Cancer Horoscope 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Cancer Horoscope 2012 - [PDF Document] (1)

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Vedic Horoscope 2012

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Horosc ope 2012

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Char acteristics of Cancer

Ca nc er is the most fortuna te sign a nd is ruled by the Moon. In te rms

of degrees it stretc hes from 80 to 120 degrees. This sign is rela ted to

the w a ter bod ies and a rea surround ing the w a ter i.e c oa sta l a rea s,

bea c hes and wa terfa lls. You love to sta y at ho me rather tha n visit-

ing public places. You are extremely sensitive, inquisitive, nervous

and restless. You a re c a ring and devoted to your family and friends.

You have a midd le sized bod y, full fac e, fair c om p lexion, long a rms

and wide c hest.

You are intelligent, bright and laborious. You are deeply at-

tac hed with fam ily and c hild ren.The suita b le c a ree r for Ca nc eri-

ans are the elds related to painting, arts, water department, ir-

riga tion dep a rtment, bo tanic a l depa rtment a nd business rela ted

to white things such as cotton, rice, milk, moon stones and white


Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

Cancerians are financially strong but they are more greedy for

p ow er a nd p osit ion tha n mo ney. You ha ve a lit t le to ugh t ime with

mo ney a nd fina nc es sinc e the lord o f sec ond house is p la c ed in

the sixth house in this quarter. You are inclined to make moneythrough black marketing or some illegal sources. Some suspicious

d ea lings a re a ntic ip a ted . If the lord of sec ond house in the b irth

c ha rt is a fflic ted or in the b a d a sp ec t you c a n b e in troub le for

illeg a l d ea ling s. Overa ll, not a very g oo d p eriod for honest a nd

genuine Ca nc eria ns. Those w ho a re in illega l d ea ling s might en-


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Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

The nancial situation will improve

during this period . You w ill ge t b en-

et from various sources. You will in-

herit good things. You will also get

benets from different sources de-

pending on the nature of Nakshatra

held by the lord of second house.

You will get good money making

opportunities. This will be the best

quarter in terms of money and p ro-

fessional growth. Take full advan-

tag e o f it.

July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

This period will be full of expenses. Last quarter was for making mon-

ey and this quarter is to make expenses. You might have to pay out

some penalties or taxes which will disturb your nancial situation.

You can have income through ecclesiastical sources.You will make

a lot of e ffort to get your due payments. By the end of the quarter

the situa tion for business owners will improve.

October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

During this period Venus jo ins the sec ond house. This ind ic a tes wea lth

in large measure. Money will come readily and you will get goodsupport o f o thers. You w ill spend a lot in vic tua ls and in b ea utifying

yourself. But you w ill be over c autious now in spend ing money.

REMEDIES: You can maintain a good inow of money. For that

chant Surya Mantra ” Om Suriya iye Nam ah” .

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Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

Your career house is dominated by Jupiter. Hence, your career is

gove rned by Jup iter during this period . You will have a goo d time if

you a re p rep aring for gove rnme nt job s or if you a re a lawyer. Suc -

cess will knock at your door. Take the benet of favourable time.

The sincere and efcient ofcers are likely to get promotional letters

during this period . Jup iter re la ted a lms and worship c an amp lify theresults. Business owners should prepare themselves for aggressive

marketing for the next quarter.

Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

Cancer business owners now have golden time to earn huge prots

as you are already asked to be prepared. The time for aggressive

marketing to generate good returns has arrived. The other profes-

sionals will also have a good time except those involved in family

business. They can wind up the family business if they have weak

Ma rs in their b irth c ha rt.

July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

This period is good for write rs and pub lishers. Those who a re in the

job tha t involves travelling will also get g ood business opportunity.

Your will be strong and energetic in this quarter. Cancerians are

hardworking and they are bound to be successful if they are able

to concentrate on their work. Their weakness is that they are unable

to stick to one. They love to uctuate their career.

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October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

There is wond erful opportunity for those w ho a re in spec ulat ive b usi-

ness. If you a re in o ther profession and if you g et a c hanc e of g am-

b ling or spec ula ting it is a good time you. You will get good returns.

Also, there is a goo d c hanc e to go a hea d in your c a ree r for those

in soc ia l service. Overa ll, a fortuna te time for a ll.

REMEDIES: The yea r 2012 is a fo rtuna te yea r in te rms o f p ro -

fession . You a re a d vised to ut ilize the g oo d t ime a nd p rep a re

we ll for the c om ing yea r a nd let the d rea m c om e true. Worship

lo rd Ha num a n on Tuesd a ys a nd on Thursd a ys o ffer b a na na to

c o w .

Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

Cancerians who have heart troubles should take good care ofthemselves during the rst half of the quarter. Their is a chance of

heart pain and heart related problems. You will feel weak and le-

thargic. Due to the placement of Venus you will loose your vital-

ity throug h unhea lthy p rac tic e.

Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

Your health will improve during the rst half of the quarter. You will

nd relief from previous health problems. You are sensitive and even

small conundrum you make it big in our mind and upset your health.

You should und erstand tha t hea lthy mind lea ds to he a lthy bod y.

July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

You need to take care of heart and the best way to do this is to

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not to be very sensitive towards

issues that are not concerned.

You a lso ha ve the c hance o f co l-

ic pain during this period due to

the placement of Rahu in the fthhouse.

October 2012 to Decem ber


Due to shift ing of Mars towards

the 5th house and joining Rahu

indicates the chances of col ic

pain. Take the problems seri-

ously and consult doctor for

some quick relief. Yoga or breathing exercise can help you to

overcome such diff icult ies. Oily and spicy food should also be

avo ided.

Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

You are moody and not very successful in love and relationship

building. But, this period will be fortunate in terms of love and re-

lationship building. Venus placed in the 7th house will make you

sensuous and passionate. You might go in for partnership with the

person from one opposite sex.

Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

You care a lot for your loved ones but your uctuating expressions

are confusing to others. During this period you will be emotional

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and looking for the company of opposite sex. This is the period of

party and trips and journeys with your loved ones.

July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

You are getting good guidance and business support from your

loved ones. You need to ma intain a g ood ba lance b etween your

persona l life and family life. Don’ t m ix it up . This c an spoil your ha p-

py life. Keep yourself awa y from low wo men. They c an deg rade

you during the sec ond ha lf of the quarter.

October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

Don’ t b ring your pa rents too m uc h in your married life o therwise you

will spoil your intimac y with your life pa rtner. You a re now grown up

and should understa nd the va lue of a ll the rela tions. This qua rte r will

b ring you c loser to your loved ones. Those awa iting for ma rriage

with their dream partners, this is the right time for tying the knot with

your pa rtner.

Janua ry 2012 to March 2012

Placement of Mars in second house will lead to some misunder-

standing with family members. Your brothers and sisters will suffer

from some d isease. You w ill be worried due to this. The period is no t

fortunate for your family. The Surya pooja done reg ula rly c an sub -

side some ill effec ts.

Apr il 2012 to Ju ne 2012

During this period your temper will be high. You can even go to

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the extent of q uarrel. You need to c ontrol ove r your em otions and

rage. You will try to protect many people as you are caring and

over protective by nature. Take care of your health and let this

tough time p ass.

July 2012 to Septem ber 2012

The ec lipse of Mars and Sa turn still c ontinues on your family. But,

hopefully some rays of hope in the form of Jupiter has taken up the

c ha rge to d ilute the ill effec ts. Situa tion w ill d rastica lly improve in

your family ma tte rs and the c ord ia lity within the family will improve.

Have patience a nd wa tch.

October 2012 to Decem ber 2012

So, after the black night the bright day comes. Your family prob-

lems are now solved and everything is back to normal. Some get

togethe r pa rty o r marriage in the family is ind ic a ted . This is the time

when you c an p lan for som e short trip or a p ic nic . Forget the p ast

and look ahead and enjoy every moment with the family and


Cancer Horoscope 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.