrate their victory against Garble and his banishment. But firstly, there was the matter of the ceremony. And so, the Fairy Tail wizards, Spike, the Mane Six and, for the first time, Discord, were gathered in Twilight's castle to receive their well earned thanks. As Celestia took the stand and smiled at the band of heroes with great pride, she raised her hoof to silence the cheering crowds before she spoke.

"Words cannot even begin to express the level of gratitude I hold for you, Fairy Tail Wizards, Princess Twilight and your dear friends, the valiant dragons who stood against Garble's tyranny including Melinda, Discord and of course, our very own Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." the gathering of ponies erupted into a second round of cheering before Luna spoke out.

"But that is not all. We also have you, citizens of Ponyville, to thank for your actions against the invading dragons. You all showed great courage, tenacity and determination to defend your kingdom. You must all take great pride in your victory and always hold it dear."

After Luna concluded, Celestia turned to the Fairy Tail wizards, a proud smile on her face before she addressed them

"And now, to award our dear friends from the world beyond for their service to our nation."

"Show us the moolah~!!" Happy exclaimed rubbing his little paws together a bit greedily. "the 100 million jewel reward right!?"

Celestia chuckled humored by the exceed's excitement. "Yes, but first I have a more meaningful reward for you all."

She, as well as the rest of the alicorn rulers of the Equestria stepped up to the guild members. "If you would kindly kneel please?" Luna asked.

"I think I know what's going on~" Erza smiled as she knelt to one knee, bowing her head. The other members of the guild copied her actions, some absent of the same knowing expression, before the alicorns tapped their horns upon each of their shoulders.

"Uh, what just happened?" Natsu asked blankly earning several frustrated sighs from his guild mates.

"We've been knighted dumbass" Gajeel said as he gets back on his feet.

"Not only that, we now see fit to grant you full citizenship of our fair nation~" Cadence smiled.

"For this moment on, you are now official Equestrians~" Celestia boldly stated as the hall of ponies and dragons cheered for Celestia's proclamation.

"Well it's good to know I'll have a back up home if I can't pay rent back in Magnolia." Lucy joked.

"If you don't mind eating oats for the rest of your life." Happy snickered back

"If I retire I'm definitely going to live out here~" Makarov exclaimed with a big grin on his face.

"Wow. I never thought I'd be made a knight." Wendy flushed a little with pride.

"I have to admit it does feel pretty good having an official title." Gray smirked.

"You've always been my knight is frozen armor, darling~!" Juvia praised him without any response other than a groan.

"And now, the matter of your payment." Celestia continued before two royal guards stepped up to the podium carrying a large chest."Wow. I never thought I'd be made a knight." Wendy flushed a little with pride.

"I have to admit it does feel pretty good having an official title." Gray smirked.

"You've always been my knight is frozen armor, darling~!" Juvia praised him without any response other than a groan.

"And now, the matter of your payment." Celestia continued before two royal guards stepped up to the podium carrying a large chest.

"Cha-ching cha-ching~!" Bickslow exclaimed.

"Money money money~!" his totems joined in earning a slight glare from Grey and Erza.

"You sound like that blockfaced Hoteye from Oracion Seis..." he said coldly. "Back when he was obsessed with money anyways.."

Upon opening the chest the gang looked to see it was filled to the brim with gems of all shapes, sizes and colors.

"Since we cannot provide you with your home world's currency, we believe these jewels will suffice in place." Luna explained.

"WHOOOOOA HOHOHOHOHO~!!!!" Makarov hollored as Fiore currency symbols replaced his eyes twinkling.

"Forget rent! I can buy a lifetime with this!" Lucy beamed.

"I'm gonna buy a whole fish shop!" Happy dreamed blissfully.

"Honestly, you people are getting too caught up with the reward" Carla scoffed.

"Give us a break. This is the biggest reward we've ever received and we just got through battling an army to dragons." Gajeel retorted.

"Let's hear it one more time for them everypony!" Rainbow cheered as the crowd joined her in one final applause.

"NOW WE CAN PAAAAAARTY!!!!!" Natsu exclaimed with embers spewing from his mouth with excitement.

"THIS GUY GETS IT!" Pinkie agreed, her party already primed and ready.

"May I say one last thing?" Mayor Mare trotted up to Spike and Melinda.

"What is it Mayor?" Spike asked.

"On behalf on all of Ponyville, myself included. We deeply and humbly apologize for our actions during that town meeting all those weeks ago." Mayor Mare bowed as well as the rest of the citizens of Ponyville.

"You guys..." Spike murmured, amazed by their humbleness. "It's ok. Now that I've had time to look back on it all, I can't fault you entirely for how you acted. The town was being targeted by an enemy even Celestia couldn't stand against alone, and having one of their species among you must have been scary. I'd probably have been scared too. It's true I was hurt by what you did." The ponies looked at the ground ashamed of their actions. "But I learned it's better to forgive than hold grudges. So I forgive you."

"Thank you Spike~!!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed from within the crowd.

"You're welcome. Man I'm really going to miss this place once I leave Equestria." This gained a shock from the town.

"W-wait you're leaving Equestria!?" Applebloom shockingly asked.

"Yep, he's part of our guild now so Spike is going to train with us for while in Magnolia" Erza said.

"Y-you're really leaving?" Sweetie sadly asked.

The young drake nodded, a little more solemn about than he'd been before. "Yes. This is something I have to do. I want to be all I can be as a dragon and Fairy Tail are the ones who can teach me how. Every bird has to leave the nest eventually, and Equestria has been my nest."

"B-But you'll come back! Won't you?" Scootaloo pleaded.

"Of course I will. I may be gone for a while, but Equestria will always be my home."

"It was a very hard thing to agree upon....but I know Spike will be in good hands" Twilight smiled.

"And I'm coming with him!" Melinda exclaimed blushing as she spreads her wings.

"Then in that case, this will not only be a celebration of our victory but also a going away party for our one and only Spike." Cadence suggested.

"Here here!!" Applejack exclaimed.


The massive crowd then moved to the outside, mainly the center of Ponyville where the team first arrived in Equestria. From there the celebration took off as ponies, dragons and humans alike all celebrated their victory. Natsu was happily feasting on flames, courtesy of the dragons which he found to be quite varied in flavor. Erza, of course, was gorging on the many cakes she'd purchased from Sugar Cube Corner and frankly the townsponies were amazed by her appetite to sweets, some even considering she had Pinkie beaten. That is of course, Celestia joined Erza in the small cake binge making Twilight see her former mentor in a new light while Luna is snickering at her elder sister's gluttony. While over to the exceed's they were happily eating their sweets and foods until Angel Bunny, accompanied by Fluttershy, approached Carla with a blush.

"Um excuse me Miss Carla, Angel Bunny wants to give you something~" the yellow pegasus spoke softly.

"Me?" the white exceed asked.

The white rabbit nodded eagerly as he revealed a couple of small flowers he was hiding behind his back.

"I think Angel Bunny really likes you~" Fluttershy giggled a little, Happy was having none of that as he shot Angel a death glare very similar to the water mage Juvia.

"LOVE RIVAL" He growled.

Carla chuckled at his expression, rolling her eyes, before she accepted Angel's gift and patted his head gratefully.

"Thank you, Angel. That was very nice of you. I'm sure some lucky doe is going to be very happy when she meets you."

Angel could only tilt his head in slight confusion at Carla's comment

"Sorry but, you're simply not my type" she said crossing her arms as Angel's eyes widen feeling the comment pierce his heart. "And besides, I'll be going back to Magnolia soon and I wouldn't want to leave you hanging. There are plenty more bunnies in the warren."

The rabbit thinks about and smiles sadly before nodding. He quickly gives her a little hug before hopping back to Fluttershy's side.

"That was very mature of you, Carla." Wendy praised her friend to which she smiled.

"Best to put it out there now rather than have him be in pain later" Carla said as she goes back to eating her food.

"That's why I love that girl." Happy sighed dreamily. Elsewhere the Apple Family had brought out the cider and as you'd imagine many of the Fairy Tail members were enjoying the beverage (Cana drinking a whole barrel to herself).

"Jeez and I thought I was crazy for the cider" Rainbow Dash muttered as she drank from her mug.

"And I'm just getting started." the card mage said back with a grin.

"You're drinking right from the barrel!!" Applebloom exclaimed

"That's Cana for ya." Lily muttered.

"Hoo wee....if we could market this to your world we would be set for life on the farm~!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Eeyup" Big Mac agreed.

With the celebration in full swing, the new Dragon Lord Ember sits by the royals. She would love to join in the celebration but her mind is on a completely different thing. More specifically Spike the dragon, she sighs as she twittled her claws looking longingly at the young drake as he celebrates with his friends and new girlfriend Melinda. Not too far from her, Rarity was sitting close by, chatting with Mirajane before she noticed the dragoness's flustered state. Recognizing it all too well, she trotted over to her before taking a seat. Ember sighs as she leans forward, her tails was swishing back and forth as if it was wagging like a dog. She didn't even see Rarity come and sit next to her.

"Ahem" Rarity let her presence be known catching the dragon lord by surprise.

"O-oh! Rarity, what's up?" She asked.

"I would like to talk to you about something" Rarity said.

"Which is?"

"The feelings you appear to have developed for Spike." the recently crowned Dragon Lord blushed profusely. "Believe me, I can tell."

The blue dragon couldn't help but blush "Is it that obvious?" She asked the fashionista.

"I've had my share of crushes before. I know one when I see one."

"It's just...I've never felt something like this before" She said. "After what Spike did for our people how can I not have feelings for him?"

"I don't blame you. He's great hero for both the Dragon Lands and the Crystal Empire now. But you know his heart already belongs to another." Rarity sighed looking to the dragon couple.

Ember sighs sadly "I know but....I don't want to let this go. Now with this new peace...I want to explore so much of pony culture and the love the comes with it."

Rarity smiled. "Then do that. Build and strengthen the relationship between the ponies and dragons. Help build a greater Equestria. That way when Spike and Melinda return they'll see what a proud and loved ruler you'll have become."

"And do you think he'll like me back~?" She said blushing as she gripped her scepter.

"Wanna know a little secret about us ponies~?" Rarity said blushing herself.

"Sure" Ember leaned in close to Rarity.

"It's no surprise that there are a lot more of us mares than stallions, and on occasion we may settle for a herd~" Rarity said giggling.


"One stallion for many mares darling. but only if they are in agreement and all love the same stallion" She smiled as Ember blushed red.

"Up until recently I haven't really thought of it till now, what with Spike growing up and leaving" Rarity sighed sipping her glass of cider.

"I...I see, well I guess I could wait and do what I can to make the dragons as great as Spike" She smiled as she eyes flashed with determination.

"I'm glad to hear that Ember. I think we'll be really good friends~"

"Likewise Rarity" Ember smiled shaking her hoof. As the duo bonds everyone's attention was brought to the sudden appearance of a stage sparking curiosity.

"Where'd this stage come from?" Laxus asked. A spotlight illuminated the curtain before, with a burst of confetti, Discord appeared on stage.

"Good evening everypony! Who's ready to laugh?!"

"Oh no not again." Twilight groaned.

"Oooh comedy! I like comedies~!" Mirajane said.

"Not when it's from Discord." Rainbow muttered.

"C'mon it's probably not that bad" Happy said as Discord tests the mic.

"Well you're all in high spirits tonight, though who wouldn't be after surviving a threat that could have easily brought about the apocalypse? Then again, that's a typical year for this nation am I right?!"

"That's...kinda true" Applejack.

"uhhh....that's supposed to be a joke?" Gray said.

"I'll tell you this." Discord continued. "This act's gonna knock your socks off." his gaze turned to Gray. "Oh I see it's already knocked Gray's off! And his shorts...and his shirt...and his undies-WHOA keep your pants on man! Seriously!"

"ACK! Not again!!!" He stammered as Juvia blushed nearly seeing her crush nearly go butt naked.

"Heh! He got you there Grey~!" Cana snickered. he crowd actually laughed at the draconequus's joke before he continued with another

"And how about that bloodstone~? that must NOT have gone down well with Gargle~! That's-a spicy meat-a-ball~!" He poofs into an Italian chef outfit. Naturally the majority remained stonefaced though Natsu, being the easily humored goof that he was, laughed at his joke.

"It's not exactly hard to make Natsu laugh." Lucy smirked.

"Just about as easy as making him angry." Happy agreed. Discord sensing that he's quickly loosing the crowd tries a different and slightly desperate joke.

"Say. Ever wondered why Gajeel has such healthy blood? He never forgets his iron!"

That's was the final straw as Gajeel's hand morphed into the steel beam and sucker punched Discord right off the stage. "GET THE HELL OFF THE STAGE!!" He roared.

"I think these ponies deserve some real entertainment!" he declared before spinning on the spot and when he stopped he'd somehow changed into his white suit, fedora and shades, his blue guitar in hand. "SHOOBY-DOO-BA!!"

Natsu froze midbite in his flame meal, ".....what?"

"Ohhh! Gajeel can sing and play a guitar?" Scootaloo asked as her wings flap excitedly earning a light giggle from Levy.

"Yep~," she giggles "one of the reason he joined in this job was that he could buy a new electric guitar"

"Wow!! Rock on Gajeel~!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Oh wait I gotta grab something!" Rainbow said before dashing off and soon returned with her own guitar. "You up for a duet, rivet face?"

"More like you playing back up to me, Skittles." Gajeel grinned.

"I don't play back up to nobody!" Rainbow retorted.

"Alright. Play off, you and me!"

"Oh you might be stronger than me but nobody out plays Rainbow Dash!"

"My bits are on Rainbow!" Applejack bet.

"Mine are on Gajeel" Levy said as Gajeel strummed a few chords.

At first it started as a few basic chords but soon escalated into an explosive battle of back and forth solos, each player trying to outdo the other. Mostly everyone cheered for the competing musical duo, save for one certain pink-haired dragonslayer.

"Hey put Discord back on! I want more jokes, not that racket you call music!"

That earned him a smack to the face as Gajeel threw his guitar at him. "ACK!!!"

"Well then you have a crap sense of comedy Salamander!!"

"You want a piece of me!?" Natsu yelled with face slightly bruised.

"SHOOBY-DOO-BA!!" Gajeel echoed as flew at Natsu who intercepted the kick he aimed at him.

"I'LL SHOW YOU SHOOBY-DOO-WHATEVER!!" Natsu yelled as a fight cloud develops as Gajeel and Natsu duked it out.


"Boys please stop!!" Makarov pleaded as he feels dread over coming him as if knowing what's about to happen.

"It's no use, Gramps. It has begun." Laxus muttered. "Word of advice for you ponies: take cover until it's over."

"Wait what? Why?" Applejack asked. And just then someone threw their mug smacking Natsu in the face in his bout with Gajeel.

"All right who the hell threw that!!?" Natsu yelled.

"Will you knock it off, Natsu you're gonna crash the party!" Gray shouted.

But as he gets up he knocks over Erza's slice of the marzipan mascarpone meringue madness (AKA the MMMM) making her gasp in shock.

"My...my slice of cake..." She whimpered and shrieks as Elfman crushes it with a misplaced stomp.


"YOU RECKLESS NEANDERTHAL!!!" the red head roared as she slugged Elfman in the face.

The force of punch sent him flying & crashing into a building with great destruction and all hell broke loose as the guild mates got tied into a massive bar-brawl. Destroying the stage, picnic tables and adjacent buildings.

"W-wait wait!! Can't we all talk this out peacefu-"


Twilight was then sucker punched by the steel beam that was Gajeel's iron dragon slayer magic. Natsu and Gray were locked in one of their regular fits until the latter was sent crashing into Applejack causing the cider she was sipping to spill all over her.

"HEY! Keep yer roughhousing to yourselves!!" the earth pony hollered before bucking Gray in the rear sending him back towards Natsu who caught him in midair with an uppercut.

"HAha!!! How'd that taste ice butt!!?" Natsu yelled as Gray glared at AJ.

"N-no wait it was an accide-" she found herself frozen in a block of ice.

"SIS! You change her back you shaved monkey!" Applebloom cried before she began gnawing on Gray's head sending him running around in pain like a headless chicken.

"Agh!!! Get off get off!!!!" Grey squirmed trying to get her off of his head.

"YOU GET YOUR HOOVES OFF MY GRAY!!" Juvia cried sending a heated torrent of water towards their direction, they dodged out of the way but in doing so destroyed the rest of the MMMM cake where Celestia was about to eat.

"My......my cake." Celestia's eyes widen as the giant mace appeared beside her.

"Oh now you've done it." Lucy whimpered in fear.

"Bring it on then!!!" Erza yelled drawing out her blade still in her rage.

And with that the whole town erupted into an explosive freeforall bar brawl all the while Makarov comically sobs as he knows full well what will the consequences be.

"Finally! I have a good enough excuse to use my magic!" Discord thought jumping into the fray with chaotic intentions at hand.

"Now it's a real party!" Natsu grinned before being blasted by Pinkie's party cannon.

"You know what you're right, this is fun!" She laughed.

"Great now there's two pink monsters." Lucy groaned having taken refuge behind an overturned table along with Wendy, the Exceeds and Fluttershy.

"No she's always been like this." Twilight muttered deciding to join them.

"ALL OF YOU WILL FALL BY MY HAND!!" Erza roared standing atop a pile of unconscious ponies and mages, some even crying in fear trying to crawl away as Erza was twirling Rainbow Dash by her tail like a slingshot.

"I....THINK...I'M GONNA...HURL!!" Rainbow cried.

But before she could Erza released her putting Rainbow into a spin, but when she recovered her balance she saw the reason why. Discord was laughing his head off and pointing at Erza...who he'd now turned into a giant strawberry with her face.

"DISCORD!!!!" She rages in her strawberry form.

"Pffft HAHAHA!!! You look ridiculous!!" Natsu cackled only to get a face full of ice from Grey.

"Focus on the fight dumbass!" Grey smirked from getting a good hit on him.

The brawl raged on for what felt like hours until eventually when the sun rose all were lying asleep amongst the now ransacked Ponyville. Many had bruises, some had smokey manes, but regardless of everything that happened. The town was at peace. Those who chose to stay out of the line of fire came out from their hiding spots to view the damage in horror.

"Does...this sort of fiasco happen often?" Twilight asked Lucy who sighed miserably.

"It's one of the main flaws of Fairy Tail; the majority are naturally destructive."

"Everything is practically flattened.....and everypony worked so hard to protect the town..." Fluttershy whimpered surveying the damages.

"This must be at least millions in damages...not to mention replacing everyone's property like furniture... pictures,,," the mayor's political mind went to work. "I don't think the guild is going to like what they hear when they wake up"


She was not wrong. After a weeping Makarov handed over the majority of the reward jewels and Erza severely flogged Natsu and Gajeel, the mages set work repairing the town which took a few days or so. By the end of it all, their original payment of one hundred million jewel...had been reduced to merely a thousand.

But soon the time has come for the mages to bid farewell to Equestria, with Spike and Melinda in tow. In preparation Spike was backing all his stuff that he wanted to bring in a sack which includes his photo album, some of his comics, and especially a framed picture of all his friends after their victory over the dragons. As he carried his bags he took one last look a round the castle. After all, it would be a good while until he saw it again. He was just thankful that Celestia had modified his fire to send letters home from Magnolia. He couldn't be completely cut off form his family could he?

So this is it huh?" Spike jumped at little at the sudden voice behind him. He turned and breathed in relief seeing that it was only Twilight.

"Jeez you scared me..so yeah. It is." Spike sadly smiled as Twilight placed her hoof on his shoulder.

"You've grown so much" she was starting to get teary eyed. "Heck...you're practically eye level with me now~"

"Yeah, I know. Came as shock to me too. Well, can't keep everypony waiting."

"Mhmm..." She trots out with Spike to the town square where all the mages plus Melinda have all gathered to be sent back to Magnolia.

"Once again, we thnk you all for everything you've done." Celestia bowed gratefully. "Though we could have done without the brawl." she added in thought.

"Ahh it's no problem your highness, it's all in a days work~" Wendy happily said.

"I pray we'll meet again soon." Luna bowed also.

"As will I Princess Luna~" Mirajane said smiling.

"Hey guys wait up!" Spike exclaimed as he lightly jogs from the castle to the square.

"There's our newest member~" Natsu grinned.

"All buckled up for the trip." Lucy winked.

"Yep! I'm all set for Magnolia~!" He excitedly said.

"Likewise Spike~" Melinda smiled.

The citizens also bowed thankfully to the group of mages but as Spike looked at them he saw hints of sadness behind their smiles.

"Hey come on guys, I probably be back before you even know it~" He smiled. The citizens nodded as they fought back their tears before the Mane Six approached Spike. First was Fluttershy. The pegasus trotted over to him, her eyes glossy and lip trembling. Knowing the sensitive mare she was Spike opened his arm to her and the second he did so Fluttershy scooped him up and embraced him sobbing loudly as she hugged him.

"I know, I'll miss you too, Fluttershy." Spike smiled returning the hug as he stroked her pink mane gently.

"I love you so much." she cried. "Even with how far you've grown, you'll always be the cute baby dragon I met all those years ago. Please look out for his health for me, Wendy." she said to the sky dragon slayer who nodded as Fluttershy gave Spike a soft kiss goodbye on the forehead before going back to the crowd still sobbing as Pinkie comforted her. Next, Applejack stepped forward. She smiled proudly at Spike through her brimming eyes as she set her hoof on his head to pet him.

"Words aren't near enough to tell you how proud I am of you, Spike...and how sad I am to see you go. You're like the little brother I never had and seeing you leave the nest shows how big and strong you've grown up. The town just won't be the same without ya."

"You know I won't be gone forever, right AJ?"

"Course not. Home is where the heart is after all." Applejack said before she took off her hat and set it on Spike's surprising him. "Somethin' to remember me by."

"Applejack...I couldn't..."

"Hey, it'll be worth far more in spirit if I pass it on to one of my family. And then you'll pass it on to the next member whether they're your next of kin or a friend as close and loved as you are to me." Spike felt his eyes sting before he wrapped his arms around the earth pony's neck who hugged him back without a second though. "We'll all be waiting for ya, Spike. I love you, sugarcube."

"I love you too, AJ." Spike sniffed before letting go as Applejack wiped her tears and stepped back giving room for Pinkie who'd finished comforting Fluttershy. Spike barely had time to speak before the party pony pulled him into a hug of her own. He'd expected it to be a big hug but this was quite a stretch as Pinkie squeezed him tight.

"I'll never forget you~!!" she wailed as Spike gasped for air.

"And-I'll never-forget-you-Pinkie~!" he choked before she loosened her grip.

"And you better write to us every single day! Well, maybe every week? No, every year-No that's too long to wait-"

"Pinkie! I promise I'll keep in touch as often as I can. Just don't constantly hang around the mailbox waiting ok?"

"Mmhm." Pinkie whimpered. "Just you wait til you get back I'll throw the biggest welcome home party of your life when you do."

"I bet you will." Spike grinned before Pinkie kissed him on the nose like she would to Gummy and made room for Rainbow Dash to say her goodbye. The cyan pegasus grinned proudly at the drake as she offered her hoof which he stared at a little until bumping his fist against before Rainbow pulled him into a friendly headlock as she ruffled his spines.

"Hey no fair! Lemme go!" Spike laughed with her as she released him.

"Man, look at you. You've grown quicker than a parasprite and just as ravenous. It's only a matter of time til your wings come in too" she chuckled before her smile began to waver. "I know Fairy Tail's gonna teach you all they know, how to be a dragon and all...but, when you come back...will you let me teach you how to fly?" Spike felt his heart swell at the offer.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Happy, Carla and Lily may teach me how to get off the ground, but who else am I gonna learn a sonic rainboom from other than you?" Rainbow snickered and blinked back a few tears.

"Don't get too co*cky." she answered before Spike hugged her causing her to bite her lip as tears of her own began to spill. "It's a promise then. I'll miss you little buddy." Spike responded with a light nuzzle knowing she wasn't a fan of being mushy in public until Rarity finally approached him.

"Rarity.." Spike muttered as the white unicorn approached him with a blush.

"Spike.." Rarity took out her handkerchief blowing her nose as she tears up. "Look at you....you've grown into such a marvelous stallion... er...so to speak" She smiled sadly.

"Hehe, yeah I get it." he chuckled back.

"I'm going to miss you Spike~" She sniffled, "but I have to tell you this...watching you grow up so fast, seeing your kindness to others and your phenomenal strength has brought forth some new...feelings" she blushed

Spike's eyes widened a little hearing her tone but his posture softened. "I have to be honest too...even though I love Melinda...that doesn't mean I still have feelings for you too." He blushed, "Heck I did admire you since day 1 of when Twilight and I first moved here"

"I know." Rarity smiled. "At first I thought it was an innocent crush. But when I saw you were genuinelly in love with me, I couldn't bare the thought of breaking your heart."

Spike sighed "I know...."

"But that being said, you do know that you mean so much to me and that you have a special place in my heart."

Spike smiled as he pulled Rarity in for a hug making her blush "Thanks Rarity....I feel the same way about you~" The unicorn choked as she grew close to tears.

"Oh my little Spikey Wi-" she stopped herself recalling when Spike had refused his nickname during his talk from before but the drake momentarily pulled away so she could see his caring smile.

"It's ok, Rarity. I'll always be your Spikey-Wikey." She held her breath when he said that before she wrapped her arms around him and peppered his face with sad but loving kisses.

"I love you." She whispered through her tears.

"Awwww" The girls, including Erza, couldn't help but gush over the emotional scene.

"You're not jealous are you?" Lucy asked Melinda.

"Well...a little, but after all Rarity was the object of Spike's affections first" Melinda said as she fidgets her claws.

"And you're just as special to him if not more so."

Melinda smiled as her dragon wings flap a bit "Thank you Lucy~" After the emotional hug, and cleaning off the lipstick kiss marks Rarity had left on Spike's face it was finally Twilight Sparkles turn to say goodbye to her son. The alicorn stared at her precious little dragon.

"I don't even know here to begin." She started.

"Well...just let it all out Twilight" He smiled as Twilight's eyelids swelled with tears.

"I'm sorry." She spoke with an audible shiver in her voice. "I'm sorry for everything. How I didn't realise you were drifting out of my social life after we moved here. I'm sorry for making you do so much work when you could've been making friends. I'm sorry we left you so alone a-and -"she starts tearing up again ready to break down to a sobbing mess similar to that from their argument a month ago

Spike quickly took action pulling Twilight in for a tight loving hug, stroking her back to calm her down. "It's okay Twilight....I've forgiven you already" But even with that heartfelt apology, Twilight easily breaks down crying into his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you so much Spike!!" She wailed. The drake felt his own heart give out as he too burst into tears and hugged her back to hide his tears in her mane.

"I'll miss you too!" With both the purple alicorn and the drake crying streams of tears, the rest of the mane 6 as well as the other princesses join them in a large group hug as they bid Spike farewell.

"I love you guys." Spike beamed.

"We love you too Spike~" Celestia smiled wrapping them in her hug with her forelegs and wings. Of course all the onlookers were touched by the scene that both warmed and broke their hearts. But alas, the time had come to for Spike to break up the hug and depart for Magnolia for who knows how long.

"It has been a honor to have fought for your kingdom." Makarov bowed along with the other mages. "Until we meet again."

"Until we meet again indeed Makarov~" Luna nodded as the scroll containing the cross-dimensional transport spell in levitated to Levy.

"We're all ready Master" Erza stated readying herself for the spell.

"Then it's time to go. Farewell Equestria."

"Don't forget to write!!" Pinkie cried.

"See you later Spike!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Y'all come back now, ya hear?!" Applejack hollered.

"Be careful~!" Fluttershy called.

As Levy casted the spell a veil of faint light surrounded the group of mages as the wind picked up.

"Goodbye my son..." Twilight waved bye with tears in her eyes. Rarity put a comforting hoof on her shoulder as the light began to fade away.

"He'll be back. And when he comes home well all be here waiting for him." She smiled. Twilight tearfully nods as the light fully fades away leaving behind the open space of where the mages once stood.


It wasn't before long that the mages successfully were teleported back into Magnolia but instead of returning in the guild hall, there were landed right in front of the guild.

'HAHA WE'RE BACK IN MAGNOLIA BABY~!!" Natsu exclaimed with fire escaping his jaw.

"Aye sir~!" Happy flew, but some eyes were to Spike and Melinda who were standing in awe at the proud guild hall.

"Whoa!!! That's the guild!!?" Spike exclaimed looking up at the towering structure.

"That's right. And until you return to Equestria, it shall be your home as well, my boy." Makarov smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Spike." Lucy grinned.

They head inside the guild as Natsu bursts through the doors.

"HEY WE'RE BACK~!!" he roared.

"Yep we're still alive~!" Happy exclaimed to the cheers and welcomes of the guild.

"Whoa that took a while, how many dragons were there?" Macao smirked. "You've only been gone for like 3 months or so."

"3 months!?" Lucy gasped.

"Bulls**t! We've only been gone a whole month!" Gajeel growled.

"We've been away for that long?!" Lucy yelled. "Oh no my rent!!!!"

"I see....it'll be difficult to keep in touch with the princesses" Makarov muttered. "But in any case i would like to introduce two new members~!" He grinned.

The mages stepped aside revealing the two dragons as the rest of the guild spat out their drinks or slack jawed.

"Um...hi. I'm Spike the Dragon" He smiled nervously at the bulging eyes.

"And I'm Melinda the dragon." She also smiled as her wings flap nervously as the guild members all stared at the new arrivals in disbelief.

"Yep these 2 are going to be staying and training with us for a good long while~" Natsu exclaimed.

"Oh that reminds me!" Mirajane goes to the office and gets the official stamp as she approaches Spike and Melinda. "ready to be official members Spike? Melinda?" she gives them a motherly smile. A huge grin broke across Spike's face as Mira stamped the crest of the guild onto him closely followed by Melinda. They were now bonafide members of Fairy Tail.

"Wow~!" Melinda exclaimed as she stares at her new crest that has been stamped onto her claw.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Lucy complimented while showing off her own mark to the dragoness.

"Boy I'll say~!" Spike exclaimed as he is in awe at the symbol stamped on his shoulder.

"And with that you're officially Fairy Tail Wizards." Mira beamed. Both Spike and Melinda looked at each other smiling before giving each other a loving hug, for today begins a brand new journey for the dragons.

To be concluded...

It's been a year and a half since Spike and Melinda left Equestria, and so much has changed in Equestria. The cutie mark crusaders finally earned their cutie marks after years of trial and error, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie actually made friends with Gilda at Griffonstone repairing a broken friendship and introducing said friendship to the griffon homeland, the whole town came together in their own little adventure for Cranky & Matilda's wedding. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor announced to Twilight and the gang that Cadence was expecting her first foal, Twilight fixed a long once thought to be lost friendship with Moondancer and her old friends in Canterlot (thanks to Pinkie Pie exclaiming how awkward and isolated Twilight was before ever coming to Ponyville), peace and relationships continued to build up between the dragons and ponies but most importantly Starlight Glimmer had returned for revenge. It took a massive adventure through time to prevent her from stopping the sonic rainboom. Twilight was forced to witness the horrible consequence from Starlight actions...a world ruled by Nightmare Moon, Equestria twisted by chaos by Discord, a tyrannical rule by Tirek or from Queen Chrysalis, the nation being burned to the ground by Garble and his empire, over-industrialization polluting the once beautiful land and finally everything dead.

Twilight forced Starlight to witness the last one to clearly show the consequence, as well as talking it out after Starlight displayed why she was so desperate to achieve her goal of equality and the end of cutie marks. Her fillyhood friend, Sunburst after earning his cutie mark unknowingly abandoned her in their times childhood leaving a traumatizing mark on her mind. However she still tried one last time to stop the rainboom, it took a friendship speech from Twilight to make her finally rethink her convictions and return to the present. And since then, around 4 months approximately, Starlight was taken under Twilight's wing as her new student to learn both magic and friendship. But Twilight still awaits her son's return visiting the space where he teleported away almost everyday, all the while Twilight taking good care of Pee-Wee while he's away. The first few months she had been receiving his letters detailing his incredible adventures and training but then the letters stopped, she still remembers that last last letter before the letters stopped coming.

"Sorry Twilight I'm going to have to go silent for a while, the Dark Guild Tartarus is making a big move upon Fiore and...wait...something's happen- "

She sighed as she sipped her chamomile tea , it's all she ever drink to keep herself from becoming a nervous wreck even with all her friends help. Suddenly her ears perk hearing the door opening "Spike?" She galloped from her library to the front door "Spike!!You're back at long las-" She stopped herself only to see that it's Starlight.

"Uhh heh heh....sorry me again" Starlight nervously chuckled.

"I-it's not your fault Starlight...I...I just really miss him" Twilight sniffled as she begins to tear up.

"We all do Twilight." Starlight said hugging her.

She's not wrong, Rarity has noticed that her boutique feels a lot more empty without Spike. Without his praises, he helping claw or even a shoulder to cry on, Rarity tries to cope by designing a line dedicated to her beloved Spike. Applejack also had been feeling empty without Spike around, sure she has a new hat to replace the one she gave him but all that made her do is remember him more. Everyone had something that reminded them of Spike whether it was a hat Cheerilee had given him for his birthday, a sapphire cake Pinkie occasionally bakes an air show composed by Rainbow Dash in collaboration with the Wonderbolts depicting their quest to take down Garble or even a little Spike plushie Fluttershy stitched together for comfort, the whole town deeply misses their drake.


However, in the glorious city of Magnolia where the proud Fairy Tail guild still stands after so many turbulent events. The conflict with Tartarus, the war with Zeref and his empire, their bout with Acnalogia and of course the guild's destructive tendencies themselves. The guild has grown with a new generation entering the guild as well known mages married and are growing their own families. But alas, the day has arrived where two certain dragons must return home.

Spike himself has grown up after years of training, around seven years to be exact, with all the known dragon slayers: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus even Sting and Rouge from the rival guild Sabertooth becoming a powerful S-class mage. He got the chance to train with them after Makarov disbanded Fairy Tail for a year. He has grown to be at least a foot taller than Laxus's height but with a larger muscular build, many scars are across his body especially on his back where a giant gash has healed after a close call with Acnalogia but are covered with clothes thanks to Lucy's fashion sense. He has grown large powerful wings and as a bonus...his own exceed named Jake he meet a few years ago.

"So...we're really leaving Magnolia huh sweetie~?" Melinda said, she herself had grown to just under an inch below Spike's current height. She developed a bountiful bust and voluptuous figure having been voted 'Most Beautiful Mage in Fiore' for the last 5 years straight. Though she equally has just as many scars as Spike though from her battles with dark guilds, monsters and Acnalogia. But her most noticeable development, is her swollen abdomen for it's no secret now that Spike and Melinda are now expecting parents as Melinda's womb develops a clutch of dragon eggs. "Now are you sure this spell won't hurt the babies Freed?" She asked the mage as she rubs her distended belly.

"101 percent sure Melinda" Freed said as he marks the ground around them with the same spell that had first sent the guild to Equestria all those years ago.

"Aw yeah! I'm so excited to see your homeland Spike~!" Jake exclaimed with his little cat tail wagging as Spike likely chuckles.

"Now you got the spare spell right?" Spike smirked. "Can't have you getting all homesick or stuck forever in Equestria~"

"Got it right here!" He pulls out a small scroll.

"It's not gonna be the same without ya." Spike looked to see Natsu approaching him.

"What? The guild can spare a couple of dragons~" He smirked as he glanced to Gajeel and Wendy. Wendy herself has grown up a lot, with puberty hitting her like a truck becomes a bit voluptuous. As Natsu had put it, she looks a lot like her Edolas counterpart he met years ago.

"Don't be stranger now you two." she smiled.

"Of course. Once I'm back in Equestria I'm gonna get right to work on developing that gateway. No more time differences so you aren't all old and grey when I next see you." Spike grinned.

"Alright! So i don't have to use this thing!" Jake exclaimed waving his little scroll as Happy chuckled.

"Aye Jake!" the blue exceed exclaimed.

"Actually we'll be needing to perfect the portal so keep a hold of it." Melinda spoke up.

"Of course, the proper materials, the right incantations as well as a steady form of magic to keep the portal working" Freed explained finishing up.

"I can't wait to meet the kids when they hatch. You two are gonna be great parents." Happy said pressing his ear to Melinda's tummy to listen to the several little heartbeats within.

"Believe me, once they start to hatch I'll immediately message you guys~" Melinda smiled petting Happy's head softly. "Just like Levy did when she went into labor~"

"Don't remind me" Gajeel said rubbing his wrist remembering when his wife nearly crushed his hand when she was in labor with his children.

"Oh lighten up. At least your wife didn't strangle you when she gave birth." Natsu retorted recalling his own case of it with Lucy.

"Or nearly drowned you" Grey flatly said recalling his case with Juvia.

"Well I'll be sure to take care when the time comes." Spike replied.

"Spike....we're sure going to miss you," Erza, 7th master of the Fairy Tail guild, said solemnly. "And for that we are to give you a memorable fairwell. Requip!" she bellowed as she changes into her ceramonial Fairy Tail garb.

"I know it's not goodbye forever, but it may be a good while before we see you again." Lucy said. "You remember the three rules of leaving Fairy Tail don't you?"

"Of course, but we're not exactly leaving the guild entirely you know....heck maybe I'll start a branch in Equestria~" Spike smirked.

"Even so, it's only fitting we give you both a proper send off." Erza insisted. " Rule One: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live."

"We know" Melinda said. "We Pinkie Pie Promise never to tell a soul about Fairy Tail's secrets."

"Cross our hearts, hope to fly stick a cupcake in our eye~" Both Melinda and Spike grinned as they did the motions.

"Rule Two:" Erza continued. "Don't use any contacts from previous jobs for personal gain."

They repeated the promise once again doing to the motions of the sacred pink horse promise.

"And thirdly: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant , and you must never forget about your friends who loved you." Erza concluded.

"with much pleasure Master Erza" Jake said as his little cat tail wags.

Spike looked at his Fairy Tail family as he thought back on all the adventures he'd had with them, all the times they'd protected Ishgar, all the bar brawls they'd had, the times they got in hot water with the council for being reckless again. The drake chewed his lip as he began to feel the tears coming on.

"Aww sh*t.."The drakes wiped his eyes with his arms "I'm getting all emotional again....I'm going to miss you guys so much" He grin despite a steady flow of tears coming down from the sides of his cheeks.

"We'll miss you too, little buddy." Natsu chuckled through his own tears before embracing his friend.

"W-we'll come back as soon as the doorway is up and running" Melinda also started tearing up at the precious scene, a part of though was from her mood swings.

"You'd better. I wanna meet my godkids sooner rather than later." Lucy sniffled as she hugged Melinda before the rest of the guild embraced their two dragons in a group hug.

"The spells ready," Freed solemnly said flick his sword as the words start glowing.

"Well this is it, for now." Spike said.

"See yah Spike~" Natsu grinned, "Say hi for everyone for us~"

"You bet we will!"

A faint wall of light surrounds the 2 dragons and exceed with a familiar rush of wind blowing through area as citizens watch in awe at the departing dragons. As the spell begins to take effect Spike notices his guildmates trying to hold back their tears, some of them even looking away unable to watch him go but then,

"Guys!" he called gaining the groups attention and they looked their eyes widened when they saw Spike raise his arm with his finger and thumb pointing upward and a proud grin on his face as he displayed the Fairy Tail sign. They all grinned as one by one they held up the same finger sign.

"FAIRY TAIL FOREVER!!!" Happy exclaimed and with that they finally disappeared from view.

Lucy silently cried with long streams of tears in her eyes, "we'll that's it...they're gone for now" she sniffled.

Natsu wrapped his arm around gently around her and pulled her close. "They'll be back someday. I know Spike wll find a way."

"That's right...he's a member of Fairy Tail after all~" Laxus said smirking.

"Always will be." Erza added.


Back in Ponyville, Twilight quietly reads her books about dragon culture gifted from Princess Ember of the Dragon Lands. The sounds of the clock ticking fills the quiet empty castle. Twilight sighed sadly as she flips the pages, however her ear flicks hearing a loud knocking from her door. She tries to drown it out as she focused on reading her book .

"Hello! Hello is this Princess Twilight's place!?" she hears a voice from down the door, sounds of a young colt possibly. She eventually grows frustrated as the voice keeps up calling her name. She gets up from her seat and trots to the front door tiredly. "I'm coming I'm coming!" she sounded out as she opens the door. "I'm sorry but the library's close-"

"Closed? But it's Wednesday...and noon. Shouldn't you be practicing Spell Number 25~?" A towering voice said as Twilight gasped. She slowly looked up to see the towering figures before her and tears up.

"S-spike?...." her eyelids welled up as the drake nodded.

"I'm home mom~" He smiled gently.

"SPIKE!!!!!!!" Twilight tackled him to the ground, accidentally using all a lot of her alicorn strength as she wailed in joy at the return of her adoptive son. Tears flowing from her eyes as he hugged his muscular body.

"YOU'RE HOME!!!" she wailed.

"Heh I know mom~" he smiled tearing up a little as he strokes her mane when he returns the hug. "The spell placed us right in front of your door~"

"Look at you." Twilight removed her tear-stained face from his chest so he could he see her. "You've grown so big."

"Heh...I might of had a few growth spur-" he suddenly gets slapped by her purple hoof. "OWWW!!"


"I know, I know. But after the Tartarus affair the guild was temporarily disbanded so we lost contact. And not long after Natsu and Lucy got the guild back together we got pulled into a war with this Dark wizard Zeref, it's a long story."

"Whoa....is she always this crazy?" the exceed said earning her glare, but then surprise

"Oh hello there! Who are you? are you one of Spike's friends?" She asked.

"I'm Spike's partner~. Private Jake of the former Exceed Royal Guard, I was Captain Panther Lily's apprentice for a while" He saluted.

"But seeing how Lily 'resigned' to team up with Gajeel he needed a new partner." Spike explained.

"Yep! That about sums it up!" He exclaimed.

It was then that Twilight finally turned her attention to Melinda.

"Melinda, is that you~!?" Her eyes widened seeing her swollen abdomen.

The dragoness read the princess's expression like one of her books as she giggled. "You're going to be a grandmother Twilight."

Her eyes widen like saucer plates "G-grandmother!?" She exclaimed as she looked to Spike in shock as he grinned sheepishly and shrugged his hands in reply.

Melinda giggled as she rubbed her swollen abdomen, "just a few more months and this clutch of eggs will be ready to come out~"

"...More than one?" Twilight murmured who was still processing the situation.

She holds up 7 fingers as she nods smiling. "We're set to have a big family~"

Twilgith just stared at the two dragons not knowing which emotion to feel more; happy, excited, scared, shocked? And with that she fainted.

"aaaand she's down." Spike sighed, "Must be sensory overload." He muttered as he gently picks up Twilight and carries him on his shoulder into the castle with his family.

"We should probably contact the others, let them know we're home." Melinda suggested.

"Hmm...how about we make it a surprise for the whole town~?" Jake suggested.

"Not a bad idea Jake, good thinking." Spike grinned as they walked into the castle, he whistles in nostalgia, "Damn it's been so long since i last been here, I wonder if my old bed is still he-?" He paused seeing Starlight standing in the doorway, eyes widening.

"W-who are you?" She asked nervously, she can practically feel the raw power emanating from Spike as he silently looks into her eyes.

"Who am I? Who are you?" he asked back, equally astounded by the unicorn's vast well of magic he could sense in her.

"S-starlight Glimmer" she said backing up slightly.

"Starlight, what a lovely name" Melinda said softly.

"Wait.....you're that crazy equality obsessed mare Twilight told me about!!" Spike realized.

" Formally crazy equality obsessed mare....I'm....I'm Twilight's student now" She blushed.

"Student?! Wow, I never thought Twilight would become a teacher, though it certainly suits her." Spike said to himself before adding "I wonder how different it is being a student compared to an assistant?"

"Assistant?" Starlight echoed before it dawned on her. "Wait a minute, are you Spike?!"

"The one and only~" He smirked as he tries to shake Twilight awake, "Hey Twilight up and at 'em."

The alicorn groggily opened her eyes as she recovered from the faint. "W-what happened?" she groggily said.

"You fainted after hearing the news that Melinda and I are going to be parents" Spike snickers as he gently putting her back on her hooves.

"I think I finally understand how my Brother felt when Cadence had her baby, and I'm not the one who's gonna be a parent!"

"Wait...Shining Armor & Cadence had a baby!?" Spike exclaimed as his wings flared out surprise while Twilight nods.

"Even though you've been gone for a year and a half in Equestria, a lot has happened Spike" she smiled despite wobbling a little in her hooves.

"I wanna hear all about it!"

"But first I need to tell everypony that you're home!" She exclaimed as she levitate a scroll writing a message which she then makes tons of copies and sends them off to not just her friends, but her family in Canterlot & The Crystal Empire. Making sure she omitted that Spike had returned to keep it a surprise.

"How's everyone been?" Spike asked as he watched her send the messages.

"Honestly it's best for everyone to tell you themselves~" Twilight grinned.


A few hours later, as Twilight and Spike catch up in the castle. The whole town of Ponyville gather at the castle doors after receiving Twilight's messages. Among the crowd was Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, their new baby Flurry Heart as well as Celestia, Luna, and even Dragon Lord Ember. The castle doors then open as Twilight steps out.

"What's the situation Twi?" Applejack asked.

"You told us that it was the upmost urgency" Celestia said in a slightly worried tone, though much to her confusion she only sees Twilight's smiling face seeing her purple coat tear stained.

"Everyone...Ponyville...your majesties...BBBFF....Caddy...a little Flurry" She nuzzled her niece as Flurry giggled. "He's back. Spike's back from Magnolia~" She smiled as everyone gasped in happiness as Ember blushed,

"No way!! Our little drake and his girlfriend are back~!?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well that was fast! It's only been a year and a half!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"how is little Spikey-Wikey~?" Rarity smiled.

"Well...he's not that little anymore" Twilight blushed a little.

"What do you mean?" Applejack asked.

"Well..." Twilight smiled as she looks to the doors as the swing open. "You guys come out now~"

The thuds sound off from within the darkened hallway and slowly, everyone's eyes widened as Spike steps out. The little drake they all knew when he left was gone and in his place was a towering, proud, muscular dragon warrior. Many mares blushed at the sight of his bulging muscles, especially a certain farmer, seamstress, and dragon lord. .

"Woof....." Applejack, Rarity and Ember simultaneously muttered as they blushed before the next emotion of joy flooded in.

Tears welled up in the Mane Six's eyes as well as the princesses as Celestia trots up to the drake, she's in awe that he's now taller than her.

"Spike.....look at you, you've grown up~" Celetia said as she hugs him as gentle tears streamed down her cheeks, she sees the many battle induced scars and the hardened wisdom in his emerald eyes. "You've been through so much haven't you?"

Spike nods as he smiled. "Good to see you too Celestia"

"SPIKE!!!!!!" The rest of the Mane 6 quickly tackle hugs in a massive hug as Spike wraps them in his arms.

"Great to see you girls too everyone~!" He grinned.

"Holy crap Spike look at you! Check out those wings of yours!" Rainbow Dash yelled in awe.

"How many of your birthdays have I missed!? I wanna give you the biggest birthday bash EVER~!!!" Pinkie cried in excitement, tears still in her eyes.

"Sweet Celestia, you've become such...such a dragon~" Rarity blushed red.

"We missed you so much!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Landsakes you're huge!" Applejack said in awe, blushing at his muscles.

"It's been seven long years since I last saw you all~" Spike smiled still embracing them.

"Meaning seven birthday cakes to make!!" Pinkie exclaimed as both Rarity and Applejack smiled at the sight of the articles of clothing they gave him, many stitches and faint patches on the battle-worn cape and hat.

"You kept them for all those years?" Rarity asked tearing up again.

"Of course, what kind of guy would I be if I hadn't?" he smiled wiping her tears away.

"Girls!" All heads turn to see Melinda step out along side the exceed, almost everyone's jaw drops as the sight of her swollen abdomen. The telltale motherly glow Shining knows all too well as well as the stretchy shirt and maternity jeans covering her belly. They all look to Spike, and then to Melinda and back to Spike again.

"Daaaaaaamn.....you sure tapped that dragon ass." Rainbow smirked as many mothers quickly covered their children's ears.

"Hey in my defense it was my 20th birthday, Melinda and I went on a great dinner date...we had a bit much to drink..one thing led to another and before we knew it we.." Spike blushed.

"Hey this story is PG-13! Keep it safe for the young ones!!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Uhhhhh....." Melinda looked in confusion and in unison the whole town said in one flat tone.

"It's Pinkie Pie don't question it..."

"Wow you're right boss, this is pretty crazy" Jake said crossing his arms.

"KITTY~!!!" Fluttershy quickly grabs him and holds him tight in a hug as the town erupts in celebration clamoring around the returned dragon and his lover as in 10 minutes flat a massive party was organized with Spike and Melinda as the drakes of honor as they tell their massive adventure with Fairy Tail.

"No way Gajeel's a dad now!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Yep, man you should've seen his face when Levy gave birth to twins~" Spike snickered. "He looked like his mind was completely stuck!!"

"Kinda like you when i told you we were expecting seven~?" Melinda countered.

"Touche babe" He said.

"How is Master Makarov by the way?" Celestia asked, but the cheerful expressions of the trio faded momentarily.

"He...passed on during our war with Zeref." Melinda said sadly. "He saved us all from destruction by Zeref's army."

"O-oh...." Celestia looked down ashamed of the question asked.

"Hey it's alright, he would've wanted you to remember him" Spike smiled, "he was like...a really fun and wise grandpa~"

"I'm sure he was Spike." Luna smiled. "But I'm curious though....you promised your guild that you will return once your children will be born. But the time difference is so great if 19 months in Equestria equates to 7 years in Magnolia....how would you address that"

"Heh heh..." Jake smirked taking out a couple scrolls from Spike's bag. "Introducing the Fairy Gate!" He unrolls the scroll revealing a 'unique' picture of a doorway to and from Equestria that will erase the time difference.

"That's...a curious way to draw blueprints" Twilight said, 'Seriously did a foal draw this? It looks like a Kindergarten school project'

"Jeez whoever drew this must really suck at drawing" Rainbow Dash bluntly stated.


Just then, back in Magnolia, as Mirajane was serving drinks to the guild to raise a toast for their departed dragon members of their guild, she suddenly put on a giggling happy face before bursting into tears crying into her hands.

"W-wha!? Mira why are you crying!?" Elfman worried.

"Alright who made fun of Mira's drawing skills again!?" Laxus bellowed as many quickly shook their heads denying the crime.


"Laxus is going to kick your ass for that comment" Spike said.

"What why!?" Rainbow cried.

"You'll see...." Melinda sighed as she giggled lightly.

"What the 'Fairy Gate', as Mira called it, does is that it'll properly link Equestria and Magnolia erasing the big time difference so that we can come and visit any time we would like without them being old and withered by the time we do come back" Jake explained as Twilight's mind gets to work. "All the gate really needs is a steady stream of magic, a proper doorway as well as getting the right destination for the entry into Magnolia"

"I see....." Twilight's face then lights up getting an idea. "I think I know what to do~"

"Spike!!" their head turns to see three little fillies running up and hugging him. "You're back!!!" the trio squealed as they hug him.

"Well if it isn't the Cutie Mark Crusaders~" Spike smirked and his eyes widened as he spots shield symbols on their flanks. "Are those..!?"

"We got our cutie marks~!!" They said simultaneously grinning.

"And if it wasn't for Diamond Tiara we wouldn't have gotten them!"

"She's our friend now~" Sweetie Belle beamed as he took a double take and picks his ear hole.

"Did I just hear that correctly...Diamond Tiara, school bully who tormented you for years, who committed blackmail, extortion, pitted your cousin against you and overall bi-" Spike was about to swear quickly getting an apple to the head thrown by Applejack.

"She's good now!! We swear!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Yeah it turns out it was her mom that was making her all mean and nasty!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Ahhhh...." Spike nodded in understanding as he gets the whole story.

"Spaaa!!" Flurry cried as she reached for the towering drake while Cadence and Shining Armor trots up to him.

"So this is the little girl Twilight's been telling me about~" he kneels down to her eye level despite being in Cadence's arms. "Hey little lady, I'm your uncle Spike~" Flurry giggles and babbles as her large wings flap excitedly her hooves boops his snout.

"You've seen a lot of battles huh" Shining said in awe at the amount of scars on the exposed areas of Spike's body as the drake nodded

"Look at you Spike, you've grown up to be such a dragon~" Cadence smiled.

"I remember you were so small you would use Twilight as a riding horse~" Shining grinned "and now you're so big heck you would even ride Celestia!"

"Ohhh I thought of riding Celestia from time to time...or rather her riding me~" He snickered as the sun princess blushed red chocked on her tea, whilst Twilight gawked at the lewd statement and Luna raised a playful eyebrow.

"Sweetie, no need to joke like that. Sorry, puberty came at him like a barreling train at full speed." Melinda blushed rubbing her belly.

"Hey in my defense I was 16 at the time!" He exclaimed much Melinda rolled her eyes.

"Spike...you're back" he heard a light voice as Ember, clutching her bloodstone scepter approaches him slightly. She's dressed in Greek-esque robes.

"Well if isn't Dragon Lord Ember~" he smiled as he hugs her as she blushes red. "You're still just as lovely as the day I met you~"

"S-spike" she blushed stammering a little.

"So how are the Dragon Lands~?" He asked smirking as he broke the hug.

"It's the Dragon Kingdom now....we've been rebuilding both structurally and culturally after the mess Garble made. We've started teaching the older dragons to control their greed and start spending their hoard so we have a bit of an economy now. We even started letting ponies in for things like tourism and trade" she beamed in pride. "Heck we even have an embassies in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire~" she smiled.

"Sounds too good to be true" Spike firmly said making her flinch.

"Yeah....there are still powerful dragons and hot headed teens refusing to cooperate, it's been met with...mixed results" Ember looked down kicking the dirt. "I had to step in every time they try to assault a visiting pony....and every time I have to get them in line it feels like I failed my promise."

Spike looked at her before he laid a gentle claw on Ember's shoulder earning her attention.

"If everything you've told me is true then you haven't failed; far from it. Founding embodies throughout Equestria, developing economy from treasure hordes. It's incredible, revolutionary. You're creating a new and better kingdom than ever before. And yes, while there will always be those who refuse to accept this new reality, they're far outweighed and outclassed by those who believe in a better future than the primitive avaricious one we used to be known for. I'm so proud of you and I'm glad I entrusted the beacon to you."

She blushes red feeling the tears well up in her eyes, "Oh Spike~" She embraces him in a hug, "My dragon lord~" she whispered silently.

"I've missed you too." Spike smiled as he returned the hug. "I missed everyone here, " he smiled as he looked to the smiling faces of his friends. "Not a day went by where I couldn't miss you all~"

"And we're so glad to finally have you home." Twilight beamed.

"Things are going to be very interesting in this coming future~" Luna proclaimed.

"Indeed." Celestia agreed.

"And we'll get through it all together~" Melinda smiled holding Spike's hand lovingly

"It's what families do." Spike said back.

"And we're your family too right Spike?" Applejack asked.

"Of course you guys are~" he grinned pulling them into a big hug.

And so concludes a grand story of war, love and growth. With such powerful dragons having returned to their Equestrian home how would the future change with their new experience and power?


Discord sitting in his cross dimensional home smirked as he flicks off the TV. "Oh I have a strong feeling season 6 is going to be a blast~" he then turns to you reading this story. "Wouldn't all you readers agree~?"


After a long year and a half this story is finally over, for Christmas too! On behalf of me and yellowpikmin88 we thank you so much for this incredible journey!!

Thank you all and Happy Holidays~!!!

Fairy Tail: The Draco-Pony Conflict (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.