9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (2024)

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By: gymnasticshqOn: June 28, 2022Articles for Gymnasts,Getting Serious,Gymnastics for Parents,Improve your Gymnastics

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There are certain skills in gymnastics that are building blocks for many other skills. Looking to perform these basicsperfectly will make it easier to progress and improve your gymnastics!

You might also be interested in 10 Exercises You can do at Home to Improve your Gymnastics Skills.

9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (2)

Here are 9 basic gymnastics skills you should master:

1. Handstand:

The handstand is arguably the single most important skill and position in the sport of gymnastics. It’s the building block for essential skills on each of the four events. Being able to do a perfect handstand is one skill you should learn to master. The handstand is used in most tumbling skills — walkovers and handsprings. The handstand is important on bars — cast to handstands and giants are in the handstand position. Handsprings on vault pass through the handstand position. One of the keys to nailing the back extension roll in the level 6 floor routine is to hit a perfect handstand in the middle of the roll.

You can practice handstands at home by doing Spiderman against the wall. Spiderman against the wall (see a picture explanation at this link)is one of my favorite exercises for improving your gymnastics skills at home. Spiderman against the wall is basically a handstand against the wall, but it’s a way to practice handstands with correct form. To do Spiderman against the wall, stand with your back against a wall in your house. Put your hands on the floor in front of you, and one at a time put your feet on the wall. Walk your hands closer to the wall as you walk your feet up the wall, until your stomach is touching the wall and you are in a handstand position. The tops of your feet should be flat against the wall, with your pointed toes touching the wall (your toenails will be against the wall). Keep your head neutral but look at your hands with your eyes. Hold this for as long as you can before coming down. While you are in the handstand, concentrate on tightening up all your muscles and think about pulling your feet up to the ceiling.This is a great way to practice good form because the wall forces your body to be absolutely straight. Learn more about how to do a handstand.

Here are additional handstand resources:

4 Tips to Hold your Handstand Longer

5 Minute Handstand Workout

3 Advanced Handstand Drills

2. Cast:

Casting is the most basic bar element, and learning how to cast well early on will help you learn so many other skills. Body position in the cast is a hollow body shape. The hollow body shape is similar to the shape you have in a perfect handstand other than the fact that your back is slightly rounded with your stomach pulled towards your spine. You will eventually be casting to handstand, so the higher you can cast with a nice tight body position the better. You want your legs to be together and straight, your stomach pulled in, your back rounded and your eyes looking at the bar. Learn how to do a cast handstand.

Here is an additional bar resource:

Gymnastics Drills with a Bar

3. Splits:

Mastering your side and middle splits will help you execute other skills that use that same shape as well. And your splits are easy to practice at home. The split “shape” is everywhere in gymnastics — split leaps, jumps, switch leaps, in the middle of back walkovers, etc. The better you can do your splits on the ground, the better you will be able to do them in the middle of a skill. You should be able to do a split on your left leg, your right leg and a middle split with your legs straight and all the way to the ground. If you’re having trouble getting your splits all the way to the floor, learn some tips for increasing your flexibility.

Here are some additional resources for splits and split leaps:

How to Improve Your Splits

5 Exercises to Improve Your Flexibility

9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (3)

4. Handspring on Vault:

The handspring on vault is the basic skill that all upper level vaults are based off of. It will be hard to succeed at Yurchenkos or twisting vaults if you haven’t figured out the mechanics of the handspring vault. To do a great handspring on vault you need to run fast, jump hard “punch” off the spring board, fly through the air and hit a perfect handstand on top of the vault table, block using your shoulders off the top of the vault and land on your feet. The first basic gymnastics skill is in play here also — the handstand.

5. Back Handspring:

A back handspring is an important gymnastics skill to master because it is the basic skill used in back tumbling on floor and beam. It will be hard for you to connect upper level skills (like layouts, full-twists, back tucks and double backs) to a roundoff backhandspring if you can’t do a proper back handspring. The roundoff and the back handspring are both crucial for providing power to whatever comes after it. For more help with a back handspring head over here toHow to Do a Back Handspring: The Steps to Learning and Mastering One.

6. Round-off:

A roundoff is just as important as a back handspring to master for tumbling on floor. The roundoff gives power just like the back handspring does to the tumbling pass. Learn how to do a perfect, powerful roundoff.

7. Turn on 1 Foot:

The turn on 1 foot is a skill that doesn’t go away. It is required in every floor and beam routine gymnastics levels 4-10. So you might as well master this basic gymnastics skill right away.

Here are additional resources for your turns:

3 Drills to Improve Your Gymnastics Turns

How to do a Squat Turn

The Wolf Turn in Gymnastics – Tutorial, Drills, Skill Values and more!

8. Split Leap:

The split leap is another skill that is required in every floor and beam routine levels 4-10. To have a perfect split leap you want to be able to do your perfect split position in the air as high as you can off the ground. You also want your split to be even — both legs should be the same distance from the ground.

Here are additional resources for your leaps:

5 Drills to Improve your Split Leap

A Split Leap Workout You Can do at Home

How to do a Switch Leap

9. Tap Swing on Bars

Tap swings on bars, along with casts, are a building block of bar routines in all gymnastics levels. A tap swing is a swing on bars, but at the back of the swing you should “regrip.” This means you should come off the bar briefly and re-grab. At the back of the bar your body should be in a hollow position, underneath the bar you should move to a slight arch position as you “tap” your feet higher in the front of the bar. This just means that your feet will come forward to create a slight hollow in your body again.

Good Luck mastering these 9 basic gymnastics skills!

Do you have home gymnastics equipment ? If so, here are gymnastics exercises you can do using your homebeam, mat or bars.

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84 comments… add one

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (6)

    NaeemJuly 20, 2014, 2:29 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (12)

    NaeemJuly 20, 2014, 2:31 am


    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (13)

      HappyJuly 2, 2023, 11:08 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (14)

    Charlotte LillianAugust 23, 2014, 5:19 am

    Wow, these are basic moves? They look intermediate and advanced to me and I’m a gymnastics coach!

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (15)

      MargaretNovember 23, 2014, 8:13 am

      That just means that those skills are the skills from which other skills are built off of so maybe a better word would be important

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (16)

      LoriFebruary 22, 2017, 3:39 pm

      Ja i also thought these moves did not look easy at all

      • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (17)

        SavannahOctober 8, 2017, 2:04 pm

        Most of these skills are basic skills for team gymnasts.

        • lilyNovember 20, 2022, 2:09 am

          itdoesnt matter guys at least they are teaching us stuff so be grateful like god says you should always be gratefull for what you have now cause you might not have it later on in life.and he also says never be ungratefull for what you have in life cuese somr people dont have what you have so please be kind
          karma aways have a way of coming back imediantly!!!!!!!!!1

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (19)

      galeena``August 25, 2021, 1:39 am

      the hand sprained was hard but as an intermediate girl the others are easy

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (20)

      MollyFebruary 1, 2022, 12:37 am

      They look very hard because lots of people in basic gymnastics that I know cant do a BACK HAND SPRING! It looks so hard and I am starting gym in about a week and now I think I wont be able to do it.

      • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (21)

        gymnasticshqFebruary 13, 2022, 4:31 pm

        Work with your coaches and practice!

      • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (22)

        GYMNASTICS-CHAR12December 4, 2022, 6:29 pm

        These are skills that I do have, but I am very experienced and have been a gymnast for several years. It obviously depends on what level of gymnastics you are. And remember that you aren’t going to get all these skills in 2 days it took me probably 1 and a half years to get my Front handspring on vault… And now it is almost perfect. It takes time don’t worry if these skills seem hard cause when you have done it for at least 1 year it will seem very easy and simple… you don’t NEED these skills you are just working up to it slowly…or quickly. GOOD JOB!!! Work hard and be patient!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (23)

    FabioOctober 16, 2014, 10:17 am

    Very useful and good basic exercises of the video. (y) (y)

    The trick to making a perfect vertical (as pictured) trained and have strong shoulders to bear the weight and impose its own weight on the wrists and hands like so many, to be a perfect balance between the shoulders and legs. (y) (y)

    I’m a gymnast; having learned envi makeup, not even hard labor, and I can stay there as I want. My gym buddies are wondering how I can do to make this “magic”, I explained him, but they did not succeed. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (24)

    MargaretNovember 23, 2014, 8:14 am

    That just means that those skills are the skills from which other skills are built off of so maybe a better word would be important

  • AlaynaDecember 4, 2014, 11:04 am

    These look hard but I can do my best and keep trying : D

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (26)

      SavannahOctober 8, 2017, 2:05 pm

      Just keep trying and don’t give up! Good luck!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (27)

    winglmFebruary 19, 2015, 9:08 am

    Your picture of Gabby Douglas is not a cast, it’s the completion of a Pak salto.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (28)

    SilviaJanuary 3, 2017, 9:35 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (29)

    Rita lawJanuary 6, 2017, 12:55 pm

    I hav been tryin to do a center split but it hurts wen i try

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (30)

      SavannahOctober 8, 2017, 2:08 pm

      The reason why it hurts is because you need to to stretch it more. Do your center splits every morning and before you go to bed, soon they won’t hurt as bad anymore because you will be stretching out your muscles. Never push down too far, as this can pull a muscle. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (31)

    AveryFebruary 4, 2017, 11:02 am

    Can y’all send me a gym video

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (32)

    TeianaFebruary 16, 2017, 3:13 pm

    Nice gymnastics skills

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (33)

    HunterApril 29, 2017, 11:30 pm

    Those are easy I lured that on the first day

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (34)

    Testo ReloadMay 5, 2017, 1:26 pm

    Hey, you used to write excellent, but the last few posts have been kinda boring…
    I miss your super writings. Past few posts are just a bit out of track!
    come on!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (35)

    meJune 23, 2017, 6:43 am

    Can you get an online coach?!!? 😀
    i really want to do gymnastics, i live in auckland new zealand if anyone knows of and good, but reasonably priced gymnastics class thingy..PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (41)

    Hector HuyoJune 27, 2017, 11:17 am

    Love all your content. You are always on point on your advice. Keep sending your emails. I really appreciate the information found in them.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (42)

    MelNovember 14, 2017, 8:45 am

    I can’t do a split anymore, can someone help me? I could do a ”perfect” split and an oversplit. A few days ago I also wanted to do the splits, but my hamstring hurted so much. It doesn’t get better, it just hurts, i can’t do any leg stretches, bc of this pain. Can someone please tell me what to do? I would be very glad. (I am from Austria, sorry for bad english)

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (43)

      Your momDecember 17, 2021, 7:09 pm

      Rest from it and try again in a few days and don’t push hard.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (44)

    MelNovember 14, 2017, 8:45 am

    I can’t do a split anymore, can someone help me? I could do a ”perfect” split and an oversplit. A few days ago I also wanted to do the splits, but my hamstring hurted so much. It doesn’t get better, it just hurts, i can’t do any leg stretches, bc of this pain. Can someone please tell me what to do? I would be very glad. (I am from Austria, sorry for bad english)

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (45)

    Jessika KropfNovember 15, 2017, 8:53 pm

    I love gymnastics!!!!But i forgot how to do oversplits.I watch anna mcnulty i watch sofie dossi i watch bratayley all of them work but i just can’t do it.(btw i live in oklahoma city ok)

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (46)

    LaceyDecember 2, 2017, 7:44 pm

    I almost have a back handspring and front handspring vault

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (47)

    eleanorFebruary 17, 2018, 11:32 pm

    i only see 8 moves on this page?

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (48)

    SkyApril 21, 2018, 5:55 pm

    I’m a kind of new gymnast (I began a club in January, but have been self teaching for 3 yrs) I nearly have them all already, I can do a handstand, just cant hold it properly, I have an amazing round-off, I can turn on one foot and that’s all. However, I’m super close to the splits (I used to be able to go all the way down until I didn’t warm up causing an injury, I’m close to the handspring on vault I just cant do it yet though. I have never done casting or tap swing on the bars in my club sooo yeah, and I’m too afraid to do back handspring. I also cant do a very good split leap. I think that most of them are pretty basic especially if I can already do them

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (49)

    Melissa McDonaldAugust 28, 2018, 2:04 pm

    Great Post. These are all pretty basic skills; however, this post really shows the importance of each skill and how it should look when mastered beautifully–which is wonderful because a lot of the skills are required skills for my 8 y/o daughter (JO 5). Many of the skills (like leap jumps and turns) are things even Elite gymnasts have to continually work on as the requirements continue to get more and more strenuous.

    I love the piece on bars. When my gymnast fully developed her back hip circle (on the high bar) and tap swings, a new world opened up for her. She was doing baby giants within minutes.

    These skills are really the building blocks of a gymnast! Thanks for the post!!

  • LeilaNovember 26, 2018, 10:26 pm

    I’m still trying to master the handstand!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (51)

    ChesheFebruary 20, 2019, 7:59 am

    Woah! They do look hard but I’ll keep practicing until I get them right…

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (52)

    Wes RandallApril 29, 2019, 11:27 am

    I recommend maintaining visual orientation at the hands on the handstand rather than ducking the head in as shown in the best of the two handstand. This is an area often misunderstood in coaching at all levels. Visual orientation can affect body shaping during 360 degree rotations and should be taught correctly very early in the developmental stages. In the static handstand position the head is kept as neutral as possible but the eyes should be fixed at the hands. Kids will have a difficult time if taught to hold a handstand with the eyes not directed at the hands.
    Thanks WTR

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (53)

    smartyJuly 13, 2019, 3:27 am

    that’s nice

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (54)

    DinahJanuary 12, 2020, 5:45 pm

    Nice it ight might even try but i said might

  • Miyoko GenglerFebruary 16, 2020, 6:08 pm

    This blog about 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master has helped me a lot, is very well written.
    I used this fat burner product: https://s96.me/fit and I reached the ideal weight.
    Kiss you All!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (56)

    annaMarch 21, 2020, 6:08 am

    thanks soo much helpful

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (57)

    annaMarch 21, 2020, 6:09 am

    nice helped me soooooooooooo much

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (58)

    liaApril 10, 2020, 4:21 pm

    this helped so much thx!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (59)

    Angel AddaeMay 25, 2020, 4:35 pm

    I am not a gymnast but thanks to this info i think i am gonna be great. But the problem is i cant do a back handspring i have the necessary skills that is a bridge, my backbend, and the landings. So i am gonna need more tutorials about fear

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (60)

      JoanSeptember 10, 2020, 5:42 am

      I’m also not really a gymnast and I don’t know how to do a back handspring , a roundoff or even a bridge walkover because my hand hurts whenever I try to jump back on my hands

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (61)

    JoanAugust 5, 2020, 8:25 am

    I love this website ❤️ even if I am not a gymnast. I can bearly do any of this stuff but I will try thanks

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (62)

    JoanSeptember 10, 2020, 5:37 am

    I am from Nigeria but I am a subscriber of this website . Though if any of you could give me a few tips , it would really be helpful . Thanks ☺️

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (63)

    AnnabethChaseSeptember 16, 2020, 12:57 am

    I am so frustrated because I love gymnastics but I live in India and there are no good gymnastic classes here. Do you think (if I can buy equipment) I can do all this at home?

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (64)

    MiaOctober 23, 2020, 1:01 am

    I have just learnt my back layout on benam and I am only 7

    • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (65)

      Chloe DeAngelisDecember 22, 2020, 5:25 pm

      Mia, you are just like me. everyone thinks I am to you to do the skills that I am doing. I just perfected my 1 1/2 twisting layout on floor. On beam my newest series is back handspring stepout, back handspring step out, back layout step out. That is one of my more difficult skill that I have been working on. And we are the same age (7).

      • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (66)

        GymnastDecember 17, 2021, 7:16 pm

        You should not be replying at the age 7. You are under aged and people tend to lie about their skills. You have to be at least 10.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (67)

    David WhislerOctober 26, 2020, 11:20 pm

    I feel strongly about it and really like mastering more on this subject. Share more information on this subject, It is very helpful for me. thanks for sharing amazing information.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (68)

    Favour RapulaNovember 13, 2020, 10:39 am

    Fantastic moves really awesome
    I have learned my splits kip it up

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (69)

    AdeleNovember 16, 2020, 9:26 am

    I have done gymnastics since I was 2 and I still cant do a backhand spring

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (70)

    shyanahNovember 30, 2020, 3:12 pm

    i only don’t know the handspring either of them

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (71)

    Chloe DeAngelisDecember 22, 2020, 5:21 pm

    In the round off rebound picture your feet should be in front of you but still do not pike. You will never be able to add on any other skills to a round off that you feet are behind you in.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (72)

    Elayne KimJanuary 2, 2021, 12:32 pm

    Hey but the front handspring on vault and the back handspring on nothing is so hard!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (73)

    plumbers and pipefittersJanuary 6, 2021, 10:08 am

    Examine quotes from corporations native to you.

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (74)

    REE GEORGIAMarch 23, 2021, 11:38 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (75)

    CutefoxyMarch 24, 2021, 12:04 pm

    i love this

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (76)

    Elliana SneddonApril 14, 2021, 3:47 am

    i cant master some of them 🙁

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (77)

    KayleighApril 18, 2021, 3:03 pm

    Awesome only one I can’t do is backhand spring !! And im working on it!

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (78)

    SamJune 13, 2021, 10:59 pm

    I really love this is really helped me master the moves thank you!! 🙂

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (79)

    Sulamita GusenkovOctober 4, 2021, 6:27 pm

    I know all of them

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (80)

    AKINGBE TEMITOPE SAMUEL [EQUATION]March 3, 2022, 11:47 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (81)

    AKINGBE TEMITOPE SAMUELMarch 3, 2022, 11:53 am


  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (82)

    ElaJuly 23, 2022, 10:06 pm

    I need help I don’t have a mat or a team or anything at home how do I do this stuff

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (83)

    kadenceSeptember 8, 2022, 1:44 pm

    you helped me be a gymnast i love GYMNASTICSHQ now i am on level 3 and i want to say thank you.

  • noAugust 3, 2023, 12:57 am

    now i can be a pure homie with this1111

  • noAugust 3, 2023, 12:57 am

    now i can be a pure homie with this111!!!11

  • Wooyoung's and savio's motherOctober 12, 2023, 4:29 am

    Wooyoung and Savio broke there backbone after this exercise

  • Wooyoung's and savio's mother and fatherOctober 12, 2023, 4:29 am

    Wooyoung and Savio broke there backbone after this exercise

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (88)

    CatherineJanuary 11, 2024, 7:41 am

    please may you provide me with a list of travelling skills in gymnastics i do really need them

  • 9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (89)

    MakennaJanuary 17, 2024, 10:31 am

    I am a level 6 gymnast. It is okay if you do not have all of the skills mastered. They will teach them to you if needed or wanted.


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9 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Should Master (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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