Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (2024)

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables

ThisDr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free PrintablesMcElligot’s Pool is super fun and can be done with a huge variety of craft materials. I love the versatility of the craft project almost as much as I love the story itself. The fisherman actually calls the young man a fool in the beginning and warns him that he will never catch anything in McElligot’s Pool!

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (1)

I suggest reading the book “McElligot’s Pool” before doing this fun craft with kids. It is a great way to talk about diversity, being unique and the value of being different.

Materials Needed for Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft for McElligot’s Pool

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (2)

Here is a great little prepack of kid crafting supplies.

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Start by cutting out the fish.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (4)

Next, add a google eye with craft or kid glue. Craft glue will be stronger but it is thicker and a bit harder for young kids to work with. Add a marker smile too.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (5)

Using glue, add dots scattered around the fish. This step can easily be modified if working with kids where one dot at a time might work better.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (6)

Adhere gems, buttons, pom-poms, paper scraps and things like that to the dots of glue and let it dry.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (7)

With kids that are a little bit older, using yarn is a great way to make the craft more challenging. It is also great for fine motor skill develpment.

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I love them decorated all of the different fun ways.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (9)

More Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables

Because the book is filled with such a massive amount of imagination, kids love to draw and create their own fish after hearing the story. Here is a free printable to download and use in drawing fish and underwater creatures.

Another really great thing for young kids is counting and graphing. This free graph works great with the multi-colored Goldfish crackers but could be used with other snacks or objects too. You can download and print it.

FUN Facts About McElligot’s Pool by Dr. Seuss

  1. The boy in the book is Marco. He also appeared in Dr. Seuss’s first book, “And the Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street.”
  2. McElligot’s Pool was dedicate to Dr. Seuss’s father who loved to fish.
  3. This was the first book that Dr. Seuss illustrated with watercolor.

EVENMore Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables For Kids

Check out this adorable idea for Cat in the Hat made with craft sticks. Beth over on Creatively Beth has some really great Dr. Seuss projects and printables too. We took the photos at Universal Orlando in the Dr. Seuss part of the park.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (12)

The Cat in the Hat is a super popular story featuring Thing One and Thing Two. Grab the printable for making them into cupcakes or any other fun way you want to use it in this blog post.

Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (13)

Ways to Use Free Printables

You might have seen this list from me before but I think it is worth sharing over and over. Sometimes the people in the back need to hear things a few times, right? There are so many great ways to use free printables. Here are some of my favorites.

  • Print them and mail in an envelope with a stamp. Snail mail rocks.
  • Batch some up to make an activity book. This is great for a road trip!
  • Print and use at a place setting on the table to create a conversation starter.
  • Add them to goody bags. By the way, goody bags are not just for birthday parties.
  • Package them up with your favorite markers and crayons to give as a gift.
  • Drop a few off at the local coffee shop with fun pencils to spread some happy.
  • Cut them up to make cards, gift wrap and decorations.

BEST Tools For Working With Free Printables

These are my favorite tools and art supplies to use with free printables and why I love them too.

  1. Printer – This Laser Printer is inexpensive and works like a charm. It even works with Alexa. Bonus!
  2. Scissors – Lots of printables can be cut up to create decorations and cards and things like that.
  3. Markers and Crayons – All thing ooly work the best for me. I LOVE all of their markers, pencils and crayons.
  4. Colored Pencils – For adult coloring, PRISM makes the colored pencils that I love to use most.
  5. Twine – For creating banners and garlands from printables, I love this twine best.
  6. Adhesive – Lots of printables have pieces that get cut out and put together. This is my fave tape runner!

Happy Celebrating Dr. Seuss, Celebrating Literature and Creating,


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Dr. Seuss Preschool Craft and Free Printables - Laura Kelly's Inklings (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.