10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (2024)

The world's top chefs have enjoyed star status since well before the arrival of television. In days gone by Europe's aristocratic houses, popes and cardinals used to compete for celebrity chefs of the day, paying them lavishly compared to the rest of their servants. Today, celebrity chefs reach us through TV, YouTube and books. Here are some of the brightest stars on our food firmament – some might say they’re the most popular chefs in the world today:

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Jamie Oliver

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (1) Jamie Oliver has made it his mission to inspire new generations of British chefs. He is listed as one of the richest men in Britain, having numerous TV shows under his belt (The Naked Chef, aired in 1999 was the first) and 16 cookery books. He owns 28 restaurants around the globe and specialises in Italian cuisine.

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (2)

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Nigella Lawson

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (3) Nigella Lawson does not hold a formal qualification as a chef or own a chain of restaurants, but wrote a series of cookery books and presented equally successfully on TV. Worldwide she has sold 6 million books. Her How to be a Domestic Goddess cookery book won the British Book Award for Author of the Year when it was published.


With her effortlessly chic approach and relatable cooking style, Nigella Lawson has become a beloved fixture in home kitchens. Her culinary broadcasts are seasoned with personal anecdotes and a philosophy that celebrates the pleasure of eating, presenting cooking as an accessible and enjoyable activity rather than a chore. Whether she’s sensually drizzling chocolate on a decadent cake or casually whipping up a hearty stew, Lawson's recipes resonate with beginners and seasoned cooks alike, making her an ideal mentor for anyone looking to infuse their cooking with both simplicity and indulgence. Her charismatic screen presence turns every episode into a culinary adventure that's part instruction, part entertainment.

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (4)

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Wolfgang Puck

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (5) Having worked in Austria and France, Wolfgang moved to the US at the age of 24, where he settled in Los Angeles. Soon after he gained the attention of Hollywood's A-listers. Wolfgang's business empire is valued at over $500 million. He now owns 21 restaurants and Wolfgang Puck cafes.

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (6)

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Gordon Ramsay

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (7) As the first chef from Scotland to win three coveted Michelin stars, Gordon Ramsay can look back on 16 Michelin star wins for his international signature restaurants in total. Renown for demanding culinary perfection, he is also famous for his fiery temper. He has presented shows like "Kitchen Nightmares", "Hell's Kitchen" and "Master Chef", that have stayed in viewers' memory not only for their delicious recipes but also for Gordon's rich "blue" vocabulary.


Heston Blumenthal

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (9) The English celebrity chef is predominantly famous for his scientific approach to cooking and unusual food combinations. He began with ice cream experiments, inventing bacon and egg ice cream (breakfast in a cone), inspiring a whole new generation of cooks with his scientific understanding of food. He owns four restaurants: the Fat Duck with 3 Michelin stars was voted the number one restaurant in the world. He also appears in his own TV shows and writes cookery books.

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (10)

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Famous Quotes

Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration.


Guy Fieri

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (11) TV shows The Next Food Network Star and Guy's Big Bite on Food Network attract more male viewers than any other shown on the network. Guy published two books, both New York Times bestsellers, which has helped him to amass an estimated $8 million so far.

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Marco Pierre White

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (13) Marco Pierre White, now the Godfather of contemporary British cuisine, was the youngest chef to ever be awarded three Michelin stars, which he received aged 33. He was Gordon Ramsay's mentor - two peas in a pod - for British celebrity chef Marco is also known for his fiery temper. He was head chef in the "Hell's Kitchen" TV program and has published several cookery books, including Wild Food From Land And Sea and White Heat.

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Emeril Lagasse

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (15) Worth more than $70 million, Emeril Lagasse opened his first restaurant in 1990. Now he owns several restaurants, has published a series of cookery books, has his own cookware brand and is in charge of a charitable foundation. His TV shows, Essence of Emeril and Emeril Live for example, are among the most popular TV shows on Food Network.

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Anthony Bourdain

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (17) Anthony was the executive chef of Brasserie Les Halles in New York, before he embarked on a successful career in TV, where he presented cookery shows like No Reservations and The Layover on Travel Channel. He also published cookery books like Kitchen Confidential and Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly.

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Julia Child (died in 2004), US

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (19) Her influence on American cooking is undisputed. She made French cuisine accessible to the general public, having trained at the Le Cordon Bleu cookery school in Paris. In 1963, she became a household name when her cookery show, The French Chef, was broadcast. Several TV shows and cookery books followed, before the late Julia Child received the highest honour the French government can bestow on non-French citizens, the Légion d’Honneur.

Celebrity chefs clearly have come a long way since Scappi, the personal chef of Pope Pius IV and Pius V, published 1,000 recipes in the world's first recipe book in the 16th century! Who is your fave celebrity chef?

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (20)

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My boyfriend is a chef.

Shea = Shes

Tell me ur seek ret how do u brake an egg without spilling it on ur clothes?


Yeah, why wasn't Rachel Ray on the list!!!!

Pearl true :-)

Peony Blue :)

Fresh is better than farmed

Your right hes Hilarious, Can he cook tho is the question? lol

Gordon is so nice to kids and that guy had it all. He has a great career, great family and he is inspiring other home cooks. His son is cute and his wife is gorgeous.


The: My boyfriend is a chef.

Ritchie: Shea = Shes

The: Tell me ur seek ret how do u brake an egg without spilling it on ur clothes?


sandyroerish: Yeah, why wasn't Rachel Ray on the list!!!!

Ritchie: Pearl true :-)

Ritchie: Peony Blue :)

Ritchie: Fresh is better than farmed

Ritchie: Your right hes Hilarious, Can he cook tho is the question? lol

The: Gordon is so nice to kids and that guy had it all. He has a great career, great family and he is inspiring other home cooks. His son is cute and his wife is gorgeous.

10 Celeb Chefs to Steal Recipes from for Girls Who Love to Cook ... (2024)


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